Barros_heritage , to histodon group Spanish avatar


“Arolsen Archives remembers the Nazi persecution, the Holocaust and the consequences of the crimes. The basis of this work are millions of documents about the victims of National Socialism.”


kenthompson , to bookstodon group avatar

Artist compiles 1,984 copies of Orwell’s 1984 on the small island where he wrote it, commemorating 75 years of publication.
That this story is timeless tells us something about our world.
Via @guardian

faab64 , to israel group

The crackdown on Columbia University students by the NYPD was spearheaded by Rebecca Weiner, who is a faculty member of the school. Weiner, a Columbia professor, heads an NYPD intelligence division that operates an office in Tel Aviv.

Weiner attributed the need for the violent raid to the students' rhetoric.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Dr. Ghassan Abusita, English-Palestinian:

  • Charles de Gaulle Airport authorities prevent me from entering France even if I give a speech in the Senate today.
  • The airport officials told me that has banned me from entering Europe for a year.

@palestine @israel

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History May 2, 1919: Soldiers of the Freikorps murdered Gustav Landauer, anarchist, pacifist, and Education Minister, in the short-lived Bavarian Workers Republic. The Freikorps were right wing veterans of World War I. Many went on to become Nazis. Landauer believed that social change could not be won solely through control of the state or economy, but required a revolution in interpersonal relations. "The community we long for and need, we will find only if we sever ourselves from individuated existence; thus we will at last find, in the innermost core or our hidden being, the most ancient and most universal community: the human race and the cosmos." Landauer’s grandson is the acclaimed film director, Mike Nichols (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, The Graduate, Catch-22, Carnal Knowledge, Silkwood). British writer Philip Kerr wrote the novel, “Prussian Blue,” in which Hitler is one of the Freikorps militants who murdered Landauer.


stina_marie , to horror group avatar
MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History April 30 1945: Eva Braun and Adolph Hitler committed suicide, in Berlin, after being married for less than 40 hours. Many Nazis were tried, convicted and executed. And literally thousands were secreted into the U.S., given false identities, and put to work as spies, intelligence officers, informants, and rocket scientists in the Cold War. Some of them had even been high-ranking Nazi Party officials, secret police chiefs, and heads of concentration camps. In fact, during the first few years after WWII ended, it was easier to get into the U.S. as a Nazi than it was as a Jewish concentration camp survivor. There were policy makers in Washington who said the Jews shouldn’t be let in because they’re “lazy” and “self-entitled.” For more on this sordid history, read “The Nazis Next Door
How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men,” By Eric Lichtblau.


DropBear , to israel group avatar

Had Israelis not revealed their true selves, then your hasbara might stand a better chance of deceiving me @fuller
From their actions it's quite clear that, for Israeli Zionists, "chosen people" is an expression of racial superiority. Zionist Israel has far less in common with Judaism than it does with Nazism.

Israeli Zionism is perversion. It twists aspects of Judaism. Yarden Katz puts it better than I can:

@ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @gee8sh @palestine @israel

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  • DropBear OP , avatar

    A word from a Jewish Australian:
    “Seeing what has happened to Gaza since October 7 has been heartbreaking, honestly, and I’m so ashamed, I’m so ashamed. Because it’s being done in my name.”
    @ThinkIsrael @fuller @Mary625 @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    DropBear OP , avatar

    Already happening @KarunaX
    But he's not alone. The number of Jewish Australians who recognise that Israel is an abomination is growing.

    For those who might not be able to access ABC iview, here's the program on youtube:
    @ThinkIsrael @fuller @Mary625 @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    Mary625 , to israel group Dutch avatar

    @sean122 @ThinkIsrael @tzafrir @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @PeterLG @gee8sh @palestine @israel

    Yeah, good response. Keep excusing genocide. Awesome position to have

    DropBear , avatar
    DropBear , avatar

    The Uzi is a military weapon @rato The image posted by @KarunaX is actually quite revealing. It illustrates the indoctrination of Israeli youth into a militaristic culture. What else their indoctrination involves, I shudder to think.

    @HeavenlyPossum @ThinkIsrael @KarunaX @hanscees @gee8sh @sentient_water @tzafrir @argumento @israel @palestine @Mary625 @PeterLG

    DropBear , avatar
    info , to histodons group avatar

    Daghe adosso, Nino!

    An Austrian admiral giving orders in Venetian, in a naval battle against Italy, which eventually led to Venice becoming Italian

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