figstick , to economics group avatar
appassionato , to palestine group avatar

The Palestinian Ministry of Education says:

430 high school students have been killed in Gaza.
12,500 students have been wounded.
350 teachers have been killed.
286 out of 307 school buildings are damaged.


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  • DropBear , avatar

    You're quite right @KaBKaBKa
    People have a right to their homes. Races don't have a right to a "homeland".

    Israel was purportedly created as a Jewish "homeland". Trouble is, it was created on lands in which Palestinians had their homes.

    To my mind, "home" is human; "homeland" is Fascist. Israeli Zionism exploited the Fascist concept to deprive Palestinians of their homes.


    DropBear , avatar

    Thank you @KaBKaBKa for conceding that Israeli Zionism is genocidal racism. The answer to your question is quite clear in my answer. You're evidently too deeply programmed to see it.

    Israel doesn't have a "right" to exist. To paraphrase article 12 of the Jerusalem Declaration:
    all should live together in peace in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea
    as equals

    People who claim to be Jewish (and whether Israelis are Jewish is contested) are entitled to live in peace in those lands. They ought not, however, aspire be the Master Race of those lands. That fundamental of Israeli Zionism endangers Jews worldwide.


    DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    Israel was purportedly created as a Jewish "homeland". Trouble is, it was created on lands in which Palestinians had their homes.

    To my mind, "home" is human; "homeland" is Fascist. Israeli Zionism exploited the Fascist concept to deprive Palestinians of their homes.


    DropBear , to israel group avatar

    "Next month, the world will turn its eyes to the Olympics in Paris.

    36,000 of those who could be watching with us from Gaza are dead. Children who once dreamed of competing have had their limbs torn from them."


    DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    Who supports the Zionist state and why?
    "...the West needs to show why this Israeli state is grotesque and to ask who in heaven’s name still supports them?"


    DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    From a 93 year old (old enough to have lived through the times of the Holocaust and the founding of Israel) Jewish Australian:
    "The impression I formed then, and which has been confirmed by subsequent events is that there was and is a deep, shared psychosocial illness infecting Israel but not Jews more generally."
    "Let’s not confuse and generalise the attitude I and others have identified as underlying the conflict between Israel and Palestine with being anti-Semitic. This blurring of a clear boundary has been used inappropriately and misleadingly by many."
    "... the human slaughter in Gaza and the enormous waste of resources on armaments to further that genocide could be stopped by refusing any more aid to Israel."


    DropBear OP , avatar

    As Yarden Katz wrote:
    "Anyone wishing to understand how the Holocaust was possible, how people who may be warm and kind in their personal lives could support the murder of an entire population deemed subhuman, should examine Israeli society."

    "... the zionist project, culminating in Israel, is profoundly contrary to Jewish traditions ... Israel has suppressed these Jewish traditions and ways of living while hijacking parts of them when convenient."

    "... the dismantling of Israel and the liberation of Palestine must also be a Jewish struggle — a struggle that should go far beyond Jews showing solidarity for Palestinians or simply not wanting to be oppressors. “Israeli” is a colonial identity that should be renounced, not just because it harms Palestinians but also because it is deeply anti-Jewish."

    @palestine @israel

    DropBear OP , avatar

    The indoctrination is alarming @NickSchwanck and sadly few manage to deprogram themselves.

    A recovering Zionist speaks:
    "I have been grieving deeply not just since last October, but ever since I woke up to the reality of what Israel is, and what it stands for."
    "The Palestinian people did nothing wrong. Their ‘big crime’, for which they are being eliminated is that they happened to live on the land that the Zionists coveted for an exclusively Jewish ghetto state."

    @palestine @israel

    figstick , to palestine group avatar

    I'm so fed up with mods falling for the "holocaust inversion" bullshit, I'm going to start reporting all apologist posts as "supporting violent ideologies."

    @israel @palestine

    DropBear , to Palestine in Israel kills over 200 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives; U.S. allegedly involved in operation avatar

    As hasbara, @SuckMyWang your puerile aphorism is counterproductive.

    For example, on October 7 Israelis were taken hostage. That could be seen as a reaction to the thousands of Palestinian hostages held by Israel. The Israeli evil, though greater, does not excuse the evil committed by Hamas (though it could be viewed as precedent).

    If you complain about the Hamas evil and I then counter with the Israeli precedent, then I am tacitly conceding the Hamas evil. Two wrongs do not make a right.


    DropBear , to Palestine in Israel kills over 200 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives; U.S. allegedly involved in operation avatar

    One evil might explain another @heretical_i but the one does not excuse the other.


    oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

    / Israel rescues four hostages in Gaza raid that Hamas says kills 210 Palestinians

    The only thing true from the spox this time, and probably every single time they bragged about killing X “terrorists”, was this:

    […] "We know about under 100 (Palestinian) casualties. I don't know how many from them are terrorists,"

    And the there’s also this:

    Israel, "by committing horrific massacres, was able to free some its hostages, yet it killed some others during the operation," al-Qassam Brigades' spokesperson, Abu Ubaida, said in a statement on his Telegram channel.

    The actress Israeli-Palestinian Lama Tator, who hosts an Arabic culture program on , shared a photo of Argamani after her release from captivity, commenting on appearance after long months in captivity and the massacre the IDF carried out to release her and the others.​​​​​​​​​​​​

    "Are these the faces of a hostage for nine months?" the actress wrote in a story she shared on social media. "Are her eyebrows more groomed than mine? Her skin? Her hair? Her nails? What's going on? And for her they need to kill and slaughter children, women, and innocents?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


    DropBear , avatar

    By some reports, the toll of known Palestinian deaths is 247. It's also possible that some other Israeli hostages died in the crossfire. Time will tell, I guess.

    Was the operation calculated to maximise Palestinian casualties?

    @israel @palestine

    GeriatricGardener , to palestine group avatar

    “Do you condemn Hamas?: The question we have to ask ourselves is not whether we condemn Hamas, but whether we condemn a settler colonial regime that makes armed struggle necessary for survival.”

    by James Ray in Mondoweiss @mondoweiss

    @palestine @israel

    “Like them [Hamas] or not, the efforts they have waged and continue to wage have made more of a material impact toward the liberation of Palestine than anything any of us in the West will ever make. They are taking on the brutal violence of colonial power and waging a campaign of armed struggle that has, at the current moment, with coordination with other resistance factions, made the Zionist colony more of a pariah than it has ever been on a global stage and shattered the image of military invincibility and overall stability it has spent decades cultivating. Countless years of struggle have culminated in this flashpoint.”

    DropBear , avatar

    Interesting question @jeremy_pm
    The region being a route from Africa to Europe, there's evidence of modern humans in the area 120,000 years ago. Judaism hasn't existed that long.

    Before that, there were other hominids. The earliest remains are estimated to be 1.5 million years old.

    As to "recorded history". Even their own mythology tells against the Jewish. Chapter 15 of Genesis/Bereshit lists peoples who were displaced to establish the Jewish Kingdoms. So Jews weren't "first". There may be "indigenous" jews, but there are also indigenous Moslems and Christians.

    The Zionist invasion began in the 19th century @Sine_Nomine
    Its foundations can be traced to the British Empire, around 1840.
    @zephry @Captain_Jack_Sparrow

    @GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    DropBear , avatar

    You're using the Israeli Zionist hasbara definition of "indigenous", I see @zephry
    As their own mythology affirms, Jews took the lands from other peoples. They're thus colonisers.

    For centuries, Arabs, Christians and Jews shared Palestine. Then the Zionists started arriving. To paraphrase article 12 of the Jerusalem Declaration:
    all should be allowed to live together in peace in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea
    as equals

    @jeremy_pm @Sine_Nomine
    @Captain_Jack_Sparrow @GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    DropBear , avatar

    Actually, there is no generally accepted definition of "indigenous" @zephry
    That's why Israeli Zionists use the term for hasbara. They can pretend that it means whatever is convenient to their argument.

    @jeremy_pm @Captain_Jack_Sparrow @Sine_Nomine @GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    figstick , to palestine group avatar
    figstick , to palestine group avatar
    figstick , to palestine group avatar

    It's probably best not to trust any Israeli voices on the state of things in or . Even this Israeli "scholar," who admits that Israelis are almost unanimously pro-genocide, is pushing the "sexual violence" lie about Oct. 7.

    @israel @palestine

    figstick , to AcademicsUnite group avatar
    radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar

    Today is the day.

    Remembering the ethnic cleansing, massacres and Zionist terrorism that lead to the creation of which remains to this day a pariah state and a plague on the Middle East and the world.

    @palestine @israel

    oatmeal , to israel group avatar

    / Right-wing Israeli ministers call to reoccupy Gaza and push for the transfer of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip

    Thousands of Israelis joined a march on the so called Israeli “Independence Day”, calling for resettling the Gaza Strip and facilitating the transfer of Palestinians from Gaza. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir spoke at the march advocating resettling Gaza with Israeli forces and settlers.

    Ben-Gvir said the "true solution" is for Israel to "return to Gaza now" and to "encourage what he calls “voluntary emigration" of Gazans, concluding "It is moral!" An MK from the Religious Zionism party blamed the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza for recent violence, stating "The responsibility for the October 7 massacre lies with those who expelled the Jews from Gush Katif."


    plink , to israel group avatar

    Citing , Major Resigns Over 's Assault on

    "As the descendant of European I was raised in a particularly unforgiving moral environment when it came to the topic of bearing responsibility for ethnic cleansing," wrote Maj. Harrison Mann.

    @palestine @israel

    figstick , to palestine group avatar
    radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar
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