OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
@OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

The Wizard's Scion centers on the life of a great wizard's son as he grows from a teen with barely any control over his magic to a powerful wizard that's master of arcane secrets all his own. Follow his adventures as he grows to maturity, both in magic and in life experience.



queerscifi , to lgbtqbookstodon group
@queerscifi@mastodon.otherworldsink.com avatar

Today's review! The Sorrow Passage by Jeremiah Cain:

"The whole series is fantastic, and transports you beyond imagination. The Sorrow Passage is a part of the new novel At the Crosswords of Thorns, another fantastic addition to the series... n outstanding story that keeps you in suspense until the very end."


@lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon

jwilker , to bookstodon group
@jwilker@wandering.shop avatar

Last chance to score 200+ really great SF/F books from 181 authors. Time to stock up for beach/pool/campsite/cozy couch reading! I know I did!



OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
@OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

Levi mourns the recent loss of his parents, but old enemies of his father refuse to give him the time to grieve.

A deposed price with a time machine seeks the throne of a vast, star-spanning empire, scouring history for allies to strike at Levi's father in the past, when he's vulnerable.



pretensesoup , to Romancelandia group
@pretensesoup@romancelandia.club avatar
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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Born of human heart and mind,
    The Gods thought man blind:
    Science stole man’s heart,
    Forcing Gods to depart.
    A refuge built, a new home made,
    Which man did invade!
    The Four Horsemen rise,
    For man’s action wasn’t wise!
    The Gods may be forgotten,
    But a war has man begotten!



    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebook in exchange for honest reviews!

    Pick up your free copy of Troll Song with the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Troll Song is the story of a teenage troll that touches the mind of a dwarf, coming to realize her family is evil. Follow her journey from darkness to light as her sister continually chases her, for the sake of revenge!



    booktweeting , to bookstodon group
    @booktweeting@zirk.us avatar

    ELEGANT VARIATIONS ON FAIRYTALE themes with dystopian undertones and a poetic, distinctive voice. Enchanting in every sense of the word. B PLUS



    lorywidmerhess , to bookstodon group
    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Facebook actually tried to censor one of my books! Can you believe that? Has this happened to anyone else?

    In my case, it seems to come down to their software being unable to tell the difference between political satire and pushing a fake political candidate.

    Their software made the decision! So dumb!

    Here's my promo page for the book in question, if you're curious: https://owentyme.us/books/ashen-blades/demon-for-president.html


    The cover of Demon for President!, illustrated by Ryan Johnson. (Foreground) Two blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall and slender brothers of German descent, shaking hands, facing the viewer for what could almost be a photo-op. Their clothing is clean. The one on the right is in a gray suit and red tie, matching his Republican affiliation. He wears a "Snake Pride" pin on his lapel and round-framed, brass Windsor glasses. He smiles somewhat evilly. The one on the left wears a black suit and blue tie, matching his Democrat affiliation. He wears a "Tyme to Vote" pin on his lapel and somewhat more modern glasses than his brother, though still brass. His expression if more serious and stern, without a smile. (Background)At the bottom of the frame, seen between the brothers, a modern city of skyscrapers is in flames, belching out large plumes of smoke! The light from the fires is so intense, the two brothers are outlined in its glow. At the top of the image, the flag of the United States waves. It's been splashed with blood, while smoke and sparks from the fires rise past it.

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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Facebook actually tried to censor one of my books! Can you believe that? Has this happened to anyone else?

    In my case, it seems to come down to their software being unable to tell the difference between political satire and pushing a fake political candidate.

    Here's my promo page for the book in question, if you're curious: https://owentyme.us/books/ashen-blades/demon-for-president.html


    The cover of Demon for President!, illustrated by Ryan Johnson. (Foreground) Two blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall and slender brothers of German descent, shaking hands, facing the viewer for what could almost be a photo-op. Their clothing is clean. The one on the right is in a gray suit and red tie, matching his Republican affiliation. He wears a "Snake Pride" pin on his lapel and round-framed, brass Windsor glasses. He smiles somewhat evilly. The one on the left wears a black suit and blue tie, matching his Democrat affiliation. He wears a "Tyme to Vote" pin on his lapel and somewhat more modern glasses than his brother, though still brass. His expression if more serious and stern, without a smile. (Background)At the bottom of the frame, seen between the brothers, a modern city of skyscrapers is in flames, belching out large plumes of smoke! The light from the fires is so intense, the two brothers are outlined in its glow. At the top of the image, the flag of the United States waves. It's been splashed with blood, while smoke and sparks from the fires rise past it.

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  • etaski , to fantasy group
    @etaski@mastodon.online avatar
    etaski , to fantasy group
    @etaski@mastodon.online avatar

    Welcome to C.L. Cannon’s &

    Click & scroll down to discover 100+ free, discounted, &


    Enter for your a Kindle Fire, a one-month gift subscription to Owlcrate, and a $10 Starbucks gift card!

    @bookstodon @bookstadon @sffbookclub @fantasy @scifi @sffbipoc @ttrpg @horror @romancelandia @lgbtqbookstodon @paranormal

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  • ablueboxfullofbooks , to kidlit group
    @ablueboxfullofbooks@bookstodon.com avatar

    Percy Jackson meets Arabian fairy tales in this stunning middle grade fantasy debut about a girl who becomes the guardian of Ali Baba’s legendary treasure.

    @bookstodon @mastodonbooks @books @mglit @kidlit @littlefreelibrary

    janbartosik , to fantasy group
    @janbartosik@witter.cz avatar

    THE PRINCE OF NOTHING series by R. Scott Bakker


    No idea how this amazing trilogy have eluded me for 2 decades!

    "The best epic fantasy book I have read in a while. Tons of names, tribes, nations, cities, countries, factions, individuals clash in a massive once-in-a-millennium undertaking. What more does a bookworm need? Simply top-shelf stuff, imho. "

    @bookstodon @fantasy @knihy

    RanaldClouston , to bookstodon group
    @RanaldClouston@fediscience.org avatar

    The shadow of New Crobuzon hangs very heavily over this story of socialist agitation in a magical steampunk city. I found this readable but not compelling. Some nice scraps of worldbuilding - why aren't there more minotaurs in fantasy? - but the characters didn't pop for me. @bookstodon

    AsteriaPress , to bookstodon group

    Hi! If you’re new here, we are Asteria Press — a start-up indie press dedicated to cosy fantasy.

    🌟 We are currently OPEN for submissions until the end of JUNE. If you are a budding fantasy writer with a story to share, we want to hear from you! 🌟

    Head over to our website (https://www.asteriapress.com/submissions ) to check out our submission guidelines 💙


    AsteriaPress , to bookstodon group

    ⭐ Don't agonise over perfection – the odd typo won't make us hate an excellent story. Remember, publishers are looking for a sturdy foundation they can build upon. Your manuscript does not need to be publish-ready — it’s our job to get you there! So if you find yourself reading and re-reading your manuscript for the 999th time to catch those typos and to correct that formatting, it’s probably time to submit? [4/4]


    AsteriaPress , to bookstodon group

    ⭐ Send us your best — If your manuscript isn’t ready to be submitted yet, we would strongly advise waiting until it is. Whilst publishers are not looking for a perfect manuscript, your submission will be assessed for writing quality and potential. Making sure your project is finished, and has been through a few rounds of feedback and edits will increase your chances of success. [3/4]


    AsteriaPress , to bookstodon group

    ⭐ Be honest and genuine – we want to know you as well as your book! If a publishing house accepts your manuscript, you'll be working together for a year so it’s important that you are the right author for the imprint culturally and professionally. Be honest and let your personality shine through in your cover letter, you never know what might resonate with your potential publisher. [2/4]


    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    I've got six novels out that have very few or no reviews, so I'm running a short-term Ebook giveaway through Jun 30th.

    Use the code ''P6YFQ' to get my books for free via the smashwords store: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/OwenTyme

    Please post your reviews to one or more of the following sites:


    sawilsonpoet , to bookstodon group
    @sawilsonpoet@mastodon.social avatar

    I’ve been reading the Chronicles of Narnia (publication order) for the first time since I was a child. I’m currently on The Magician’s Nephew, the part where the talking animals plant Uncle Andrew because they think he’s a tree. Ends with “and now on to more important things”. Meanwhile I studiously kill each and every one of my darlings in drafts of fantasy novels hoping against hope one day they’ll be published. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😭 @bookstodon

    queerscifi , to lgbtqbookstodon group
    @queerscifi@mastodon.otherworldsink.com avatar

    QSFer Jeremiah Cain has a new MM epic fantasy book out, The Encroaching Chaos book 3 (bi, gay): At the Crossroads of Swords.

    Enter a world of magic and war, where empires rise and fall by the clashing of swords. From the dark empire of Tridual, young soldier Adratus must set out to navigate ...


    @MMbookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon

    oarditi , to bookstodon group
    @oarditi@mastodon.social avatar

    ‘The Invention of Morel’ (1940) by Adolfo Bioy Casares is usually classed as ‘literary fiction’ (whatever that means), but for me it’s an exemplary piece of fantastika.



    booktweeting , to bookstodon group
    @booktweeting@zirk.us avatar

    HIGH TECH AND HOODOO and the powers of love, art, and community are mighty weapons in this unique adventure set in a near-future dystopian Massachusetts. Rich with the Afrofuturist spirit of funk and beautiful evocations of nature. B PLUS



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