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ramble81 , in Registering as an "Independent" party member doesn't mean you have no party affiliation; most states have an Independent party who has a platform that you may or may not agree with!

In Texas you must register with a party to vote in their primary. Now that doesn’t mean you have to vote for them in the general election. Quite often I’ve registered Republican to try and influence the primary since I’ll vote for whichever Democrat makes it past the primary.

rjthyen ,

I've been considering changing my registration to Republican specifically for primaries. I'm in SD, and the Republican almost always wins so I feel I'd have more impact trying to push the right left and can still vote however I want in the general.

PeggyLouBaldwin ,

but what happens if you vote for someone and they end up winning?

rjthyen ,

I would be voting for the better GOP candidate in the primary hoping they win, and likely the Dem come general election, but since I'm in a red area I'd expect the Dem to lose but maybe help pick the lesser of two evils for the GOP?

PeggyLouBaldwin ,

i couldn't do that.

rjthyen ,

If you lived somewhere where the GOP candidate is going to get 65 percent of the vote basically no matter what, and in the GOP primary you had an incumbent, somewhat average, right wing conservative that you've seen work across the aisle in the state legislator ruining against a hard core maga nut job, anti vaccine, anti public schools, openly racist etc. Do you think registering as a Republican to vote for the incumbent in that primary sounds like an okay idea? You can still vote for the Democrat and make your voice heard there at the general election even though it's essentially guaranteed he loses.

Or is the argument against this that if the crazy maga guy wins the primary there's a slightly better chance the Democrat can win? I'd call it unlikely where I'm at, but could see tighter districts working that way.

PeggyLouBaldwin ,

if i elect an average right wing conservative (which is redundant) and they go on to do bad things, which is practically guaranteed, I would not feel better.

DragonTypeWyvern , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that topics like this made the rounds in several subs at the same time.

Block the instance if you've got a problem.

SomeAmateur ,

This community is called YouShouldKnow not YouShouldDoSomethingAboutThis

You have the info and you can care as much or as little as you like

deranger , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie

I had my first ever comment, in decades of forums/reddit usage, get mod deleted because I was critical of China and the USSR. It was a fairly mild criticism. That action turned me off the whole instance.

cloudless OP , avatar

They learn from who they are worshipping. Exactly how the CCP control the narratives.

absquatulate , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie

This whole lemmy tankie dev thing has been discussed ad nauseam here for the past year or so. Not sure what solutions you suggest, but if I were to filter my software by who's an asshole dev and who's not, that list will end up really short.

As far as the ml instance goes, I don't agree that we should start defederating left and right with any and all undesirables, but to each their own. At least people now will be in the know, and it might take some weight off

Mr_Wobble , avatar

I've only been on Lemmy a month, and this shit is already exhausting. Isn't a main point of this whole fediverse thing that you can just block entire instances as well as users? Why is this even an ongoing topic that spans multiple communities?

octopus_ink ,

Isn’t a main point of this whole fediverse thing that you can just block entire instances as well as users?

You can do exactly that. OP wants everyone to do it.

Mr_Wobble , avatar

I'm new here, so pardon my lack of understanding. But if this place is engaging in such disagreed upon behavior by so many people, why hasn't it been banned so I'm not even seeing it in the first place? I've recently learned there are whole lemmy servers ignored or banned by most other civil lemmy servers due to their bad behavior, why not ml?

If this really has been going on for over a year, and so many communities are against it, why is it not banned?

octopus_ink ,

Please bear in mind that I'm a user (though not a tankie, nor marxist, nor even socialist.)

Look at OP. How many lines are about smearing someone for their politics and beliefs (Even the subject line covers ONLY that), and how many are about the need to improve moderation practices at .ml (precious few, not even the subject line).

IMO that's one reason. The discussion rarely ends up being about moderation practices even when that's the stated goal. It ends up being about not liking someone's views.

The other reasons - you can personally block that instance if you choose, but for it to be hidden from EVERYONE on an instance, the admins of the instances need to make that decision. (To defederate.) There are lots of potential reasons not to do so, and I think many of them boil down to not throwing out the baby with the bathwater since there are plenty of users on ml like me who are not tankies and are just having the same discussions we'd have anywhere.

I got a 3 day ban from one single community at .ml within my first couple days here for using the term "whataboutism" - I suspect it was an automod action. I wasn't really happy about it, but eh? shrug

I have the same answer for folks now that I did when social media was somehow full of US conservatives claiming they could no longer speak their minds on social media. No one is obligated to give me or you or anyone a platform. If is that much of a shithole, it will eventually get defederated broadly, and everyone who isn't a tankie will stop using it.

The occasional thread like this, or someone complaining that my opinion is invalid because I'm an ml user (has happened maybe three times) are the only times I ever think about it really.

akakunai ,

This would make a ton of sense if your choice of Lemmy instance were not just that; a choice. It's not a characteristic innate to your being that you're born with or something.

You can choose to associate with whatever instance you want and swap it up with another account somewhere else if you want at any time (you can prob keep the same username if you want too).

nickwitha_k ,

(you can prob keep the same username if you want too).

Unless it is already taken on the new instance, you absolutely can. Usernames are namespaced similar to email addresses. So, [email protected] and [email protected] are considered two different users. This means that there is no technical reason preventing it.

OpenStars , avatar

Tankie is a pejorative. We should stop using that - I am not sure what the best replacement is, authoritarian? Fascist?

OP seems to believe that the unfair admin/mod practices stem from their political beliefs. e.g., going against their very own Code of Conduct, the amins in question used subversive database manipulation practices to eliminate the mod-log explanations for their actions, and also preemptively banned various people from communities that they had never (even so much as once) commented in, in the past. The latter is EXTREME, and the former is disingenuous.

Oh, but the admin is an authority-loving fascist, hence it suddenly all makes sense: "service to stated principles that serve the community good" give way to "whoever has the power to accomplish things does whatever they want", in that world-view. So they are not entirely as disconnected as you might wish in a purely mathematical & theoretical world. This is the real world, where it gets messy, and EVERYTHING gets political. But okay, what if OP made a poorly-written post - b/c their heart jumped out ahead of their brain - what then? It doesn't mean that it's not true, or a good thing to do, even then, and moreover what to do about it now? Re-word it if you like and write and post a new one? But this is the one that we have. Yeah, again, irl gets messy sometimes.

You missed some stuff yourself btw. As individual people block you - by which I do not just mean personally but your entire instance of choice - increasingly you will find yourself speaking to an echo chamber consisting of fascists + those who are more neutral towards authoritarianism. You will reply to people, and wonder why so few ever reply back to you - but it won't be b/c they don't like you (well maybe some, I dunno:-P), and rather they won't even see your replies unless they happen to visit that section of the comments for some other reason. They can do so, but they will not be notified so they will not be made aware of your desire to communicate.

This event is happening, like it or not, and one way or another. This OP at least gives us the chance to talk about it, before things go too far and even this much communication becomes impossible. i.e., the Western world is offering you this lifeboat, to let you know what is coming. Truth Social surely does far worse, and when Elon took over Twitter and renamed it to X, he didn't warn people, and instead just started removing and banning at will/whim. But the rest of the Fediverse isn't going to remain associated with fascism just b/c some innocent people have an account on

Btw, in your Settings under "Import/Export Settings" there is a large button Export that can make a JSON file, and in a new account you can Import it, for easy transfer of your settings. You'd lose all your past comments/replies/up-/downvotes, but if you also transfer your iconic avatar and keep the same name, many people may not even notice.

I am sorry that this is upsetting to you.

octopus_ink ,

First, thanks for the thoughtful and thorough reply.

I am sorry that this is upsetting to you.

It's not upsetting to me, it's just annoying. I strongly support the block early/block often culture that seems to pervade the fediverse, even when that is folks blocking me. I also support the ability to defederate, and strongly support (for example) pre-emptively defederating from threads.

Indeed, such decisions at the user or instance level are potentially messy, but the whole thing just seems self-healing over time to me. There's an equilibrium that needs to be reached, I think, and I doubt we're anywhere near it yet. Some instances are going to end up isolated, either by themselves or by others, and some won't. New instances will spring up, instances will shut down, etc etc. People will move around to find a new instance when needed. It's all really sloppy and the outcome for any one user or instance isn't necessarily going to match the outcome for another. That's freedom to me. And not in some maga "free speech means I get to be a jerk but no one can call me out" way, but in a "we're all empowered to influence our own experience here" way. People can block, instances can defederate, people can deploy their own instance and make it as open or closed or personal or public as they want to. Hot damn.

And all that is going to create friction and people are going to disagree with each other about how to do it and what the right way is, just like we're doing here.

But, despite your very reasonable rationalizations for OP, and regardless of their intent, this very subconversation and others are evidence that this isn't what a discussion about moderation practices looks like. It's what a discussion about publicly calling someone out with a pejorative term for their beliefs looks like. Expressing that opinion, and defending it when required, is the extent of my involvement or concern. I don't share the beliefs of OP nor their target. Whether folks want to change how they are discussing the issue or not is up to them. That's also freedom, in my opinion.

I might migrate instances at some point, I might not, we'll see how things go, but it's not going to be because of this post from OP. Folks can run their instances as they see fit. They don't owe me a platform, nor OP.

OpenStars , avatar

It’s what a discussion about publicly calling someone out with a pejorative term for their beliefs looks like

Tbf, that's b/c that's what you turned it into... I think? You brought it up, hence we are now discussing that. Tbf that is what you saw within the OP to begin with, so I am not saying that the discussion was not worth having. And I did mention that OP might have done a lot better in their wording choices.

However, I am suggesting to look past the format of the OP, to more clearly see its content, even if OP could have made that process a lot easier from the start by having chosen a different name than 'tankie'. Which starts not here but from reading the linked posts too - I know it's A LOT of comments (~800 iirc at last count), but at the very least start with just the top-ranked ones. It's not good. OP presumed that people already knew that, and just in case, gave those exact links so that people could catch up to that, before getting into depth into this post.

They don’t owe me a platform, nor OP.

Oh absolutely 100% agree. The Fediverse is what we make of it, as you said, and we are doing that right now.

So if we are past the poor wording choice, the real issue (imho at least, perhaps OP themselves disagrees) is that those linked posts describe a situation where the admins are using database manipulation to edit the mod logs. Think about what that means. Slightly less but still extremely offensive, those admins are also mass- and preemptively banning people from communities that they have never so much as commented in even once, for a comment made in some other community that said something negative about China. This is not okay. People are not going to put up with this. The former is actually a deceptive practice, and the latter isn't nearly as bad but is still abusive, on the level of Reddit.

These posts calling for defederation of the rest of the Fediverse from aren't going to simply disappear, unless those admins step down. Instead, some instances will defederate from them, others will proudly remain federated with everyone, and overall a new equilibrium will be formed, but in the meantime there will be much turmoil.

Read the linked posts - most especially This is not just about OP disagreeing with them politically. They may have worded it to look like that, but that is not all that is going on - it's not even the half of it. THAT post at least is about how modding should be done. And this one seems to have been meant as the next step. Though if you want to make a new post to replace OP's wording choices with your own, it may help? As you say, OP made the mistake of wrapping the real issue inside of an easily-dismissable minor one as if they were one and the same.

Edit: Oh but I should have said: and if you choose not to make such a post, that's fine. At least we are enjoying this conversation about it all:-).

octopus_ink ,

At least we are enjoying this conversation about it all:-).

Well you've certainly given me more to think about. I don't see much more to debate with you, but wanted to reply anyway so it didn't appear I was leaving in a huff. Have a good rest of your day.

OpenStars , avatar

Honestly, this kind of kindness, consideration, & compassion from you is what I love about the Fediverse, where we don't all have to agree with one another and in fact it's arguably more fun if we start off not that way, but all along the pathway from start to finish we respect one another (potentially barring some heated moments, hopefully forgivable, and I already don't recall but apologies if I ever did slip into that for a moment). I am told that Reddit used to be this way, before the authoritarian Huffman changed it to become mere "social media" (rather than older forum discussion board style) to increase his profits, but I barely saw it before it was gone, having joined far too late. Therefore I held out hope that I could see this in the Fediverse, which I did, then that was dashed when I encountered chapotraphouse and, restored when I user-blocked them, and now I hope to preserve that for others to be able to enjoy it as well:-).

Fwiw I do see that you were right - this post was about differing political views, but that other post about the moderation abuses... that's some heavier stuff that I am glad you will take time to think about. B/c it is absolutely disrespectful of the admins to the community for them to not follow their own rules, but also b/c I hope to be able to converse with you again on the Fediverse!:-)

And it is complicated - b/c without power, what good is having "rightness" of thought? And yet, the world is what we make of it, so if we all band together and say "this is right, whereas this, this we will not put up with", then our collective might wins out. Speaking of, there is also a chance that could lose its grant over such practices, or be barred from the EU. At the very least, I see posts like the OP as providing fair warning that bad things may come in the future, so best start preparing now - e.g. by making communities elsewhere.

And the Federation model is so beautiful, that it seems worth attempting to preserve, by spreading communities out regardless:-).

octopus_ink ,

I already don’t recall but apologies if I ever did slip into that for a moment

No apology needed, if anything I'm the one who gets a little terse sometimes.

that’s some heavier stuff that I am glad you will take time to think about. B/c it is absolutely disrespectful of the admins to the community for them to not follow their own rules

Will do!

also b/c I hope to be able to converse with you again on the Fediverse!:-)

And you as well!

I'm sure we'll bump into each other again. Whether I'll still be on this instance or account though? Only time will tell... :)

Cowbee , avatar

Who would "ban" There isn't a "master instance" over all, each instance is an island. is currently discussing whether or not to sever ties with, just like alreay did. has already defederated from Lemmygrad and Hexbear, the 2 largest Marxist instances, so is the last major Marxist-friendly instance that interacts with.

For clarity, is seen very positively by some servers, and negatively by others. You are getting viewpoints largely from, whereas other communities like db0, Hexbear, Lemmygrad,, or otherwise may have different or opposite stances.

That's the beauty and messiness of federation.

kilgore_trout , avatar

OP wants to feel like a saviour of us all from tankies.

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy ,

Yeah, like linus is a known cunt to work with, i'll still update my kernel regularly though

nickwitha_k ,

Not defending his behavior but I would note that he has been actively seeking to remedy his cunty-ness after becoming aware of how problematic it was and the problematic people that it attracted.

eldavi ,

i've been on the receiving end of his cunty-ness in person as a lowley tech support minion that he was forced to work with, as well as several other well known pioneers; i can tell through this thread that dessalines is an angel by comparison and i've never met them.

nickwitha_k ,

I'd certainly say so. I've yet to see him even coming off as dismissive without trying to clarify why in a polite manner.

rwhitisissle ,

It's the Vampire Castle phenomenon of online leftist spaces. One dev and instance admin of Lemmy has problematic personal beliefs, so now we aren't allowed to be on Lemmy anymore because it's failed an ideological purity test that OP decided for the rest of us. In other news, Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, is a hardcore Ayn Rand style freemarket libertarian, so I guess we should all ditch wikipedia and each buy a 400 pound Encyclopedia Britannica set. Because that'll show him to believe things I think are terrible.

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

It's all so melodramatic. I'll take a jaunt into the comments sections of these posts once in awhile to see what the libs are clutching their pearls over now. Today we have:

Oh nooooo, a dev is a ban happy shithead! How unusual and extreme! Better raise the banner and gather the troops, the tankies are coming for us all! We must defederate and/or fork a parallel Lemmy because only tankies have weird ban happy power trips! This will solve all the issues!

On the bright side, block op and the surprisingly small number of the other more vocal tankie drama lords and it gets a lot quieter.

ArmokGoB ,

I got a 14 day instance ban for calling a tankie a tankie on ML. Their authoritarian ideology is dangerous and it needs to be quarantined.

rwhitisissle ,

You are more than welcome to block any and all content from that instance. You can do this by going under your user settings and clicking on the "Blocks" tab and searching for in the Block Instance section. That's the thing about Federated content. You have the power to selectively engage with the content of your choosing. You don't get to quarantine others because there is no centralized authority that gets to say "your instance gets stuck in an internet ghetto where it isn't allowed to interact with other users." You have to quarantine yourself by excluding content. If that doesn't work for you, then maybe it's less that you dislike their authoritarian ideology and more that it isn't the same flavor as your own.

ArmokGoB ,

I blocked ML months ago. I'm still going to keep calling for large instances to defederate, because sticking my fingers in my ears doesn't make the problem go away.

rwhitisissle ,

Yes, that will happen when the "problem" lives solely between your ears.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, I honestly give very few shits about the political opinions of the lemmy devs as long as it doesn't taint the project itself -and if it did at some point in the future, forking an open-source project is stupidly easy.

I even donate a smidge of money to the development effort via librepay - man does need it to live after all.

Dessalines & Nutomic put a lot of effort into building and maintaining the lemmy codebase. I respect that.

nickwitha_k ,

Dessalines & Nutomic put a lot of effort into building and maintaining the lemmy codebase. I respect that.

I'll add that they're also generally quite pleasant when I see them on Lemmy. And I haven't seen either of them involved in being ban-happy. Some will argue otherwise based upon misconstruing the relationship between FLOSS devs and FLOSS consumers as a business/customer relationship (expecting customer service and product manager input on software that's donated free of charge). But, I think that those folks are just not yet familiar with how FLOSS development works.

Gatsby , in YSK that you can edit titles on Lemmy, unlike Reddit.

Are comments marked in some way to show when edited like reddit was?

Are titles?

Like could I write a post/comment "how often do you call your parents" and after everyone comments, once a week, once a day, oh god never, etc,

Edit the post/comment to say "how often do you eat poop"

And then sit back and chuckle softly to myself? Or would it say *(edited)

It should.

Edit: edit check

MarsAgainstVenus , avatar

I'm on and I can see the time and date your comment was posted and same for edited.

SulaymanF , in YSK that you can edit titles on Lemmy, unlike Reddit.

This makes me realize that Reddit development got stale, this should have been an updated feature years ago.

candyman337 , avatar

Reddit development got stale when, unfortunately and tragically, their best dev killed himself in 2013

hakunawazo , in YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead
southsamurai , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie avatar

Dude, this is common fucking knowledge, and nobody cares.

It's one of those things where the very tankies you're talking about made it trivial for anyone not wanting to interact with them, their instance, or anyone in specific can just block whatever. And then there's the instances that defederate from .ml and/or grad, which is a decent amount of them.

They may be assholes (though they tend not to be in interpersonal ways, only in their political views), but they're assholes nobody has to interact with for very long.

You're beating a dead horse with this one

fuckingkangaroos ,

I have blocked and I still see them in other communities all the time. Defederation is the best solution for dealing with an instance that's designed to spread propaganda.

And no this isn't a dead horse, there's are other discussions ongoing about defederating

Kalcifer , avatar

I have blocked and I still see them in other communities all the time.

If that's the case, then that may be a bug. I advise you to report that.

fuckingkangaroos ,

It's standard, unfortunately, I'm not the only one

Kalcifer , avatar

What do you mean by "it's standard"? As in that is the intended functionality? It shouldn't be — the whole point of blocking instances is for the user to be able to, well, block an instance, ie content originating from it no longer shows up.

fuckingkangaroos ,

Yeah, the software is set up so that even if you block an instance you still see comments from their accounts on other instances.

jpreston2005 , in YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Yeah but no. I've been tear gased, and water does nothing but make it worse. The capsacin is dissolved in an oil, and using water will only spread it over your body (and that shit hurts a lot everywhere it touches). Use milk, it will provide instant pain relief. The threat of bacteria in pasteurized milk is the same as in water, and odds are, after dumping milk all over, you're probably going to wash yourself off afterwards.

if you're gased, don't waste time following this bad advice. Take it from someone who's actually had been gassed, only milk works. Don't try water.

usernamesAreTricky OP , (edited )

There are perceptional reasons why it may feel like milk worked better such as it being cooled vs using room temperature water. Or from being the second thing used. Or from various different factors

But the research above suggests it doesn't do as much as people think it does

The infection risks are not the same. Milk has stuff in it that microbes like for growing where water doesn't have nearly all that. Other stuff can enter inside. The eye infection pathway is concerning especially right now when bird flu seems to enter that way and is in large quatities of dairy milk. Not all pasturization methods are certain to actually remove it (i.e flash pasturization might not)

Edit: A minor point to clarify, capsaicin is in pepper spray but not tear gas. They often do get conflated but they are different

jpreston2005 ,

For all the effort you've put into trying to convince people that water is the answer, it's reasonable at this point to ask you to try it yourself. Get yourself some pepper spray from the store, and then spray your skin. Try to wash it off with water. Wait until you're in sufficient pain and the water clearly didn't do anything, then try milk, and feel your pain evaporate. You can do this experiment in less than an hour. Report back when you're finished, or you can delete all this misinformation. Whichever.

boatsnhos931 ,

Ef around and fin out cuz

masquenox , (edited )

The capsacin is dissolved in an oil,

That only counts for OC gas (pepper spray) - most anti-dissent chemical weaponry doesn't contain capsaicin. Milk won't do shit for CS gas, for instance. For CS gas, water is the only thing that works.

Considering how many different types of this shit there actually is and the fact that they can mix them up pretty easily regardless of what the law actually says makes a one-size-fits-all solution pretty difficult.

edit: did I just say a one-size-fits-all solution to this is difficult? Silly me.

jpreston2005 ,

CS gas

Science Direct website says that

In contrast to other forms of chemical exposure, irrigating the affected area will only intensify and prolong the effects of CS gas or particles.

masquenox ,

Not sure about that paper - it recommends ocular irrigation (with water) for OC gas... the exact thing you mentioned hurting so bad in your first response. The thing to remember here is that a lot of the discourse on this doesn't distinguish between the use of a liquid to flood particles away from skin and membranes through it's kinetic action (possible with CS gas and very necessary with white phosporous) and relying on the chemical properties of the liquid itself to bring any kind of relief.

Socsa ,

As someone who has actually been gassed, it makes no fucking difference. Milk doesn't do shit. Saline doesn't do shit. Water doesn't do shit. Goggles do shit.

rob_t_firefly , avatar
Lionheadbud ,

Yeah, if the irritant is capsaicin I would think that milk would wash it off sensitive tissue more effectively than water as capsaicin is more lipid soluble than water soluble. I think if you eat a spicy chili, to stop the pain you need to wash the irritant off your tongue and milk does this more effectively than water.

redcalcium , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie

I may not agree with the devs political view, but I think their work developing lemmy is excellent and made me subscribe to monthly donation on opencollective. Lemmy is an open source project where the devs have absolutely no say over how the software being used, as evidenced by so many lemmy instances defederating from lemmygrad and Their political belief won't affect other instance.

Cowbee , avatar

Most instances are federated with, it's Hexbear and Grad that .world and a few others have defederated from, among the major instances.

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

the devs have absolutely no say over how the software being used

It seems like they have some strong say when it comes to their own instance.
According to some recent posts, ML admins (and maybe even mods?) have the ability to erase any record of mod actions, for example disappearing critique of the CCP's brutal actions in Tiananmen Square that were posted on ML. That left no record in the public mod logs, and the users were never informed that their contributions had been (completely) deleted.

I'm only a 1yr Lemming myself, but I never saw such a critique aimed at any other instance, hence why I'm skeptical that the devs don't have influence over how the software is used.

Kalcifer , avatar

the devs have absolutely no say over how the software being used

According to some recent posts, ML admins (and maybe even mods?) have the ability to erase any record of mod actions, for example disappearing critique of the CCP's brutal actions in Tiananmen Square that were posted on ML. That left no record in the public mod logs, and the users were never informed that their contributions had been (completely) deleted.

That isn't an example of them having a say over how people use the software. That's them using their own property as they wish.

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

It's more than just that IMO. It's breaking the stated aim of open federation by tampering with comments, posts and mod records, which in turn get propagated or de-propagated to connected instances, right?

Yes, you may say that ML is of course free to screw with their own instance, but 1) one instance (particular a significant one like ML) affects other instances, and 2) they're breaking the spirit of their own software by shamelessly abusing admin powers, in turn helping to normalize that behavior to the Lemmy side of the FV.

What's the point of leaving oppressive, commercial social media only to run in to the same kinds of abuse of power on a supposedly transparent, user-run, P2P social network?

Kalcifer , avatar

It’s breaking the stated aim of open federation by tampering with comments, posts and mod records, which in turn get propagated or de-propagated to connected instances, right?

I'm not convinced that this is in conflict with the aim of federation. The whole point is to give people the power to create their own instances with their own rules instead of having to rely on a single central authority. The network isn't necessarily distributed — it's decentralized. An instance can administrate their content as they see fit. An instance cannot alter the content produced by any other instance. An instance can only manage the content originating from itself.

but 1) one instance (particular a significant one like ML) affects other instances

Would you mind being more specific?

they’re breaking the spirit of their own software by shamelessly abusing admin powers, in turn helping to normalize that behavior to the Lemmy side of the FV.

Hm, well, it depends on your perspective. The whole point of the Fediverse is to give people the freedom and power to control how they interact with the service. A server has the freedom to associate with the users that they wish in the same way that you have the freedom to consume what you wish. The spirit of the software is to enable people to have this freedom that otherwise wouldn't exist with a large central service. The way I like to look at the Fediverse is where each instance is like a country, and each community is like a regional/state/provincial government within the country, and federation between instances is like cross-border policies between nations.

a supposedly transparent [...] social network?

I'm not sure what you mean by "transparent".

a supposedly [...] user-run [...] social network?

It is user-run, in that any user can create an instance.

a supposedly [...] P2P social network?

It's not P2P. A P2P network would be distributed. The Fediverse is decentralized.

RoseTintedGlasses , avatar

all instance admins have the ability to do this on their own instance, the functionality was added to deal with doxx info being posted so it wouldnt be visible even in the modlog, and it was used a lot to deal with the CSAM spam attack too - basically whenever this happens the relevant message will still be in the modlog but it will be changed to "Permanently Removed". Currently there's no evidence or even accusation that this functionality has been used for anything except the stated purposes though so i wouldnt worry too much.

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

That's fine on 'paper,' but can you seriously not understand how it's being shamelessly abused on the Tankie / ML front?

RoseTintedGlasses , avatar

well i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly, only people saying that maybe it could be used in this way, so no i dont think that the ML tankie front are using it that way. and since i know it has been used for its stated purpose to fully remove actual doxx information and child porn i dont see why it should be removed as a feature, at very least until there's some evidence of it being used maliciously

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

Well then, good for you.

Meanwhile, there's been a legion of solid users here pointing out across the FV that the ML has in fact been abusing its admin powers, or did you think that the whataboutism of CSA would somehow, magically erase that shizzle?

If so, then shame on you.

RoseTintedGlasses , avatar

I didnt say that mods havent been overbearing with their moderation i said "i havent seen anyone even claiming its been used against them or pointing to their post being permanently removed from the modlogs unjustly".

if you want me to spell it out slowly i can:

  • mods have abused admin powers at some points
  • it is possible that the people could abuse this admin power
  • as far as im aware there is no evidence that anyone has misused this specific admin power
  • this specific admin power has been used to remove child porn and dox info
  • since this admin power has been used for good reasons and hasnt been used for bad reasons it shouldnt be removed as an admin power
JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

as far as im aware there is no evidence that anyone has misused this specific admin power

In that case, then congrats for living in your own little delirium, apart from the many, many reports people have made reporting those specific abuses.

RoseTintedGlasses , avatar

can you link me a single example of someone saying that they had their post removed from the mod log

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

I will make it a special point tomorrow to look up the many, many posts upon that matter made in the last couple days across the FV.

One also wonders what people like you were doing in the meantime, but never fear-- please DO add on with any more requests for such information in the coming days. I will be happy to do the lookups and get back to you. ^^

RoseTintedGlasses , avatar

just to clarify i want evidence of this specific admin function being misused, i and everyone else already knows that the mods are trigger happy with their bans, but you’re claiming that they’re misusing the anti-CSAM feature to remove comments from the modlog that they actually removed for criticising china to cover their tracks which i havent seen anyone else accuse them of

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

you’re claiming that they’re misusing the anti-CSAM feature to remove comments from the modlog

Right, that was one aspect of that, but at the end of the day?

What ML has clearly done is to fuck with the integrity of the Lemmy-sphere across multiple, fundamental levels, and that's what I and many others find completely unacceptable, and have of course stated as much.

Seriously, how is it even possible that you're browsing the FV and haven't seen this shit...?

Yes, yes-- I get the fact that you're a 'self-declared weirdo!' "Big proponent for killing all cis men! Token Trotskyite!"

You DO understand of course that civilisation is collapsing fast, much of it due to our bloody inactions, is it not..?

SpaceCowboy , in YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead avatar

What about Brawndo? It's got electrolytes!

ClutchCargo , in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

But boy, oh boy. Say this to a believer and get ready to loose an afternoon.

BertramDitore , avatar

Indeed. I’ve got a chiropractor in my family, and I actively avoid talking to them about their work because I’ve always been convinced that it causes more harm than good. I think they finally got the hint after the 1000th time I refused their offer of an adjustment. They do some genuinely bizarre stuff beyond the standard adjustments, and talk about it like it’s proven science.

Stamau123 ,

Bizarre stuff like what?

BertramDitore , avatar

“Testing” for allergies or nutritional deficiencies by holding a sample up to your forehead and then applying downward pressure to your outstretched arms to “determine” sensitivity. Weird stuff like that.

Edit: I believe it’s called Applied Kinesiology, but that just makes it sound legit. Which it’s not.

NocturnalMorning ,

I always knew it was pseudoscience, but damn, how is that even allowed?

LapGoat , avatar

your insurance would much rather pay for someone to touch your back than pay for someone to provide medical care.

Karyoplasma , in YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

They should try beer. Capsaicin is not soluble in water, but it is in ethanol. I don't think it will help relieve the irritated membranes tho.

I suspect beer to carry a similar infection risk as milk.

MelastSB ,

Vodka it is, then

Kit ,

The older I get, the more problems that vodka solves.

dingdongmetacarples ,

Wouldn't beer have less infection risk because of the alcohol? Disclaimer, I didn't read any of the articles and have no expertise beyond drinking beer.

intensely_human ,

As far as I know, some alcoholic drinks have certain alcohol levels because those levels are the lethal levels for the fermenting bacteria used.

But there are different alcohol levels in brewed drinks, so either it’s not true or bacteria have a range of lethal temperatures.

Karyoplasma ,

Nitpicking: the fermentation is done by a fungus, specifically a yeast strain. The fermentation process stops when you introduce oxygen, aka open the fermentation tank, or when the sugar in the wort is depleted. The yeast then just becomes inactive and you can potentially restart the fermentation at home by putting sugar in the beer and sealing it airtight. Most commercial beers remove the yeast through filtering or pasteurizing or both tho, so that would probably only work for craft beer. And it would make the result taste terrible I assume.

Some bacteria do not tolerate alcohol at all and will die from beer, but generally beer is not a disinfectant. Vodka isn't either by the way, still too low levels of alcohol. But it works better than beer.

intensely_human ,

Oh I thought yeast was a bacteria, huh.

Karyoplasma , (edited )

Beer doesn't have a high enough alcohol volume level to be a disinfectant (recommended is 70+% ethanol, beer has 4-5%), just high enough to get drunk after the fermenting process comes to a halt when the sugar in the wort is sufficiently depleted.

usernamesAreTricky OP ,

I would think that alcohol on the eyes wouldn't do too many good things to them, however

Karyoplasma ,

Not really, no. It was more a tongue-in-cheek comment than an actual suggestion.

manuallybreathing ,

Best practice is to use saline and a clean cloth to clean spray off with mechanical force

echodot ,

If you want ethanol then vodka would be better than beer as it has fewer other components

maniel , avatar

Yeah, and if you're into the pain it will cause, you can try moonshine

Cowbee , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie avatar

Are there people that don't know that Lemmy is developed by Marxists, and their instance is run by Marxists? Thought that was common knowledge, that's why Lemmy exists in the first place, it was developed along Communist principles.

AlexisFR , avatar

That's not quite correct, they are Marxists Leninists, who are the more Authoritarian and reactionary counterparts.

Cowbee , avatar

All Marxist-Leninists are Marxists, not all Marxists are Marxist-Leninists.

It's accurate to describe them as Marxists still.

Swedneck , avatar

technically accurate sure, but it implies that all marxists are tankies, which is absolutely not true.

what precisely would be the problem with referring to them by the specific term for what they are?

Cowbee , avatar

What separates Marxists from Tankies? I've seen dozens of definitions of tankie.

It's important to recognize that Marxist-Leninists far, far outweigh the number of anti-Lenin Marxists. You don't have to agree with Lenin to acknowledge that at this point he is almost as relevant to Marxism in a geopolitical context as Marx himself.

Swedneck , avatar

oh i see now you're on lol, good thing i avoided that endless bad faith argument

Cowbee , avatar

What part of that was bad-faith?

ZombiFrancis ,

Some folk identify the .ml (or the pronouns of hexbear users) and work backwards from there.

Simply: the bad faith was having .ml there in the name. I'll take him for his word and bet that's what was meant.

And it isn't like I haven't seen wingnuts go ".world eh? More like .nazi!" as well. It is just that whole general vibe with the people who all up and comment about blocking shit.

fuckingkangaroos ,

I've had enough bad faith interactions with accounts that it's become helpful to expect it from them.

Sure there are some actual people over there who are willing to engage in a fair way, but its not worth rolling the dice.

beardown ,

its not worth rolling the dice.

You poor helpless baby

fuckingkangaroos ,

Plenty of people try Lemmy then promptly leave when they realize it's run by "Marxists" (i.e. people pretending to Marxists as a facade for spreading CCP propaganda).

Kalcifer , avatar

it's run by "Marxists"

Lemmy isn't run by any one entity. Lemmy is essentially just the protocol that the Lemmyverse is built off of, which itself is an extension of ActivityPub.

fuckingkangaroos ,

You're right, I knew better but still conflated the Lemmyverse and

Kalcifer , in YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie avatar

Your apparent antagonism towards the lead Lemmy developer is sensationalist and non-constructive. If you dislike their moderation then the solution is simple: leave their instances and communities. If your user does not reside on their instances then its admins cannot silence you. If you do not participate in their communities, then their moderators cannot silence you. If you do not wish to see their users then block their instances (though, I would still advise against this). Your argument is founded upon the premise that you don't like their opinions, so just don't listen. Don't taint the Lemmyverse's image with your false alarmism. Be the change that you wish to see. Start an instance with administrative rules that you think are better. Start a community with moderation rules that you think are better. If one finds that they are needing to resort to ad-homenim to gather support, then I would advise one to critically analyze their position and arguments.

EDIT (2024-06-07T19:25Z): From your other comments in this thread I see that you are advocating for the creation of new communities and for people to individually distance themselves from, rather than defederation. I agree with this. I still disagree, however, with the approach and tone that you used in your post. I think the same end can and should be achieved without ad-homenim attacks.

Dasus , avatar

Why is criticism never accepted?

Why is it "leave" instead of addressing the issues brought up?

Kalcifer , avatar

There is no issue with either. I fully support civil criticism and discussion. And I also support users moving to a place where they feel a better sense of community. I think it's wrong to force people to interact with those that they don't wish to. This is why the fediverse exists — to remove centralized control over the discourse.

Dasus , avatar

And I also support users moving to a place where they feel a better sense of community.

How about supporting users who want to improve their community instead of finding a new one?

If you don't like it, you can leave.

Cowbee , avatar

Are people on advocating to improve their community, or is it just .worlders wanting to change .ml?

Kalcifer , avatar

It's likely both. The ratio, however, I'm not sure of.

Kalcifer , avatar

How about supporting users who want to improve their community instead of finding a new one?

I support that as well. My initial point was from the perspective of users not originating from being annoyed with how is administrating itself. If the users of wish to stay to try and improve it, then I fully stand behind them, but, at the same time, I still support's autonomy.

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