nus , to palestine group avatar

Casual reminder: Sometimes disguises itself as .

Case in point: is a Hitlerite. She's made this clear since 2019 when she said initially " just wanted to make Germany great."

She was fired from the because she was too extreme even for them.

And here's , recently fired from the Hill, jumping on her stream to discuss how criticizing Israel gets you canned.

@liveposting @israel @palestine

nus OP , avatar

The top comment from 8 days ago, with 2.9k likes, displays the really clearly.

Today, this comment has been scrubbed from the video so I had to reconstruct it from a live stream (so that's why it looks pretty janky).

@liveposting @israel @palestine

km , avatar

@nus @liveposting @israel @palestine

>Sometimes disguises itself as .

sometimes it disguises itself as

>The Israeli government's alleged collaboration with antisemitic politicians abroad has been criticized as a manifestation of Zionist antisemitism, in that it seeks to highlight Jew-hatred in order to provide further incentive for Jewish immigration to Israel. In this context, anti-Zionists have criticized the Zionist movement's alleged complicity with or capitulation to antisemitism since it gained traction in the 19th century, and some anti-Zionists have also categorized Zionism as a form of antisemitism. The Austrian-Jewish anti-Zionist writer Karl Kraus regarded antisemitism as the "essence" of the Zionist movement and used the label "Jewish antisemites" to describe Jews who identified as Zionists.

nus , to palestine group avatar

It's important to never use bigoted phrases, even if unintentional.

and are war criminals; and it's fine to call Biden bloodthirsty - but you should never say it about Netanyahu, or any Jewish leader.

When the phrase "bloodthirsty" is leveled at conservative Christians, it has no meaning. But when speaking about Jews specifically, it evokes blood libel accusations, it's a reference to centuries-old :

@israel @palestine

km , avatar

@nus @israel @palestine

in the Hebrew Bible:

"Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, desolation and destruction are in their paths."

"The way of peace they know not, and there is no right in their goings; they have made them crooked paths, whosoever goeth therein doth not know peace."

(Isaiah 59:7-8)

km , avatar
nus , to palestine group avatar
nus OP , avatar
AnonymooseGuy , avatar

@nus @israel @palestine
These are my people

TruthSandwich , to israel group avatar
immibis ,

@TruthSandwich @plink @palestine @israel Why does your side kill hostages and free terrorists, then? I thought I blocked you and your whole Nazi site, did you change domain?

TruthSandwich , to palestine group avatar
omar_bayramoglu , avatar

@TruthSandwich @plink @palestine @israel And you're pro blood cult thirsty cheering to nuke Gaza?

Is that old man how you describe? Obviously. Please don't lump me with that idea. They is only him. ✌️

DropBear , avatar

@TruthSandwich is a troll. He proved so obnoxious that no other Mastodon instance would put up with him. He had to start his own instance. The fact that he could do that implies financial (and probably political) backing.

Don't waste your time. Just block and move on.

@plink @palestine @israel

DropBear , to palestine group avatar

Israel makes the Jews of the world less safe. Jews, and the world in general will be safer when Israel no longer exists.

"... in a rare moment of intelligible thought, Frydenberg states “there are sections of the community which see people of the Jewish faith as being synonymous with Israel”. But no sooner does he say this than he returns to the very conflation of Jews and Israel which causes this form of antisemitism to flourish.

By allowing this deceit to continue, Albanese’s Labor Party is going down a dangerous path of curtailing freedom of expression, fomenting hatred of Jews, and confusing the concept of antisemitism amid a very real fight against genuine anti-Jewish racism. "


Uneek , avatar

@DropBear @palestine @israel Great article !

DropBear , to palestine group avatar

As I see it, the danger in accusing everyone who disagrees with Israel of antisemitism is that Jews will be conflated with Israel and thus viewed as genocidal.
"Jews in Australia deserve real data collected on real antisemitism. They deserve factual information on fascist and neo-Nazi threats. How do Jews otherwise inform themselves and keep their communities safe, when self-appointed community leaders offer nothing but bullshit, hyperbole and conflation of anti-genocide protests with antisemitism?",18647


kolev , avatar

@Salvo @DropBear @palestine @israel

Actually, German Jew-haters invented the term to make the old term, Judenhass/Jew-hatred, sound more scientific and respectable.

Salvo , avatar

@kolev @palestine @israel
And similar like “Gay” and “Queer”, the term was co-opted by the victims of this discrimination.
Ironically, it was then co-opted by the Zionist schisms of Christianity and Judaism to quash criticism of their discriminatory behaviours towards other semitic cultures.

plink , to israel group avatar
dans_root , avatar

@plink @socialmedia @palestine @israel I don’t click Facebook links as a matter of principle. Your post sounds a bit clickbaity tbh. A bit more context than „the shocking truth“ would be helpful.

plink OP , avatar

@dans_root @socialmedia @palestine @israel

Good point - I'll work on that. 🙂

plink , to palestine group avatar

Why Opposition to is Not Antisemitism

article contains links to a statement by over 1,000 [ professors opposing equating with . Also contains link to a statement by Jewish students of with the opposite position]

@palestine @israel

InternetDev , avatar

@tromo @plink @palestine @israel

Not necessarily Zionists but also evangelists who are Zionists by proxy but as the Nazis expected their death

Smith007 , avatar
CitizenWald , to histodons group avatar

Historian here.

This sort of thing--increasingly common--is not helpful to your cause. The more so as we mark V-E Day and the defeat of .

Jewish students had put forward a motion stating that they deserved full rights in the ANU--and supporting a two-state solution

@histodons @worldwarshistory

student in hoodie puts index finger below nose to imitate Hitler's mustache
student saying Hamas deserves our unconditional support
student refusing to condemn Hamas, and saying support for it must be unconditional

Legit_Spaghetti , avatar

@CitizenWald @histodons @worldwarshistory It should take less than 5 seconds of introspection to realize what a fucked up and intentionally hateful, bigoted gesture this is. The fact that these protesters couldn't even muster that much effort speaks volumes about how rotten parts of this movement are.

saunders ,
plink , to israel group avatar

from Dreams
800+ Professors Urge Biden, Senate to Oppose 'Dangerous' Bill

"Criticism of the state of Israel, the government, policies of the Israeli government, or ideology is not—in and of itself—antisemitic" says letter

@palestine @israel

MarkRNay , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel of course not. That does not stop the Israelis from using that slur to quash dissent

radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar

A highly advanced military is bombing tents in a refugee camp! This is what passes as moral and civilized to some!

@palestine @israel


nicholas_saunders ,
SunWukong , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @radiofreearabia @palestine @israel The tunnels can be like the ones in Gaza or they are what we call "the logic path" to reach everything, since we need some sort of "tunnel" to focus on any subject.

That is why and how, academic and scientists do, when ignoring what can have a relation but is not included in some subject.

Nordic and Egipts talk about using symbols to talk with "god". If we are talking about the Abrahamic religions, we ignore that knowledge.

faab64 , to israel group

arrested a Jewish man holding a banner "Jews Against " and confiscated his banner.

Isn't that ? Preventing the free speech of a Jewish citizen on broad daylight like this?

Video on :

@palestine @israel

Quutamo , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

We live in terrible terrible times, that I've got this "is the thought- police watching?" Feeling, before like or repost things like this. 😞

faab64 OP ,

They are counting on it
@palestine @israel

RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar

You simply sound ignorant if your concern is for civilian casualty while ignoring the held hostage in Palestine.

Giant gap in your reasoning. Mostly from deep feelings of .


somekindahate3 , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel These are the words of a racist fascistic idiot that does not understand the difference in order in magnitude between the two, nor how the hostages are held to stop genocide that precedes taking hostages taking for decades. Fascists playing the victim only incur further scorn and violence.

RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar

A marcher wears a yellow badge appearing to resemble those the Nazis forced Jews to wear as a demonstrator raises a Palestinian flag
Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted a remembrance march to honour the victims of Nazi atrocities at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Jules Koifman, a Canadian living in London who attended the march, said: “Pro-Palestinian protesters here at the Yom HaShoah ceremony – it’s really disgusting.


argumento , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel

Why would you find protesting a genocide on the date we remember a genocide disgusting? What is disgusting is that it's happening again.

Snowshadow , avatar

@RememberUsAlways This is not acceptable!!!

@palestine @israel

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