plink , to palestine group avatar
William_The_Dragonborn , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel The problem isnt Israel, it is jews.

ViXY_DBC , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

ICC never indicted anyone in the west. This is first time it tries.

Blame "law-makers" all you want, they are just following the truth: ICC is suppose to be a tool for them, it never had any credibility to begin with.

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ US House passes Republican bill to sanction International Criminal Court over Israel

the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Republican-backed bill aimed at sanctioning the ICC over its investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Israel in the Palestinian territories. The bill, which still needs to pass the Senate and be signed into law, has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the U.S. commitment to international justice.


oatmeal OP , avatar

@trdebunked did you see the title “Illegitimate” “Court Counteraction Act” 🙄 Freudian almost


trdebunked , avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine

i mean theres almost no line between government and propaganda at this point. its all murder, blackmail and gaslighting.

JapanProf , to palestine group avatar

Netanyahu’s Mafia State—by Haaretz Editorial
Netanyahu used Mossad to spy on and to threaten prosecutors.
The Natanyahu government also went after Haaretz. I will post a few articles from Haaretz in this thread. @israel @palestine

faab64 ,

What is amazing is that liberal Americans who pretend to be against everything Netanyahu and his fascist cabinet members are doing, still support Israel unconditionally.

They are all PEFP, progressive except for Palestine.
@palestine @israel

figstick , to palestine group avatar
immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick I think he'd rather that everyone who would vote for Biden didn't vote at all. This is a way to be MAGA without overtly being MAGA.

immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick The American people so have a choice btw: 2 genocides or 4. It would be silly to blame them for the 2 they have no choice not to vote for. It would be completely alright to blame them for the other 2, if the election decides they should occur. And it would be downright evil to suggest that voting for 4 by default is better than voting for 2 by active action.

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ Child of Famed Jewish Family Funded Pro-Palestinian Protests

A significant amount of funding for anti-war activist groups involved in recent campus protests in the U.S. has come from the , controlled by Rachel Gelman, a 33-year-old from a prominent Jewish-American family.

The most revealing aspect of this story is the involvement of the Israeli-funded 'Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.' Insisting that criticism of Israel's policies equates to antisemitism is a flawed tactic that will inevitably backfire. Labeling anti-war protests as merely "pro-Palestinian" or "anti-Israel" is a pathetic tool to dismiss their motivations, especially in light of the and findings.


InternetDev , avatar

@oatmeal @palestine @israel

La France a profité de loi débiles EU pour interdire des conférences sous prétexte que l'Allemagne avait interdit Ghassan Abu Sitta (Recteur d'université de l'Université de Glasgow) et Yanis Varoufakis.
Ghassan Abu Sitta
Recteur d'université de l'Université de Glasgow

MMRnmd , avatar


Couldn't agree more.
Historically, the first and most dedicated opponents to Zionism have always been Jewish, as far as 1902.

I've made the movie "Israelism" available on my Peertube channel, and as of today, 4 month later, 3.8k people have watched it.

Simone Zimmerman has a tremendous courage, I respect her so very much to go on with her fight despite all the hate and threats she's been subject to.

@oatmeal @palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

Video Headlines: ICC arrest warrants, fighting in north Gaza, and a whistleblower on Palestinian prisoner abuse.

@palestine @israel

jake4good , avatar
Mary625 , avatar

@zeev2 @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

Can't handle the truth I see

plink , to palestine group avatar
knowprose , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel I wish I had written that. An appropriate level of moral venom injected surgically, not with the broad brush so many paint with.

We did, apparently, forget.

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

"There is no equivalence between the organisation and , we have made it really clear in condemning the actions of Hamas on October 7, we have made it very clear we want to see hostages released, and we want to see the Israeli response comply completely with international humanitarian law," Mr Chalmers said.


JoCzechowska , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel The ICC does not claim equivalence, merely that both have cases to answer. Isreal could start their own internal inquiry instead.

RememberUsAlways OP , avatar


...while the in die

I'm sure no one would notice if the started taking hostage and sending in Christian martyrs to Iran.
@palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar
fedwards9965 , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Said like this is new behavior 🤣

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ Prosecutor asks for arrest warrants for three leading Hamas leaders, as well ass Netanyahu and Galant

[...] The office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Monday said it was seeking arrest warrants against three leading Hamas militants for their alleged roles in the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Watch: ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan explains the charges against top Hamas and Israeli leadership in detail in this excerpt from his interview with @amanpour this morning at The Hague


ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan explains the charges against top Hamas and Israeli leadership in detail in this excerpt from his interview with @amanpour this morning at The Hague.

ManyRoads , avatar

@DropBear @ViXY_DBC @palestine @israel @oatmeal

I am happy to report the garbage I see... being old, cranky and all. I am not shy, and I hate being put upon by spammers.😜

oatmeal OP , avatar

[cont’d] Hungary says ICC warrant against Israel's Netanyahu 'unacceptable'

[…] "It is wrong to use a court as a political tool, and it should not be forgotten what led to what is happening in Gaza, and that is a ruthless, dishonest and vile terrorist attack on Israel," he said.

How not even ironic coming from a Hungarian official, given their shared passion with Israel for undermining the judiciary and targeting NGOs and civil society. But hey, at least and can count on the support of their neo-fascist pals.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


amnogues , to anthropology group Spanish avatar

Question for law scholars:

The can issue for signatories countries an arrest warrant on because it has jurisdiction over international crimes committed in since 2012


If doesn't recognise the , its territory isn't included in the jurisdiction, and the crimes of Hamas where carried out there, then how can the issue a legally binding arrest warrant on Hamas leaders?



rodlux , avatar

@boud @amnogues @Lassielmr @academicchatter @politicalscience @geopolitics @sociology @anthropology the must arrest them, otherwise they are as much a pariah as Russia and now Israel.

amnogues OP , avatar

Thank you very much for the screenshot. The paragraph b) is undeniably clear and my question is solved 😎

The recognises Palestina as a State and, hence, it can issue an arrest warrant on Hamas leaders independently where did they committed the crimes👏

@IanSudbery @jpreisendoerfer @academicchatter @politicalscience @geopolitics @sociology @PoliticaConC

plink , to palestine group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar
Jennifer ,

@plink @palestine @israel he evidently didn't bother to read the ICC statement. It didn't use the word genocide. I did read it, and it sounded pretty straightforward and accurate to me.

faab64 , to palestine group

It's not going to happen, but it's a step towards the right direction.

Judging by the way charged , every ranking military serving in Gaza to be charged with , just like they did with those in and .

But sadly, just and were those they could dare charging.

@palestine @israel

bifouba , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel I'm not sure and can see how one might make the opposite argument: it's good that they did not "bad apple" the Israeli crimes by charging some specific Israeli soldiers with documented blood on their hands, but by charging Netanyahu and Gallant, they clearly signalled that the crimes are deliberate policy. Which is much more valuable support for the parallel ICJ process too.

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar
JoostThissen , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel

If you would replace 'Palestine' by Hamas, you would be right: Palestinians are not doing harm to anyone.

RememberUsAlways OP , avatar


The hostages are in Palestine. All Palestinian civilians are responsible for the safety of the hostages.

@palestine @israel

rachel_a , to israel group avatar

on trial?
This is not what the organises. Its role is to establish the law.

A halt of invasion?
In 2022, the ICJ issued a condemnation on the invasion, to no consequence.
Kate Ferguson: “Will it be enough to stem the tide of atrocity crimes? No, of course not.” @israel

Another legal route is the :

rachel_a OP , avatar
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  • rachel_a OP , avatar

    "’s foreign intelligence agency, ran its own parallel operation which sought out compromising information on [the court’s preceeding chief prosecutor] Bensouda and her close family members in an apparent attempt to sabotage the ICC’s investigation. The agency’s former head, Yossi Cohen, personally attempted to “enlist” Bensouda and manipulate her into complying with Israel’s wishes […] causing the then-prosecutor to fear for her personal safety." @israel

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