peter_link , to palestine group avatar
AndreaLoew , to histodons group German avatar
DerEntspannende , avatar

@AndreaLoew Habe ich gerne gemacht, das Buch gefällt mir sehr. Mein Text ist etwas lang geworden, aber ich wollte Kontext dazufügen.

@histodons @historikerinnen

DerEntspannende , avatar

@AndreaLoew Danke für die Inspiration. Jetzt habe ich den nächsten Lesestoff, jetzt zur lokalen jüdischen Geschichte.

@histodons @historikerinnen

plink , to palestine group avatar

Why the Must Reject the Dangerous

The bill could be used to crush legitimate debate about , its policies, and policies toward it—policies that have given rise to one of the greatest acts of genocide since the .

@palestine @israel

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Writing History June 10, 1928: Maurice Sendak, author of “Where the Wild Things Are,” was born in Brooklyn, New York. A little boy once sent him a card with a drawing on it. Sendak was so moved he sent the boy another letter with his own personal “Wild Thing” drawn on it. The boy’s mother sent Sendak a thank you note saying that her son loved the card so much he ate it. Sendak considered that one of the highest compliments he ever received. Sendak was an atheist Jew who lost numerous family members in the Holocaust. He was also gay.


AndreaLoew , to histodons group German avatar
RPBook , to histodons group avatar

Reinhard , one of the architects of the , died in 1942, from wounds inflicted by Czech SOE agents during an ambush some days earlier.

Nazi retailiation was brutal, notably including the complete destruction of - Hitler wanted the memory of the village to die. But miners in and had other ideas.

@histodons @worldwarshistory

RPBook , to histodons group avatar

Reinhard , one of the architects of the , died in 1942, from wounds inflicted by Czech SOE agents during an ambush some days earlier.

Nazi retailiation was brutal, notably including the complete destruction of - Hitler wanted the memory of the village to die. But miners in and had other ideas.

@histodons @worldwarshistory

plink , to palestine group avatar

A survivor in spoke in defense of student protesters in :

"Your encampment is a threat to the global witch hunt campaign (IHRA) to change the meaning of anti-Semitism (Being against because they are Jews). The campaign attacks you as anti-Semitic because you criticize racist apartheid. The IHRA opposes the wearing of the Kyffeyeh and persecutes all defenders of freedom."

@palestine @israel


Sherifazuhur , to palestine group avatar
gfkdsgn , avatar

Oh my dear @h4890
how did you achieve this level of indoctrination and ignorance? To support today isn't much different than to support back in 1938. Are your parents proud that you became a ?

Since it wasn't me who financed , but the of @israel (that you support) ... you might guess who does the dirty work as useful idiot.

While I'm prepared with historical facts for an intellectual duell with 's, it's you who is unarmed, obviously.

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

The case against Israel has just collapsed
Revised civilian death figures expose the lie behind claims of ‘genocide’.


gfkdsgn , avatar

Do you @RememberUsAlways condemn terror organizations like the , , , , , , fringe-right extremists like , and at ?

Or do you still support the & that @israel is perpetrating against the of @palestine?

nathan , to israel group avatar

Ich habe eine Frage an die Leute, die gesagt haben: "Wenn sie die Geiseln freilassen, werden die Bombardierungen aufhören". Was ist nun das Argument, nachdem die IDF die Freilassung aller Geiseln abgelehnt hat? Ist Ihnen jetzt klar, dass es nie um die Geiseln ging?

@israel @palestine

RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar

Pro-Palestinian protest in turns violent after student rally halted.
"Police were seen using batons against protesters to prevent them from marching past the nearby Monument on their way to Amsterdam city centre.
When protesters arrived at a central Amsterdam University location, protesters barricaded the narrow canal-facing road in front of the university buildings."


faab64 , to israel group

arrested a Jewish man holding a banner "Jews Against " and confiscated his banner.

Isn't that ? Preventing the free speech of a Jewish citizen on broad daylight like this?

Video on :

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,


Another asshole on mastodon who got mad about my post about German police attacking a man carrying Jews against genocide.

Supporting police brutality against those protesting against ongoing genocide while crying over lack of free speech for those denying the Holocaust is the lowest I have seen.

Extreme right and so called liberals seems to be united in their fight against Palestinian protesters (as always).

PS. Blocked and reported to his server admin


18+ nathan , to israel group avatar

Nicht nur alle Krankenhäuser und Universitäten zerstörte, sondern bombardierte auch die Azhar-Bibliothek und das Nationale Kulturzentrum mit Zehntausenden von Büchern und historischen Dokumenten.

@israel @palestine


oatmeal , to israel group avatar

/ 'Don't trust the Gentiles who make promises'

Still looking for an excuse for a massacre in Rafah, delivered a statement ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day, saying: "My wife Sara and I met with Holocaust survivors who will light the torches of remembrance this evening. One of them, Michael Bar-On, told us: 'Don't trust the Gentiles who make promises.' He is right."

Netanyahu added that "During the Holocaust, there were great leaders in the world who stood by. The first lesson of the Holocaust is that if we don't defend ourselves - no one will defend us. And if we have to stand alone - we will stand alone."

Netanyahu. who's manifestly NOT an expert on the , drew harsh criticism from Yad Vashem researchers for Holocaust denialism when he claimed that the Final Solution was the idea of Palestinian national leader Hajj Amin al-Husseini.


AndreaLoew , to histodons group German avatar

"Die Historikerin Andrea Löw hat erschütternde Dokumente deportierter deutscher und österreichischer Juden zusammengestellt. Die Schriften vermitteln einen Eindruck von der unfassbaren Entfremdung und Erniedrigung im Holocaust", schreibt Konstantin Sakkas heute im Tagesspiegel:


Orijewnal , to israel group avatar

Daily reminder that The Most Moral Army of the so-called ( ) State tied up (men, women, and children) and medical staff at Hospital in and executed them in cold blood before dumping their bodies in a mass grave.

And /they/ are the victims, apparently.


MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History April 30 1945: Eva Braun and Adolph Hitler committed suicide, in Berlin, after being married for less than 40 hours. Many Nazis were tried, convicted and executed. And literally thousands were secreted into the U.S., given false identities, and put to work as spies, intelligence officers, informants, and rocket scientists in the Cold War. Some of them had even been high-ranking Nazi Party officials, secret police chiefs, and heads of concentration camps. In fact, during the first few years after WWII ended, it was easier to get into the U.S. as a Nazi than it was as a Jewish concentration camp survivor. There were policy makers in Washington who said the Jews shouldn’t be let in because they’re “lazy” and “self-entitled.” For more on this sordid history, read “The Nazis Next Door
How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men,” By Eric Lichtblau.


oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ “The Shoah after Gaza” (Pankaj Mishra)

After rejecting the suggestion that the October 7th massacre should be understood in context, many pro-War supporters of Israel now claim that its actions in Gaza should also be understood “in context” (presumably self defense or right to exist etc.) But there are of course fundamental differences. Israel is an occupyer. It’s not “defending itself” it’s fighting to continue the occupation of Palestinian lands, while subjugating millions of people to life of misery and hopelessness.

Historically, Palestinians’ right for self determination was ignored at the first opportunity such a question needed to be discussed, at the end of WWI, prioritizing Western interests in the Middle East over anything else. This is the context in which understand Pankaj Mishra’s essay.

From the abstract:

Memories of Jewish suffering at the hands of Nazis are the foundation on which most descriptions of extreme ideology and atrocity, and most demands for recognition and reparations, have been built. Universalist reference points are in danger of disappearing as the Israeli military massacres and starves Palestinians, while denouncing as antisemitic or champions of Hamas all those who plead with it to desist.


Among other things, Mishra argues that the Israeli occupation of Gaza fosters a system of domination similar to Nazi Germany, generating "counter-memory" narratives that attempt to erase the suffering of Palestinians (a direct result of the Nakba and the ongoing occupation of Palestine).

Two argument struck me as powerful in this comparison, since they’re intuitive and well understood (at least by anyone who passed through the Israeli education system, or served in the army), regardless of everything else discussed in the essay:

  1. Israeli narratives demonize Palestinians and justify occupation through security concerns.

  2. The international community's silence and selective condemnation empower the Israeli occupation.

Two points that happen to echo the rise of Nazi germany and the world’s indifference to the .

Mishra, Pankaj. “The Shoah after Gaza.” London Review of Books, vol. 46, no. 06, 1 Mar. 2024.,


rachel_a , to israel group avatar

on trial?
This is not what the organises. Its role is to establish the law.

A halt of invasion?
In 2022, the ICJ issued a condemnation on the invasion, to no consequence.
Kate Ferguson: “Will it be enough to stem the tide of atrocity crimes? No, of course not.” @israel

Another legal route is the :

rachel_a OP , avatar

“has refrained from agreeing to ICJ jurisdiction in all the hundreds of treaties it has signed, except one: the Convention. Article 9 of the Convention stipulated that if disagreements arise between the members over the Convention’s authority or interpretation, the ICJ is the place to hear them.”

“Back then, the popular Israeli notion that we do not let gentiles judge us had not yet developed.” 🇮🇱 🇺🇦 🧵

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