plink , to palestine group avatar
plink OP , avatar

@messaroundmarx @palestine @israel
I thought it was a gift, since I asked for it that way. Maybe it expired, since I selected it a few days ago.
Sorry about that, and thanks for creating another alternative.

messaroundmarx , avatar

@palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar

Opposes Rebuilding ’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online

Israel destroyed much of Gaza’s internet infrastructure. A proposal to rebuild it was watered down after and protests.


@palestine @israel

MMRnmd , avatar

It's like everyday brings its new obnoxious Israeli decision.

Why restore water supply then, since Hamas fighters drink water ?

@palestine @israel

Infoseepage , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel They just don't want the world to see their atrocities. It is that simple. They control the borders and who can go in and out. They want to be able to kill with even more impunity.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

There are now two different visions in Israeli politics for how the war should progress. Netanyahu would have the war continue without end, while Gantz would accept a ceasefire but find a pretext to resume the fighting once the captives are released.

@palestine @israel

Eraya , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel This is just insanity, how do these people just murder everyone, hate everyone and get to do whatever they want to anyone. They attack everyone and NO ONE does the right thing. They are a cancer to the word. Zionists need to be eradicated as they have done to so many others, they are just the worst and need to go back to german and poland where they are now accepted gleefully

Ronial ,

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

There's no "war", it ended shortly after the 7 October. There's just a unilateral massacre since they started to bomb Gaza.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide.

@palestine @israel

Kierkegaanks , avatar

@israel @palestine @mondoweiss The money cattle must stfu and just pay

nickj , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel UC Santa Cruz - one for prospective students to avoid

peter_link , to palestine group avatar

Asking for feedback
The phrase "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" has caused a lot of confusion - some of it genuine and some caused by willful manipulation.

I'm trying to come up with a graphic that can get across what most of those supporting Palestinian freedom mean by it - not expulsion of Jews but freedom and equality for all living there.

Below is a graphic that might end up on a t-shirt.

Let me know what you think of it.


@palestine @israel

DropBear , avatar

I've been trying to figure that out @peter_link
The Zionist hasbara is that any attempt to prevent them being the Master Race from the river to the sea is antisemitic. Of course, if they succeed in that, they'll move on to "Greater Israel".
@palestine @israel

simon_brooke , avatar

@peter_link @palestine @israel I don't think you can cut through this controversy with good will, since most of those engaging in it are bad faith actors.

I also think that, however desirable it might be, a one state solution in is now impossible.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

Complicity in genocide is not confined to the Israeli right. Members of the liberal organization that spearheaded the anti-Netanyahu protests last year are now blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza.

@palestine @israel

DropBear , avatar

Nobody is telling the whole truth @enidlucA
No source is totally reliable. That includes

Mondoweiss is quite open in that much of what it publishes is opinion.
@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Heidentweet , avatar

@enidlucA @mondoweiss @palestine @israel That site has Algemeen Dagblad categorised as least biased, while it's a racist on the right Dutch political side newspaper. In the description they rate emotional tone about Mark Rutte and Lillian Marijnissen as equal, while the tone for Rutte was fawning. For Marijnissen, whose socialist party has a lot of racist and transphobic problems, it was one small action against an authoritarian Conservative politician. They also omit that all major Dutch newspapers, and "credible source" BBC, are big in mainstreaming anti-trans propaganda. For those reasons this media bias/factcheck is a very limited source to judge media on, IMO.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

San Francisco State University cancelled Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi's Palestine course. It is now available online as part of the Popular University for Gaza.

@palestine @israel

indyradio , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel The students have this pamphlet available for download. Sorry the week's almost over, but here it is.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

When the board of the Columbia Law Review clumsily censored a pro-Palestinian article it revealed the degree to which pro-Israel ideology is enmeshed in the U.S. power structure. Luckily, a generational shift is changing this before our eyes.

@palestine @israel

Runyan50 , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel @DrALJONES How do 6 million people control the foreign policy of the other 332 million?

nilsskirnir , avatar
oatmeal , to palestine group avatar


On Monday, the United Nations Famine Review Committee (FRC) published a report on the situation in the northern Gaza Strip, concluding that there is insufficient reliable information to declare a famine. While some Israeli media outlets, including , perceive the report as a net positive for , the conclusion actually highlights the challenges posed by Israel's restrictions.

The FRC's inability to endorse the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) findings stems from the lack of access to Gaza, which prevents the collection of essential data required for its work. This underscores the limitations imposed by Israel's prevention of journalists and international organizations from entering Gaza and evaluating the circumstances on the ground.

Rather than being positive news for Israel, the report underscores the concerning lack of transparency and the inability of independent observers to accurately assess the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Ultimately, this lack of access and information is detrimental not only to the people of Gaza but also to Israel's stated commitment to facilitating humanitarian aid and relief efforts in the region.

[...] Firstly, all stakeholders who use the IPC for high-level decision-making must understand that whether a Famine classification is confirmed does not in any manner change the fact that extreme human suffering is without a doubt currently ongoing in the Gaza Strip and does not in any manner change the immediate humanitarian imperative to address this civilian suffering by enabling complete, safe, unhindered, and sustained humanitarian access into and throughout the Gaza Strip, including through ceasing hostilities. All actors should not wait until a Famine classification for the current period is made to act accordingly.

[...] Secondly, the FRC would like to highlight that the very fact that we are unable to endorse (or not) FEWS NET’s analysis is driven by the lack of essential up to date data on human well-being in Northern Gaza, and Gaza at large. Thus, the FRC strongly requests all parties to enable humanitarian access in general, and specifically to provide a window of opportunity to conduct field surveys in Northern Gaza to have more solid evidence of the food consumption, nutrition, and mortality situation.



faab64 ,

@oatmeal @palestine @israel unbelievable

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

The question we have to ask ourselves is not whether we condemn Hamas, but whether we condemn a settler colonial regime that makes armed struggle necessary for survival.

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel you can do both. Hamas is not a democratic or preferable solution for future Palestine and their actions has been helpful to Netanyahu and his gang.

faab64 , to palestine group

wHy dIdNt rHeY pRoTeSt pEAcEfUlLy?

It didn't start on October 7, 2023. This how Israel reacted to peaceful Palestinians 16 years ago.

That is an American provided bomb shot at unarmed protesters.

Never forget, Never forgive.

@palestine @israel

bifouba , avatar

@faab64 There's an article I can't find at the moment containing the (approximate) lines: “Where are the Palestinian Gandhis, they ask? They're in Israeli prison cells.”

It's here:

The exact quote is:
»Where are the Palestinian Gandhis and MLKs? They are in Israeli jails.

When people try to protest non-violently, they are beaten, teargassed, and jailed. Despite what is told in the media, Palestinians have long engaged in non-violent resistance in their quest for liberation.«

faab64 OP ,

@bifouba throughout history, Israel has been extremely violent against peaceful protesters and leaders who don't call for it's destruction.

They KNOW that the passive and indifference masses western population may change rapidly if they no longer see palestinians as bloodthirsty savages who's only interest is to start a new holocaust.

That's one of the main reasons Netanyahu ordered the assassinated architect of the one and only hostage exchange in Lebanon.

But Israel's arrogance and savagery have become it's worst enemy and with social media, the vast majority of people have seen the true face of the Israeli treatment of palestinians.

Young people who were not brainwashed for decades have seen the real Palestine. And that's why Israel has been using all it's power to prevent real and uncensored news from Gaza. Either by killing the reporters, censoring the internet or forbidding apps like TikTok, telegram and "signal"

DropBear , to palestine group avatar

“Does Israel deserve to exist?”
"... the only reasonable and just reply to that question, a reply now shared by increasing numbers of people, is an unequivocal no."


DropBear OP , avatar

I can't claim credit for that article
It was written by an American. She went to the West Bank, which is hardly Palestine any more. I guess the Zionists presume that all Americans unquestioningly support them.
@palestine @israel

indyradio , avatar

@DropBear @palestine @israel oops. It's "Cara Marianna", who mis preparing to publish a series of reports as the result of visting"under the radar" as an ordinary citizen rather than a journalist.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

The Left must confront this basic fact. One cannot claim solidarity with Palestine and dismiss, overlook, or exclude Hamas.

@palestine @israel

light ,

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel
>... The charter defines the struggle to be against the Jews ... The charter has been criticized for its use of antisemitic language, which some commentators have characterized as incitement to genocide. Hamas's 2017 charter removed the antisemitic language and clarified Hamas's struggle was with Zionists, not Jews.
Could be a change of character or it could be lying. I should look into it more.

TruthSandwich , avatar

@light @palestine @israel

Yes, Hamas is explicitly antisemitic and pro-genocide, but in their defense, so is Mondoweiss.

plink , to palestine group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@Karuna @plink @palestine @israel

If it didn't, then I guess it can't end. Got any other lies?

Oh, wait, there's the lie that the Arabs didn't try to destroy Israel at its birth. That's another lie.


TruthSandwich , avatar

@Karuna @plink @palestine @israel

Actually, you packed more lies in that post that I could address.

For example, the idea of Israel as "European colonists" is a lie, and a rather antisemitic one at that.

Reminder: About half of the Jews in Israel trace their recent ancestry to the Middle East. Many were already in Israel, others were expunged from Arab states after Israel was formed. You know, ethnic cleansing.

plink , to palestine group avatar

Politician Quotes to Argue for Resettlement of

"In what kind of society can one openly advocate policies modeled on Hitler's conduct? In a society that feels complete impunity due to protection," one foreign policy expert said.


@palestine @israel

HarryNuggets , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel Hitler literally never said that.

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