GeriatricGardener , to israel group avatar

“‘Illusions and Lies’ – Lebanon Denies Telegraph Claims about Weapon Stockpile at Beirut Airport”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff @palestinechron

@palestine @israel

“The Air Transport Union in Lebanon () has refuted The Telegraph’s report alleging that ‘Hezbollah stores missiles and explosives at Lebanon’s main airport,’ criticizing the claims as unsubstantiated.

The UTA dismissed The Telegraph’s allegations as ‘mere illusions and lies aimed at endangering Beirut Airport and its civilian workers, as well as travelers to and from it, all of whom are civilians’.”

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar
zleap , avatar

@the_Cornflower @GeriatricGardener @palestinechron @palestine @israel

And a Terrorist state at least the government the IDF follow orders and the people are caught up in the crossfire

faab64 , to palestine group

They suck fighting in the battlefield and only can win against those with no heavy weapon, no airforce, no navy or air defense. Will their attack against Lebanon teach them a lesson they never forget?

Of course before it happens, uncle Sam. Step dad macron and sugar daddy Schultz will come to rescue in the name of fighting Iran. Hezbollah' have already kicked their ass twice in the past despite Israel destroying Lebanon in revenge, will this be any different?

But for now, all they can do is to post calls for genocide in yet another country in a sick and sarcastic way.

@palestine @israel

marcosantos83 , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel This is a "doctor", imagine what a regular civilian is like.

faab64 OP ,

@marcosantos83 people talk about Israel as the problem is Netanyahu, forgetting that over 40% of Israel are like ISIS and would accept any atrocities against their opponents (not just Palestinians).

faab64 , to palestine group

This is what West is supporting: "In Gaza, if you ask me, instead of taking them to the south, we should have told them to go to the beaches. Then the navy would know how to load them (onto boats). Put them in the refugee camps with their brothers in ... Leave Gaza with nothing in it."

Head of the municipality, a northern Israeli settlement near Lebanon, David Azulay, suggests in a podcast to completely ethnically cleanse Palestinians in Gaza and make it a place "like ."

Video shared on telegram:

@palestine @israel

MissConstrue , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel yeah, people can just stop coming at me when I use the word genocide, when Israelis are calling for conditions in their occupied territories. Tell me again, how they are not the 21st century’s Nazis? Especially given the images of the skeletal starved dead children that have come out of Gaza today. Fuck him.

faab64 OP ,

I just have no words to describe how disgusted I am of those people who still support Israel.

It's just doesn't make sense.
@palestine @israel

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ Smotrich: If Hezbollah Does Not Comply with the Ultimatum We Set, the IDF Must Take Control of Southern Lebanon

During a visit to the North, Smotrich said that Israel should notify that if it does not completely stop firing into its territory and does not withdraw beyond the Litani River - it must launch an offensive in Lebanon that will include a ground incursion, to take over the south of .



TeflonTrout , avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine We should really be delivering our US made arms to the Israeli government in the methods they were designed for

faab64 , to israel group

The Israeli army spox acknowledges that the strategic balloon system has been attacked and damaged

He adds that there is no compromise to the army's abilities to detect incoming missile threats, and that the system was not operational yet

📝 The system was used several times over Lebanon for tests, and its loss is both a financial loss and an even bigger operational one too when it would have been needed most during a serious damage to the army's radar and detection abilities during a big war.

Hezbullah to release footage of its attack on the strategic Israeli army Sky Dew radar.

The remarkable detail is that they were able to successfully fly a drone over the base and take HQ footage of it!

Video available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

propaganda Image of the Sky Dew unit by Israeli defense minister

faab64 OP ,

This is a huge blow to Israeli military and it's iron dome system that was unable to detect and intercept the drone from Lebanon that flew over 34km Into Israel before hitting it's target

radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar
heretical_i , to israel group avatar

"Hours ago, Pro-FSA -n journalists reported that the Defense Forces () started a massive build up on the Border with Syrian Government-held Quneitra on the Israeli side of the

On a video shared by one of them, the buildup of Israeli tanks on their way to the fronts of southern and the Golan Heights is seen.

🔗 Nour Golan (@nourabohsn)"
Source @israel @palestine


Heidentweet , to israel group Dutch avatar

"I want to be clear that everybody who followed this issue from inside the U.S. government—whether it's the military, the intel world, the State Department, USAID—was fully aware of not only everything that was happening in terms of destruction and civilian deaths in Gaza, but also the expected consequences and expected trajectory of the Israeli campaign in Gaza.

What I've told you is not really my unique analysis or has anything to do with my own personal genius judgments. I think they're widely shared, or widely at least understood by everybody who works on this topic professionally. And I emphasize that because I think even in the past month, we've seen demands from our government that the Israelis must have a day-after plan, or that the Israelis still must work towards reducing civilian casualties, or that they must work towards a number of these sort of very basic steps that it was clear nine months ago that they weren't going to do anything about. [...] Anybody could have told you back in October, back in November, that we'd get somewhere like where we are today."

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to palestine group

Israel's foreign minister says 'we are very close' to 'changing the rules of the game' and that in a 'total war' Hezbollah will 'be destroyed' and Lebanon will 'be hit hard'

Dude, you can't destroy tiny while having them surrounded from land air and sea, how the hell are you going to deal with who is significantly stronger, better armed and already kicked your ass twice in the past?

Israel is up for a rude awakening of they are stupid enough to invade Lebanon. Unless US and UK come to their rescue, they face casualties and losses like never before.

Of course they can destroyed Lebanon, because the country is unable to buy air defense or having an airforce, but on the ground, war weary demoralized Israeli military can't win against a group who has been training for this since the last invasion and have already destroyed many of multi million dollar radar and air defense systems of Israel.

I don't want to see a war breaking out between these 2 and have no love for Hezbollah or their allies. But as a defence force, they have all the rights to stand up and fight back agains this out of control rogue nation of mad men.……

@palestine @israel

Sherifazuhur , to israel group avatar
faab64 , to israel group

@palestine @israel

@[email protected]:> ### Hezb-Allah confirmed that they downed another Israeli Hermes 900 drone. The Israeli regime has admited that their drone was downed.

It is the first time in almost half a decade, Israel is facing a resistance with ability to fight back and defend themselves against their overwhelming air superiority. It is funny that Hewzbollah have shot

Lebanon Have The Right To Defend Itself!

faab64 , to palestine group

Israeli right-wing outlets are calling for war in Lebanon after Hezbollah's strikes in northern Israel.

  • "The north is burning, and with it is the Israeli Deterrence Force, and this is a Government without a strategy." – Yair Lapid, Israeli Politician and current Leader of Opposition.
  • "The fires in northern Israel are evidence of bankruptcy and the continuation of the containment policy, and it is time for Lebanon to burn." – Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israeli Minister of National Security.
  • Fires have been spreading massively across northern Israel for the last 12 hours. It has yet to be extinguished.
  • A state of emergency has been declared in northern Israel as a result of the firestorm created by Hezbollah strikes.
  • Israeli Media: 'Hezbollah has created an uninhabitable zone of fire in the North; we must go to war in Lebanon as soon as possible, or the Galilee will be at risk of becoming a permanent no-go zone'

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israeli media reports that 32 fire units have been working to extinguish the flames in northern , but are hampered by poor weather and the sheer size of the .

Videos available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

strikes Israel's Iron Dome

In continued clashes between Israel and the Lebanese resistance force Hezbollah in the south of , Israel's vaunted has been targeted and temporarily disabled.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

According to a Senior Israeli Defense Official, the Order has now been given to the Northern Command and other Forces in Northern to Expand Military Operations against in Southern .

will set the region on fire before leaving office.

This war criminal have to be stopped.

@palestine @israel

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