DropBear , to palestine group
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

"We write in sadness and despair at your government’s failure to condemn openly and persistently the Israeli government’s determination to ethnically cleanse Palestine and to cause brutality, famine, death and destruction to a whole people and their country."

"Reference to Hamas atrocities of October 2023 cannot provide justification for the unhindered genocide committed by Israel in Gaza and on the West Bank. In comparisons of Israel and Hamas, there is no ‘moral equivalence’. Even a cursory reading of history reveals decades of Israeli terrorism and massacres of Palestinians by Israeli forces which far outstrip the Hamas murders of October 2023."


LetsRoc ,
@LetsRoc@mindly.social avatar

@DropBear @palestine @israel
Our gov's response (if they acknowledge it) will be interesting.
I am heartened to read of so many professors and trust, that regardless of our governments actions, you will ensure future generations learn the truth of the Palestinians/Israeli plight.

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Foreign Minister Dr. Naledi Pandor on the indivisible bond of solidarity between South Africa and the Palestinian people, "forged by the crucible of the two nations’ respective liberation struggles."


@palestine @israel

InternetDev ,
@InternetDev@mastodon.social avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Elle mérite un prix Nobel de la paix

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

Jews don’t need to invoke “Jewish values” to justify our work toward Palestinian liberation. In fact, doing so reinforces the very ideology we seek to dismantle.


@palestine @israel

Jeramee ,
@Jeramee@mastodon.social avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

In a recent interview, John Mearshimer agreed with many US politicians that Israel shares US values, with the caveat that those shared values are those of our bigoted past that most of the US has long since abandoned.

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

On the night of March 2 Israel wiped out four generations of my family. I barely survived the slaughter. It is now my responsibility to tell their story.


@palestine @israel

zleap ,
@zleap@qoto.org avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

As with the Nuremberg trials, you and others will one day have your day in court where you can tell your story before a judge and jury. Netenyahu and those responsible will be in the dock.

nus , to palestine group
@nus@mstdn.social avatar

The loosely moderated comment section of can be rather eye-opening.

Now that the UN has ruled, Israel is committing extermination in addition to other war crimes, the comments include

  • against the prosecutor
  • referring to the UN "parasites"
  • a call to "start doing a better job" at exterminating Palestinians

Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/un-probe-accuses-israel-of-extermination-other-crimes-against-humanity-in-gaza/
@israel @palestine

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  • immibis ,

    @nus @israel @palestine The comment section of a lot of Western media is also close to this btw

    mondoweiss , to palestine group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide.


    @palestine @israel

    LukefromDC ,
    @LukefromDC@kolektiva.social avatar

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel Those protesters facing those cops in the photo would benefit from the sort of riot gear we used to use in the Uprising.

    Once things got sustained hot, one crew used to march in DC with a bike line first, then a shield line, then the body of the march, then another shield line, and finally the rearguard bikes. In at least one instance our bikers defeated the bike cops in a skirmish. Cops trying to push in, our bikers held the line. Also note that in a lot of DC actions in 2020, heavy fireworks and powerful lasers gave us an effective air defense and ranged attack/counterattack capability.

    Note that a violent police attack on an encampment was what got the Portland Federal building a window smashing and molotov cocktail attack. They can hurt us, we can hurt them.

    LukefromDC ,
    @LukefromDC@kolektiva.social avatar

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    Also note that cops often think twice about this sort of brutality and torture when they are dealing with armed protesters or those who have an armed security element.

    I know CA and the South are very different, but Stone Mountain, GA provides an example here. The KKK and its friends hold an annual event there. For years the cops and Klan beat up protesters, "working" side by side to do so. Eventually people decided enough was enough. Thing is, Georgia is an open carry state. When some of the protesters showed up with slung AR-15 rifles, the cops lost all interest in fighting and so did the Klan.

    In April 2022 I was there. Instead of random protesters being armed, we had what amounted to an armed security contingent that was obviously one well trained and armed crew that had trained together. They fanned out to cover trouble spots.
    The fash were armed too, but as random armed people, not a trained unit of fighters.
    Result? Zero violence, the whole day turned into a quite literal walk in the park.

    mondoweiss , to palestine group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    There are now two different visions in Israeli politics for how the war should progress. Netanyahu would have the war continue without end, while Gantz would accept a ceasefire but find a pretext to resume the fighting once the captives are released.


    @palestine @israel

    RocknRoll_Papy ,
    @RocknRoll_Papy@mastodon.social avatar

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel
    Le problème dans l'option "cessez-le-feu contre libération des otages", c'est que personne ne pourra jamais plus faire confiance aux israéliens.
    Combien de fois faudrait-il refaire l'expérience du fascisme, encore et encore, avant d'intégrer définitivement le principe qu'il est l'incarnation du mensonge et qu'on ne peut rien négocier avec lui? Les occidentaux et Staline face à Hitler avait au moins une excuse : on n'avait jamais rien vu de semblable auparavant

    faab64 , to palestine group

    A recent has concluded that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza, which include , , and the use of as a method of .

    Not to forget using aid truck as the mean of military operations which is clearly made as a crime in Geneva convention.

    Question is, will it have any impact on the favorable relationship between US, UK and EU with Israel? Or it's going to be one another crimes comitted by Israel that goes unpunished.

    Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2575

    @palestine @israel

    seb_tmg ,
    @seb_tmg@mastodon.cosmicnation.co avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel Breaking laws and getting punished is only possible for countries outside of NATO/EU and if not an USA satalite country.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    Can someone explain to me how you kill 270 people and injured over 600 when your operation was to liberate 4 hostages?

    Why is no one asking this question? How come none of the hostages were injured or killed when such extreme violence was used? Did they kill them after they removed the hostages for revenge?

    Or they had anti bomb shelters when they went in and bombed everything around them before running away with the Israelis? /s

    Is it just me or others think the same?

    @palestine @israel

    FrankFrank ,
    @FrankFrank@newsie.social avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    Hamas’s Yahya Sinwar, "high Gazan death toll is a ‘necessary sacrifice’."


    faab64 OP ,

    @FrankFrank go and fuck yourself genicide supporter.

    mondoweiss , to palestine group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    Israeli soldiers rounded up Ahmad Safi and his male family members in Khan Younis and made them stand atop a sand dune for 12 hours as the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters. This is their story.


    @palestine @israel

    MarianneTiel ,
    @MarianneTiel@mstdn.social avatar
    mondoweiss , to palestine group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    Joe Biden continues to fully support the Gaza genocide because he does not believe it will hurt him politically, and because he has no empathy for the Palestinians. This is the same arrogance that brought down LBJ over the Vietnam war.


    @palestine @israel

    merneptah1209 ,
    @merneptah1209@theblower.au avatar

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    what else have you done for trump and putin today ?

    heretical_i , to palestine group
    @heretical_i@kafeneio.social avatar

    I read early reports they killed three other immigration law violators held by hamas while rescuing the four.

    Oh yeah, and one of the four said, sourced from Haaretz:
    "Rescued -i : 'Our Greatest Fear Was Israeli Planes'"
    @indyradio @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    indyradio ,
    @indyradio@kafeneio.social avatar

    @heretical_i @mondoweiss @palestine @israel The link I used from ABC news didn't express it that way.
    It sounds like the 3 hostages were killed by Israel in a separate effort, but do I know why really happened?

    heretical_i OP ,
    @heretical_i@kafeneio.social avatar

    @indyradio ABC is most likely correct. I believe those 3 were killed during the kibbutz raid early on. Hamas has been giving a count and location, but not names, of other hostages killed by the IDF, via a number of telegram channels. @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    mondoweiss , to israel group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    On June 8, an estimated 100,000 people formed a two-mile “people’s red line” surrounding the White House in Washington, D.C. to protest the genocide in Gaza and the U.S. role in the mass murder of Palestinians.


    @palestine @israel

    RememberUsAlways ,
    @RememberUsAlways@newsie.social avatar


    On October 7th 2023 Terrorists from Palestine attacked a music festival, raping and murdering hostages resulting in the total destruction of Palestine.

    No amount of online propaganda war could make Israel go away.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to palestine group

    The Israeli far-right government has circumvented Israeli laws to facilitate the closure and ban of any journalistic institution that exposes the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation army in Gaza. Extremist ministers are also pushing for the expansion of this law to include the occupied West Bank.

    Do not expect anything other than possibly some empty words from the "world leaders" against these outrageous fascist rules in the "only democracy in the middle east".

    @palestine @israel

    rad ,
    @rad@todon.eu avatar


    Israel is like the throne of shit in the palace made of lies.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to palestine group

    WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

    The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

    D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

    @palestine @israel

    grumble209 ,
    @grumble209@techhub.social avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel Wasn't the world's first man-made nuclear pile created at Univ of Chicago by Enrico Fermi? And now the students and administration say politics is outside the scope of science?

    As much as these chuckleheads need science education, they need history education even more.

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