radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar
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  • TruthSandwich , avatar

    @radiofreearabia @palestine @israel

    Wow, that's antisemitic as all fuck.

    israelwarcrimes , to israel group avatar

    Who are you voting for this year? Zionism or Zionism? Let's hear your thoughts!

    @palestine @israel


    radiofreearabia , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel

    and then will blame and for not voting for

    who will vote for their own genocide?

    KawaTora , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel
    Green Party for me.
    Both of these fascist corporate stooges can die of old age and dementia before the election for all I care. In fact America and the world would be better off for it.

    israelwarcrimes , to israel group avatar

    🔴BREAKING: House votes to ban State Department from citing Gaza Health Ministry death toll statistics.

    @palestine @israel

    ciggysmokebringer , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel

    Cowardly Streisand In Effect

    MusiqueNow , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel

    How SICK and insane is that? That's so disgustingly psycho

    peter_link , to israel group avatar
    faab64 ,


    There is not much left of Rafah any more, most of the eastern and western parts are flattened and the central part of the town are almost like Gaza city.

    Netanyahu did what everyone said he would not dare, he took over philadelphia corridor, entered Gaza, displaced half a million people, blocked food entry to north and the south and completely destroyed UNRWA under the eyes of the Biden, Sunak and EU.

    The hypocrisy and cowardice of the so called world leaders against this out of control Israeli trump and his Israeli KKK ministers is truly nauseating.

    israelwarcrimes , to israel group avatar

    American stayed in Israel and is now fighting in Gaza for the IDF.

    @palestine @israel


    disisdeguey , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel
    He sounds a bit off to me. Imagine when he goes back to Pittsburgh or wherever. I hope they're targeted like pedos in the neighborhood. Crazy world

    the_turtle , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel he looks like the guy years ago in the McDonald's "Give Me Back That Filet-O-Fish" commercial.

    israelwarcrimes , to israel group avatar

    Some people are more equal than others.

    @palestine @israel


    deadegos , avatar

    @israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel

    But also we said to Ukraine only until just recently they could not attack outside their borders but thats exactly what Israel did

    plink , to palestine group avatar

    Opposes Rebuilding ’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online

    Israel destroyed much of Gaza’s internet infrastructure. A proposal to rebuild it was watered down after and protests.


    @palestine @israel

    MMRnmd , avatar

    It's like everyday brings its new obnoxious Israeli decision.

    Why restore water supply then, since Hamas fighters drink water ?

    @palestine @israel

    Infoseepage , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel They just don't want the world to see their atrocities. It is that simple. They control the borders and who can go in and out. They want to be able to kill with even more impunity.

    plink , to palestine group avatar
    InternetDev , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel

    une petit biais sur le slogan'de ma rivière à la mer"

    parce que les pacifistes, et ils sont massifs , ne veulent rien d'autre qu'un état laïque.
    C'est à dire séparé l’État des religions ... ce que beaucoup d'israéliens et de pro-israéliens à l'étranger refusent en ne voulant pas voir l'aspect séparatiste d'un état privilégiant un seul culte.

    Et hélas même un état sensé être laïc comme la France est dirigé par des anti-laïcs (comme Macron et les droites en général)

    TruthSandwich , avatar
    plink , to palestine group avatar
    eva_chaos , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel

    Hmm this seems to be more russian election meddling courtesy of our favorite sellouts who don't actually give a damn about anyone other than who is paying them,

    Donald Trump has made it clear he will allow ol' Bibi to overrun Gaza. The only way to end this is to vote in a Democrat majority in the House and Senate. A vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump.

    HarbingerOfSalem , avatar

    @eva_chaos @plink @palestine @israel

    I didnt ratify the 1789 constitution, so using it as a club to get me to vote for Genocide plus American Fascism or Genocide plus American Oligarchy is a false choice

    Mathematically, you are right. Duvigers law is. Morally you are wrong.

    figstick , to palestine group avatar
    immibis ,

    @pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick I think he'd rather that everyone who would vote for Biden didn't vote at all. This is a way to be MAGA without overtly being MAGA.

    immibis ,

    @pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick The American people so have a choice btw: 2 genocides or 4. It would be silly to blame them for the 2 they have no choice not to vote for. It would be completely alright to blame them for the other 2, if the election decides they should occur. And it would be downright evil to suggest that voting for 4 by default is better than voting for 2 by active action.

    plink , to palestine group avatar
    InternetDev , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel

    Significant too because of colonialism of GB on and africans countries and Autralia

    has some very good fighters in the EU:
    -Paul Wallace and Clare Daly.
    I nickname them The 2 lions

    And Belgium too (PTB) which is outraged at the immobility of its government

    Lassielmr , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel and points to the USA losing influence and credibility in Europe

    radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar
    heretical_i , avatar

    @radiofreearabia "First signs of fascism"?

    The whole effing sociopolitical model for 'israel' is FASCIST BY DESIGN AND INTENT. @palestine @israel

    plink , to israel group avatar

    Business titans privately urged mayor to use police on protesters, chats show

    A chat started by some wealthy after the Oct. 7 attack reveals their focus on Mayor and their work to shape opinion of the war.

    @palestine @israel

    heretical_i , avatar
    melanie , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel

    "Business executives including Kind snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt held a Zoom video call on April 26 with Mayor Eric Adams (D), about a week after the mayor first sent New York police to Columbia’s campus, a log of chat messages shows. During the call, some attendees discussed making political donations to Adams, as well as how the chat group’s members could pressure Columbia’s president and trustees to permit the mayor to send police to the campus to handle protesters, according to chat messages summarizing the conversation."

    CultureDesk , to histodons group avatar

    What do you do when you're a happy camper but your partner is less keen on a night under canvas? Wally Byam's solution was to invent the Airstream, which started in the late 1920s as a wooden platform atop the chassis of a Ford Model T and by 1937 was a sleek aluminum-clad trailer marketed as "an airplane without wings ... luxurious in the extreme." Here, @Smithsonianmag looks at the origin and evolution of this American classic.


    RustyRing , avatar

    @CultureDesk @Smithsonianmag @histodons Often overlooked in retro appreciation of the Airstream is that buying one also put you in a cult; you didn't just buy a trailer, you bought into a large continental community. That's why they all had that big red number on the bow.

    My parents had a few friends in the Airstream tribe, and we visited them from time to time when they docked in the Airstream "Land Yacht Harbour" at the edge of or town. They were a fun bunch of people.

    bibliolater , to politicalscience group avatar

    🇺🇸 How Christianity’s Decline Impacts White Christians’ Emotional and Attitudinal Response

    “Racial resentment predicts Christian nationalism, Christian persecution beliefs, and White persecution beliefs. In other words, negative stereotypes about Black Americans are related to Christian nationalism and persecution beliefs. But while Whiteness and Christianity are undeniably intertwined among Whites, our experiment provides evidence that they cannot be conflated.”


    Image : IonlyPlayz, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

    SirBoostALot , avatar

    @bibliolater @politicalscience I will just say this much. For a couple decades or so I attended fundamentalist/evangelical churches, but if I had had even the slightest inkling that they were racist I would have been out of there so fast it would have made their heads spin. I got disillusioned with the church after I realized that they had not been telling the truth about several things (in particular about hell, they never bothered to mention that three or four very different words with completely different meanings in the original languages had all been translated to the English word "hell" and that dishonest preachers conflated all those words in order to control people) but even then I had not seen any overt racism. It was such a shock to see the type of people I had fellowshipped with for years suddenly turn into Trump supporters and racists and generally awful people. I mean, I knew that black people generally went to their own churches but I never heard anyone say that they couldn't come into the ones I attended, but then in retrospect they probably would not have made a big scene about it.

    Now the way I feel about it, I would never go back to one of those churches again. They have lost me forever. In a way I feel sorry for them because they are being played big time by politicians that are just pandering to them as long as they are "useful idiots", but who will drop them like a hot potato once they are no longer useful. But having seen how easily they abandoned their core beliefs (in particular the teachings of Jesus) I have to conclude that there is nothing to their religion. They are like all of us in that they believe what they want to believe, but when what you believe includes hate and authoritarism, then I want no part of your beliefs.

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