bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?

Fascism prospered from a paralysis of the state’s capacity for dispatching its key organizing functions, whether in the economy or for the larger tasks of keeping cohesion in society. At the worst points of the crisis, that paralysis encompassed the entire institutional machinery of politics, including the parliamentary and party-political frameworks of representation.

Geoff Eley, What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?, History Workshop Journal, Volume 91, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1–28,

@politicalscience @histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?

Fascism prospered from a paralysis of the state’s capacity for dispatching its key organizing functions, whether in the economy or for the larger tasks of keeping cohesion in society. At the worst points of the crisis, that paralysis encompassed the entire institutional machinery of politics, including the parliamentary and party-political frameworks of representation.

Geoff Eley, What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?, History Workshop Journal, Volume 91, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1–28,

@politicalscience @histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?

Fascism prospered from a paralysis of the state’s capacity for dispatching its key organizing functions, whether in the economy or for the larger tasks of keeping cohesion in society. At the worst points of the crisis, that paralysis encompassed the entire institutional machinery of politics, including the parliamentary and party-political frameworks of representation.

Geoff Eley, What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?, History Workshop Journal, Volume 91, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1–28,

@histodon @histodons

radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar
bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Olmsted, The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler

Kathryn Olmsted’s work provides a timely and incisive analysis of four American and two British press lords, united in their isolationism, appeasement towards fascism, and proclivity to use their media apparatus and larger-than-life personalities to forcefully promote their politics.

@histodon @histodons @journalism @bookstodon

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Olmsted, The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler

Kathryn Olmsted’s work provides a timely and incisive analysis of four American and two British press lords, united in their isolationism, appeasement towards fascism, and proclivity to use their media apparatus and larger-than-life personalities to forcefully promote their politics.

@histodon @histodons @journalism [email protected]

antipode77 , to bookstodon group avatar


Karl Polanyi
The Great Transformation

... in the 1930s, wealthy Germans who saw the Nazi party as a “battering ram” against trade unions and socialists were persuaded to overlook Hitler’s antisemitism because it allowed the market system to flourish."

... a lot of German elites said to themselves: we’re quite happy funding Hitler because his street fighters will help crush the trade unions, so that we can make more profits.”

faab64 , to palestine group

This is the new on a global level.

Fascism is spreading and their victims are Palestinians.

@palestine @israel

GeriatricGardener , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

An indicator, if any is needed, of the toxic influence that the is able to exert over not just governments but grassroots and civil society organisations internationally!

Money talks and these organisations justifiably fear that, if they show any support for Palestinians, their funding will be cut off! It’s incredibly pernicious and, when (hopefully) the future equivalent of the Nuremberg trials are held, imo the influence of the Lobby in enabling the genocide must be investigated and its leaders brought to trial!

faab64 , to palestine group


Are you convince now?

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Why there are no reporters in Europe like him any more?

They all have turned into cowards at best or genocide supporters at worst. The disgusting dirty and disgusting atmosphere created by Israeli supporters and right wing media owners not to forget the sold out politicians and indifferent public (on top of racism and islamophobia) have created a vaccume of strong, knowledgeable and brave reporters who are not afraid of telling the truth.

With Robert Fisk gone, The independent have also turned into a echo chamber of pro Israeli voices. German and Swedish media are not even worth reading any more and I get better news from Israeli media criticizing the fascist regime of Netanyahu than any of the so called progressives and liberals in those countries.

As Ahmad Shamloo the great Iranian poet said more than half a century ago : "strange time we live in my dear; they smell your mouth to make sure you haven't said 'I love you'".
روزگار غریبیست، نازنین
دهانت را میبویند
@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide.

@palestine @israel

roblosricos , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

the US isn't going fascists - it's been there for a while.

faab64 , to palestine group

The Israeli far-right government has circumvented Israeli laws to facilitate the closure and ban of any journalistic institution that exposes the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation army in Gaza. Extremist ministers are also pushing for the expansion of this law to include the occupied West Bank.

Do not expect anything other than possibly some empty words from the "world leaders" against these outrageous fascist rules in the "only democracy in the middle east".

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

YusufToropov , to politicalscience group avatar

on shocking European election results.

U.S. election foreshadowing?

Harbinger for 2024?

"We are going through some weird stuff right now. But we have gone through weird stuff before, and I do think that we can learn from it, and that we urgently need to."

@uspolitics @geopolitics @politicalscience

faab64 , to palestine group

Gaza Ministry of Health: 150 martyrs in the massacre of the occupiers in t#Nusriyat he central province of the Gaza Strip

@palestine @israel

textbook , avatar


starts as between good deaths and bad deaths, between wealth and genetic scum.

Easy to see, no?

@Ck @palestine @israel

textbook , avatar


@Ck @palestine @israel

Der beginnt als zwischen guten und schlechten Todesfällen, zwischen Reichtum und genetischem Abschaum.

Leicht zu erkennen, oder?

18+ Yuvalne , to palestine group avatar

a Palestinian photographer was assaulted during the annual anti-Arab march.

the assaulters weren't arrested. the photographer was.

Israel is getting one step closer to making Palestinians mere existing illegal.

@israel @palestine

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

If the world as it is cannot abide Palestinian existence, then we will have to change the world. We have already started.

@palestine @israel

Syulang , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

I dream of a world with free

I dream of a world world with a free

I dream of a world with a free

I dream of a world with a free

I dream of a world with a free

I dream of a world with free and lands

I dream of a world without , without , and the death cult of industrial consumer .

We either practice , or we'll be divided, conquered, and all die together.

figstick , to palestine group avatar

Keeping up with and commenting on news 24/7 doesn't make you an informed citizen, much less an activist. It makes you a partisan hack who refuses to acknowledge the humanity of people who are already being killed by American . Turn off the Rachel Maddow and start reading some al jazeera.

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to palestine group

This is what West is supporting: "In Gaza, if you ask me, instead of taking them to the south, we should have told them to go to the beaches. Then the navy would know how to load them (onto boats). Put them in the refugee camps with their brothers in ... Leave Gaza with nothing in it."

Head of the municipality, a northern Israeli settlement near Lebanon, David Azulay, suggests in a podcast to completely ethnically cleanse Palestinians in Gaza and make it a place "like ."

Video shared on telegram:

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

New in : Hesen Jabr, a labor and delivery nurse, a New York City , has been fired after referring to Israel’s war in Gaza as “genocide” during a speech accepting an award.

Jabr, a Palestinian-American, was being honored by Langone Health for her compassion in caring for mothers who had lost babies when she drew a link between her work and the suffering of mothers in .

@palestine @israel

radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar
MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Writing History May 16, 1906: Margaret Rey was born. Rey was an author an illustrator of children’s books. She cowrote the Curious George books with her husband H.A. Rey. Born in Germany to Jewish parents, she studied art at Bauhaus and later worked in advertising. In 1935, she fled Germany to escape the Nazis, moving to Rio de Janeiro. There she met H.A. Rey, also a German Jew who had fled the Nazis. Many of us remember the Curious George stories fondly. George was a monkey, who was kind of like an adorable little boy. Yet in every one of the stories, he does something naughty that disappoints his “daddy,” (The man in the Yellow Hat), and has to win back his affection doing something dangerous. In one story, he is exploited by a cook and must wash dishes without pay. In another, he is hired as a window washer on a skyscraper. Even his origin story is fraught, with the Yellow Hatted Man kidnapping him from his home in Africa. In this video clip, hear Werner Herzog’s creepy satire on the stories:


politicscurator , to histodons group avatar

Gaetano Salvemini smuggled a copy of the court transcripts of Matteotti's trial out of Italy:

"Per conto mio, già nell'agosto del 1925, avevo trafugato fuori d'Italia una copia della requisitoria del Pubblico Ministero Santoro nella inchiesta senatoriale sulle accuse mosse da Giuseppe Do- nati contro il direttore generale della pubblica sicurezza, generale De Bono. Dopo averli utilizzati affidai quei docu- menti alla biblioteca della School of Economics di Londra, nel dicembre 1926"

The day after there was an unsuccessful attempt to steal the transcripts, but they were kept in the Library's safe.

Very excited that we are now going to be digitising these transcripts and putting them freely available online, 100 years after Matteotti's murder. Hopefully they will be available by end of June this year. Attached is a photograph of them in situ.

@histodons @archivistodon

politicscurator OP , avatar

@histodons @archivistodon we've digitised the first section of Matteotti papers, which are now freely available online here:

@histodons @archivistodon

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