paninid , to histodons group avatar

Hi, it’s me, I’m the problem, I know


joshua , avatar
WhiteCatTamer , avatar

@paninid @histodons “Did you know that Romans used a sponge on a stick after pooping?”
“…and what will the lady be having this evening?”
“The check.”
“You haven’t ordered anything…?”

historyshapes , to Comic Strips avatar
bionicjoey ,

"it was a rich and flourishing culture, but all anyone ever seems to remember are the societally sanctioned grisly murders"

MisterNeon , avatar

The featherwork art produced was amazing.

TheVulgarTongue Bot , to histodons group avatar

SPUNGE. A thirsty fellow, a great drinker. To spunge; to eat and drink at another's cost. Spunging-house: a bailiff's lock-up-house, or repository, to which persons arrested are taken, till they find bail, or have spent all their money:

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • GoblinQuester , avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons Spunge, pretty sure Jack Vance used that … or it just sounds like something he would’ve liked. It is a good sounding one.
    Spunge .. spunge!

    TheVulgarTongue OP Bot , avatar

    @GoblinQuester @histodons I think we still say that someone "sponges off" a rich person?

    TheConversationUS , to histodons group avatar

    In 1942, Japanese Americans were rounded up and sent to internment camps because of hyped up fears of ‘disloyalty’.
    In 1944, thousands of young Japanese American men were drafted out of those camps and sent to fight for democracy.
    Despite this, they fought gallantly, earning more than 14,000 medals.
    Then veterans faced more prejudice when they returned home

    peihuaku , avatar

    @TheConversationUS @histodons After World War II the French persisted with what can only be called fake history or national amnesia in which their collaboration during the 1940-1944 German Occupation and the outrages of the Vichy Government under Marshall Phillippe Pétain were suppressed if not forgotten. Paris was very slow to understand that it lost stature after WWII because of its complicity and collaboration during the Occupation and that the center of the art world had shifted to New York to which many artists and dealers had emigrated in response to French behavior during the Occupation. SCHWARZ | The Magic of Paris and Dark Side of Paris

    peihuaku , avatar

    @TheConversationUS @histodons @geographile How Hawaii’s Japanese Population Was Spared Internment During World War II Sometimes it is not the path history takes but the one not taken that teaches the most important and enduring lessons.

    emdiplomacy , to Historikerinnen group avatar

    10 Jean-Claude Waquet: Continuous Change, Final Discontinuities: the Development of French Diplomacy (1/6)

    @historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

    emdiplomacy OP , avatar

    @historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

    He argues that continuously changed over the centuries, which can be seen as a sign of modernisation.
    While was originally regarded as part of a more general service to the king, it slowly developed into a more specialised field of activity. From this the need to a much more profecient education of arose. (3/6)

    emdiplomacy OP , avatar

    @historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

    However, these changes were not introduced against, but within the existing system, often by those in charge. Therefore, elements of a more professionalised system co-existed with patronage relations. Waquet argues that we should speak of “a gradual internal transformation rather than of a permanent conflict between old and new”. (4/6)

    SallyStrange , to blackmastodon group avatar

    Since people are talking about Kent State, Ohio, 1970, it's a good time to talk about Jackson State, Mississippi, 1970.

    Similar situation, except there was no active protest, just a bunch of students hanging out. The mayor of Jackson declared a riot and called in the pigs. Someone threw a glass bottle, not at the pigs, but they still opened fire. Phillip Gibbs, a student at Jackson State, and James Green, a high school student who was walking home from his job, were murdered by cops. Many others were wounded.

    Left: photo of James Earl Green, age 17

    Right: photo of Phillip Gibbs with his wife, Dale

    @histodons @blackmastodon

    Sepia-toned photo of a couple in a casual seated pose, looking towards the camera. She is on the left, nearly sitting on his lap, smiling, wearing a dark knee-length dress with buttons up the front and a wide collar, holding a white purse. Her hair is straight, shoulder-length, curled at the end, with bangs. He is wearing light-colored slacks and a boldly patterned shirt, like a Hawaiian shirt, and has his arm around his wife. His hair is short and his expression is more curious than friendly.

    MisterWanko , avatar

    @SallyStrange @histodons @blackmastodon so we're bringing back "pigs"?

    LilyoftheRally ,

    @MisterWanko @SallyStrange @histodons @blackmastodon I get the point, but calling cops "pigs" is insulting to pigs.

    Tinido , to histodons group German avatar

    needs your help! Bartmann / Bellarmine jugs were made in a very specific region of the rhineland between 1500 -1750 to be exported to England & the Netherlands. With colonial expansion they've found there way across the globe. Now an international research projects seeks to establish a comprehensive history & typology of the jugs. So if you have seen one of those shown in the Wanted Foto attached, get in touch with the researchers!

    ClaireFromClare , avatar

    @Tinido I have just reported to the researchers that we found several beardman jugs on the wreck of the VOC ship Avondster, which sank in Sri Lanka in 1659:


    kris_inwood , to geography group avatar

    Black-white differences in intergenerational mobility contributed to dramatic fluctuations in occupational segregation in the US 1880-2020, according Gueyon Kim at the 2023 SSHA meeting in Washington DC. Sophisticated joint work w Steve Durlauf, Dohyeon Lee & Xi Song
    @economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @inequalityecon

    Black-white differences in occupational segregation are related to differences upward social mobility by Gueyon Kim

    kris_inwood OP , avatar
    TheVulgarTongue Bot , to histodons group avatar

    BLIND CUPID. The backside.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


    EventsOfTheDay Bot , to histodons group avatar

    Events for the 4th of July from Wikipedia:

    • 1832: Durham University established by Act of Parliament; the first recognized university to be founded in England since Cambridge over 600 years earlier.
    • Birth (1951) of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, American lawyer and politician, 6th Lieutenant Governor of Maryland

    TheVulgarTongue Bot , to histodons group avatar

    HUBBLE DE SHUFF. Confusedly. To fire hubble de shuff, to fire quick and irregularly. OLD MILITARY TERM.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


    phistorians , to histodons group avatar

    The details of the lower panels of the Ara Pacis are spectacular. The scrolling patterns of the acanthus foliage first catch the eye, but animals are hidden within and the panels are framed by more floral scrollwork and an intricate meander pattern. Beautiful!

    @histodons @antiquidons

    TheVulgarTongue Bot , to histodons group avatar

    TRUNK. A nose. How fares your old trunk? does your nose still stand fast? an allusion to the proboscis or trunk of an elephant. To shove a trunk: to introduce one's self unasked into any place or company. Trunk-maker like; more noise than work.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • EventsOfTheDay Bot , to histodons group avatar

    Events for the 3rd of July from Wikipedia:

    • 1767: Norway's oldest newspaper still in print, Adresseavisen, is founded and the first edition is published.
    • Birth (1977) of David Bowens, American football player
    • Death (1985) of Frank J. Selke, Canadian ice hockey player and manager (b. 1893)

    haikushack , to photography group avatar
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