TimeTravelRome , to Archaeodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For : These are Fasti Capitolini in the ‘Sala della Lupa’ - Salon of the Wolf – in the Musei Capitalini of Rome. “Fasti” is a list of all main magistrates of the Roman Republic: the first year for which records are preserved is 483 BC and the last surviving year is AD 13. 📸 me

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TimeTravelRome , to Archaeodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For eyes pleasure: the atrium of the House of the Vestals on the Roman Forum in Rome. The Atrium Vestae was a three-story 50-room palace, standing at the foot of the Palatine Hill. Its elegant atrium with a double pool still can be seen today. 📸 me
🪔 The second photo shows the view on the atrium from the Palatine Hill.

@archaeodons @histodons


TimeTravelRome , to Archaeodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For : This gallo-roman temple of Septeuil, France, is dated to the late 1st c. AD. First it served as a spring sanctuary, and then, from the 4th century, it became a . It was discovered in 1984 during the construction of a road. 📸 me

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michaelmeckler , to antiquidons group
@michaelmeckler@mastodonapp.uk avatar

Humanities postdocs in Prague!

I draw particular attention to two: one on Roman art and archaeology, and the other in medieval studies. Both are for two-year terms available 1 January 2025, eligible to recent (<5 yrs) PhDs with excellent English. Application deadline for Roman art and archaeology postdoc is 1 July; for medieval studies: 15 July.

Full info here: https://cuni.cz/UKEN-318.html#29


TimeTravelRome , to histodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For eyes pleasure: a fresco with a banquet scene from the Villa Doria Pamphili Columbarium - a graveyard along the western slopes of the Gianicolo Hill. Found in 1838, the columbarium had more than five hundred lucules. In 1922 the frescoes were removed and re-assembled, now on display in the Museo delle Terme. 📸 me

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TimeTravelRome , to histodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For eyes pleasure: Mausoleum of Hadrian, also known as Castel Sant'Angelo. It was built between 134 and 139 AD, and 's ashes were placed here a year after his death in Baiae in 138 AD, together with those of his wife Sabina, and his first adopted son, Lucius Aelius, who died in 138. 📸 me. No filters, no photo editing.

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TimeTravelRome , to histodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 On this frieze from the Trajan's Column one can see two scenes from the 1st Dacian war: above one can see and his troops traveling by ship, then reaching shore and disembarking. Below Trajan is giving his second adlocutio - a speech addressed to his legions. 📸 me

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TimeTravelRome , to histodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For : Fresco fragment of a Calendar with Children bearing offerings to the goddess Diana. Beginning of the 3rd century A.D. Ostia, from an edifice near Porta Laurentina. Now in Musei Vaticani. 📸 me

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TimeTravelRome , to histodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For the : remains of the Temple of Rome and Augustus right behind the Parthenon of Acropolis in Athens. It was likely built between 19 and 17 BC and it is the only Athenian temple dedicated to the cult of the Emperor. 📸 me

@archaeodons @histodons

TimeTravelRome , to antiquidons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 , in 17 BC Secular Games of Octavian continued in Rome: spectators were offered games in Circus and an animal hunt. On the photo - the Temple of Apollo Palatinus build by Octavian and where choirs of boys and girls sang the Carmen Saeculare, composed for the occasion of Games by the poet Horace. 📸 me

@archaeodons @histodons

TimeTravelRome , to antiquidons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For eyes pleasure: This statue depicts the river god Arno and it dates to the time of Hadrian. It was heavily restored during the Renaissance times. Curiously, a small lion's head has been carved on the vase, probably in homage to Pope Leo X Medici (1513-1521). Now in Musei Vaticani. 📸 me

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TimeTravelRome , to antiquidons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 in 323 BC Alexander the Great died in Babylon, possibly from malaria. The marble bust in the post was likely produced in Alexandria in 300 BC - 150 BC. It is now in the BM, London. 📸 me

@archaeodons @histodons

TimeTravelRome , to Archaeodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For : a wall-painting with a reclining Naiad, drinking from a horn. Dated to AD 30-50, it was found at a Roman villa at Campo Varano, . Now in the BM. 📸 me

@archaeodons @histodons

TimeTravelRome , to Archaeodons group
@TimeTravelRome@archaeo.social avatar

🪔 For eyes pleasure: an amber ring from the city museum in Croatia. The Romans believed that amber possessed the ability to ward off evil spirits and protect its wearer from harm 📸 me

@archaeodons @histodons


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