plink , to israel group avatar
dans_root , avatar

@plink @socialmedia @palestine @israel I don’t click Facebook links as a matter of principle. Your post sounds a bit clickbaity tbh. A bit more context than „the shocking truth“ would be helpful.

plink OP , avatar

@dans_root @socialmedia @palestine @israel

Good point - I'll work on that. 🙂

plink , to palestine group avatar
barney , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

This is truly disgusting. Utterly sickening.

OwenTyme , to bookstodon group avatar

Facebook actually tried to censor one of my books! Can you believe that? Has this happened to anyone else?

In my case, it seems to come down to their software being unable to tell the difference between political satire and pushing a fake political candidate.

Their software made the decision! So dumb!

Here's my promo page for the book in question, if you're curious:


The cover of Demon for President!, illustrated by Ryan Johnson. (Foreground) Two blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall and slender brothers of German descent, shaking hands, facing the viewer for what could almost be a photo-op. Their clothing is clean. The one on the right is in a gray suit and red tie, matching his Republican affiliation. He wears a "Snake Pride" pin on his lapel and round-framed, brass Windsor glasses. He smiles somewhat evilly. The one on the left wears a black suit and blue tie, matching his Democrat affiliation. He wears a "Tyme to Vote" pin on his lapel and somewhat more modern glasses than his brother, though still brass. His expression if more serious and stern, without a smile. (Background)At the bottom of the frame, seen between the brothers, a modern city of skyscrapers is in flames, belching out large plumes of smoke! The light from the fires is so intense, the two brothers are outlined in its glow. At the top of the image, the flag of the United States waves. It's been splashed with blood, while smoke and sparks from the fires rise past it.

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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group avatar

    Facebook actually tried to censor one of my books! Can you believe that? Has this happened to anyone else?

    In my case, it seems to come down to their software being unable to tell the difference between political satire and pushing a fake political candidate.

    Here's my promo page for the book in question, if you're curious:


    The cover of Demon for President!, illustrated by Ryan Johnson. (Foreground) Two blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall and slender brothers of German descent, shaking hands, facing the viewer for what could almost be a photo-op. Their clothing is clean. The one on the right is in a gray suit and red tie, matching his Republican affiliation. He wears a "Snake Pride" pin on his lapel and round-framed, brass Windsor glasses. He smiles somewhat evilly. The one on the left wears a black suit and blue tie, matching his Democrat affiliation. He wears a "Tyme to Vote" pin on his lapel and somewhat more modern glasses than his brother, though still brass. His expression if more serious and stern, without a smile. (Background)At the bottom of the frame, seen between the brothers, a modern city of skyscrapers is in flames, belching out large plumes of smoke! The light from the fires is so intense, the two brothers are outlined in its glow. At the top of the image, the flag of the United States waves. It's been splashed with blood, while smoke and sparks from the fires rise past it.

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  • plink , to palestine group avatar

    below - screenshot of a post from on

    "Standing Together is a grassroots Jewish-Arab movement fighting for peace, equality and social justice in Israel-Palestine." - from their FB site.

    @palestine @israel

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  • appassionato , to photography group avatar
    plink , to israel group avatar
    plink , to israel group avatar

    "Huge crowd last night at the service at the UW Madison tent encampment (liberated zone)! Organized by a group of students. Very moving! And a quick transition afterwards in time for the Muslim call for prayer in the same space, beautiful!"

    @palestine @israel

    plink , to israel group avatar
    plink , to israel group avatar
    plink , to israel group avatar
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