faab64 , to israel group

Israeli "defense" forces setting the tents of displaced Palestinians on fire.

This is definitely part of their rights to defend themselves. Those tents are Khamas.

Video available on telegram:t.me/newsvideofa/2626

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Palestinian resistance in Gaza used one of the unexploded 500 pound bombs dropped by an American provided F-16 to blow up a building they have lured in a group of Israeli soldiers.

So far Israel has admitted to 4 dead and 5 injured, but the Palestinians claim the numbers are much higher.

Multiple seen landing in the area to carry the injured and the deads back to .

This is the 4th such by in the past 2 weeks, followed by massive indiscriminated bombing of civilian targets by .

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

This doesn't include the price of weapons sent to Israel.

Over 70 000 ton of weapons and missiles were sent to Israel since October.

This is more than what the allies used during the whole world war 2 against Nazi Germany.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Look closely, this is what our government and our silence is causing.

Hole you like what you see, because there are going to be many many more like him in the coming days.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

: 69% of school buildings housing displaced people in the Gaza Strip were exposed to Israeli bombardment or were directly damaged.

This is a new low in any war in recent history.
Any other country would have been subject to countless sanctions, global condemnations and even blockades, but not Israel.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

While the world has moved on Israel keep committing war crime in Gaza: "Women and children were burned and body parts were everywhere." A young man talked about the brutal details of the massacre of Mawasi neighborhood in by the today.

Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2608

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Remember the BS lies of propaganda about warning about attacking Rafah?

Netanyahu has once again showed who is the boss and slaughtering the besieged and defenceless Palestinians.

You don't hear him or his criminal spokespersons saying anything about the horrors of and and the imposed starvation of half a million , most of them women and children.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Paid by your tax dollars and when ever you purchase a product from companies supporting genocidal regime of Israel.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

WP whitewash Netanyahu again: dissolves war cabinet but plans to keep far right sidelined

🔶️ and ’s continued influence, even from outside the war cabinet, was partly the reason for the resignation of war cabinet members Benny and Gadi last week. The two centrists said they joined the cabinet to ensure the war was conducted responsibly, but have since concluded they couldn’t work with Netanyahu as long as he refused to commit to a day-after strategy for Gaza.

🔶️ The departure came after a string of military leaders made rare public statements airing their grievances with Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza, with many saying that Israel cannot afford to continue it indefinitely, especially with tensions escalating on the Lebanese border.

🔶️ Brig. Gen. Efraim Sneh, a former deputy minister of defense, said that Israel has achieved its military objectives of degrading the majority of Hamas capabilities and can afford to declare an end to the war in Gaza, get back the hostages, and redirect its focus to distancing forces from its northern border.

🔶️ “Israel is in an unacceptable situation, in which a big part of the country has been deserted,” he said. He added that, while “Israel’s forces are stretched thin between Gaza and the Lebanese border,” Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners are exacerbating the situation by blocking hundreds of thousands of Palestinian day laborers from entering Israel and enacting punitive measures against the -based Palestinian Authority.

🔶️ The is moving closer to a larger war with Hezbollah, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for the Israeli military, said in a video message Sunday. Fighting between Israel and Hezbollah has intensified in recent weeks at the Lebanese border. “Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation — one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region,” Hagari said. After an Israeli strike killed a Hezbollah commander last week, a Hezbollah official said the militant group would retaliate with increased operations “in intensity, strength, quantity and quality.”


@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israeli cabinet discusses punitive measures against agencies

🔶️ Months of tensions boil over after UN chief adds Israeli military to for failing to protect in conflict

🔶️ Benjamin ’s government has discussed far-reaching measures against UN agencies operating in Israel and the Palestinian territories, including the possible expulsion of staff, according to five people familiar with the matter.

🔶️ The UN has slammed Israel for not doing enough to protect either the organisation’s own humanitarian personnel in Gaza or Palestinian civilians, with calling Gaza a “graveyard for children”.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israel vows to press on in Gaza after UN Security Council approves ceasefire proposal

🔶️ Israel has vowed to persist with its military operation in Gaza, saying it won’t engage in “meaningless” negotiations with , shortly after the United Nations Security Council overwhelmingly approved a US-backed plan intended to bring an end to the eight-month war.

🔶️ Israel’s representative to the UN, Reut Shapir Ben-Naftaly, emphasized at a meeting Monday that her country wants to “ensure that Gaza doesn’t pose a threat to Israel in the future.”

🔶️ Her comments came after 14 of the 15 UNSC council members voted in favor of Monday’s US-drafted resolution, with only abstaining – the first time the council has endorsed such a plan to end the war. Israel is not a member of the UNSC, and so did not vote.

Kick this rogue nation out of . They do not belong to the world nations. They are a nation of arrogant .


@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Time is running out...

There are no safe places in Gaza for innocent children.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

A 21-year-old Israeli soldier committed suicide by shooting himself on Iris Street in the Or Yehuda area after returning from fighting in two days ago.(According to some reports, this was his second attempt).

The horror they witness is too hard to live by for those with conscious. His blood is on 's hands. He could have ended this war long time ago.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

IDF have admitted that they lost 8 active dutyewar criminals during a single incident in Gaza today.

The Palestinian resistance had earlier reported that they had destroyed the APC these soldiers were traveling with using a Yasin 105 Iranian designer modified RPG 7 specially built to penetrate Israeli Markva tanks that used to be called the safest tanks in the world.

The Israel assault on Gaza have shown that the myth of Israeli military superiority and it's iron dome and Markva tanks being the best and the safest military equipments in the world, while Hamas and Hezbollah have easily penetrated and destroyed these multi million dollar hardware with home made weapons not costing even a fraction of those built by Israel.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group
faab64 , to palestine group

A government official in Gaza to Al Jazeera:

⭕️The famine in the northern part of the Gaza Strip has reached a catastrophic level, and most food supplies have run out.

⭕️Hundreds of children and patients are threatened with death due to the catastrophic , caused by Israel.

⭕️The relevant international organizations are not fulfilling their duty to compel Israel to respect international laws.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

A recent has concluded that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza, which include , , and the use of as a method of .

Not to forget using aid truck as the mean of military operations which is clearly made as a crime in Geneva convention.

Question is, will it have any impact on the favorable relationship between US, UK and EU with Israel? Or it's going to be one another crimes comitted by Israel that goes unpunished.

Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2575

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

"One said I came here and I was completely fine, but I lost my leg. Another said I was completely fine but I lost my arm." Horrifying testimonies by men, who were released yesterday from an Israeli detention camp.

It's just beyond me how the "world" is watching these outrageous with absolutely 0 reaction. It's just unbelievable. This is Pol Pot style atrocities, this is ISIS style atrocities, this is just something everyone used to get outraged and angry about.

But, when Israel does these, the "worldx leaders go numb.

Video shared on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2574

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Doctors Without Borders:

⭕️Numerous military offensives in recent weeks have led to recurrent mass casualty influxes at -supported medical facilities in Rafah and the Middle Area of Gaza.

⭕️How can the killing of more than 800 people in a single week, including small , plus the maiming of hundreds more, be considered a military operation adhering to international law?,

⭕️ Israel repeatedly bombed so-called safe zones, camps, a school and multiple humanitarian warehouses, which were formally registered as ‘deconflicted’ by Israeli forces.

⭕️We call on Israel’s allies, including the , $UK, and member states, to do everything in their power to influence Israel to stop attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

The UN World Food Program (WFP) has temporarily suspended operations from a pier in central Gaza after two of the aid group's warehouses in the enclave were struck, according to the agency's director.

"I'm concerned about the safety of our people after the incidents yesterday," stated Cindy McCain, WFP executive director, in an interview with CBS on Sunday.

"Two of our warehouses, the warehouse complex, were rocketed yesterday," she explained. "We've stepped back just for the moment [...] to ensure that we're on safe terms and on safe ground before we restart."

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

An Israeli occupation airstrike, aimed at a previously targeted building in , murdered a Palestinian mother and all of her children.

I'm sure no western media will cover it as newsworthy...

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

According to Israeli media reports, a "huge incident" occurred in City, as dozens of Israeli occupation helicopters continued extracting casualties among Israeli occupation forces in the city.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Isreli reserve soldier Eliran Mizrahi committed . He went through difficult experiences during a long military operation in the Strip, was demobilized, diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and was called under Order No. 8 back to the reserve in Rafah. On Friday, he committed suicide, and his father demands that he be buried in a military burial.

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to palestine group



BBC News calling Benny a "moderate"

Benny Gantz supports a brutal occupation, ethnic cleansing, the imposition of apartheid, and the slaughter of 16,000 innocent children.

@palestine @israel

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