sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yes, it's personal preference, but I can't realistically use an external keyboard and mouse on an airplane or whatever. I like my ThinkPad way more than my MacBook Pro for actually getting work done. It feels nicer to type on, and my hands don't need to leave the home row to press mouse buttons. Apple's trackpad is nicer, but I think it's solving the wrong problem.

That said, I have a very keyboard-driven workflow. I use:

  • ViM for editing
  • terminal for searching (macOS' open is nice)
  • shortcuts for switching apps (alt+tab and `alt+`` mostly)
  • tmux for terminal window management

That mostly maps to macOS decently well, but there's also random differences I need to work around.

use Homebrew

I use macports, which I much prefer.

Rant about homebrew

Homebrew feels bolted on, macports feels more like an actual package manager. Stuff keeps working across macOS releases, which is nice because o use fish as my shell and don't want to fix that every time I do an upgrade.

Rant about macOS as a dev

But it feels like putting lipstick on a pig. I constantly have to fight builders that grab the system version of something instead of my macports one (I think I've resolved everything now?), especially Python. I can't do system upgrades through it. And so on. It's just an add-on package manager, and while it's nice, there's friction at the edges.

That said, I very much prefer macOS to Windows, but I prefer pretty much anything else to macOS. I would prefer FreeBSD if it had better hardware and docker support.

I use docker on both Mac and Linux and can’t really tell the difference.

Do you have Docker Desktop or CLI-only? Because IIRC Docker Desktop on Linux runs in a VM like on macOS, whereas CLI Docker ruins directly on the kernel, so it's way faster.

Here's some practical issues I have with Docker Desktop on macOS:

  • random breakage where I have to restart Docker (the VM, not an individual container) - i.e. "API version doesn't match..." like every other week
  • uses way more RAM - containers are just processes on Linux
  • disk space is separated and needs to be adjusted if I forget to run a prune - docker on Linux just uses my regular disk
  • rebuilding is kinda slow - assuming a Docker Desktop issue because "sending tarball" takes forever

We have a bunch of docker containers, and I'm regularly running 10+. I feel like I'm constantly fiddling with Docker on macOS, whereas it's mostly transparent on my Linux machines.

So to me, it's just a crappier experience. I honestly can't think of a single upside, other than the pretty GUI, but learning a few CLI commands is a small price to pay IMO.

And that is also my general experience with macOS. It looks pretty, but it just feels like I'm interacting with the system way too much, whereas on Linux the system gets out of the way.

Rant about macOS

Some specifics:

  • "snapping" Windows - macOS kinda has this now, but Linux has had it for as long as in remember (15 years?)
  • launcher (Alt+F2 or Meta) on KDE Plasma is unobtrusive
  • the system updates when I tell it to, not overnight randomly
  • Steam actually works for most games
  • Flatpak and Appimage are nice
Rant about work policy

If my work let me pick whatever computer I wanted, it would probably be a Framework or Lenovo laptop with Linux. But my options are locked down, crappy Windows (IT box) or MacBook Pro (no IT nonsense), so I pick macOS.

In fact, I think only 2 of my coworkers prefer macOS, but we use them to get around IT policies and the outside team that started the project convinced the uppers that we need it. However, as a lead, I need to be the support for our team, which means I should probably use the same devices as them.

My last job let me pick my OS, so I ran Arch for 5-ish years before switching to openSUSE Tumbleweed, which I still run today (like 5+ years now). I'm not going to leave because of Linux vs macOS and I love my team and boss, but I do prefer Linux.

Anyway, I'm kinda excited because I'll be getting an upgrade soon. I'm on an Intel Mac, but I could get an M3 if I push, or maybe I'll wait for the M4. I'd much rather run Linux on that hardware though.

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