oatmeal , to palestine group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar


On Monday, the United Nations Famine Review Committee (FRC) published a report on the situation in the northern Gaza Strip, concluding that there is insufficient reliable information to declare a famine. While some Israeli media outlets, including , perceive the report as a net positive for , the conclusion actually highlights the challenges posed by Israel's restrictions.

The FRC's inability to endorse the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) findings stems from the lack of access to Gaza, which prevents the collection of essential data required for its work. This underscores the limitations imposed by Israel's prevention of journalists and international organizations from entering Gaza and evaluating the circumstances on the ground.

Rather than being positive news for Israel, the report underscores the concerning lack of transparency and the inability of independent observers to accurately assess the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Ultimately, this lack of access and information is detrimental not only to the people of Gaza but also to Israel's stated commitment to facilitating humanitarian aid and relief efforts in the region.

[...] Firstly, all stakeholders who use the IPC for high-level decision-making must understand that whether a Famine classification is confirmed does not in any manner change the fact that extreme human suffering is without a doubt currently ongoing in the Gaza Strip and does not in any manner change the immediate humanitarian imperative to address this civilian suffering by enabling complete, safe, unhindered, and sustained humanitarian access into and throughout the Gaza Strip, including through ceasing hostilities. All actors should not wait until a Famine classification for the current period is made to act accordingly.

[...] Secondly, the FRC would like to highlight that the very fact that we are unable to endorse (or not) FEWS NET’s analysis is driven by the lack of essential up to date data on human well-being in Northern Gaza, and Gaza at large. Thus, the FRC strongly requests all parties to enable humanitarian access in general, and specifically to provide a window of opportunity to conduct field surveys in Northern Gaza to have more solid evidence of the food consumption, nutrition, and mortality situation.

[PDF] https://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/documents/IPC_Famine_Review_Committee_Report_FEWS_NET_Gaza_4June2024.pdf


plink , to palestine group
@plink@mastodon.online avatar
plink , to palestine group
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oatmeal , to palestine group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

Define “pariah state”:

[…] Unlike rogue states, pariah states do not have a fixed definition, but only characteristics that indicate possible violations. These include, above all, the production and use of weapons of mass destruction, tolerating terrorism, a lack of freedom of expression and democracy and violations of human rights. Unlike rogue states, a pariah state does not necessarily pose a threat to other states. Instead, the grievances are often directed only against one's own population.



oatmeal OP ,
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

[cont’d] they don’t get it. They really don’t.

From an interview is with Alik Cohen, who is the VP of Sales at the Israeli company (one of the many Israeli companies monetizing the skills and technology developed to maintain Israel’s apartheid regime and occupation), which develops communication products for security forces. Sialynx intended to participate in an arms exhibition in Paris, France.

[…] “People in the industry, as opposed to ordinary people on the street, understand much better what the situation is. That is, within an exhibition like this, the support for Israel is very high. These are people who understand what is happening here, understand what we're dealing with, and many of them view us as the gateway to Europe, as the guardians protecting Europe."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

When Europe's colonial history and interventions in the Middle East is considered, including the consequential role European powers played in establishing as a state on Palestinian land - an action that directly contributed to the displacement of more than 750,000 Palestinians and sowed the seeds for the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict - it becomes highly ironic for Israel to position itself as a "protector" of Europe against Middle Eastern turmoil. Might be cheaper for Europe to force Israel to end the occupation.


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  • oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    Gallant is upset because, apparently, 11 IDF soldiers dead trumps thousands of civilians starving to death. Hopefully the ICJ dossier updates regularly with evidence of intentional .

    "As part of our ongoing efforts to increase the volumes of humanitarian aid entering Gaza and following additional related discussions with the UN and international organizations, starting yesterday (Saturday), a local, tactical pause of military activity for humanitarian purposes will take place from 08:00 until 19:00 every day until further notice along the road that leads from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then northwards... This is an additional step in the humanitarian aid efforts that have been conducted by the @IDF and COGAT since the beginning of the war... We will continue to support humanitarian efforts on the ground."


    [...] Defense Minister Yoav Gallant did not approve the ceasefire, and was not even aware of its existence. It was reported on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that Gallant was angry about the timing of when the announced the ceasefire, because at the end of last weekend it was cleared for publication that 11 fighters were killed in the Strip.


    oatmeal OP ,
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    [cont'd] The IDF rejects the criticism of the political echelon for not knowing: "It was a military decision, made in accordance with directives to increase humanitarian aid" ahead of ICJ hearing on killing of aid workers by IDF)

    The [ rejects the criticism that the decision to have ceasefire hours near the humanitarian corridor in the southern Gaza Strip was made contrary to the position of the political echelon, and that it was a military decision under the authority of the Southern Command General.

    Additionally, the military emphasized that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently instructed the heads of the security establishment to significantly increase humanitarian aid to the Strip, and to allow safer access for aid crews.

    This comes ahead of another discussion expected to take place at the International Court in The Hague and following incidents in which aid workers were killed by IDF fire.


    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    Gallant is upset because, apparently, 11 IDF soldiers dead trumps thousands of civilians starving to death. Hopefully the ICJ dossier is updates on a regular basis with evidence of intentional .

    "As part of our ongoing efforts to increase the volumes of humanitarian aid entering Gaza and following additional related discussions with the UN and international organizations, starting yesterday (Saturday), a local, tactical pause of military activity for humanitarian purposes will take place from 08:00 until 19:00 every day until further notice along the road that leads from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then northwards... This is an additional step in the humanitarian aid efforts that have been conducted by the @IDF and COGAT since the beginning of the war... We will continue to support humanitarian efforts on the ground."


    [...] Defense Minister Yoav Gallant did not approve the ceasefire, and was not even aware of its existence. It was reported on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that Gallant was angry about the timing of when the announced the ceasefire, because at the end of last weekend it was cleared for publication that 11 fighters were killed in the Strip.


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  • oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    : Court orders company organizing arms fair to ban participation of Israelis

    is reporting that a district court in France ordered the company organizing the arms fair, which opens on Monday, to not only ban the participation of Israeli companies - but also Israeli citizens.

    On May 31, the French Defense Ministry instructed Israeli security companies not to participate in the fair amid suspicions of war crimes and genocide committed in the Gaza Strip. As a result, the Israeli pavilion, which was supposed to include 74 exhibitors from Israel, was canceled. However, the organizers informed companies that Israeli citizens would be allowed to visit the fair.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Figures on arms deals with Israel

    The data shows that the UK government continued authorizing the export of military and non-military goods to Israel during this period, despite the ongoing conflict and human rights violations against Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied territories.

    While the document does not provide specifics on the types of military equipment licensed, it notes examples like components for military aircraft, vehicles, naval vessels, helicopters, ammunition, and body armor.

    Campaign groups argue this makes the UK complicit in enabling Israeli actions that may constitute war crimes and violations of international law. However, the UK insists its export decisions are consistent with legal advice.



    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Head of Jenin City: IDF operating in the city with heavy machinery and damaging water, sewage, electricity, and phone infrastructure

    The Head of Jenin City said that forces are operating in the city with heavy machinery, damaging water infrastructure, sewage, electricity, and phone.

    The destruction is said to be widespread, including to private property suhc as shops and vehicles.

    Morning documentation from the city shows roads torn apart by IDF engineering tools, and damage to buildings on those same streets.


    H/t Jack Khouri



    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / WHO says 8,000 children under five suffer from acute malnutrition (1,600 with severe acute malnutrition) in Gaza

    World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on June 12, 2024:


    Catastrophic hunger and famine-like conditions affect a significant proportion of the population.

    Despite food deliveries, there's no evidence that those who need it most are receiving sufficient quality and quantity of food.

    Over 8,000 children under 5 years old have been diagnosed with acute malnutrition, including 1,600 with severe acute malnutrition.

    There have been 32 deaths attributed to malnutrition, including 28 among children under 5 years old.

    WHO has scaled up nutrition services and pre-positioned supplies at key hospitals.

    West Bank:

    Escalating health crisis due to attacks on healthcare and restrictions on movement.

    Since October last year, there have been:

    • 508 Palestinian deaths (124 children)

    • Over 5,000 injuries (about 800 children)

    • 480 documented attacks on healthcare facilities (16 deaths, 95 injuries)

    Clinics operate only two days a week, and hospitals at about 70% capacity.

    Illegal settlements have expanded, impacting access to health services.

    WHO urges all sides to implement the UN Security Council resolution immediately. The best medicine is peace.



    radiofreearabia , to palestine group
    @radiofreearabia@mastodon.social avatar

    8 months of war on the Gaza Strip.

    To put things into perspective:
    The area of the Gaza Strip is 365 km2 (141 sq mi).
    The land area of NYC is 778.18 km2 (300.46 sq mi).


    TruthSandwich , to israel group
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar
    plink , to israel group
    @plink@mastodon.online avatar

    [Bias alert - WaPo usually favors Israel]

    Death toll from hostage rescue adds to legal scrutiny of war

    The daytime raid in the refugee camp freed 4 Israeli hostages and killed at least 274 : Gaza Health Ministry.

    @palestine @israel


    plink , to palestine group
    @plink@mastodon.online avatar
    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Hamas rejects Blinken comments as biased towards Israel

    A senior Hamas official's rebuke of Blinken's comments as "biased to Israel" underscores the an understandable distrust and skepticism that Palestinians harbor toward the U.S. in its explicit alignment with Israel's interests at the expense of Palestinian’s right for self determination. A stark reminder of the power dynamics and inherent imbalance that have perpetuated this decades-long conflict and the U.S.’s contribution to it.​​​​​​​​

    […] "My message to governments throughout the region, to people throughout the region, is if you want a ceasefire, press Hamas to say yes," Blinken told reporters before departing Egypt to visit Israel.

    […] senior Hamas official told Reuters that Blinken's Gaza ceasefire comments were "biased to Israel".



    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    Serbian Arms Fueling War Crimes in Gaza

    Despite calls by UN experts to halt arms supplies over potential violations of international law, an investigation reveals 's state-owned arms company exported millions of euros worth of weapons to Israel in recent months, coinciding with Israeli military cargo flights into Serbia. The arms transfers occurred amid and after a major escalation of violence in Gaza last October, prompting critics to accuse Serbia of being complicit in alleged Israeli war crimes and the mass killing of Palestinian civilians. While Serbia cites these deals as simply advancing bilateral ties with Israel, the sales raise ethical concerns about perpetuating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, flouting international laws, and potentially arming human rights abusers - bringing the unregulated global arms trade itself into question.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    […] But if the February flight earned Serbia half a million euros, two flights in March coincided with an arms deal worth 14 million euros, as Belgrade ignored widespread calls – including one on February 23 by a group of UN experts – for countries to halt the flow of weapons to Israel given the risk of them being used in violating international humanitarian law.

    […] The Serbian government has said nothing about the contents of the shipments, and Serbia's Ministry of Trade rejected a Freedom of Information request filed by BIRN to specify when the export permit was issued and what kind of weapons have been delivered, declaring the information "strictly confidential."

    https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2024-06-10/ty-article-magazine/.premium/during-gaza-war-spike-in-serbian-arms-sold-to-israel-flown-in-on-israeli-military-planes/0000018f-e842-dc46-a5bf-f8c625370000 or https://archive.is/5Nc9f


    TruthSandwich , to palestine group
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar
    plink , to palestine group
    @plink@mastodon.online avatar

    Sets Sights on War Cabinet After Quits

    The leader delayed his departure due to an Israeli military operation that rescued four hostages but killed at least 274 people in and wounded 698

    @palestine @israel

    plink , to palestine group
    @plink@mastodon.online avatar
    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Lindsey Graham: I want them destroyed so they can never come back to hurt Israel or us.

    Graham's comments habitually, and increasingly more nutty, represent the normalization of indiscriminate violence and expose the depravity of U.S. politics. By suggesting should feel free to "do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state," including potentially deploying nuclear hellfire on a civilian population, he has repeatedly dehumanized Palestinians in a way that could greenlight . His eliminationist rhetoric expressing the need to permanently "destroying" Hamas, regardless of civilian cost, is a dangerous xenophobic endgame of his pro-Israel extremism, and a consequence of the media mainstreaming the Israeli occupation for so long that people forget what the Palestinians want and have a right to demand.




    TruthSandwich , to palestine group
    @TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar
    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Israel rescues four hostages in Gaza raid that Hamas says kills 210 Palestinians

    The only thing true from the spox this time, and probably every single time they bragged about killing X “terrorists”, was this:

    […] "We know about under 100 (Palestinian) casualties. I don't know how many from them are terrorists,"


    And the there’s also this:

    Israel, "by committing horrific massacres, was able to free some its hostages, yet it killed some others during the operation," al-Qassam Brigades' spokesperson, Abu Ubaida, said in a statement on his Telegram channel.


    The actress Israeli-Palestinian Lama Tator, who hosts an Arabic culture program on , shared a photo of Argamani after her release from captivity, commenting on appearance after long months in captivity and the massacre the IDF carried out to release her and the others.​​​​​​​​​​​​

    "Are these the faces of a hostage for nine months?" the actress wrote in a story she shared on social media. "Are her eyebrows more groomed than mine? Her skin? Her hair? Her nails? What's going on? And for her they need to kill and slaughter children, women, and innocents?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


    oatmeal OP ,
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    [cont'd] Israel pounds central Gaza as Palestinian death toll in hostage rescue raid rises to 274

    [....] Israeli forces pounded central Gaza anew on Sunday, a day after killing 274 Palestinians during a hostage rescue raid, and tanks advanced into further areas of in an apparent bid to seal off part of the southern city, residents and Hamas media said.


    @israel @palestine

    oatmeal OP ,
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    [cont'd] I Tried, but I Couldn't Feel Happy About Israel's Deadly Hostage Rescuel (Odeh Bisharat)

    How can one rejoice when the price is hundreds of dead?

    [...] Israel's policy is always one of force. After all, for months now, proposals for an exchange of prisoners and hostages have been on the table, but Israel has refused. That's because the man who makes the decisions here, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has an interest in continuing the war.

    [...] His (political) lifeline parallels the war's lifeline. And if, heaven forbid, the war dies down, he'll find himself outside the pages of history. He is living on (and playing for) borrowed time. He disappears when hostages' bodies are found, but races frantically to meet with live hostages who have been freed.

    [...] It's all transparent, and it's all ridiculous, yet people are dancing around him. Isn't it high time to stop this horrifying dance? Just don't ask National Unity Party chairman Benny Gantz that question.

    https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-06-10/ty-article-opinion/.premium/i-tried-but-i-couldnt-feel-happy-about-israels-deadly-hostage-rescue/0000018f-fdc9-d5ad-ad8f-fdc9859f0000 or

    @israel @palestine

    oatmeal OP ,
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    [cont’d] Gaza civilian deaths in Israel's hostage raid may be war crimes, UN says

    […] "The manner in which the raid was conducted in such a densely populated area seriously calls into question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution - as set out under the laws of war - were respected by the Israeli forces," Jeremy Laurence, spokesperson for the U.N. human rights office, said.



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