Luis Rubiales faces 30 month jail sentence for Jenni Hermoso kiss ( )

Luis Rubiales could face a prison sentence of two and a half years if convicted of kissing Jenni Hermoso on the lips against her will, court documents have shown. The former Spanish football federation chief has been charged with one count of sexual assault and one of coercion in the aftermath of the kiss, offences carrying jail terms of one year and 18 months respectively.

The 46-year-old grabbed ­Hermoso and kissed her on the lips on 20 August during the awards ceremony after Spain beat England in the Women’s World Cup final in Sydney, sparking global outrage and ­causing a national debate in Spain about ­sexism. ­Hermoso and her teammates said the kiss was unwanted and demeaning, but Rubiales argued it was consensual and denied any wrongdoing.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

30 months?

For a kiss?

You're goddamned right.

Keep it to yourself, fucking creep.

Edit: Everyone move to the sidewalks, the anti-woke parade is marching through with their cute little batons and hats and the giant balloon mascots of their precious egos.

feedum_sneedson ,

I don't know about that. Seems grossly disproportionate, some sort of professional disciplinary action would be more appropriate. Perhaps a fine he'd notice paying. It doesn't seem like a sexual thing, just an excitement thing, I really don't know whether you can pin in on sexism. Like, would I kiss a guy out of joy? Potentially yes, in this context, if I knew them well. Was it stupid? Also yes. If he squeezed her arse at the same time, I feel that would then be assault. But maybe not if you were to squeeze a guy's arse in the same context? Also, if they were Italian I wonder if we'd be having this discussion.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

So, it's Ok for a man to kiss a woman without consent as long as they are celebrating something? I just want to make sure I've got your permission to start snogging marathon runners. Or should I go to an Italian marathon, since nationality seems to play a role in consent in your mind.

feedum_sneedson ,

It's not really okay, no. But it's not really "thirty months in jail" not okay.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

Well, then, by all means, put a figure on it. Remember, justice should be blind, so "disciplinary action" doesn't really cut it on the civil side of things. What is a valid punishment for nonconsensual sexual contact in a court of law? What should any member of society receive if they were to do this?

Atin ,

A month maybe? Even child molesters rarely get 30 months.

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