jiujensu , to israel group
@jiujensu@mas.to avatar
@ViXY_DBC@mastodon.social avatar

@jiujensu @palestine @israel Funny no MSM touches this object, whatsoever.

And gave an award for doing just that: pushing propaganda.

jiujensu , to israel group
@jiujensu@mas.to avatar

1/2 🎧5-4 supreme court podcast on the anti- genocide campus protests and free speech - lawyers talking about laws.

One of the hosts or creators of the pod, who also got arrested at one of the protests, tells exactly how it happened. Absolutely wild. They discuss campus events first and mostly, the law as it relates (and doesn't) .

Campus Protests and the First Amendment   

#FreePalestine #apartheid #palestine #gaza #genocide  
@[email protected] @[email protected]
jiujensu OP ,
@jiujensu@mas.to avatar

2/2 cont'd
A guy the police told to disperse the protesters did as requested, turned around to tell cops he told the crowd and was tackled to the ground like he'd tried to take their gun or something.

Riannon was zip tied - one LEO asked what's she arrested for and another LEO calls back he "heard" she was fighting. Later the scene repeated and it was unlawful assembly or something. Entirely arbitrary.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

The Israeli military have started it's ground offensive against Rafah by the border of Egypt by air, artillery and tanks.

There are reports of heavy bombings and classes by the border, with no reaction from the Egyptian military despite loud warning about such acts just a few weeks ago.

@palestine @israel

GhostOnTheHalfShell ,
@GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

💀 (extreme profanity)

faab64 , to israel group

Going through my social media, it seems like Gaza doesn't even exist.

It's all about student protests and police brutality in US.

In the mean time, the stories of Maas Graves, mass execution of healthcare staff and mutilated bodies of palestinians in Khan Yunis have all but disappeared from the news.

No news about starvation.
No news about murder of aid workers by IDF.
No news of bombing tent cities with fire bombs.
No news of Netanyahu ignoring the peace proposal.
No news that Biden keep sending weapons and money to Netanyahu.

I guess it's good that we see the student protests are spreading, but it should not be forgetting WHY they are protesting and what over 2 million Palestinians in Gaza are forced to live every day.

@palestine @israel

zentinel17 ,
@zentinel17@masto.ai avatar

Personally i feel its because some of the protesters are there just for themselves and others wanting to feel better by thinking their group is helping.

Change do to protests takes years. History is clear on this.

So please march, Hold up signs, Hold speeches and Write your politician.

Just don't scare off the people you need to convince by doing big acts, thinking one act will stop it all.
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

This is a headline from 10 years ago.

“UN condemns Israeli attack on sleeping children”.

Ten years ago, Israel slaughtered over 2,200 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 500 children.

10 years ago.

Don’t let Israel gaslight you into thinking this began on October 7th.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Where are the coward Western leaders when this Israeli KKK minister is mocking the world like this?

Israel's finance minister, Bezalel , announces that the Israeli security and political cabinet has approved the imposition of new sanctions on the Palestinian Authority, including the legalization of 5 (illegal) outposts and the convening of the Supreme Planning Council to build thousands of settlement units.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Every freaking day we hear, read or see outrageous criminal acts by the occupation forces of IDF.

And every day disgusting leaders of the world ignore these atrocities and the media help to cover them up and then a few days later everyone forget about those and IDF does another outrageous criminal act with total impunity and absolute no fear of ever being held accountable.

@palestine @israel


oatmeal , to palestine group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ Hamas' complete defeat - and then Gaza's rehabilitation

is publishing a disturbing proposal written by some Israeli academics and “policymakers,” who are promoting the establishment of a system of governance in Gaza that eerily resembles US's failed state-building experiment in , or more closely, the apartheid-era Bantustans of South Africa. The working paper was allegedly already read by government officials.

The paper is titled "From a murderous regime to a moderate society". It was written by four Israeli academics, and reviewed by members of the Military Intelligence Directorate and the War Cabinet. Its authors state that there is a need for Hamas' "complete defeat" - which, in their opinion, includes losing control over territory and "public trials" for its leaders. It also outlines a path for rehabilitation and de-radicalization. "Rehabilitation under fire is doomed to fail," the authors wrote.

The document, written in February, deals with the question of how Gazan society can become “a peaceful neighbor to the State of Israel.” The authors assume that victory - at least in the sense of preventing Hamas' resurgence and harming Israel - requires "rehabilitating and transforming a nation led by “a murderous ideology,” and cultivating stable institutions and an Arab culture that does not educate for jihad and accepts the existence of the of Israel as the Jewish people's nation-state."

The authors’ conclusions are provocative. First, there is a need for Hamas' "complete defeat," which means losing territory (for an unlimited period of time) and "public trials" for Hamas leaders. One of the authors, Dr. Palmor, says: "My position is that the average Palestinian needs to feel defeated. He needs to feel that the path they've taken so far, including education, hasn't worked. In my opinion, we should have declared the entire northern Gaza Strip as Israeli territory, for all intents and purposes." This is his opinion, not the document's recommendation.

All the writers agree that Hamas' defeat is necessary and that “rehabilitation under fire is doomed to fail." To succeed, they propose setting a "positive horizon for the defeated nation, conditioned on achieving concrete and measurable goals," and suggest establishing an "autonomous Palestinian entity."

The authors proposed (already in February) the immediate establishment of an effective mechanism to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. They wrote that "it is necessary to achieve control as soon as possible over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza in order to prevent further deterioration and to deprive Hamas of one of its most important recruitment bases."

But this is clearly not a “peace plan”: "The state independence of this entity must be conditional on strict conditions, including education for peace, renunciation of violence and terror, and effective security and administrative capabilities," they write. "Even if Israel is not interested in ruling Gaza and prefers to establish a different civilian government in the Strip, the option of Israeli military rule must hover in the background."

[Hebrew] https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/hklxvywi0

A glaring omission in the proposal is, understandably, the occupation itself. Regardless of how Israel chooses to frame the events of October 7th, it's impossible to detach them from the broader context of Palestinian resistance and the right to self-determination, which is enshrined in international law. Israel can continue down the path of entrenching its occupation, but it's unlikely to find much support from its allies. In fact, by doing so, Israel risks becoming increasingly isolated and likened to the apartheid regime of South Africa, a comparison that already has severe diplomatic and economic consequences.

The full article will be published on Friday in "Yediot Ahronot" and ynet.


faab64 , to palestine group


Are you convince now?

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

KO punch.

We have a saying in farsi that is perfect for such pathetic come back.

When the excuse is worse than the story itself.

Israel is openly admitting that they have been a shit land long before October 7.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

The reaction and the answer by this palestinian kid explain the reality of loving under apartheid.
I'm sure many Israeli friends have a reasonable explanation about this, possibly because the boy is Khamas.


@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

The Israeli occupying forces recently kidnapped a young man from al-Hattab tomb in the east of Qalqilya in occupied West Bank.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

This is pure terror, it nothing to do with Hamas or Gaza, these are Israeli brown shirts spreading terror by protection and support of IDF and minister

Settlers continue to destroy Palestinian property, burning cars in Barqa, east of , after burning the land. Settlers are also attacking vehicles in Beitin, north of Ramallah.

Videos are available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2534

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israeli militant Settlers set palestinian farmers' lands on fire in the suburbs of Douma, southeast of Nablus in occupied

@palestine @israel

jiujensu , to palestine group
@jiujensu@mas.to avatar

I've only read a few Palestinian prisoners stories and I have to stop each time. I'm usually one who can sit and read for hours. It's devastating but necessary reading - we MUST get these stories to as many eyes as possible.

@palestine @israel

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