Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state ( )

Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced they will formally recognise a Palestinian state on 28 May, triggering an immediate response from Israel, which said it would retaliate by recalling its ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo, and withholding vital funds from the Palestinian Authority.

The three European governments made the long-awaited announcements in coordinated moves on Wednesday morning that they said were intended to support a two-state solution and foster peace in the Middle East.

“We are going to recognise Palestine for many reasons and we can sum that up in three words: peace, justice and consistency,” Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, told the parliament in Madrid, to applause. “We have to make sure that the two-state solution is respected and there must be mutual guarantees of security.”


Mrkawfee ,

Hopefully this is a step toward dismantling the brutal apartheid regime that has colonised Palestine for 76 years.

Eheran ,

... What?

Drusas ,

They are saying they hope it will lead to the end of Israel.

bamboo ,

Or at a minimum, getting Israel out of the internationally recognized Palestinian Territories (West bank, Gaza) and allowing Palestinians to self-rule.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

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  • Knightfox , (edited )

    No one said that, dipshit.


    To get rid of a system or organization, usually over a period of time:

    Basically everyone wants either two-states based on 1967 borders or Israel to give Palestinians equal rights and create a single, secular democracy

    Except this guy specifically said he hopes the current Israel is dismantled. At best they could be hoping that Israel changes into a better government, but I don't think that's their meaning.

    Devorlon , avatar

    dismantling the brutal apartheid regime

    No where does that say dismantling Israel.

    Knightfox ,

    that has colonised Palestine for 76 years.

    So who are they talking about then?

    Keeponstalin ,

    Dismantling Israel as an apartheid state and replacing it with a secular binational state that has equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis?

    Knightfox , (edited )

    Well that can't be what he thinks, I listed that as an option in my original response

    Except this guy specifically said he hopes the current Israel is dismantled. At best they could be hoping that Israel changes into a better government, but I don’t think that’s their meaning.

    But he clearly said

    No where does that say dismantling Israel.

    So what entity which has colonized Palestine for 76 years, but isn't the current Israel does he mean?

    EDIT: Words have meaning, if the words you use don't mean what you mean, then admit that you used the wrong words and be more clear or else people must assume you mean what you say. Coming in after the OP and attributing meaning that they didn't give doesn't suddenly change what they said. A reminder, the original post was;

    Hopefully this is a step toward dismantling the brutal apartheid regime that has colonised Palestine for 76 years."

    EurekaStockade ,

    Dismantling the regime. If someone said we need to eliminate the Chinese Communist regime, would you think they want to destroy the entirety of China?

    TheBat , avatar

    So you do agree that Israel is a colonizer country?

    Aceticon ,

    That's an intrepretation only possible if you ignore most of that post.

    The logical interpretation after reading the entire post is that they hope this will lead to the end of Appartheid in Israel.

    Or are you saying that there is no possible way for Israel to exist either than as an ultra racist etnostate that systemically discriminates against a part of its population based on their etnicity? Because that's the only way you could logically claim that Israel without Appartheid would not exist.

    can ,

    Or are you saying that there is no possible way for Israel to exist either than as an ultra racist etnostate that systemically discriminates against a part of its population based on their etnicity?

    Not who you're asking but as a citizen of a country that's working through that transition I hope it could be possible, but fear it will take decades.

    Aceticon , (edited )

    So far it's working in South Africa, for all the problems it had and is having, as well as in what used to be Jugoslavia, and there is a very long History of etnically diverse populations either ending up cohexisting or segregating into separate independent nations without being constantly at war with each other.

    I would even go as far as saying that integration (willful or forced) or peaceful separation into two states are far more common situations than an etnostate successfully suppressing a population without ending up murdering or expelling the entirety of the second largest etnicity.

    If you look at History, most conquering of land succeeds because the conqueror actually wants the locals to subject to the rule of the elites of said conqueror rather than pushing them all out, so the people of the conquered territory generally end up integrated into the culture of the conquering nation.

    The really special thing with Israel is that it's an etnostate with a core principle that one etnicity is "favoured by God" whilst trying to pass itself as a Democracy, which is also a conqueror in somebody else's land, so fully integrating people with equal rights from a large different etnicity that live in that conquered land (something which would be real Democracy) would directly go against the core etnostate principl (as those other people are not from the "favoured by God" etnicity) and would even change the way the conqueror is ruled because equal rights for a sizeable majority means equal voting rights.

    So over the years the leadership in Israel has threaded a thin line where they integrated only a few of the local etnicity in order to seem Democratic but not enough for them to actually have real power versus the etnic majority, and only did so by giving them second class rights, while at the same times using techniques like outright giving on Israeli nationality with full rights to anybody from the favoured etnicity who are not yet Israelis in order to boost the number of that etnicity in Israel. So a small number of people from the not-favoured etnicity are second class citiziens, whilst the vast majority of them kept entirelly powerless (with not even second class citizenship), not just in the conquered land but also in Israel proper.

    IMHO a Democracy as a conquering nation can only ultimatelly live in peace in that situation if the people in the conquered land are integrated into it (so equal citizens with equal votes) or live so far away from the conqueror's mainland that they can be kept oppressed and their violence does not reach the mainland (and as we've seen when the US did things like conquer Iraq, that doesn't last), and Israel because of being an etnostate can never accept integrating people from a different etnicity and at the same time sits right next to the very people whose land it conquered and which it oppresses because it cannot integrate them and still remain an etnostate.

    There are only three ways for there to be Peace in this situation:

    • Israel murders or kicks out every single native from the lands it has conquered, which is what they seem to be trying to do.
    • Israel stops being an etnostate, which is incredibly unlikely given that the ultra-orthodox vote is growing and predicted to keep growing without end in sight - in fact the trend is for Israel to just become a full-blown Theocracy rather than merelly a "Democratic" etnostate.
    • Israel leaves the land it occupies (at minimum, enough land for a viable Palestinian state) and both people self-segregate.

    I would say that most outsiders who are not rabidly pro-Israel are aiming for the last one.

    snowday ,


    ThePowerOfGeek , avatar

    Israel, which said it would retaliate by recalling its ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo, and withholding vital funds from the Palestinian Authority.

    The Israeli government (and many but not all Israeli people) will seize on any excuse they can to punish the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people at this point. So tying such actions to the recent decisions of Ireland, Norway, Spain, or whoever else is very disingenuous.

    They want all the Palestinians to suffer, and preferably disappear forever. These punitive steps are just a means to that end.

    Squizzy ,

    Let them take their ambassadors, we have been asking for their expulsion for months. This is a win win for us.

    khannie , avatar

    I think it was smart enough to let them do the withdrawal instead of us doing the expulsion tbh. They look like they're having a tantrum now because of it.

    You can't have a two state solution without two states. Calm down lads.

    That Russian ambassador though.... I would very much like to see him kicked out. His justification of the invasion to Tubridy was disgusting to watch.

    thefluffiest ,

    Ireland, Spain and Norway: thank you for your leadership

    mightyfoolish , (edited )

    I ❤️ Basedland! This is being human, recognizing in others the same struggle you went through and want to lend a helping hand.

    DUBLIN — When Fatin Al Tamimi immigrated to Ireland in 1988, she felt like hers was the only hijab on the streets of Dublin. There weren't many other Arabs or Muslims in Ireland at that time.
    "People thought I was a nun! They were always like, 'Bless you, sister,'" the educator and activist recalls, laughing.
    But when her mostly white, Irish Catholic neighbors learned she was Palestinian, she says they were immediately supportive.
    "They'd say, 'We know it all, we've been through that,' " Al Tamimi says. "I guess because of history, the way they were oppressed and colonized by the British. It's the same thing happening to the Palestinians." - NPR

    xc2215x ,

    Great to see from these three countries.

    Aceticon ,

    The only reason why these countries are not immediatelly sanctioned by the Biden Administration is because it would start a Trade War with the whole of the EU which would really fuck up the US and cause even more EU nations to do the same things as these three.

    Jafoo ,

    Do so before The IDF wipes the entire fucking place(And everyone in it)out, once and for all

    werefreeatlast ,

    Israel just had to poke at the hive. Because russia'z invasion was going great. Now it's time for consequences.

    Reminds us of Trump and the consequences he is facing.

    Corkyskog ,

    I wouldn't be surprised if Putin helped Bibi & Hamas kick off 10/7. It helps all 3 of their goals.

    theotherverion , avatar

    Recognition of Palestine is today impossible as they don’t have normal border and, nor a government

    mightyfoolish ,

    Borders - West Bank and Gaza Strip

    Government - Fatah

    Tryptaminev ,

    Neither did Israel in 1948.

    Neither did Germany between 1945 and 1949.

    The whole trope is comically bad, as somehow there is places where they get recognized and then gain boarders and governments and there is places where this is supposedly impossible.

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