nicolewolverton , to bookstodon group avatar

There's a giveaway brewing (1 copy of A Misfortune of Lake Monsters) at this stop on the AMOLM virtual tour at Fire & Ice Reads--plus a list of some of my favorite "scary things in the water" novels!


beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar
beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

Today's comes from by :

“There is safety in reserve, but no attraction. One cannot love a reserved person.”

(Response: See, I don't buy this. Mr. Lisa is a reserved person but full of passion underneath. Wasn't Darcy reserved and Elizabeth still loved him?)


nicolewolverton , to bookstodon group avatar

8 days til pub day, the AMOLM virtual tour has begun, & I'm starting to organize all the book swag in my house for the onslaught of upcoming in-person events. If you're interested in a deleted scene from AMOLM and a BOOK GIVEAWAY, head over here:


beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

Today's comes from :

"If you don't love another living soul, then you'll never be disappointed.”


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18+ Montaagge , to bookstodon group avatar

I took my own approach to reading the Horus Heresy books where I read the White Scars books first because the White Scars are cool. I enjoyed them, they were good books.

But this lured me into a space of reading the first two Horus Heresy books and I very much regret that. I cannot imagine getting through False Gods and then intentionally reading Galaxy in Flames.


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golgaloth , to bookstodon group avatar

New book, coming soon!

Sign up to be kept in the loop, and get a free short story!


beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

The Literacy Foundation is asking the public to vote on the short story compeition! There are three finalists. Voting ends at midnight GMT (7 pm EST) in TWO DAYS (june 21)!

You can read online or download the entries. More details can be found 👉🏻


beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

Registration for AGM opens TODAY! This year, the theme is “Austen, Annotated: 's literary, political, and culturual origins." The event is held in Cleveland, OH on October 18-20.


beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

Everyone! The program for has arrived! Events begin Saturday July 13 at 5 a.m. EST (12 a.m. UTC). These ARE on YouTube so you don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn! :)

All events are free!

Topics include: Music in ’s life; Hallmark’s Austen Loveuary; Comparing 2005 to 1995 adaptations; and and the .


hawksquill , to bookstodon group avatar

Book 23 of 2024: Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble

2.75 stars

I expected this to be a cute romance in a charming setting, but this was...not that. The protagonist's anxiety was extreme to the point that I found the book stressful to read. It felt like the central romance was fundamentally incompatible; they spent most of the book upsetting and talking past each other. The bake-off theme was also pretty underutilized, in my opinion. I like to imagine that behind the scenes, those cozy baking shows are friendly and collegial, but the producers in the book were portrayed as mean and predatory.

I was really expecting some low-intensity fluff, so I'm pretty disappointed. It was fairly well-written, it just didn't feel like a romance novel to me.

Continued from this annual reading thread on my old instance:


hawksquill OP , avatar

Book 24 of 2024: Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

4.5 stars

I picked this one up because I enjoyed Station Eleven, which means I went in knowing basically nothing about the plot or premise. Honestly I think this is the best way to experience a book like this.

The mystery unfolded like a puzzle, no less enjoyable when it became a little predictable by the end. I loved many of the characters and settings, particularly the lunar colonies and the parts clearly inspired by Mandel's experience writing a book about a pandemic shortly before an actual pandemic.

I admire her lyrical prose and very effective use of spec fic to explore some thought-provoking themes. It actually felt quite similar to Cloud Atlas in scope and structure. And similarly to David Mitchell's books, there's apparently quite a bit of crossover between this book and Glass Hotel. I'll have to read that soon!

There's going to be a joint Sea of Tranquility/Glass Hotel adaptation with the same creative team who adapted Station Eleven. That's one of my favorite TV shows of all time, so I am incredibly excited.


beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar
beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

The Literacy Foundation is asking the public to vote on the short story compeition! There are three finalists. Voting ends at midnight GMT (7 pm EST) on June 21.

You can read online or download the entries. More details can be found 👉🏻


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ergative , to bookstodon group avatar

I'm reading through the Clarke Award nominees, and I'm getting very tired of all the wallowing in dystopian futures that have been constructed solely to indict the trajectory of the present.

Like, I get it, SF is and has always been political. And that's fine! But can we please have a STORY as well? And fewer footnotes referencing Supreme Court case outrages?


gimulnautti , to bookstodon group avatar

When any cognitive beliefs resist disproof by evidence, they are not factual beliefs.

They are secondary cognitive attitudes backed up by religious credence or political fervour.

The backing of the attitude in this case is strong enough to hide/normalise the split and oscillation between factual and imagined reality.


Neil Van Leeuwen
Religion as Make-Believe: A Theory of Belief, Imagination, and Group Identity

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beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar
beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

is a FREE virtual con about all things i. It is happening July 13 - 14 via YouTube. For more information, visit


dbsalk , to bookstodon group avatar

Something a little different this week: after finishing Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin, I'm pivoting hard to The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean. I didn't love Tales of the City, and I think a large part of that had to do with Maupin's narration: for me, his North Carolina accent didn't translate well to a character driven story set in 1970s San Francisco. Hoping the next book will taste better (pun intended). 😂


Cover for The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean. Cover shows a silhouette of a woman and boy cut from the pages of an open book, looking up at a tall apartment building also rising up from the pages of the same open book. A light is on in one of the windows of the apartment building. "Innovative, unique, and poignant... I devoured it in one sitting. - James Rollins

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  • janbartosik , to fantasy group avatar

    THE PRINCE OF NOTHING series by R. Scott Bakker

    No idea how this amazing trilogy have eluded me for 2 decades!

    "The best epic fantasy book I have read in a while. Tons of names, tribes, nations, cities, countries, factions, individuals clash in a massive once-in-a-millennium undertaking. What more does a bookworm need? Simply top-shelf stuff, imho. "

    @bookstodon @fantasy @knihy

    beexcessivelydiverting , to bookstodon group avatar

    The Literacy Foundation is asking the public to vote on the short story compeition! There are three finalists. Voting ends at midnight GMT (7 pm EST) in EIGHT DAYS (June 21)!

    You can read online or download the entries. More details can be found 👉🏻


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