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  • Netanyahu Vows Continued Gaza Offensive Amid Surging Global Anti-Semitism
  • Over 34,000 Dead in Gaza as Israeli-Hamas Conflict Intensifies; Truce Talks Falter
  • Slovenian Foreign Minister Considers Recognizing Palestinian State, Igniting Diplomatic Tensions

Listen to the 05 PM update of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report here:
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"Huge crowd last night at the service at the UW Madison tent encampment (liberated zone)! Organized by a group of students. Very moving! And a quick transition afterwards in time for the Muslim call for prayer in the same space, beautiful!"

@palestine @israel

RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar

tells to accept ceasefire terms or risk new onslaught ‘in near future’.
Netanyahu refuses demands of permanent ceasefire and also moves to shut down network.


Sherifazuhur , to israel group avatar

Al Jazeera’s pre-recorded ‘final report’ from as ban enacted (this will have not have the effect that ISR desires. Ppl can view repression on social media & other news sites) @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group avatar

The student protests erupting across American universities represent something far beyond a cyclical wave of campus activism. They reflect a profound political crisis that has laid bare the fractures within the Democratic Party.

@palestine @israel

oatmeal , to israel group avatar

/ a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel

Pressure on Israel and Hamas is growing it seems. While Israeli officials attempt to pressure Hamas by warning the the failure to compromise would lead to an immediate invasion of ("This means that an operation in Rafah and in other parts of Gaza will take place in the very near future," Galant), for the first time since October, the Biden administration puts a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel:


faab64 , to israel group

Satellite images show IDF logistics route towards Rafah

For the past five days, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been working on a logistics route that extends on the Gaza side of the border near the former airport towards Rafah.

🔶️ Armored vehicles are visible in the Planet images shared by Jake Godin.

🔶️ The IDF has set up a logistics center at a (new) military base south of this point (31.2118,34.2799).

@palestine @israel

Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.
Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.
Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.
Satellite images of Israel preparation for planned Rafah attack.

plink , to israel group avatar
oatmeal , to israel group avatar

/ Twenty-five people were arrested at the University of Virginia after police clashed with anti-war protesters who refused to remove tents from campus

On Saturday, police wearing heavy gear and holding shields lined up on campus in Charlottesville University police declared an "unlawful assembly" in the area

[...] In Ann Arbor, the protest happened at the beginning of the event at Michigan Stadium. About 75 people, many wearing traditional Arabic kaffiyehs along with their graduation caps, marched up the main aisle toward the graduation stage. They chanted “Regents, regents, you can’t hide! You are funding genocide!” while holding signs, including one that read: “No universities left in Gaza.”


flawed , to israel group avatar

Placing the blame where it belongs

Not Nethanyahu, not Hamas, its Israeli society which is the guilty party for everything that's going on.

Nethanyahu is the product of the uncontested fascism that pervaded that society since its inception.

Hamas is the product of the level of vileness that society condoned & incentivised since this settler colony's birth thru ethnic cleansing.

Those trying to push the blame onto Nethanyahu by making this disingenuous argument

Israeli are victims of Nethanyahu

Gazans are victims of Hamas

are simply trying to give cover for the rotten culture & crimes normalised in that rotten society (yes thats what it is now).

Its true that State, Capital, Fascism, Empire, and other intersecting systems of domination are responsible too, but those cannot take away the guilt of society that consciously chosing to dehumanise & dispossess.


Since my argument has the likelihood of being misconstrued as something else, I just want to emphasise, a society doesn't imply every person in society. I am only speaking about what a large section of tolerates & perpetuates.

Every society has good & bad people, but when speak about societies we are speaking about the dominant culture, never individuals — as I am sure there are many good people even in a society as rotten as Israel.

Our society is quite rotten (closeted-Israel) & we are as capable of & in some places are as rotten as them — as we are no different, but we are not yet at their level only due to historical coincidence, not because non-Israeli societies are any better. We all are vulnerable to the same pulls & pushes of societies we inhabit.

@palestine @israel

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  • Escalation in Israel-Hamas Conflict: Over 34,000 Killed in Gaza, Anti-Semitic Incidents Surge Globally
  • Israeli PM Netanyahu Rejects Hamas's Terms for Ceasefire, Cites Security Concerns
  • Rocket Attacks from Lebanon Intensify; Israeli Air Strikes Target Rafah Amid Rising Tensions

Listen to the 08 AM update of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report here:
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So called "leadership"

Another BS agreement being celebrated from UC Riverdale as "deal" with literally no tangible commitment on anything.

Please stop celebrating so called "deals" achieved thru "peaceful negotiation" unless you see the actual text.

If PR precedes the actual details, agreement is likely to be BS. If "deals" are agreed through closed door negotiation ­— as opposed to publicly contested & voted, they are guaranteed to be dogshit.

The culture of so called "leadership" (self-appointed/imposed) exists to usurp/sell off agency of others. If one is not aware of tactics of ruling class, they will simply waste the leverage they have outside by falling for trickery & sign on something with closed door so called "leadership" negotiation i.e professional managerial class (PMC) trickery.

Text of the so called "concession" is below.

The substantive part is:

We will form some BS committee with no actual commitment.

This is the "deal" people are celebrating. Completely unserious stuff.

If you agree to simply accept whatever your opponent places on table, not what you want, you will always get a "deal" — however shit it is.

Full text of agreement:

The signatories agree to the following amended terms:

  • All currently public information on UC’s investments will be posted to the UCR campus website. It will continue to be updated as the UC releases more information. The goal is to get full disclosure of the list of companies in the portfolio and the size of the investments.

  • The UCR Administration agrees to form a task force that includes students appointed by ASUCR’s Diversity Council and faculty appointed by the Academic Senate to explore the removal of UCR’s endowment from the management of the UC Investments Office, and the investment of said endowment in a manner that will be financially and ethically sound for the university with consideration to the companies involved in arms manufacturing and delivery. The goal of this task force is to produce a report to present to the UCR Foundation Board of Trustees by the end of Winter Quarter 2025. The task force will be formed by the end of the Spring 2024 quarter.

  • Commitment to bimonthly meetings with the AVC of Auxiliary Services and an ongoing review of Sabra Hummus consistent with existing product review processes until we can find a resolution.

  • The School of Business has discontinued Global Programs in Oxford, USA, Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel.

  • UCR will modify its approval process for all study abroad programs to ensure compliance with UC’s Anti-Discriminatory Policies.

Other relevant analysis:

Agreement source:

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  • Global Uprising: Students Worldwide Protest Israel's Actions in Gaza
  • Hamas Agrees to Release Israeli Hostiles Amid Global Student Demonstrations
  • Police Crackdown on Campus Protests in Multiple Countries as Biden Urges Calm

Listen to the 05 PM update of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report here:
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