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dumbass , in UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter avatar

We need more prop comics at the UN!

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

"Special Envoy Carrot Top" has a nice ring to it.

hanrahan , in UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter avatar

He should have eaten it. :)

Dreamer , in Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN

Political activist, Owen Jones made a video covering this article along with others covering Israeli atrocities and crimes against humanity including sexual assault and arbitrary executions.

It is shocking that CNN would even release this article given its history of bias amounting to journalistic malpractice. It just goes to show that Israelis have become so emboldened in committing the atrocities they commit that they do not even try to hide it to the point that it is impossible to ignore or overlook. Killing, torturing, and raping the Palestinians or even anyone that is not a Zionist Israeli/Jew/Hewbrew/Whatever-the-fuck-they-call-themselves has been engraved into the psyche of the Israeli public as being fine, a non-issue, a necessity even. To them, all this, all that has transpired for the past century since their ancestors migrated to this tiny spot of land and started oppressing, terrorizing, murdering, bombing, torturing, raping, pillaging the native peoples has all been nothing but a common occurrence.

In their cowardice, they refuse to acknowledge the weight of their sins, and in their arrogance, they justify them. Is there really anything even left to say that has not already been said time and time again? The only thing that is left for me to express repeatedly is disgust. I am disgusted by these people. I am disgusted by their history. I am disgusted by their ideology. I am disgusted by their psyche. I am disgusted by their action. I am disgusted by their oppression. I am disgusted by their appropriation. I am disgusted by their everything. Ironic that it is Israel that made me understand on an empathetical level not just the intense hatred of the Nazis, nor just the people in power nor just those doing their bidding, but of Nazi society as a whole.

adespoton , in US says Israel's use of weapons may have violated international law

The news here is that the US “may have” admitted it finally.

Tinidril ,

That's how foreign policy works. When Biden has that "maybe" in hand it gives him more leverage over Netanyaho. As long as he avoids the most populated areas, it might not change to "definitely". If it goes that way, US law says that weapon shipments end.

This is something that should have been done ages ago, but it is the right move. Cut off all support and Israel buddies up with China, India, or possibly even Russia. (The latter is becoming unlikely as Russia begins to unravel). Cut off some token support and use the rest for leverage and it works a lot better.

Biden did try this earlier with delays in small arms shipments, but that was way too subtle.

davel , (edited ) avatar

If people haven’t figured out by now that the US doesn’t give a rats ass about the Palestinians, I don’t know what to tell you.


Cut off all support and Israel buddies up with China, India, or possibly even Russia.

Neither China nor Russia is going to give Israel the time of day. I can think of no reason why India would, either.
Full text: China-France Joint Statement on the Situation in the Middle East

(The latter is becoming unlikely as Russia begins to unravel).


Tinidril ,

When did I say the US gives a rats ass about the Palestinians? Check your assumptions maybe? Palestinians have no strategic relevance to the US one way or the other. It is, however, inconvenient to be connected to a genocide. The conflict is also fucking up US plans to leave the Middle East to Israel and Saudi Arabia so it can focus on Africa. It really doesn't want Israel's actions bringing the rest of the region into the conflict.

BTW: Not that I would expect you to check, but I literally said exactly the same phrase about the US not giving a rats ass about Palestine.

There are three regional powers in the Middle East. The US has Israel and Saudi Arabia. Russia has Iran. You don't think Russia would want to become dominant? You don't think China has interests in the Middle East?

If you can't see that Russia is no longer a top tier power, that explains a great deal.

Rolder ,

I’m not up to date with the Russia news. How are they starting to unravel?

Tinidril ,

It's a lot of things. Graft is rampant, especially in the upper levels of Russian government. Almost half of government spending goes to graft. That means that a lot of things don't get done, or are done to lower standards. There has been massive flooding from failed infrastructure with tens of thousands of homes destroyed, and the government response has been almost non-existent.

Russia can't control their airspace so pretty much every day Ukrainian drones destroy another oil refinery. These make great targets because they supply a lot of the boom themselves and because Russia needs western tech to rebuild them. So far it's down 14% of capacity, and Russia doesn't seem to have a solution.

Morale among Russian troops is non-existent with many incidents of soldiers "fragging" superiors, and "barrier" troops ordered to fire on retreating storm troops. Men are being sent in with ridiculously bad equipment just to soak up bullets. US estimates are that Russia's losses are around 90% of the original invading force. Much of Russia's military is back filled with inexperienced conscripts. There are reports of pilots sabotaging their own planes to keep from flying suicide missions, and of course the whole Wagner fiasco.

There is a lot more that could be said, but I don't want to write a book here.

LarkinDePark ,

Cut off all support and Israel buddies up with China, India, or possibly even Russia. (The latter is becoming unlikely as Russia begins to unravel).

This is some really deluded shit. You're living in a fantasy world. Change all of your beliefs and information sources.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Cut off all support and Israel buddies up with China, India, or possibly even Russia.

Ain't happening. I don't know why India would even be involved here, and China has no need to project power over the middle east. Russia would be importing weapons from Israel, not the other way around.

Tinidril ,

Well yeah, it ain't happening since the US ain't cutting off all support for Israel. That is known and countries have shaped their strategies around it. The US abandoning Israel would be a table flipping event.

Russia would be importing weapons tech from Israel. Israel can't come close to matching Russia on production volume, and Israel's needs are a sliver of what Russia uses in Ukraine.

adam_y , in UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter avatar

What is this? A shredder for ants?!

Devdogg , in Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN

What the fuck?!? I mean, I knew it was bad but this bad??!!?

Woozythebear ,

It's even worse than that

livus ,

Yeah. Reports have been coming out of Sde Teiman for a while now. It's Israel's Abu Ghraib for sure, only with a lot more amputation.

Especially chilling that they hold so many doctors from the Gaza hospitals in there. Imagine being a trained medical doctor and having to see the Israeli interns do this to people.

m13 ,

True fucking Hostel shit. Just depraved sadism and violence.

Alsephina ,

I mean yeah this is what settler colonialism looks like

Alteon , in UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter

The Israeli Government can eat a bag of dicks. They brought this on themselves. They had every right to respond to the attack from Hamas and get their people back, but their response was... fucking abhorrent. They've wiped out the entire Gazan infrastructure. Their electric, sewage, water, their schools, universities, and hospitals. They destroyed so many homes that literally half the people are homeless. They've humiliated, tortured, maimed, and murdered men, women, and children.

Israel's response was horrific. They used this attack on Israel as an opportunity to ethnically cleanse Gaza. I'm glad that the rest of the world could come together and agree that this was totally wrong.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

They had every right to respond to the attack from Hamas

I mean if history started on October 7th.

Alsephina OP ,

Liberals also don't seem to realize Hamas's strategies of taking hostages, using tunnels and guerilla warfare etc are identical to the Viet Cong's, and so are their goals of driving out the occupation to reunite their country.

Also, "israel" has had — and continues to have — thousands of Palestinians hostage in its prisons for the entire 75 years that this colony has existed.

The native people have every right to use whatever means necessary to resist an occupation. Decolonization is violent; if you don't like it, don't colonize in the first place.

Alsephina , in The liberal international order is slowly coming apart. Its collapse could be sudden and irreversible.

Tankies will see this and literally go "Hell yeah"

Hell yeah!

o_d , avatar

Hell yeah!

ExotiqueMatter , avatar

Hell yeah!

zkrzsz ,
freagle , in The liberal international order is slowly coming apart. Its collapse could be sudden and irreversible.

Anarchy?? No. That's not the threat. These people don't know what anarchy is.

Cybermonk_Taiji ,

Humans can't do anarchy. They immediately reorganize themselves into a hierarchy every single time the current structure is brought down.

What will happen is a regression into isolationist feudalism, not even close to anarchy.

brain_in_a_box ,

Humans couldn't do a lot of things, until they did them anyway.

Sodium_nitride ,

Anarchy has been the "natural" state of humanity for most of it's history (before the agricultural revolution). What political forms that humans adopt depend on external conditions. Under the conditions of primitive production combined with natural abundance, humans lived under anarchy. As the world continues to change, our political forms too will. I am not saying that anarchy will be the new state, but the reduction of hierarchies will most certainly have to happen.

context , avatar

anarchy is when a declining imperial power violently lashes out against the rest of the world in a desperate attempt to maintain its hegemonic status

Hupf , in Gargantuan sunspot 15-Earths wide shoots powerful X-class flare toward Earth, triggering radio blackouts
DivineChaos100 , in US says Israel's use of weapons may have violated international law avatar

"May" so they need another six months of examination to see if things have cooled down and conclude that they didn't.

Tankiedesantski , in US says Israel's use of weapons may have violated international law

This is like Hitler telling someone to tone down the racism.

SexMachineStalin , in US says Israel's use of weapons may have violated international law avatar
bufalo1973 , in US says Israel's use of weapons may have violated international law avatar

So the CIA has needed "only" 6 months to get the info.

mister_monster , in Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years

That's because these programs are all designed to embezzle taxpayer money.

mlg , avatar

It's stupid seeing lowest bidder contractors announcing inafara projects with a finish date of like 3 years into the future for something that could be easily completed in months with proper equipment, personnel, and expertise.

Looking at you, scam road repair companies.

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