plink , to israel group avatar
arh ,

@VoxClamans @plink @palestine @israel Except for propaganda purposes? Interesting.
Quoting the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide", the official document that defines genocide, Article II:
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

You piece of human crap. I'm not asking you to change your views, I'm asking you to stop presenting lies as facts.

TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Hamas lied about the casualties. We all know this, even you.

GeriatricGardener , to israel group avatar

“HOW MAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORES UK MILITARY SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL: Britain does much more than simply sell weapons to Israel, but you wouldn’t know it from watching the BBC.”

by Des Freeman in Declassified UK @Declassified_UK

@palestine @israel

“But there’s another side to the problem of the media: the stories that are not covered and the uncomfortable truths (for Israel and its supporters) that are not acknowledged.

This is particularly the case when it comes to the issue of how the UK military has contributed to Israel’s assault on Gaza.”


“The failure of the mainstream media to address the genocide in Gaza is all too clear when looking at the euphemistic language they use and the sources they highlight.

But we also have to look beneath the surface: to the stories that the media choose not to pursue because that would draw attention to the complicity of all those at the heart of the British establishment who have helped to facilitate the war crimes currently taking place in Gaza.”

MotherOfMercy , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @Declassified_UK @palestine @israel Britain was more or less responsible for the creation of Israel after World War II.

faab64 , to palestine group

I'm so sick and disgusted by these people.

It's just really hard to understand.

How can they be so evil?

@palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,

@faab64 @palestine @israel perhaps start by considering that it's unlikely that Quentin Tarantino considers himself or his actions as evil?

riggbeck , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

And there I was, thinking that all the violence in his films (which I thoroughly enjoyed) was purely ironic.

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

Gallant is upset because, apparently, 11 IDF soldiers dead trumps thousands of civilians starving to death. Hopefully the ICJ dossier updates regularly with evidence of intentional .

"As part of our ongoing efforts to increase the volumes of humanitarian aid entering Gaza and following additional related discussions with the UN and international organizations, starting yesterday (Saturday), a local, tactical pause of military activity for humanitarian purposes will take place from 08:00 until 19:00 every day until further notice along the road that leads from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then northwards... This is an additional step in the humanitarian aid efforts that have been conducted by the @IDF and COGAT since the beginning of the war... We will continue to support humanitarian efforts on the ground."

[...] Defense Minister Yoav Gallant did not approve the ceasefire, and was not even aware of its existence. It was reported on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that Gallant was angry about the timing of when the announced the ceasefire, because at the end of last weekend it was cleared for publication that 11 fighters were killed in the Strip.


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  • oatmeal OP , avatar

    [cont'd] The IDF rejects the criticism of the political echelon for not knowing: "It was a military decision, made in accordance with directives to increase humanitarian aid" ahead of ICJ hearing on killing of aid workers by IDF)

    The [ rejects the criticism that the decision to have ceasefire hours near the humanitarian corridor in the southern Gaza Strip was made contrary to the position of the political echelon, and that it was a military decision under the authority of the Southern Command General.

    Additionally, the military emphasized that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently instructed the heads of the security establishment to significantly increase humanitarian aid to the Strip, and to allow safer access for aid crews.

    This comes ahead of another discussion expected to take place at the International Court in The Hague and following incidents in which aid workers were killed by IDF fire.


    faab64 , to palestine group

    Can you blame them?

    They know that the words of US and Israel is not even worth a dog fart so they want to sign an agreement with international backers in order to have some kind of guarantees. Not that any of those countries will lift a finger to help the Palestinians when (not if, but when) Israel breaks the agreement.


    tadbithuman ,

    @skippy442 @faab64 @palestine @israel

    Except the Houthis of Yemen.

    skippy442 , avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel
    we are in agreement and I share your disgust. even the Mastodon "community standard" gestapo are breaking for Israel. I get rather rude with some of the zionists and they "tell mom about my being rude." can't win but biden knows how I feel with his material support of inhumane terrorism.

    nus , to palestine group avatar

    The loosely moderated comment section of can be rather eye-opening.

    Now that the UN has ruled, Israel is committing extermination in addition to other war crimes, the comments include

    • against the prosecutor
    • referring to the UN "parasites"
    • a call to "start doing a better job" at exterminating Palestinians

    @israel @palestine

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  • immibis ,

    @nus @israel @palestine The comment section of a lot of Western media is also close to this btw

    faab64 , to palestine group

    The Israeli far-right government has circumvented Israeli laws to facilitate the closure and ban of any journalistic institution that exposes the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation army in Gaza. Extremist ministers are also pushing for the expansion of this law to include the occupied West Bank.

    Do not expect anything other than possibly some empty words from the "world leaders" against these outrageous fascist rules in the "only democracy in the middle east".

    @palestine @israel

    rad , avatar


    Israel is like the throne of shit in the palace made of lies.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to palestine group

    WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

    The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

    D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

    @palestine @israel

    grumble209 , avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel Wasn't the world's first man-made nuclear pile created at Univ of Chicago by Enrico Fermi? And now the students and administration say politics is outside the scope of science?

    As much as these chuckleheads need science education, they need history education even more.

    DropBear , to israel group avatar

    "Next month, the world will turn its eyes to the Olympics in Paris.

    36,000 of those who could be watching with us from Gaza are dead. Children who once dreamed of competing have had their limbs torn from them."


    Uneek , avatar

    @DropBear @palestine @israel Beautiful picture !

    DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    From a 93 year old (old enough to have lived through the times of the Holocaust and the founding of Israel) Jewish Australian:
    "The impression I formed then, and which has been confirmed by subsequent events is that there was and is a deep, shared psychosocial illness infecting Israel but not Jews more generally."
    "Let’s not confuse and generalise the attitude I and others have identified as underlying the conflict between Israel and Palestine with being anti-Semitic. This blurring of a clear boundary has been used inappropriately and misleadingly by many."
    "... the human slaughter in Gaza and the enormous waste of resources on armaments to further that genocide could be stopped by refusing any more aid to Israel."


    DropBear OP , avatar

    The indoctrination is alarming @NickSchwanck and sadly few manage to deprogram themselves.

    A recovering Zionist speaks:
    "I have been grieving deeply not just since last October, but ever since I woke up to the reality of what Israel is, and what it stands for."
    "The Palestinian people did nothing wrong. Their ‘big crime’, for which they are being eliminated is that they happened to live on the land that the Zionists coveted for an exclusively Jewish ghetto state."

    @palestine @israel

    NickSchwanck , avatar

    @DropBear @palestine @israel My ex was never the sharpest tool in the shed. She's deeply right-wing. Migrants are to blame for everything.

    figstick , to palestine group avatar

    I'm so fed up with mods falling for the "holocaust inversion" bullshit, I'm going to start reporting all apologist posts as "supporting violent ideologies."

    @israel @palestine

    GM7077 , avatar

    @figstick @israel @palestine I should do the same tbh

    DropBear , to palestine group avatar
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  • Uneek , avatar

    @DropBear @Uneek @palestine @israel Yes! What I don’t like about this ordeal is the fact that too many politicians have wasted precious time talking & holding meetings. We need to see action being displayed. If other countries or nations don’t want to stand up for what is right then what exactly are they willing to stand up for? My Goodness Gaza is only so big & I am sick & tired of read articles or news reports of innocent people dying who had nothing to do with the conflict .

    DropBear OP , avatar

    They were so quick to act on unsubstantiated (and evidently false) Israeli allegations against UNRWA @Uneek
    The ICJ finds a prima facie case of genocide against Israel and our government does nothing. Something is rotten in the state of Australia.

    @palestine @israel

    DropBear , to palestine group avatar

    "The Maldives is a tiny Islamic republic of more than 1,000 strategically located coral islets, known for its secluded sandy white beaches, shallow turquoise lagoons and Robinson Crusoe-style getaways."


    MMRnmd , avatar
    faab64 , to palestine group

    Right wing Israeli media now accuse of being 'antisemitic' for giving the the speech on a Saturday, the Shabbat (rest day) for Jews, because and his allies cannot respond to the speech for the next 24 hours

    Hey, Americans, just shot up and send another $10B check to Israel plus 100s of cargo planes full of weapons.

    @palestine @israel

    tzafrir , avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    What I see here is accusation that he is "coward". Well, this coalition keeps trying to force the Shabbat on all of Israelies and claim that it is a good thing (see deputy minister Makleb's words recently). Well, either do work at Shabbat or shut up. You can't force the whole world.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    This is what West is supporting: "In Gaza, if you ask me, instead of taking them to the south, we should have told them to go to the beaches. Then the navy would know how to load them (onto boats). Put them in the refugee camps with their brothers in ... Leave Gaza with nothing in it."

    Head of the municipality, a northern Israeli settlement near Lebanon, David Azulay, suggests in a podcast to completely ethnically cleanse Palestinians in Gaza and make it a place "like ."

    Video shared on telegram:

    @palestine @israel

    MissConstrue , avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel yeah, people can just stop coming at me when I use the word genocide, when Israelis are calling for conditions in their occupied territories. Tell me again, how they are not the 21st century’s Nazis? Especially given the images of the skeletal starved dead children that have come out of Gaza today. Fuck him.

    faab64 OP ,

    I just have no words to describe how disgusted I am of those people who still support Israel.

    It's just doesn't make sense.
    @palestine @israel

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