RubyJones , to bookstodon group avatar

What book bloggers do people follow to find their erotica and romance? Not all of those I followed on Twitter migrated to here, but I am sure there are ones I don't know about in the Fediverse.

Particularly interested in sf/f/h/weird erotica and romance book bloggers, and lgbtq+ themed blogs, but also generalists.

Feel free to self- rec!

@bookstodon @smutstodon

drawnonglass , avatar

@RubyJones @bookstodon @smutstodon

@ceciliatan and Circlet Press spring to mind..

zkrisher , to bookstodon group avatar

I've finished: In Ascension by Martin MacInnes

As a science-fiction reader I had a little trouble with in ascension

At first I was happy to read a big dumb object book that focuses on the psychology of the characters more than on the science.

But as I went on reading I had more and more trouble with the lack of scientific curiosity and engineering prowess in a book about scientists and astronauts.

In Ascension is the opposite of a competence porn novel. The protagonists are cogs in a machine they don't control. While this is more true to life, it is less true to the lives of scientists, engineers and astronauts.

The scientific information peppered throughout the book is given as exposition, and while it's worth paying attention to and is the best way to try and figour out what's going on, it has little to do with the characters thoughts and behavior. The only people who try to find anything out, who actually do research, are relatives trying to figure out what happened.

For example, after an inexplicable incident the crew finds that everything is covered in a layer of dust. What do they do? Do they attempt to find out what it's made of? No. They make an effort to clean things up and that's it.

Where is the curiosity and sence of wonder of people that worked so hard to go beyond where man has gone before?

I understand that living with our impotence when facing large systems that don't care about us as individuals is what this novel is about. But it is hard for me to relinquish the illusion of control the scientific method gives us.


zkrisher OP , avatar
Enema_Cowboy , avatar


@zkrisher @bookstodon

Check out this book on Goodreads: The City We Became

The City We Became (Great Cities, #1)

> In Manhattan, a young grad student gets off the train a…

Wivik , to bookstodon group avatar

My latest for Way Station by Clifford D. Simak. I've very enjoyed the story.


eaterofsnacks , avatar

@Wivik @bookstodon Thanks for the reminder -- it was such a lovely book.

Wivik OP , avatar

@eaterofsnacks @bookstodon My pleasure. Currently, I'm reading the Time Odyssey by Arthur C Clarke and Stephen Baxter.
I'm near the end of the first book (Time's eye), I love it too.

zkrisher , to bookstodon group avatar

I've finished: Rose / House by Arkady Martine

Kudos to Arkady Martine for publishing something very different from her breakthrough novel, A Memory Called Empire.

Hauntingly strange, this murder in an AI mystery house is a bit of a slog, and I'm not at all sure I understand what happened.

It does manage to convey the uncanny vibe I think Arkady was aiming for an in that manner it is a successful Novella.


noharmpun , avatar

@zkrisher @bookstodon

Library hold placed. 2nd in line.

audacity_punk , to bookstodon group avatar

I received my first advanced readers copy yesterday. I’m very excited to read it!

Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky


mikemccaffrey , avatar

@audacity_punk @bookstodon It was so good.

OwenTyme , to bookstodon group avatar

I've got six novels out that have very few or no reviews, so I'm running a short-term Ebook giveaway through Jun 30th.

Use the code ''P6YFQ' to get my books for free via the smashwords store:

Please post your reviews to one or more of the following sites:


OwenTyme OP , avatar

@bookstodon Oh, and one last detail: if you find my novels to have any value and you want to support me, you can always buy the book anyway.

Thank you all! I appreciate what my fans do for me and it means the world to me.

catchingshadows , to bookstodon group avatar

Book Review: The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter An improbable invention leads to a journey to see how far the rabbit hole goes. @sciencefiction

adaddinsane , avatar

@catchingshadows @sciencefiction @bookstodon

Mmm, I'm on the last book now.

I still can't throw the feeling it's a thought experiment in search of a plot.

I mean obviously I'm enjoying it enough to keep reading. So there's that 😁

catchingshadows , to bookstodon group avatar

Choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. @bookstodon

Day Seven: Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey

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  • catchingshadows OP , avatar

    @bookstodon Yes, I know that I haven't posted. I had a chronic headache attack and couldn't brain. For most of the the week. Nothing says it has to be 20 sequential days.>_>;

    projektmyra , to buchstodon group German avatar

    Lesen ist mehr als akademischer Lifestyle - Bücher 📚 können Leben retten, schreibt , die heute meine erste ist. Welche Lektüre hat dir schonmal echt geholfen? @buchstodon

    Sigrun , avatar

    @projektmyra @buchstodon Mir hilft jedes Buch auf seine Weise, mal für die Bildung, mal für die Unterhaltung, mal als Ratgeber, mal als Realitätsflucht, mal als Genuss… Bücher können so vieles sein 📚

    catchingshadows , to bookstodon group avatar

    Choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. @bookstodon @sciencefiction

    Day Six: Farmer in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein

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  • NeadReport , avatar

    @catchingshadows @bookstodon @sciencefiction
    It would be really something if at the end of 20 days, we had a compiled list of books from the hashtag.

    catchingshadows , to bookstodon group avatar

    Three Books That Had an Impact These three for one reason or another are at the top of the list. @bookstodon

    MadisonMonkey , avatar

    @catchingshadows @bookstodon elfquest was big with a subset of my circle of friends and I enjoyed it.
    I would have to think about the three books or series that had the biggest impact on me, since I was a voracious reader.

    catchingshadows OP , avatar

    @MadisonMonkey @bookstodon I can think of so many more books as well!

    tinadonahuebooks , to bookstodon group avatar
    markdevries , avatar

    @tinadonahuebooks @bookstodon Need to have a login to be able to see anything because of possible sensitive content.

    tinadonahuebooks , to bookstodon group avatar
    Gords , avatar

    @tinadonahuebooks @bookstodon I wanted to give a look, but the link requires a connection.

    oarditi , to bookstodon group avatar
    Gords , avatar

    @oarditi @bookstodon Earthsea is a great one

    kmherkes , to bookstodon group avatar

    Once again, I present my humble offering to anyone seeking a cozy sci-fi read:

    Weaving In The Ends, a novella duology that starts with a summer fling & ends with a comedic Winter Solstice brawl.

    It's a feel-good chosen family story, and it's a quick read that can be read as a standalone, or as an easy springboard into the world of 2 connected novels.

    Available in print & ebook now, audio coming soon!


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  • OETearmann , avatar

    @kmherkes @bookstodon aw this sounds wonderful!

    kmherkes OP , avatar

    @OETearmann @bookstodon

    Awwww, thank you for saying that!

    I know I'm biased, but I certainly think they're great.

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