GeriatricGardener , to israel group avatar

“HOW MAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORES UK MILITARY SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL: Britain does much more than simply sell weapons to Israel, but you wouldn’t know it from watching the BBC.”

by Des Freeman in Declassified UK @Declassified_UK

@palestine @israel

“But there’s another side to the problem of the media: the stories that are not covered and the uncomfortable truths (for Israel and its supporters) that are not acknowledged.

This is particularly the case when it comes to the issue of how the UK military has contributed to Israel’s assault on Gaza.”


“The failure of the mainstream media to address the genocide in Gaza is all too clear when looking at the euphemistic language they use and the sources they highlight.

But we also have to look beneath the surface: to the stories that the media choose not to pursue because that would draw attention to the complicity of all those at the heart of the British establishment who have helped to facilitate the war crimes currently taking place in Gaza.”

MotherOfMercy , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @Declassified_UK @palestine @israel Britain was more or less responsible for the creation of Israel after World War II.

DropBear , to palestine group avatar

From a 93 year old (old enough to have lived through the times of the Holocaust and the founding of Israel) Jewish Australian:
"The impression I formed then, and which has been confirmed by subsequent events is that there was and is a deep, shared psychosocial illness infecting Israel but not Jews more generally."
"Let’s not confuse and generalise the attitude I and others have identified as underlying the conflict between Israel and Palestine with being anti-Semitic. This blurring of a clear boundary has been used inappropriately and misleadingly by many."
"... the human slaughter in Gaza and the enormous waste of resources on armaments to further that genocide could be stopped by refusing any more aid to Israel."


DropBear OP , avatar

The indoctrination is alarming @NickSchwanck and sadly few manage to deprogram themselves.

A recovering Zionist speaks:
"I have been grieving deeply not just since last October, but ever since I woke up to the reality of what Israel is, and what it stands for."
"The Palestinian people did nothing wrong. Their ‘big crime’, for which they are being eliminated is that they happened to live on the land that the Zionists coveted for an exclusively Jewish ghetto state."

@palestine @israel

NickSchwanck , avatar

@DropBear @palestine @israel My ex was never the sharpest tool in the shed. She's deeply right-wing. Migrants are to blame for everything.

DropBear , to israel group avatar

"The strategy utilised by the Zionist Establishment within Jewish communities and outside these communities, particularly, in the United States, England, France, Germany and Australia is to engage in an intentional falsification of history and contemporary reality when it comes to the supposedly intractable conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."
"As the world witnessed in the case of the destruction of the highly probable victory of Jeremy Corbyn becoming British Prime Minister, these campaigns of destroying opponents of Israeli ethnic cleansing have been extremely potent and successful.

It is, therefore, imperative that all people opposed to this war of annihilation of the Palestinian people must make sure that this current campaign which aims to destroy any opposition to the Gazan genocide is decisively defeated."


DropBear OP , avatar

The Zionist lobby is rich and influential @TanyaGKasim
They must be exposed and controlled.

@palestine @israel

TanyaGKasim , avatar

@DropBear @palestine @israel Without a doubt. 😖

jiujensu , to israel group avatar

This podcast is good at making easier to digest, if you're interested--

Up this week is Zionism, Zionist , Balfour, the guy chosen to mess up Palestine, who had previously wreaked havoc in Ireland and denied entry to Jews fleeing the holocaust who were hoping to find refuge in the UK. And Herzl &more stuff.

The Great Revolt: Resistance to Early , parts 1 and 2

@palestine @israel

jiujensu OP , avatar
faab64 , to israel group

Saudi media and other pro Israeli sources blaming Hamas for "not accepting the 'generous' deal".

@palestine @israel

heretical_i , avatar

@faab64 "knows very well" what happened to Rabin.

Not that this genocidal schmuck and yahoo have any real differences.

faab64 OP ,

@heretical_i I honestly don't understand why this POS is not being sanctioned by the world.
Remember many years ago then Jörg Haider was about to become the chancellor of Austria, the whole Europe (and US) went up in arms against him. He was far far less extreme than this POS and other members of Netanyahu's coalition government.

GeriatricGardener , to israel group avatar

“If Gaza Opened Your Eyes To The Empire's Depravity, Make Sure They Stay Open Forever”

by Caitlin Johnstone in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack

@palestine @israel

“All this to say, please please please don’t let Gaza be a one-off in terms of your opposition to the imperial machine. Keep your eyes fiercely trained on its actions after this is over, and help bring as much attention to its crimes as possible. If you’re not sure about a particular conflict that’s in the news there are many great resources available for helping you sort out fact from fiction with regard to the empire and its propaganda spin.

The empire didn’t just start getting crazy and evil with Gaza. It’s always doing things like this. It always lies about them. The mass media always help it lie. Gaza isn’t some aberration in its usual behavior, it’s just more obvious.”

gfkdsgn , to palestine group German avatar

“A recent article in The Times of London, along with UN reports and investigative journalism in independent media, has been undermining Israel’s allegations of an ordered mass rape campaign on October 7. Meanwhile, evidence of mass sexual violence against Palestinians continues to mount.”

Watch and read more about this very brutal and graphic @israel against the female civil population of @palestine here...

gfkdsgn , to palestine group German avatar

“Everything about Israel is fake. It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots. That’s why it cannot exist without being artificially propped up by nonstop propaganda, lobbying, online influence operations, and mass military violence.”

@israel 2 on & @palestine

appassionato , to bookstodon group avatar

Invisible Rulers The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality by Renee DiResta, 2024

An essential and riveting analysis of the radical shift in the dynamics of power and influence, revealing how the machinery that powered the Big Lie works to create bespoke realities revolutionizing politics, culture, and society.


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  • DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    Who supports the Zionist state and why?
    "...the West needs to show why this Israeli state is grotesque and to ask who in heaven’s name still supports them?"


    appassionato , to bookstodon group avatar

    Stories Are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind by Annalee Newitz, 2024

    In Stories Are Weapons, best-selling author Annalee Newitz traces the way disinformation, propaganda, and violent threats―the essential tool kit for psychological warfare―have evolved from military weapons deployed against foreign adversaries into tools in domestic culture wars.


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  • MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

    Today in Labor History June 4, 1943: The Zoot Suit riots began in Los Angeles, with white soldiers attacking and stripping mostly Latino, but also some black, Italian and Filipino youth who wearing zoot suits. They did it in response to wartime propaganda vilifying the wearers of zoot suits as unpatriotic hoodlums. There was a government ban on zoot suits and other long, woolen articles of clothing because of war rationing. Additionally, the LA Times had been whipping up racial tensions by publishing propaganda associating Mexican and Hispanic youth with delinquency, particularly in the wake of the Sleepy Lagoon murder. Race riots also occurred that summer in Mobile, Beaumont, Detroit, Chicago, San Diego, Oakland, Philadelphia and New York City.

    During the Great Depression, the U.S. had deported between 500,000 and 2 million Mexicans. Of the 3 million who remained, the largest concentration lived in Los Angeles. Because of discrimination, many were forced into jobs with below-poverty wages. And then, the U.S. military built a naval academy in the Latino community of Chavez Ravine, further exacerbating tensions.

    Zoot suits (baggy pegged pants with a long, flamboyant jacket that reached the knees) became popular in the early 1940s, particularly among young African American men. It was associated with a sense of pride, individuality and rebellion against mainstream culture. The trend quickly made its way into the Hispanic and Filipino subcultures in southern California. During this time, there was also a rise of pachuco culture among Latin youth. Chicano or pachuco jazz had become incredibly popular. Some of the great Pachuco band leaders included Lalo Guerrero, Don Tosti and Don Ramon Martinez.

    Margarita Engle depicted The Zoot Suit riots in her young adult novel, Jazz Owls (2018), which she wrote in verse.


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  • faab64 , to palestine group

    US State Department official resigns, says US report on inaccurate

    A U.S. State Department official who quit this week said on Thursday her resignation was precipitated by an administration report to that she said falsely stated was not blocking aid to Gaza, prompting her to resign in protest of President Joe 's Israel policy.

    Stacy Gilbert, who served in the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, was a subject matter expert working on the report.

    "There is so clearly a right and wrong, and what is in that report is wrong," Gilbert said in an interview.

    The United Nations and aid groups have long complained of the dangers and obstacles to getting aid in and distributing it throughout Gaza.…

    @israel @palestine

    radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar
    DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    Pandora's box? Interesting analogy.

    When Pandora's box was opened, all the evils of the world were released. Pandora quickly reclosed the box. Only one thing was left behind. Some translations say it was hope. Others, "deceptive expectation".


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