boatsnhos931 ,

It's probably because he's a kiss ass and smells like sauerkraut from not baving

ExfilBravo ,
MehBlah ,

How many times has some fool slept on the job for that asshat only to be given the old heave ho.

Yawweee877h444 ,

Why bother living.

I guess maybe if the extreme overwork overtime is a means to an end by getting money, retire early, get experience to find a more reasonable job... I guess maybe some can justify it. Maybe. There's probably some who feel forced due to desperate circumstances.

Idk. I hate this overworked overtime culture.

coffee_with_cream ,

Yeah I just was forced to quit after putting in 10 hours a day for 5+ years at a company. It caused health problems and is definitely not worth it. Put the extra time into YOUR OWN projects instead of someone else's.

Zink ,

Agreed. And remember that a good personal project does not necessarily have to be for profit.

shani66 ,

I'm proud to be a 'loser' by our standards. I think it was theory of a deadman's lowlife that really made me think about how much better it is to simply not fucking care about all the bullshit.

IzzyScissor ,

What? The guy who fired people who slept in their offices at Twitter fired more people who were sacrificing their personal lives for one of his companies?

Ya don't say.

WhatAmLemmy ,

I hear masochistic genocidal overlord is much nicer once you get to know him. You just have to look past all the masochism and genocide, to see the fluffy teddy bear inside.

Buffalox ,

I hear masochistic genocidal overlord

I think you mean sadistic.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Tesla is a massively overvalued stock and has been for a long time. When they announced their recent dire sales, the share price actually rebounded because the clown Mush spouted his usual nonsense about the real value in the company - self drive and robo-taxis - but it's been widely reported for some time that the companies tech is a dud because Musk decided to remove all the expensive components that actually make the technology work. They lost their first-move advantage; their competitors have caught up and surpassed them both on EVs and self-drive tech.

The guy is a joke, the company is a joke.

Shadywack , avatar

That new Chevy RST looking pretty badass, it isn't just marginally better than a Cybertruck, it's objectively superior in nearly every aspect that it can be superior.

Alexstarfire ,

Does it make you look like as much of a douche?

PlasticExistence ,

No joke, a cybertruck passed me on the road during my drive home today, and it's even stupider looking in person than in pictures and videos. I laughed out loud at the genius who paid actual money for it.

Alexstarfire ,

My cousin said someone in her neighborhood has one. They live in a pretty rural area.

PlasticExistence ,
radicalautonomy ,

I saw my first one in the wild this morning in Dallas. Holy fuck is that a fugly-ass vehicle, and the dude driving it looked like a pretentious twunt.

AllNewTypeFace , avatar

We have a winner!

Nobody ,

Unions are the only way to protect workers. The wealth extraction class only cares about numbers. Collective action can threaten their bottom line and force them to the negotiating table.

rayyy ,

When you work for a snake expect to be bitten.

NoIWontPickAName ,

It is my nature said the scorpion

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Why are we still surprised by stories like these? Post pandemic tech layoffs are not performance based. The tech industry has decided that less employees is better than more employees and they're laying off entire departments.

drdabbles , avatar

Tesla isn't a tech company.

blackbelt352 ,

It's business model is indistinguishable from other Silicon Valley based tech companies, riding hype cycles of disrupting XYZ industry with its incredible new tech thats definitely only a year or 2 away. It's a tech company.

cedarmesa , avatar

They put wheels on an i-phone

drdabbles , avatar

iPhone actually works. Also, which generation iPhone weighs two tons?

BananaOnionJuice , avatar

The iPhone 2T of course 😁

1995ToyotaCorolla , avatar

Adding this to my list of reasons why I don't give "110%"

snooggums , avatar

#1 - literally impossible

#2 - not being paid 110%

#3 - the company doesn't actually reward going above and beyond, and sometimes they punish you

Soup ,

We ain’t even being paid 100%. I checked what a vaguely comfortable lifestyle would be for my area and even the top earners in the field make nowhere near that number. They were paying me effectively 43%, it was a miracle I came back to work after lunch on Wednesdays.

brbposting ,

If they made researching payscales illegal, would that help? :p

Diplomjodler3 ,

I always give 100% at work:

  • Monday: 10%
  • Tuesday: 20%
  • Wednesday: 30%
  • Thursday: 20%
  • Friday: 20%
kambusha ,

Generous Friday

anarchrist ,

That's the before lunch average...subject could not be found for evaluation after lunch.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Have to make up 100 somehow. All numbers are just approximations, of course.

giantfloppycock ,

Mmm yeah, that sweet sweet grind culture

Diplomjodler3 ,

Surely you'll be a billionaire too some day, if you only play doormat to the owner class hard enough.

doeknius_gloek ,

I usually check my emails while on my autopilot commute to work

Also, with a 90-minute commute each way, in 2023, he apparently started sleeping in his car, showering at the factory and microwaving his dinners on days that he was working.

This guy sounds like a fucking idiot.

0x0 ,

Darwin Award runner-up.

Legend ,

I don't think that's what darvin awards are for .

0x0 ,

Reading mail while using autopilot?

korny ,

Typically, people alive are not eligible.

HootinNHollerin ,

Probably thinks he’s a temporarily embarrassed billionaire

billiam0202 ,

He sounds like a true believer.

Which is the same thing, really.

Riven , avatar

That's my first reaction too but it could very well be that the dude can't afford to lose his job if he's late. I get it, I have long commutes too.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I think it was more about checking his email while his car was in Autopilot mode as if that were a safe thing to do.

(For anyone unclear on that, it is absolutely not a safe thing to do.)

Riven , avatar

Ah fair enough. Yes that's crazy, I heard of a dude who would take 20 minute naps on his commute home he didn't even have 'autopilot' it was just fucking lane assist and adaptive cruise control. That's a death waiting to happen.

korny ,

Sounds like a quiet quitter to me, if only he went above and beyond the expectation I'm sure he'd still be there /s

Sharkwellington ,

What...what is even the problem? Managers "feel uneasy"? What?

Kiosade ,

Yeah why would the managers feel easy if their workers are apparently continuing to work hard up until they quit?

AutistoMephisto , avatar

Yeah. Because someone who merely "meets expectations", you don't know what they're thinking. They could be plotting something and you wouldn't know. Many employers pride themselves on thinking they know what their employees are thinking while on the clock. Meanwhile, the "quiet quitters" are the hardest to read.

victorz ,

Quiet Quitter seems like such an American concept. I feel like America's work ethic resembles Asian work ethic a lot? Nobody would complain here about someone who is fulfilling their duties without being more enthusiastic about it than necessary, or about not giving it more than they absolutely need to. It's a job, after all.

Obviously, in some professions you want the worker to be somewhat involved, like a caretaker or doctor or surgeon or teacher. But if they just do what is asked of them, they shouldn't be called "quitters"... Just my two cents, I guess.

korny ,

I feel like culture is beginning to change, but there's so much inner class warfare and competitiveness in some positions that some are blinded to the bigger picture it seems.

Every measly raise I've ever gotten, comes with a warning that the company doesn't want us discussing wages. I feel like a lot don't see that as the red flag that that is, and are only concerned about themselves in that matter. I've always ran to blab to my coworkers make sure we're all in it together for equal pay

Chetzemoka , avatar

It's illegal to ask you not to discuss wages in the United States. Violation of federal labor law.

RobotToaster , avatar

That's just sad.

redcalcium ,

When self-driving cars finally become a reality (working reliably on any condition without constant supervision), I suspect many people would skip buying house and buy these cars instead because it'll be so much cheaper. After work, you hop into your car and take a nap, then wake up in a diner's parking lot. Go back to the car again after eating to sleep, and wake up in the morning already in your office's parking lot. Basically homeless but never need to worry about cop because the car constantly moves while you're sleeping, making circuit around the city until it finally take you back to your office's parking lot.

0x0 ,

But was the car on autopilot?

0x0 ,

Answer to self:

I usually check my emails while on my autopilot commute to work

Imgonnatrythis ,

Ha! Too bad Lemmy doesn't do karma. You cracked a pretty good upvote farming technique by asking a question that should have slammed for not even bothering to rtfa or summary or other cooments even, and then self responding with what is a redundant statement from the article for everyone else.

bizzle , avatar

Lemmy user SLAMMED for making an obviously sarcastic quip!

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