thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
baduhai , avatar

I like it.

ami , avatar

Half of Britain can now finally log out

jeff , to @linux on Linux.Community German avatar

Frage zur Nextcloud APP am Smartphone (Lineage/Android/F-Driod)
Wie kann man Dateien aus dem Nextcloud-Pfad des Smartphones in die Dateistruktur des Smartphones verschieben? Und das so komfortabel, dass auch Menschen mit wenig Lust auf technische Dinge damit zurechtkommen?

Dass ich Dateien mittels einer Dateimanager-APP von SD-Karte > Android > Media > com.nextcloud.client > nextcloud > [email protected] > MeinPfad manuell nach SD-Karte > MyData verschieben kann, ist jedem halbwegs technisch Interessiertem vermutlich klar. Aber auf Dauer sicherlich schon nervig genug. Und für einen normalen, vielleicht schon älteren Handynutzer, ist das in den meisten Fällen wohl viel zu viel.

Innerhalb der Netxcloud-App habe ich zwar Optionen zum Verschieben gefunden, aber die beziehen sich, wie es aussieht, nur auf den Nextcloud-Space. Nach außerhalb ins Dateisystem des Smartphones kann ich keine Dateien kopieren.

Weiß da jemand von euch etwas? Tipps?


vgnpwr , avatar


Stimmt. Das geht nur bei Dateien. Ich habe aber auch keinen Use Case wo ich das benötigen würde. Die Ordnerstruktur habe ich ja in der NC App.

Man kann einen Ordner aber auch als Favorit markieren. Dann wird er lokal vorgehalten und man kann die Dateien auch ohne Internetverbindung öffnen.

jeff OP , avatar

@hamiller_friendica @vgnpwr Ah, das klingt gut 🙂

rnpereira , to Linux Brasil Portuguese avatar

Servidor caseiro em tvbox

Cara comunidade, queria saber se alguém aí já pensou em comprar um tvbox, desses vendidos por aí, e transformar em servidor caseiro? Se já pensou, conseguiu? Recomenda? Qual modelo utilizado? Qual sistema utilizou?
Pergunto porque esses equipamentos são mais baratos do que mini pcs e Pi da vida!
Pode ser também esses retrobox de videogame.

rnpereira OP , avatar

@nossaquesapao eu nunca consegui achar nesses valores aí. Olhando hoje, os minipc mais baratos que eu encontrei são tudo na casa dos 60 - 70 dólares. fora o imposto, que dá mais uns 50 dólares.
Na cotação atual do dolar, que vale mais do que ouro, que vale mais do que dinheiro, dá uns 700 golpis. Basicamente a mesma coisa que pedem no mercado livre.
Segue um link só pra ilustrar:

E as Pi da vida (seja lá qual for a fruta de preferência) são daí pra cima também.

rnpereira OP , avatar

@calzone_gigante sim. eu não cogitei tablet ou telefone por conta dessas limitações do android.
Mas estava imaginando que essas boxtv não tivesses/tenham esses bloqueios de bootloader.

thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
cooleech ,

@Bro666 I'm also using Arch, BTW

Bro666 Mod , avatar


kariboka , to Linux Brasil avatar

Did you know?

If you hold the shell close to your ear, you can hear the C.


tea_pot_tinhas , avatar

Asm asm asm

birb , avatar
be4foss , to KDE avatar

MacBook Air owner?

2018/2019 models are losing support.

with / to keep your device in use! These machines will run beautifully for many years to come.

Not only wallet friendly, keeps CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Ca. 75% of Apple's emissions comes from production alone (details in alt text).

Sustainable, independent : Better for users, best for the .


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  • be4foss OP , avatar

    @phoenix Regarding the assumed operating life of devices:

    "For the purposes of our assessment, years of use, which are based on first owners, are modeled to be four years for macOS and tvOS devices and three years for iOS and watchOS devices. Most Apple products last longer and are passed along, resold, or returned to Apple by the first owner for others to use."

    Hope that helps!

    phoenix , avatar

    Thank you, that sheds some light onto it, yes. I'm still wondering how this number marches up. Just using the device by far uses not even comparable amount of energy than e.g. the production and then it also depends if you use green energy or a diesel generator in your backyard.

    Not sure how to read this.

    thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
    thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
    thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
    kelvie ,

    I installed the beta with this, and I believe this fixed a bunch of flashing while streaming games from a KDE desktop in Wayland when streaming over 120fps using Sunshine (the desktop would flash every now and again, this didnt happen using Hyprland, which I switched back from)

    anders , to Linux avatar

    Has anyone tried the DE for in the recent years?

    How was the experience?


    REdOG , avatar

    No, I guess Wayland is kind of on my to-do list....I just don't need anything it offers. I'm grumpily enough implementing systemd already

    anders OP , avatar

    I see. Well for me too, Xorg offered all the features I need and is still more well supported than Wayland in some areas, but on my system Wayland has so much better performance. On Xorg I was having mouse lags, on Wayland it's just smooth.

    thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
    Daxter101 ,

    This week in KDE: all about those apps

    ajsadauskas , to Asklemmy avatar

    I'm thinking seriously about getting Google out of my life, and trying NextCloud.

    Looking to get a personal account through a managed provider.

    Does anyone have any experience with it?

    How does it compare to ownCloud?

    Any hosts I should look at or avoid?

    Any apps I should get for it, or avoid?

    Any issues I should be aware of before I switch?


    Saltarello ,

    Late to the party but just another vote for Nextcloud. I used a paid subscription initially but then took the plunge, bought a Pi 4 & SSD for storage then read up & figured out how to self host.

    It was my first experience with Linux, I fell over many times but dont give in as after all the hair pulling & teeth grinding it becomes rewarding & even a little "fun" when you get there & then become confident enough to take on & complete further Pi projects.

    The Pi can handle Libre Office (synced through Nextcloud, handled on mobile by Collabora Office).

    Whilst you're at it, why not sync the notes you'll inevitability make on your self hosting journey through your Nextcloud instance? Try Joplin & do away with Google Docs, Evernote etc into the bargain

    Aux ,

    I trialled the self hosted NextCloud for a while, but the quality of apps is just meh. So instead I bought a Synology NAS. Turned out their apps are actually on par with Google. And you own everything.

    thegreybeardofthetree , to Linux avatar

    @linux Sharing a 'small' inconvenience I had to fix with (I suspect is the same) - I couldn't launch snaps (spotify, bitwarden) after update - error was: cannot determine seccomp compiler version in generateSystemKey fork/exec /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp: no such file or directory

    The fix (I first tried re-installing, didn't work) was to:
    a. locate snap-seccomp - was in /usr/libexec/snapd
    b. symlink: ln -s /usr/libexec/snapd /usr/lib/snapd

    Vendetta9076 , avatar

    But snap is cringe

    bravemonkey ,

    This is why I prefer using Distrobox on my personal computer. No package for Signal-Desktop? No problem, run it through a Debian container using Distrobox.

    thisweekinkde Bot , to KDE avatar
    be4foss , to KDE avatar

    FOSS - ensuring even new hardware stays in use when vendor-support eventually ends!

    Whether or not you install GNU/Linux on it today, your new will eventually lose support. Thanks to the impressive work of project (@AsahiLinux), it will not need to end up in the landfill once it does.

    Great to see as the default desktop environment!


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