plink , to palestine group avatar
plink OP , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel
Farhad, he was referring to the right-wing Israelis who were attacking the aid trucks.

faab64 ,

@plink oh, my apologies, didn't realize that

plink , to palestine group avatar
InternetDev , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Et les autres problèmes, c'est qu'Israël et ses soutiens ont beaucoup trop tiré sur la corde de l'antisémitsme, mais aussi de ds guerres comme la Lybie, et l'Irak avant, ont rendu méfiants le monde qui ne veut plus être trompé une fois encore.

plink , to israel group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar
plink , to israel group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Macklemore is an antisemite, like you.

plink , to israel group avatar
paninid , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

The evangelicals call this “martyrs bearing witness”

plink , to israel group avatar
dans_root , avatar

@plink @socialmedia @palestine @israel I don’t click Facebook links as a matter of principle. Your post sounds a bit clickbaity tbh. A bit more context than „the shocking truth“ would be helpful.

plink OP , avatar

@dans_root @socialmedia @palestine @israel

Good point - I'll work on that. 🙂

plink , to israel group avatar
tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel yeah, the article was clearer.

tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel

"Approximately 13% of poll respondents in six swing states who voted for U.S. President Joe Biden in 2020 but would not vote for him again said that his foreign policy or Israel's war on Gaza were the most important issues determining their vote."

plink , to palestine group avatar
f800gecko , avatar

@rrb @plink @palestine @israel

Yes, there is so much more to be said

But at least giving a hint and handhold to encourage the doing of a little more “own research” is useful and something not seen much to date.

I wish other news outlets would act accordingly.

LightFIAR , avatar

@rrb @f800gecko @plink @palestine @israel Hamas ❤️ Bibi
yrs, untergruppenführer bengvir

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

That's right @plink. is still functioning and killing JudeoNazis. The Entity is desperate. Like a pouting spoiled child with a broken toy ... if it can't have it will destroy it. They demolished 's civilian airport today. like that mean nothing to these . They need to be destroyed, and they will be. @palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar
barney , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

This is truly disgusting. Utterly sickening.

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@Smith007 I'm familiar with the account and that means I'm even more convinced its garbage. @plink @palestine @israel

Smith007 , avatar
plink , to israel group avatar

As Warns Against Rafah Invasion, Pushes Congress to Support Israel’s Operation

In talking points reviewed by The Intercept, the pro-Israel lobby argues that has “no other option” but to invade .

@palestine @israel

Lassielmr , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel When AIPAC and other lobby groups can fund and influence so many US politicians you are no longer a true functioning democracy.

plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink So Israel's nazis say they'll use 'imprecise missiles', Translated from dialect:
> "We'll kill more civilians if you don't give us weapons to kill more civilians." @palestine @israel

plink , to israel group avatar
FLGLchicago , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel You’re trying to push a claim that Che was not an antisemite? Good luck with that. He only exceeded his antisemitism with his misogyny. Best read up.

plink , to israel group avatar
peterbrown , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel since their prime motive seems to be to make remaining life in Palestine insufferable, merely seeing carefree children playing will be sufficient trigger to blow them all to kingdom come.

And it’s not a war. For a war, you need two sides that are more or less equally matched, both fighting.
It’s a bombardment ending in a massacre, with genocidal intent.

peterbrown , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel “you and your friends went out to play together for the last time and none of you knew it” 😪

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