sarahmatthews , to bookstodon group avatar

Love this! via The Publishing Post |“Emerge, Return, one of the band’s darker albums, embodies the response of two songwriters triggered by the books they have read. These songs have been described by him as inseparable synergy between the story and its reader along with being steered by the journey of the band.

The Bookshop Band was formed when a group of musicians and Mr B’s Emporium of Reading Delights in Bath got together. They respond to the books they read by writing songs and performing for bookshop audiences”


thomas , to Geneadons group avatar

Today's plan was to finally get round to looking up some people in the 1921 Census. I got slightly sidetracked on the first one and ended up researching a cousin who was a professional cellist in Bristol in the 1920s. He was the first Brit to study at the Mons Conservatoire!
@genealogy @geneadons

TheConversationUS , to histodons group avatar

The song ‘Born in the USA’ has been used in iconic – and ironic – ways.

An example is in 1984, when Ronald Reagan used the song in his reelection and announced that Bruce Springsteen and him shared the same American dream. The Boss vehemently disagreed.

appassionato , to bookstodon group avatar

The Science of Music How Technology Has Shaped the Evolution of an Artform by Andrew May, 2023

Music is shaped by the science of sound. How can music - an artform - have anything to do with science? Yet there are myriad ways in which the two are intertwined, from the basics of music theory and the design of instruments to hi-fi systems and how the brain processes music.


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  • aaronesilvers , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar
    TheConversationUS , to histodons group avatar

    On this day in 1984, Bruce Springsteen released “Born in the USA” - a gruff patriotic ballad that was entirely misunderstood by President Ronald Reagan (but Donald Trump is no fan)

    pansytram , to blackmastodon group avatar

    Black Opry, a blog-turned-movement focusing on Black roots musicians, is fundraising to help cover the costs of expanding their work! Please chip in if you're able, and share it around.


    TheConversationUS , to blackmastodon group avatar

    Beethoven is A great composer, but not THE great composer, according to a music professor who believes it’s time to reframe Beethoven’s greatness “within the context of historic ideals of whiteness and patriarchy.”

    “If Americans could acknowledge that our music and music education are deeply rooted in these two ideologies, then we could realize that Beethoven, surely a good composer, was simply one of many.”

    mythopoetica , to AcademicChatter group avatar

    Hi Masto, I'm home. The day began with the wind and rain which had me wanting to listen only to The Cure during my commutes and while I was prepping for class. Can the eyeliner be far behind. I jest. My eyes are far too sensitive for eye makeup these days and all of my fancy eye makeup palettes are going to waste.

    It was an okay day. Another Drama Lab with my Oral Literacy MA Students. Their big project for this semester is connected to The Lady's Not For Burning. My approach to Oral Literacy is Oral Literacy x Pop Culture x Performance Studies. I'm enjoying it! I always enjoy teaching performance as it takes me back to some of those roots (I did two years of a performance studies x literature PhD before I defected fully to lit to be a Gothic scholar)


    booktweeting , to bookstodon group avatar

    “MEKONG DELTA BLUESMAN” Son Vo tells the story of his life both offstage and on. From an early childhood in Saigon to a hardscrabble life in Maine to discovering his gift for music, Vo relates some wild adventures in a voice full of warmth and hope. B PLUS


    TheConversationUS , to histodons group avatar

    The famous song is a send-off fit for a king! It was originally written for the coronation of King Edward VII in 1901, but evolved to be used during ceremonies for accomplished graduates.

    The interesting :


    Ilovechai , to autisticadvocacy group avatar

    When the lyrics give you an appreciation for a genre outside your usual vibe.
    Competing and comparison is a no for me though
    My growth is not replicable or copy-friendly
    I'm powerful beyond measure
    The version of me others created in their mind
    Is not my responsibility
    I normalize saying no when others want too much from me
    I uproot any soul ties of attachment that has held me hostage

    lebelge , to Jazz group avatar
    giorgiolucas , to Fediverse News avatar
    pivic , to bookstodon group avatar

    I've just started reading Kathleen Hanna's autobiography, 'Rebel Girl'. I'm 5% in and it's enthralling, in a few different ways, as you can tell from the quotes.


    I want to tell you how I write songs and produce music. How singing makes me feel connected to a million miracles at once. How being onstage is the one place I feel the most me. But I can’t untangle all of that from the background that is male violence. I wish I could forget the guy who stalked me while I was making my solo record. How he sat on the roof of the building across from mine and looked into my windows with binoculars as I worked. How he told my neighbors he thought I was a prostitute who “needed to be stopped.” I wish I could slice him out of my story as a musician, but I can’t. I also don’t want this book to be a list of traumas, so I’m leaving a lot of that on the cutting room floor. It’s more important to remember that I’ve seen ugly basement rooms transform into warm campfires, dank rock-bro clubs become bright parties where girls and gay kids and misfits danced together in a sea of freedom and joy, art galleries that had only ever showcased white male mediocrity become sites of thrilling feminist collaborations. I also ate gelato on a street in Milan with my bandmates and cried because it tasted THAT FUCKING GOOD. But yeah, there were also rapes and run-ins with assholes who threw water on my shine. I keep trying to make my rapes funny, but I have to stop doing that because they aren’t. I want them to be stories because stories are made up of words, and words can’t hurt me.
    I had hair down to my butt in the second grade, but my mom got sick of washing it, took out her sewing shears, and gave me the ugliest short haircut imaginable.
    My sister was always in trouble, and not just because she was bullied at school and screamed back at men—but because she had a father who stared at her like she was a Playboy Bunny and not his own daughter. When they fought, which was often, it sounded like cats fighting, if the cats were a teenage girl and a full-grown man. All I wanted to do was escape that sound. I spent a lot of time on our front stoop with my hands over my ears, trying to make a facial expression that was the equivalent of writing “help” in a fogged-up window.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    Guitar icon Eric Clapton releases new song accompanied by imagery

    Titled Voice of a Child, video features images of extensive destruction in Gaza, the life of palestinian children images from and pro-Palestinian/Anti-Wad protests around the world.

    It's really sad that YouTube have decided to age restrict the video even though it doesn't have anything violent or graphic to disturb the younger generation, and much less than what they see on TV shows, movies and Video games

    @palestine @israel

    ChasMusic , to linguistics group avatar

    I've been earwormed by this song a lot and I love the translation of the delightful lyrics, but I'm going to write the title as "Gender Queer" going forward as that is more faithful to the lyrics than the literal title "雌雄同體" (by 五月天/Mayday) and the English translation of that phrase is potentially offensive to intersex people.


    livus , to Asklemmy in What some Lemmy communities that are dead or very low number of new posts that you would like to get more active?

    Hey, neat! Thank you! It's an "imagination engine" - the original mod @Arotrios wrote a detailed description here.

    I never really fully got my head around it but it seems to be a combination of art, poetry, music, cinema, mythology, etc and a lot of the posts in it bounce off other posts in it.

    I don't think Lemmy uses hashtags but it still gives you an idea:

    TheConversationUS , to histodons group avatar

    It stands as the crowning achievement of Western classical music.

    200 years ago today, Beethoven premiered his instantly beloved Symphony No. 9 in D minor.

    Widely praised as a groundbreaking composition, the symphony has and continues to influence artists across the cultural spectrum, and to spark joy.

    Tom , to Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community avatar

    Pyrex - Neptune

    Excited for RA!D to open for Pyrex, along with Alement, on Friday in Allentown, PA.

    Absolutely check out Pyrex. Great punk rock band.


    lebelge , to Jazz group avatar
    lebelge , to Jazz group avatar
    lebelge , to Jazz group avatar


    Mário Laginha – piano

    Bernardo Moreira – double bass
    Alexandre Frazão – drums

    (Edition Records 2022)

    lebelge , to Jazz group avatar
    Ilovechai , to autisticadvocacy group avatar
    Ilovechai OP , avatar
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