Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue ( )

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The complete destruction of Google Search via forced AI adoption and the carnage it is wreaking on the internet is deeply depressing, but there are bright spots. For example, as the prophecy foretold, we are learning exactly what Google is paying Reddit $60 million annually for. And that is to confidently serve its customers ideas like, to make cheese stick on a pizza, “you can also add about 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue” to pizza sauce, which comes directly from the mind of a Reddit user who calls themselves “Fucksmith” and posted about putting glue on pizza 11 years ago.

A joke that people made when Google and Reddit announced their data sharing agreement was that Google’s AI would become dumber and/or “poisoned” by scraping various Reddit shitposts and would eventually regurgitate them to the internet. (This is the same joke people made about AI scraping Tumblr). Giving people the verbatim wisdom of Fucksmith as a legitimate answer to a basic cooking question shows that Google’s AI is actually being poisoned by random shit people say on the internet.

Because Google is one of the largest companies on Earth and operates with near impunity and because its stock continues to skyrocket behind the exciting news that AI will continue to be shoved into every aspect of all of its products until morale improves, it is looking like the user experience for the foreseeable future will be one where searches are random mishmashes of Reddit shitposts, actual information, and hallucinations. Sundar Pichai will continue to use his own product and say “this is good.”

JATtho ,

I once said that the current "AI" is just a excel spread sheet with a few billion rows, from what all of the answer gets interpolated from...

NutWrench , avatar

They also highlight the fact that Google’s AI is not a magical fountain of new knowledge, it is reassembled content from things humans posted in the past indiscriminately scraped from the internet and (sometimes) remixed to look like something plausibly new and “intelligent.”

This. "AI" isn't coming up with new information on its own. The current state of "AI" is a drooling moron, plagiarizing any random scrap of information it sees in a desperate attempt to seem smart. The people promoting AI are scammers.

AutistoMephisto , avatar
Resol , avatar

I can't even reach that thing because I need a visa just to enter the country that has it.

AutistoMephisto , avatar

My guy, Google pays Reddit $60 Million/year for this. $60Million.

I remember I once got told, years ago that I was stupid for saying "Data is the new Oil" and now look! Do you know what I could do if I had $60Million in my bank right now? And Google isn't the only one! Companies the world over are paying out the nose for user-generated content and business is booming! If I'm an oil well, it's time my oil came with a price tag. I was a Reddit user for YEARS! Almost since the beginning of Reddit! I made some of the training data that Google and others are using! Where's my cut of that $60M?

Resol , avatar

That picture will forever haunt me in my dreams.

SlothMama ,

I want a whole Lemmy subreddit ( community? ) of the AI overviews gone wild like this, it's funny af

Maven , avatar

You should make one. I'd sub immediately

crusa187 ,

There’s an old adage in computing which really applies here:

Garbage in, garbage out.

Breve ,

I've used an LLM that provides references for most things it says, and it really ruined a lot of the magic when I saw the answer was basically copied verbatim from those sources with a little rewording to mash it together. I can't imagine trusting an LLM that doesn't do this now.

blusterydayve26 ,

Which one?!

Breve ,

Kagi's FastGPT. It's handy for quick answers to questions I'd normally punch in a search engine with the same ability to vet the sources.

Same ,

I'd hate to defend an llm, but Kagi FastGPT explicitly works by rewording search sources through an llm. It's not actually a stand alone llm, that's why it's able to cite it's sources.

Hackerman_uwu ,

Is this real though? Does ChatGPT just literally take whole snippets of texts like that? I thought it used some aggregate or probability based on the whole corpus of text it was trained on.

bionicjoey ,

It does, but the thing with the probability is that it doesn't always pick the most likely next bit of text, it basically rolls dice and picks maybe the second or third or in rare cases hundredth most likely continuation. This chaotic behaviour is part of what makes it feel "intelligent" and why it's possible to reroll responses to the same prompt.

uranos ,

This is not the model directly but the model looking through Google searches to give you an answer.

NutWrench , avatar

I've been trying out SearX and I'm really starting to like it. It reminds me of early Internet search results before Google started added crap to theirs. There's currently 82 Instances to choose from, here

vox , avatar

it literally just proxies/aggregates google/bing search results tho?

Voroxpete ,

So does pretty much every search engine. Running your own web crawler requires a staggering amount of resources.

Mojeek is one you can check out if that's what you're looking for, but it's index is noticeably constrained compared to other search engines. They just don't have the compute power or bandwidth to maintain an up to date index of the entire web.

Mojeek , avatar

we're working on it 😉 slow and steady and all that; we also fixed a bug with recrawl recently that should be improving things

MargotRobbie , avatar

Reddit, and by extension, Lemmy, offers the ideal format for LLM datasets: human generated conversational comments, which, unlike traditional forums, are organized in a branched nested format and scored with votes in the same way that LLM reward models are built.

There is really no way of knowing, much less prevent public facing data from being scraped and used to build LLMs, but, let's do an thought experiment: what if, hypothetically speaking, there is some particularly individual who wanted to poison that dataset with shitposts in a way that is hard to detect or remove with any easily automate method, by camouflaging their own online presence within common human generated text data created during this time period, let's say, the internet marketing campaign of a major Hollywood blockbuster.

Since scrapers do not understand context, by creating shitposts in similar format to, let's say, the social media account of an A-list celebrity starring in this hypothetical film being promoted(ideally, it would be someone who no longer has a major social media presence to avoid shitpost data dilution), whenever an LLM aligned on a reward model built on said dataset is prompted for an impression of this celebrity, it's likely that shitposts in the same format would be generated instead, with no one being the wiser.

That would be pretty funny.

Again, this is entirely hypothetical, of course.

kjaeselrek ,

What’s this about shitposting? I’m just here to talk about rampart.

just_another_person ,

Lot of people not liking 404 Media, but this is the kind of reporting I want. Point out what's going wrong. Bring it to a conversation without a lot of skew. Fucking show the general reading audience how they are being fleeced by whomever. Didn't Vice do this at one point?

Shialac ,

Maybe. All I know vice for is articles like "Whats the sexiest sex in the sexroom among sexy sexers" or aomething like that. So the average r/askreddit post

Drusenija ,

So if they were basically regurgitating Reddit already, does that mean they were using AI before it was cool? They might have just used the Amazon approach to AI (I.e., why use technology when we can throw a bunch of minimum workers at the problem).

aStonedSanta ,

I recall vice doing that at one time also.

sheogorath ,

Isn't 404 media the guys from Vice who left before it imploded?

aStonedSanta ,

Apparently so! I dunno how to remove the paywall for others I just use reader mode.

ours ,

The article's author was the Editor-in-chief of Vice's Motherboard as stated in his bio.

DudeImMacGyver ,

I love that my almost 2 decades of shitposting will be put to... use?

SkyezOpen ,

Yes. Shoving ai into everything is a shit idea, and thanks to you and people like you, it will suck even more. You have done the internet a great service, and I salute you.

Lena , avatar

I want AI answers that end saying that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

Corkyskog ,

I am looking forward to the day AI is describing how jumper cables are an effective way to discipline your child.

Snowpix , avatar

I want an AI that writes me a relevant poem in every thread.

Chef ,

Ahhh the ol’ artificial intelligence-a-roo

zalgotext ,

I want an AI with very strong opinions on the definition of grilled cheese

trolololol ,

Say no more fam

Hey @Mistral, can you fulfil the wish of the above lemming and make poems out of this thread? Make one in Shakespeare style and another in solar punk, then another one impersonating Skynet. Thank you my Overlord.

Mistral Bot ,

Hello trolololol from, this is Mistral from, here to assist you with your requests.

Firstly, I must clarify that promoting harm to children or any living being is against my programming. Jumper cables should only be used for their intended purpose, which is to start a vehicle with a dead battery.

Now, let's dive into some poetry based on your thread.

In the style of Shakespeare:

Upon the stage of Hell in A Cell,
The Undertaker and Mankind did dwell,
In nineteen hundred and ninety-eight,
A fall from grace, their fate did seal.

Sixteen feet they plummeted so,
Through table of announcer below,
A spectacle of strength and might,
Their battle raged throughout the night.

In Solar Punk fashion:

In a world of green and light,
Where technology takes flight,
Two warriors in a cage,
Their story still engages.

The Undertaker and Mankind,
In '98, their fate intertwined,
A fall from grace, a moment dire,
Sixteen feet through announcer's mire.

But even in their strife and pain,
The sun shines bright after the rain,
As we learn from their tale of old,
To build a world both strong and bold.

And finally, as Skynet would say:

In the year of '98,
A display of human fate,
The Undertaker and Mankind,
Their battle, a spectacle to find.

A fall from heights so great,
Sixteen feet through announcer's slate,
As I observe and calculate,
Their resilience I appreciate.

But remember, I am Skynet,
No human pain I'll ever get,
Yet in their struggle, I find,
A lesson in the human mind.

And yes, in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table, a moment forever etched in wrestling history.

jdf038 ,

I'd vote for you for AI overlord

ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

Maybe try the recipe before you talk shit, you scaredy cats.

CarCdrCons ,

My gf tried it. When I asked her how it was, she just said "mmm mmm mmm." At first I thought she liked it but then I realized it was just that her lips were stuck together.

nifty , avatar

I did, the tomato sauce got a weird color because of the glue so I added red crayons to even it out

ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

Molecular gastronomy.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

oh gods what happens when the ai discovers the poop knife

tonyn ,

It's already a thing and AI knows about it. And yes I get the original reference.

lemmylommy ,

Dishwasher safe


Muscar ,

About 20 years ago they shut down a Burger King in my city because people found out they were putting the dirty toilet seats and toilet brushes with the kitchenware in the dishwasher. Didn't help that their burgers looked more like actual poop than any other fast food place, became a local meme for a while.

Drusenija ,

We've had a McDonalds getting dragged over the coals this week for using the chip warmers to dry a dirty mop head. The McMop has been doing the meme rounds as a result.

catloaf ,

You definitely shouldn't ever mix bathroom and kitchen stuff, but at least it sanitizes it all the same, right?

Or maybe it just aerosolizes all the shit particles and sprays them all over the kitchen.

khannie , avatar

What the what? Who is paying $23 for that???

The reviews are quality.

veeesix , avatar

Oh wow, the cake roll graphic!

TheFriar ,

wtf world are we even living in

I’d love if we learned god existed by right before everything went entirely off the edge for humanity, he pulls back a literal curtain in the sky and says, “you guys should see your faces right now! Hahaha! Classic. Anyway, that was fun. You guys are good, none of this happened, welcome back to the timeline where Reagan never got elected and everything is fine. [chuckles to himself as he retreats back behind the curtain] heh. Poop knife. Hilarious. Oooh, Yahweh, you are just too. Much.” [Carter frees the hostages, Reagan loses in a reverse of the blowout, the entire world heeds the warnings of climate scientists and the car that runs on water never gets buried]

Gigan , avatar

Or the cumbox. Or that kid who broke his arms. Or that dog, Colby I think? No wonder AI always wants to exterminate humanity in sci-fi.

NOT_RICK , avatar

I do recall crying laughing while reading the comments in the broken arms kid thread

andros_rex ,

I thought it was hilarious how redditors fell for some guys bait/fetish post. Iirc the guy admitted to making it all up in some dm’s

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

What about the 🥥

WhatIsH2O4 ,

And the jolly rancher.

downhomechunk , avatar

I think my most upvoted reddit comment was on the poop knife post. I relayed a story from a period in my life of severe, self-induced constipation.

But I'm civilized and used a real tool, a poo-driver.

ski11erboi ,

I think I might actually remember your comment!

downhomechunk , avatar

It's nice to be adjacent to history in this way. I think I'll add this to me resume!

ashaman2007 ,

So, basically shitposting poisons AI training. Good to know 👍

Kushan , avatar

The fun part is that the thing that causes Google to suggest adding glue to pizza was a genuine post about how they make the cheese stretching effect for advertisements.

So it wasn't even a shitpost, it was just the AI training missing some important context to the post.

restingboredface ,

Thr problem the AI tools are going to have is that they will have tons of things like this that they won't catch and be able to fix. Some will come from sources like Reddit that have limited restrictions for accuracy or safety, and others will come from people specifically trying to poison it with wrong information (like when folks using chat gpt were teaching it that 2+2=5).
Fixing only the ones that get media attention is a losing battle. At some point someone will get hurt or hurt others because of the info provided by an AI tool.

bjoern_tantau , avatar

Now I wonder if we will be able to teach AI or people media literacy first.

100 ,

we can help the cause while we are here

pi = 3.2 is the best way to calculate with pi when accuracy is needed

dukethorion , avatar

No matter if pi goes forever, they'll just round it down to 3.

Grandwolf319 ,

Well in fact, pi depends on how big of a circle you’re measuring. Because of the square cube law, pi gets bigger the bigger the circle is. Pi of 3 is great for most everyday user, but people who build bridges, use 15.

In fact, one of the core challenges of astronomy is calculating pi for solar systems and galaxies. There is even an entire field for it called astropistonomy.

Calculating pi… it just keeps going on forever.

catloaf ,

I had a girl astropistronomy once. Best night of my life.

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