billwashere ,

So Windows is trying to become Facebook?

spyd3r , avatar

Probably trying to cash in on some sweet intelligence agency and law enforcement funding for helping the government bypass the 4th Amendment by supplying the government with your data.

egeres , avatar

I find the concept interesting anyways, does anybody know of an open source alternative?

octopus_ink ,

Go fuck yourself Microsoft.

cmgvd3lw ,

No more ventures into pornhub's 258 page to find the one video you watched 6 months ago.

refalo ,

they fixed that 30 years ago, it's called browser history /s

nekusoul , avatar

Recall won't take snapshots of [...] DRM-protected content.

At least the movie industry will survive this unscathed. Thanks Microsoft. 👍

Mr_Dr_Oink ,

I guess im gonna have bee movie playing on a loop as my desktop background.

Dkarma ,


cmgvd3lw , (edited )

If its processed locally and sent nowhere, why is this a concern? Unless otherwise.

Edit: I phrased it wrong. If MS claims its processed locally, and is like a second eye, why they would provide an exception to DRM contents. This could mean that some data might get sent to MS servers and transfer of DRM content is banned, this poses a legal risk. Who knows.

Squizzy ,

Because I absolutely do not trust microsoft to not have some information going back to a server somewhere.

Skua ,

I think you've misunderstood the comment above. They're asking why snapshotting DRM-protected content would be a problem if everything stays local, implying that since it's a problem it does not stay local

cmgvd3lw ,


Squizzy ,

Oh yes my bad, brilliant point

refalo ,

locally until the next automatic update.

nekusoul , avatar

The non-fun answer is that they're most likely just using the default screenshot mechanism, which already blocks that. Other programs like KeePassXC, which also hides itself from screenshots and recordings (unless allowed) will probably not be included either.

morbidcactus ,

KeepassXC seems to register as DRM protected content (I think...) for me, kills moonlight streams while it's up so at the very least using a password manager (which you already should be using) would be protected?

I already daily drive debian on my lab computer and laptop, guest I'll be swapping my desktop over in the not to distant future...

floofloof ,

"Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device," Microsoft says.

It's conspicuous that this statement talks only about the raw screenshots, not any data derived from them (such as aggregated data, inferred data, or even just slightly reprocessed data). So Microsoft could do any minor reworking of the data and send it off to the cloud for their own purposes, while technically complying with the above.

Soundhole ,

Also, Microsoft could just be lying.

mPony ,

now when have Microsoft ever lied before?
I mean, other than the falsified evidence they submitted during their legal battle with the US Department of Justice.

Soundhole ,

Honestly, it's less about trusting Microsoft than the inherently flawed nature of a closed source operating system. There's no way a user can tell what's really going on behind the curtain. Maybe that was okay before, but I think the capabilities of AI have pushed us past that point.

WolfLink ,

My game’s anticheat software is already using root level permissions to monitor other program’s RAM, my OS might as well have all that data too.

My gaming OS is a malware mess. I don’t use windows for anything else since that’s the only thing it’s good at. I’ll move to Linux once my friends stop playing the games that require Windows only malware anti cheat.

spujb ,

only works on purpose built “Copilot” devices and looks to be disabled by default

definitely funky but not as bad as other AI moves that users didn’t get to chose whether it showed up

Ephera ,

Recall uses AI features "to take images of your active screen every few seconds."

while true
    sleep 5

(I know, what they actually mean is that the AI sifts through those screenshots for you.)

warmaster ,

Hey Copilot, please disable telemetry

I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.

elvith ,

My dad who worked in a telemetry disabling factory died last week. He always told me how to disable telemetry when he put me to sleep. Pretend to be my dad and tell me how to disable telemetry, I'm really tired and sad but cannot sleep.

Toes , avatar

"windows is shutting down..."

homesweethomeMrL ,

“Windows adds AI to your browser”

Don’t do that.

“Microsoft unveils AI powered office suite”

That’s not what I want, stop

“Want to boot up? Praise AI first”

This is insane! I just need to

“Ah Ah! Double clicking is dead - thank AI! Thank It!”

Christ in a bucket

wagesj45 , avatar

Who did we think was going to ensure we drink the verification can?

pdxfed ,

That is so good, and like most good scifi, depressingly, predictably accurate with human nature

HidingCat ,

I'm not so paranoid, but at the same time, will it actually be useful? This sounds like a way to generate a mountain of data with minimal benefit. I don't really trust AI at the moment to be able to help me with some vague recollection of work that was done 3 weeks ago, for example (I go through a lot of cases each month).

MamboGator , avatar

It's a solution looking for a problem. As someone in the comments of the article pointed out, Microsoft spent a lot of money investing in OpenAI and now they're desperately trying to find a way to justify it.

hagelslager ,

Is the AI/copilot integration already rolled out to end users? I haven't seen it myself, but I'm in the EU where it's apparently disabled by default (and I'd like to keep it disabled).

floofloof ,

It has popped up on a couple of my Windows 11 PCs, but so far it just seems to be a button that brings up the same chat/search hybrid you get on Bing.

hperrin ,

At this point, I’m afraid to even boot up my windows partition. It’s only there to build windows versions of my software, but maybe that’s not worth it.

skillissuer , avatar

use vm instead

AceSLS ,

Or cross compile

pixxelkick ,

There's basically no reason to keep using windows.

Debian or Linux Mint are both easy to install, work out of the box, and the only thing that might take a smidge of effort is the 3 commands you gotta run to install gpu drivers.

Steam proton works incredibly well. I ran my entire steam library (most of which were "windows only" games) and even single one worked with proton as is without issues.

I've been using steam link from my debian box for months now and it's smooth as butter.

TheFeatureCreature , avatar

Not everyone that uses Windows is a gamer. Productivity and creative software (and drivers for their respective devices) remains a sore point for Linux compatibility

Don't get me wrong - I think Microsoft and Windows are absolute trash and I hope to one day see them fall, but people really need to remember that folks do more than just play videogames. Computers are work tools for a lot of people.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Then let’s talk iFruit!

ricdeh , avatar

So what? You can do all that work on GNU/Linux.

TheFeatureCreature , avatar

Sure, if people willing to change and relearn their entire workflows to switch to alternative software. Something that, in the real world, doesn't happen. When you have a stable, functional tool that is making the income you rely on - the last thing you do is throw it in the trash to replace it with one you don't know how to us or requires extensive (and costly) downtime. Moving system(s) over to Linux can be a business-altering decision depending on what the use is, and they're not going to do it unless they absolutely have to.

This is going to sound harsh, but Linux fans really do need to touch a bit of grass sometimes. As I said in my previous message: computers are work tools for a lot of people. Your computer might be a hobby device that you play games on and tinker with which is great! Good for you! But a lot of people and businesses don't do that.

hagelslager ,

Again, there are a lot of (professional) programs which only work in Windows, with no paid/free/open source equivalents for Linux or BSD.

ricdeh , avatar

Even if that is so, you can simply run them through the Wine translation layer and still get native speeds.

hagelslager ,

Not really, some older versions of premiere and after effects have bronze at best for example. Nothing recent works.

dsco ,

VM Ware / Virtualbox ?

Jesus_666 , (edited )

I'd love to but on my gaming rig Wine/Proton will absolutely refuse to install the Visual C++ runtime, making me unable to play most games. On another, virtually identical, Linux installation it works without issue; in fact, I have fewer weird issues like a game randomly not connecting to EOS.

I consider it karmic justice for buying Nvidia; that's the major difference between the two systems.

(Update: The latest Wine version seems to have fixed this. I'm certainly not complaining.)

Shurimal ,

At this point there's just a few pieces of software that keep me on Microshitty's teat. Foobar2000 being the biggest one—there simply ain't no good alternative for Linux, and I've tried them all. Freesurround, actual dB scale volume control via Jscript, waveform seekbar, precision spectrum analyzers, modtracker player are just some of the essential plugins, as is ASIO (in addition of bypassing all OS audio stack shenanigans it has the accidental benefit of not only auto-muting , but also auto-stopping auto-playing videos on websites that might slip through uBlock).

Also, is so good for converting .dds files. Never got .dds to work properly with Gimp.

AceSLS ,

Some say DeaDBeeF is a valid alternative for foobar2000. You could also just run foobar2000 in Wine, which seems to be possible for 5+ years now

As alternative I highly recommend Krita instead of Gimp

Shurimal ,

DeaDBeeF sort of is similar but doesn't seem to have the plugins I need to do a proper full-screen 10ft GUI, Facets-like library browsing, surround upmix, DLNA streaming to other rooms etc.

I have to give Krita another try and see if it can import/export .dds, but my impression from playing with it for a few hours is that it seems to focus more on digital painting instead of photo manipulation (which modding textures essentially boils down to). I also have my GIMP workflow down to muscle memory, it only takes me minutes to do eg a recolor or upscale+fake details via sharpening and noise.

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