‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank ( www.bbc.com )

What followed was a wave of shooting and arson attacks across 11 Palestinian villages in which a dozen homes and more than 100 cars were torched, thousands of animals were slaughtered, four people were shot dead and scores of others were seriously wounded.

Aceticon ,

These are their Western Values...

... same as 19th century Russia and early 20th century Germany.

bamfic ,

literally quoting heart of darkness?

solo ,

What is a pogrom? Israeli mob attack has put a century-old word in the spotlight - The Conversation - March 6, 2023

From Russia to Israel

effectively puts Israel in the place of the Jews’ historic persecutors. This is a highly uncomfortable position for many Jewish people, particularly in Israel.

In today’s Israel, minority rights have been suppressed as well, particularly in the West Bank. Palestinians in the West Bank, unlike the Jewish settlers next to them, face violence and discrimination in nearly every aspect of their lives. In other words, Israeli Jews and Palestinians are today not equal partners in an ethnic rivalry.

historical records show far more rioters were arrested and punished by Russia in 1881 than in Huwara this week, where only eight of the 400 Jewish offenders were arrested, only to be quickly released.

assassin_aragorn ,

It's a terrible irony.

gedaliyah ,
@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

These groups are like the Israeli Hamas - religious fundamentalists who just want violence. The only thing that separates them in my mind is the lack of political power and billions in funding. Unfortunately, they are gradually increasing in both power and funding under the likes of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir.

juicy ,

Don't compare the oppressors and colonizers to the freedom fighters.

vintageballs ,

Don't excuse terrorists with fancy words like "freedom fighters"

PanArab , (edited )

This is rich. I personally, fully support the Namibian freedom fighters.


German soldiers targeted people of two ethnic groups — the Herero and the Nama — because they had resisted land grabs by German settlers. Africans were shot, hanged, abandoned in the desert and died in concentration camps

Killing the indigenous people for resisting, is the shared western civilization value Isaac Herzog meant.

Eyck_of_denesle ,

Pogroms existed before Hamas. And may have also been the reason hamas was founded. Also any sources on billions of funding hamas has? These settlers are backed by a state who is allied with the biggest military power in the world. They do in fact have billions in funding. Russia arrests more people than israel ever does for its settlers. That's how bad it is. And even when they are arrested they get to go out immediately.

Israeli state itself is like hamas

gedaliyah , (edited )
@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas has an annual budget between $600 million and $2.5 billion.

Alternate links for people without freedom of internet access:

France 24

US Congress

The Economist

Eyck_of_denesle ,

I can't even access the website with an Indian ip. Don't share no Israeli propaganda.

PanArab ,

That's aid to pay the salaries and provide aid to people in Gaza. About ~$1000 per person per year, not much at all.

small44 ,

How settlers occupying a land that is not their take revenge?

solo ,

With help from the US. Here is an article from November 2023:

There’s a Wave of Violence in the West Bank. New York Charities Are Helping Fund It.

Tax-deductible donations are arming Israeli settlers with combat gear, surveillance systems, and more.

“The ties between New York state and war crimes being carried out by Israeli settlers are egregious,” said Jay Saper, a New York–based organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace. “It’s long overdue for the state to take action.”

Earlier this year, Jewish Voice for Peace and other anti-occupation groups launched a campaign to stem the flow of tax-exempt donations from New York organizations to West Bank settlements. The “Not on Our Dime” act, introduced in the state Legislature in May, grew out of the activist effort and sought to empower the state attorney general to revoke the nonprofit status of groups funding settlements. Dozens of state legislators almost immediately condemned it as “a ploy to demonize Jewish charities.”

girlfreddy ,
@girlfreddy@lemmy.ca avatar

Sunday also saw Noor Abu Rasheed return home from Ramallah Hospital, her legs bandaged, to the dilapidated tent her family now shares next to their burned home. Two weeks after the attacks, she was with her family in the remains of their home as they cleared out the last of the blackened furniture. "My hope is to return to school and finish my exams," Noor said, looking down at the place on her leg where she was shot. Then she looked up, and smiled. "If I stay alive," she said.

Fuck. I can't even imagine. :(

shish_mish ,
@shish_mish@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I just finished reading and I don't understand why the world is not acting.
Why can Israel act with impunity. The Western nations have clearly shown that
the rules are different for non-white people and that their lives are not as
valuable. The hypocrisy is shameful.
These are people with dreams and hopes just like us.
The language used by the government, describing Palestinians as vermin
and animals emboldens the settlers. There seem to be few repercussions
for killing a Palestinian, if any.
Israel keeps saying ups this was a mistake and ups we bulldozed entire
villages and ups, a mass grave.
They say they will investigate but when they do, they find no wrong doing
or just a misdemeanour or an error.
The whole situation is a clusterfuck, any other country would be sanctioned
at the least, and ostracised.
And why are the other Arab nations not helping Palestine more? I understand
the situation is complicated, but there are many diplomatic measures to put
pressure on Israel without getting involved in the fighting.

ad_on_is , (edited )
@ad_on_is@lemmy.world avatar

This is exactly what pisses me off about all of this... it's 2024, we see live footage on various platforms, and the "leaders" make eurovision-like decisions all over the past few months.

It's not 1945 where they used to make decisions based on hearsay, its 2024 ffs, with live footage.

They spread fakenews about beheaded babies without any proof and justified the killings. But the footage that clearly shows acts of crime isn't remotely considered to stop this cruelty.

TokenBoomer ,
Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Simple watch this:

Stop voting for Genocide Joe vote third party.

TrickDacy ,

So trump can make it wayyyy better/s

Third party hasn't been remotely close to having a chance in recent history, so this shitty anti-thought is just handing the reins to trump, who will very obviously make it way worse. But then again that's what you want, isn't it linker?

assassin_aragorn ,

That would just make things worse. Trump would be worse for those protesting Israel's actions and for Palestinians themselves.


Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

It's because of this Pavlovian BUT TRUMP reaction that israel is committing Genocide right now.

Than you for proving my point.

assassin_aragorn ,

My link is literally Trump talking about Israel and Palestine. It isn't a "but Trump is bad" article, it's directly relevant to this issue.

Linkerbaan , (edited )
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

The israeli Post pretending that Biden isn't currently having pro Palestine protesters brutally beaten up by the cops is conveniently not highlighted

Both of them would do what Biden is doing right now.

assassin_aragorn ,

The president does not control the police nor campus police or campus administration. It would be a hell of a lot easier across the board if they did.

Can you prove that the Biden administration is behind the persecution of the protestors, specifically, and not individual police departments? Trump sounds like he would want to order the national guard or military to do this.

Linkerbaan , (edited )
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

it's absolutely hillarious that you require concrete evidence of actions Biden doing something yet Trump only has to say words. The Democrats used the police violence! They pumped rubber bullets into peaceful protesters like no tomorrow! Biden condoned the police violence and praised it. Painting all protesters as a violent mob. Genocide Joe went full fascist mode during the demonstrations and we're somehow still in pretend land.

Biden condemns campus protest violence: No ‘right to cause chaos’

Furthermore the Democrats were literally bribed by the israelis to call in the police on the protesters to violently shut them down. Many of the Zionists bribing the Democrats are the exact same people that bribe Republicans.

American business leaders and billionaires set up a Whatsapp group to shape public opinion on Israel's war in Gaza and urged New York City's mayor to use police to disperse a pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University.

American business leaders and billionaires set up a Whatsapp group to shape public opinion on Israel's war in Gaza and urged New York City's mayor to use police to disperse a pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University.

The group was set up on 12 October, days after Hamas's surprise attack on southern Israel, to "change the narrative" on Israel, including by conveying "the atrocities committed by Hamas... to all Americans".

Among the business leaders in the group were the CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, Dell CEO and founder Michael Dell, and Joshua Kushner, a financier and brother to Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

assassin_aragorn ,

You're confusing a lot of groups together here. Trying to influence the NYC mayor and public opinion is very different from bribing Democrats as a whole. IIRC the mayor is quite right wing too, like a Manchin type.

There's also a significant difference here -- Trump is saying what he would do. You're claiming what Biden has already done, and your evidence is a public statement that he made -- which don't get me wrong, was a shitty one to make. You haven't proved though that Biden or Democrats as a whole told the police to do that and shoot with rubber bullets and painted them all as violent. In your own link, Biden makes a very clear differentiation between peaceful and violent protest, and he says the former is a bedrock American principle. Your own link contradicts what you're describing and doesn't support your claims. It says blatantly that Biden won't use the national guard, which is the actual enforcing power that the president has.

Come on, there's plenty to criticize Biden and Democrats on with Israel without making leaps and lumping everyone together. I have respect for a lot of the points and arguments you've made in the past, but this isn't it. This is just sensationalism not grounded in reality.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

I could bring up Biden being the top recipient of AIPAC money as well.

I have also proven that the Democrats were intentionally violently repressing peaceful protests against Genocide.

I even posted a video of them pumping rubber bullets into protesters before look https://lemmy.world/post/14942817

There is plenty to criticize Biden and the democrats on regarding israel. The Democrats violently repressing peaceful protests CCP style is one of those things.

Fearmongering that Trump would do something does not have the same impact if the Dems are already doing it.

Third party all the way.

SwingingTheLamp ,

I have no direct evidence, but it's not at all far-fetched. The Obama administration set up a coordinated effort to share intelligence and plan tactics for the crackdown on Occupy Wall Street across the FBI, state and local police forces, and the banks themselves. The uniformity and brutality of the response to the university anti-genocide protests is... curious, at least.

kaffiene ,

No. This shit had been going on well before Trump

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

And it's going to continue going on because both sides are controlled by israel.

kaffiene ,

Not entirely. There's a lot of pro Israel money but a shift in public perception may well shift the political calculus

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Biden has been trying to throw his election chances for the past 7 months. And the Republican side isn't shifting much to begin with they love killing brown people. At this point the only thing that will shift is how hard Biden tries to gaslight people that he is wagging his finger at Netanyahu.

kaffiene ,

Not going to disagree with the fact that Biden seems to be doing his best to lose

TokenBoomer ,

You can be damn sure if Biden’s poll numbers dropped to 20% he’d pivot so fast and the media would laud that as courage.

kaffiene ,

Thereby electing Trump

TheBat ,
@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Israel is enabled by the USA for the last 75 years. They vetoed every resolution even condemning Israeli atrocities.

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