cupcakezealot , avatar
ZK686 ,

I think we all knew this was going to happen... Hamas attacked and killed innocent Jewish people....Israel is going to make a statement, that if you ever do that again, we'll go in and wipe you out...including Palestines who are caught in the middle...

Fedizen ,

some of the people werent even jewish, its kind of racist to suggest everyone killed was jewish just because its Israel.

I'm sure all the children Netanyahu has slaughtered will learn the lesson that if you attack the state of Israel, it will use that as an excuse to commit genocide.

ZK686 ,

Oh geez...what ISN'T considered racist nowadays...Israel is doing what they think will prohibit another random attack...the Palestinian people are not all innocent. They continually support and vote for Hamas leaders. The majority of their people want Jews dead. It's the same crap with other middle east countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran..sure, there's some good people, but the overwhelming majority support their strict government and the people that make the's not as easy as we all think for Israel just to target military members of Hamas when all the people there support them, protect them, and harbor them...

bartolomeo , avatar

Also you in this very thread:

Don't feed the trolls y'all.

ZK686 ,

"If you're NOT thinking and saying the same as the rest of us, you're a TROLL!" wow, how very "Reddit" of you...

raspberriesareyummy ,

It doesn't look like they are bothering with the "if you ever do that again" part...

tearsintherain , avatar

Never underestimate the blood thirst and deeply racist views of people who rationalize the mass slaughter of women and children, of ethnic cleansing. The world is seeing it more clearly now. Israel has had an incredibly successful run of dehumanization propaganda going back decades, until now.

Israel’s Occupation: 50 Years of Dispossession

Israelis speak candidly to reporter about Palestinians.

ZK686 ,

"Deeply racist views" are you saying that Jews are racist? I don't think I've heard that...

BumpingFuglies ,

What an inane question. Of course they aren't saying all Jews are racist. They're saying that the people in charge of Israel are deeply racist. They also happen to be Jewish, but that isn't really a factor.

Corkyskog ,

I knew a handful of Jewish students who did Birthright when they were in college. There was always two reactions when they returned "Wow that was awesome!" Or "Wow, that was some bizarre shit". Seems like nearly half the people would come back very radicalized. Literally had a suite mate who went there who previously had no opinion of Palestinians that went to "all Palestinians should be removed"

JustZ ,

In the line of fire =/= crime.

Linkerbaan , avatar

I didn't shoot those kids officer they just happened to be in front of my gun when I pulled the trigger.

Ragnarok314159 ,

It always amazes me that my ROE in a fucking combat zone was more strict than what police have against American citizens.

TheEighthDoctor ,

Nah, crimes against humanity don't apply to US allies

curiousaur ,

Or Muslim victims.

slurpinderpin ,

Man if only Hamas actually cared about Palestinians

BumpingFuglies ,

Yeah, they should really stop killing their own people. Over 30,000 Palestinians, many of them children, dead at the hands of Hamas!

Good thing Israel's there to stop this horrible genocide and restore order.


slurpinderpin ,

Hiding amongst civilians is a dirty thing after you start a war you can’t win, I know

grte ,

"Mr. President, the terrorists have taken hostages. What should we do?" "Bomb the building." -A psychopath

slurpinderpin ,

I’m not in charge of Israeli military policy, and im not here to justify their actions. But maybe Hamas should have considered the extent of retaliation when they started a war with them by murdering 1200 innocents.

That was my whole point. By starting a war with Israel, they clearly had very little to zero consideration for the Palestinian people.

grte ,

You are literally justifying their actions. Justifying the murder of well over 30 thousand.

slurpinderpin ,

No, my argument is that if Hamas actually cared about “their people”, they wouldn’t have started a war against a much stronger enemy who has proven to have very little care for causing civilian loss.

I’m not justifying Israel’s actions

grte ,

You are putting the responsibility for those murders entirely on Hamas rather than the government currently perpetrating them, thus justifying that government's actions. You could have just as easily made your opening comment, "Man, if only Israel cared about international law." Please stop insulting my intelligence.

RandomGuy79 ,

What should israel have done after Oct 7?

bamboo ,

Taken a step back and considered how they got where they did, and determine what steps could be taken for a long term peace. Well, I guess they did that but decided their path to peace involved killing every last Palestinian, a final solution if you will.

RandomGuy79 ,

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  • bamboo ,

    You are supporting genocide but have the gall to call someone else a Nazi? That’s rich

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, civility.

    NovaPrime , avatar

    Hamas are not murdering innocents anymore. Israel is. Continually. Unyielding. With glee.

    But it doesn't matter what Hamas is doing, did, or will do. It's all political pretense anyway. If it wasn't that it would be something else. Israel wanted to cleanse the area finally and take over, and this seemed like a good excuse as any to rile up the zombie masses and rally them around the genocide campfire. You're falling for it. You're part of the problem.

    slurpinderpin ,

    My argument is that if Hamas actually cared about “their people”, they wouldn’t have started a war against a much stronger enemy who has proven to have very little care for causing civilian loss.

    The “if it wasn’t this, it would have happened anyway” is a big assumption that nobody will be able to prove one way or the other

    nyctre ,

    75 years of history proves that Israel did, is and will continue to murder Palestinians. Nobody is assuming anything.

    bamboo ,

    Israel has been committing ethnic cleansing and other atrocities since it was invented. Hamas didn’t show up until decades after the Nakba.

    AmosBurton ,

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  • Linkerbaan , avatar

    IDF Nazis.

    100% terrorists killed ,0% civilians.

    4 soldiers killed, 10 hurt inside Israel by Hamas rocket attack from Rafah

    JustZ ,

    Hamas launches rockets at civilians nearly every day.

    mycathas9lives ,

    @NovaPrime @slurpinderpin

    |seemed like a good excuse as any|

    Hamas attacked Israel. I hardly think there needs to be much more of an excuse. They will continue Genociding until they feel safe or satisfied.

    I wouldn't have attacked them October 7th, but that's just me.

    tearsintherain , avatar
    bamboo ,

    Hamas attacked Israel? Zionists stole Palestine, committing a continuously ongoing campaign of terror and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. Palestinians have a human right to self defense against the occupiers, of which October 7th was a valid example.

    Amaltheamannen ,

    Actually, about 300-400 of those were military and not civilians.

    bamboo ,

    And many of the civilians were killed by the IDF, not Hamas. We don’t have an exact figure because Israel refuses any investigation into the matter.

    tearsintherain , avatar
    mightyfoolish ,

    Hamas should totally live in IDF cities. You make a good point.

    JustZ ,

    Hamas should not live anywhere.

    mightyfoolish ,

    They should live in the special IDF cities since IDF and other Israeli citizens never live anymore close to each other. /s

    So, about those IDF who did a lot more than kidnapped people, where should they live? Or is there worse repercussions for natives versus the invaders that kill them nonstop for decades?

    tearsintherain , avatar
    thesporkeffect ,

    For real though, Netanyahu is hamas

    BumpingFuglies , (edited )

    Honestly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if, in the inevitable Israel Nuremberg Trials, it comes out that the Israeli government intentionally instigated or even carried out the October 7 attack in order to generate sympathy and as a pretext for its genocide.

    thesporkeffect ,

    Doesn't seem that far fetched tbh

    Daft_ish ,

    You guys are sounding awfully 911 trutherish.

    thesporkeffect ,

    Not really

    Daft_ish ,

    But really

    pressanykeynow ,

    Like how? I mean do you and people upvoting you really think there will be some trial for Israel leaders? Right now we in the situation where military support for them is increasing. And the tendency is it will increase further. What do you imagine might change?

    thesporkeffect ,

    I don't think there will be a trial. I just think it's plausible, but not extremely likely, that Israel's fascist government would be willing to plan or at least support an attack on its own citizens in order to obtain a mandate to take Palestine

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    They might have let it happen intentionally and pulled Gaza troops to the West Bank beforehand.

    But the way israel went full mask off Nazi mode and threw its entire global reputation away over the last 7 months does not indicate that everything is going according to plan.

    AmosBurton ,

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  • thesporkeffect ,

    I mean he actively advocated for them and worked to smuggle them cash, seems cut and dry

    pressanykeynow ,

    Well he probably is making the biggest advertising for them in their history. No matter how this war ends, there will be thousands of people with a grudge against Israel.

    TokenBoomer ,
    OutlierBlue ,

    Get out of here with your bullshit.

    Hamas agreed to the terms of a ceasefire. Israel is the one pushing forward with the extermination of children and civilians.

    bartolomeo , avatar
    absentbird , avatar

    That says Hamas agreed to a proposal put forward by Egypt and Qatar, Israel hasn't agreed to it yet. There were a number of proposals before this one Israel agreed to that Hamas rejected. It seems to be a challenge to find a proposal both can accept.

    ModernRisk , avatar

    You made your account a day ago and starts making comments like this. An ignorant comment that refuses to acknowledge 75 years of horrible history.

    Can’t help but think you are either a troll or a random Israeli supporter. Well, I suppose, I’ll just block you immediately.

    slurpinderpin ,


    frunch ,


    AmosBurton ,

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  • ModernRisk , avatar

    Not emotional, just exhausted of trolls and Israel supporters that cannot back anything of their claims up.

    Suppose, I’ll block you too. You got nothing good to write, comment or an argument.

    NoLifeGaming ,

    Ah yes as if the European jews have been there for 2000 years. Cannanites are natives to the land and it was the tribes of israel that came from Egypt to their land. Modern day Palestinians are a mixture between cannanites, Arabs, jews and some other groups.

    AngryCommieKender ,

    Archaeological evidence doesn't support any of the early events of the Bible. The evidence we have found of the time indicates that the Israelites were Canaanites, they were never in Egypt, and the battle of Jericho never happened, amoung other things that they made up around the time of the bronze age collapse.

    AmosBurton ,

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  • AngryCommieKender ,

    It was a fairly common thing at the time. Yahweh is based on EL, he was Canaanite god of war.

    barsoap ,

    2000 years ago what's now Ashkenazis still lived in Israel so... kind of self-defeating point there. You'd have to make sure to go a little less further back.

    Also the came from Egypt stuff, if it ever happened (at least in the sense of a great migration), is much further back than 2000 years. Also Jews were still polytheist and lots of random odds and ends.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    What 2000 years? You mean the Jews that lived peacefully in Palestine for the last 1000 years after the Romans were defeated before a bunch of radicalized European terrorists colonized their land 75years ago?

    JustZ ,

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  • tearsintherain , avatar
    slurpinderpin ,

    Man you’re completely missing my point. Maybe I just made the point poorly.

    If I’m a lot weaker than my bully, and my bully absolutely hates my guts, I’m not going to go and pick a fight with them, because it will give them all the justification they need to beat my brains in.

    I understand that Israelis hate Palestinians. That’s exactly why Hamas going and starting this war was the absolute worst thing they could’ve possibly done, if they truly cared about the Palestinian people. It gave Israel all the justification they needed to kill tens of thousands. That’s it. Not saying the justification is right, but it opened the door

    TokenBoomer ,

    Why didn’t the Palestinians just tell them to stop. 🛑 /s

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