JohnEdwa , (edited ) avatar

And I just want a small Android phone that fits in one hand.
The last one to be around iPhone 13 mini size is the Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact from 2018. And if you want original iPhone SE size, then the "latest" one is the Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 from 2011.

Oh what I would do to magically make my old Samsung S4 Mini usable again...

jg1i ,

What are your thoughts on the Unihertz Jelly Star?

NaoPb ,

The reviews of the Jelly series seem to conveniently leave out how it is to type on.
I would like that size but I need to be able to type a casual whatsapp message every once in a while or add an appointment to my calendar.

I am considering buying something cheap and (relatively) small from AliExpress to see how that works and if it's a size I like. I'd hate to spend Unihertz prices only to find out it's too small for me.

Zerfallen ,

It's great, but a bit too small and thick (...let me just stop you there), and the design is just not really modern or elegant. I didn't have problems typing on it, personally. But it's either the Jelly Star, at 3", or you basically jump straight up to 6" minimum.

JohnEdwa , avatar

Interesting, but taking it a too far to the tiny end - I don't need a phone I can hide in my prison pocket, just one that fits in my regular ones.
Also Unihertz has terrible software support and doesn't provide android upgrades for their phones, so it's already in a sense 7 months out of date - and sadly obscure enough that there isn't much custom rom development either.

rekabis ,

I just want a small […] phone that fits in one hand.

How bloody small are your hands??

Mine are just average for a man’s, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max is eminently usable with just one hand.

JohnEdwa , avatar
NaoPb ,

I see you and me are looking for a similar phone. I want to be able to comfortably hold and use it with one hand.

As someone else mentioned Unihertz makes some smaller phones that aren't limited in specs but some may be too small for my tastes. I am still looking to see what would be a good size since I want to be able to type on it with some comfort.

JohnEdwa , avatar

The S4 mini wasn't quite that small, but typing comfort on small phones depends entirely on how comfortable you are with using swipe/gesture typing, as that's realistically the only normal way to do it - any on-screen buttons are just too tiny to hit accurately unless you go landscape.

NaoPb ,

I am still very stuck with typing with two thumbs like I did on my BlackBerry.

whoreticulture ,

jfc not everyone is a man

far_university1990 ,

Shift5me is only thing below 5“ screen i found. Made 2019. 18mm higher and 13mm wider than iphone se.

JohnEdwa , avatar

Screen size stops being meaningful when you start comparing phones released years apart - the 5" Shift5me is 141,5 mm x 71 mm, phones around that width have seen screens all the way from the 4.3" of the 2011 Philips W920 to the 6.2" of the 2024 Samsung S24. For reference, the S4 mini was 4.3" at 124.6mm x 61.3mm.

But if that is an acceptable size of a phone, there are still few of those around, thankfully. It's just about the limit of what I can comfortably handle at all (Pixel 4a currently)

Mango ,

I'll fuckin do it. How hard can it be to make minimal technology with a decent interface for a demanding market who will all happily pay a little bit of extra upcharge because they don't want the shiny new biz?

bitwolf ,

I want a dumb phone I can side load on to.

Just my essential apps and nothing else

iopq ,

Nothing is stopping you from doing this on GrapheneOS

jg1i ,

The problem with dumb phones is that the entire world pushes people towards smartphones. For a lot of adults, it's really hard to move to a dumb phone.

Have a security system for your house? Need an app.
Router? App.
Bank? App.
Payments? App.
Doctor appointment check in? App.
Texting? WhatsApp.
Fucking menus? App.
Refrigerator? Believe it or not, also App.

My bank is so shitty that sometimes the website doesn't work, but their mobile app does.

You can't always opt out of using an app. I tried setting up my new ISP's router last week and it required an app. No other way to do it.

Currently, I'm thinking something like the Jelly Star might be the best compromise. Has maps and other tools, but the tiny screen prevents them from trapping you.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Some of those apps are optional but advertised as if they aren't. For instance, I've yet to encounter a router that actually needs the app to set it up, but most will tell you to do that rather than trying to give you the "old school" instructions.

NaoPb ,

Out of all those I only use WhatsApp, Lemmy and an Internet Browser. I guess a real dumb phone is out of the question for me. Though I could do with something smaller (not too small) and cheaper.

rekabis ,

Most dumb phones aren’t.

Dumb, that is. Virtually all of them have some version of Android or KaiOS or some other full-fat OS cosplaying as something “simple”. Litmus test: does your “dumb phone” come with a map app? A Facebook app? Can you install apps from an external source? If so, you don’t have a dumb phone.

The hallmark of a dumb phone is the lack of an OS that boots. You turn it on, and everything should be instantly and immediately available, loaded from ROM. No boot sequence, no waiting for anything to load.

The only truly “dumb phone” out there - as something “new” and not actually vintage - is the Rotary Un-Phone.

Peddlephile ,

I want complete control of my technology after I buy it. I don't want my phone to assume things that I like based on my input. If something goes wrong, I want it to be my fault because I enabled the wrong setting. I also want physical buttons. I miss those so much.

buzz86us ,

Why? Just download a copy of android without gapps

JustZ , avatar


Next question.

NaoPb ,

What is the meaning of life? What are we doing it for?

Iheartcheese , avatar


thirteene ,

I'll take a shot: Life is a disease of chaos that spreading itself across the universe that long forgot about it. In order to survive it must consume itself, but keeps spreading slightly faster and has only recently started to shape its own future.

We as a species? We do it because it feels good for the most part. Nature was cruel and we figured out how to keep the pleasure center of our brain happy, and are trying to do that as efficiently as possible. Evolution is cruel and humans are no exception. When primates are threatened they go straight for the throat and balls to remove all challengers. We as a species can get more together; but greed has tipped the balance. Hard times are here and it will likely take drastic change to correct the scales.

We as a collective individual? As our perspectives and priorities change, there will never be a single answer for an individual at any point in their life, so it's hard to provide insight to anyone reading. The first task is to get to know yourself, what are you good at, what do you suck at, what's the most attractive part of your body, what's your best hairstyle, we are all unique and unless you can honestly answer this, you still have work to do. If you had unlimited cash, what would you do? Keep in mind quit my job is not an answer! Aside from getting bored in a few weeks, the actual point of this exercise is to identify what your priorities are. Would you run an organization to do something? What's your passion project? It might be to spend it with your family and that's a great answer for a happy life. Bill Gates went to Africa to help people, Elon Musk bought Twitter so people would talk about him. At the end of the day, your reason for doing it and mine will be different, but you need to find what you can do that will bring you efficient happiness. If it helps; I like chasing a lot of different things and finding the best it has to offer, I also love my dogs. Best of luck in your search.

Lost_My_Mind ,

We as a species? We do it because it feels good for the most part.

I think I'm being a human wrong. Everything hurts, I hate everything, and nothing has ever made me feel good.

thirteene ,

I'm genuinely sorry to hear that. From my own journey, I recommend trying to find something that you realize is tolerable to fun. Engage in that activity and actually stop to appreciate that you are in that moment. Just absorb how those emotions feel and try to embrace that frame of mind. Often I would get wrapped up in doing something and not appreciate that I was enjoying myself. I would spend my 8 work hours hating my job, getting worked up by the news and wallowing in those emotions and that becomes your mindset. Identifying that change is constant and trying to embrace what you have now creates moments that are worth indulging in. Now I add slurpee runs to project plans just to make my days slightly more enjoyable and novel. They will likely get stuck down, but at the least it's a softball for someone to roast for a good laugh. But more often than not we take 15 minutes and get a slurpee. Those coworkers are now friends. It took years before discovering I was neuro atypical, don't be afraid to seek help and see if there is something different about you and if you can do something about it.

Jtotheb ,

I thought I wanted a dumber phone. Not a flip phone necessarily, but not a pocket supercomputer. I looked at the majority of options out there and concluded that (ignoring the ones that are basically just running Android) they’re all missing a feature or two I really like, like the Light Phone looks great but I listen to audiobooks on Libby all the time. So then I just decided to delete a bunch of stuff from my iPhone, and then I didn’t get around to that so I still just have the same phone. 🤦‍♀️

Lost_My_Mind ,

Person: has problem

Person: attempts to fix

Person: fails

Person: attempts band-aid fix.

Person realizes they have no motivation, and just lives with the problem.

This is where we're at America.

NatakuNox , avatar

I want a dumb TV!

gnuplusmatt ,

I looked at this when replacing my TV. If you want a nice panel the options are pretty limited, or you have to pay for commercial sets or a projector. I settled on creating separate VLAN for my smarttv and limiting what apps are installed on it and sourcing a blocklist for all its tracking shit.

danciestlobster ,

You can just never connect your TV to the Internet or make it forget all networks, that works pretty well if you have a console or PC hooked into it that is doing the actual content for it

ICastFist , avatar

You still have to deal with the piece of shit taking forever to turn on, and the possibility of it simply dying because any component of the "smart" part died.

Cosmicomical ,

In that case you replace the part that died, instead of throwing away everything. (see Hulk meme)

Omgboom ,

At some point smart TV manufacturers are going to catch on and require Internet, it's only a matter of time

CancerMancer ,

I don't want a dumb phone but I would 100% take a phone with a back that isn't glass, high repairability, and full control over the OS. Make it THICC and put a big battery too.

mightyfoolish ,

For now there are Fairphone and SHIFTphone but both only guarantee to work in the EU. They offer very mid hardware but I hear they do actually work.

CancerMancer ,

Not EU so I'll have to wait. It cost me around $40 USD in shipping and taxes just to import a damn Pinecil to Canada, my country is ridiculous.

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo , avatar

Wanna to hear worse? In Turkey you can not import a phone with shipping. You have to bring it with yourself and register it with your passport after paying around 1000 dollars.

CancerMancer ,

Wow they really did find a way to make it worse. Impressive.

mightyfoolish ,

I'm not 100% sure on this but there is always the possibility your carrier could always block devices it does not recognize. I need to look more into this.

Also, it seems that someone has already started to work on bringing mobile Linux "PostMarketOS" to the new Shiftphone. It's not even released yet. If it's officially supported, I'll have a favorite brand for sure. That kind of software support would be unprecedented (except maybe the Librem as mentioned earlier but their hardware repeatability is much lower).

RampantParanoia2365 ,

Why would the back of your phone be made of glass? Lol, wtf?

ICastFist , avatar

because steve jobs' ghost wills it

087008001234 ,

Have had at least one phone fitting this description. :(

Android, too.

Omgboom ,

So that the manufacturer can charge you to repair it when it breaks

CancerMancer ,

From what I understand about phone design, it allows for the smallest possible design that can still do NFC and wireless charging, while keeping that premium feel.

I don't give a damn about premium feel, I just want a no-nonsense phone that does what it's fucking supposed to while still being serviceable.

Canuck ,

Sounds like a Librem 5. Am currently typing from one.

far_university1990 ,

How is performance? Read spec relatively low.

Decq ,

So a fairphone? Though it doesn't provide wireless charging I think.

far_university1990 ,

And no headphone jack

Decq ,

Yeah that was probably the wrong decision, following their mantra. But personally it doesn't bother me too much. I'm pretty happy with it

far_university1990 ,
  1. Make repairable phone

  2. Remove headphone jack and release wireless bud that not repairable (TWS earbud)

  3. Piss off community

  4. ???

  5. Profit?

(i know fairbud now better, but was not back then)

VonCesaw ,

Legit the cheapo plastic screens on the less than $100 phones are the most resilient phones i've ever owned

I had a chunk of metal fall on one, and the only thing it did was INDENT the screen, the plastic was soft enough to bend rather than just crack

recapitated ,

I want a phone that has an eink display but an ecosystem for apps. I want my battery to last weeks, I want my communications conduits to be dead simple, and I want to be able to run an OTP authenticator on it.

If the thing I'm expected to have becomes highly useful for the things I'm expected to have it for while also interrupting my bad habit tendencies, I think it would be a good fit for me.

aceshigh , avatar

Yes. Make the phone look and be as boring as possible. No more doom scrolling.

soEZ ,

This boox palma is a thing... not sure how good of a phone it is though

iopq ,

Do you want e-ink or would you rather have a Gameboy display? Transreflective LCD can be a lot faster and have better colors. You can even add a backlight

gnuplusmatt ,

Dumbphone maybe not. But a Linux phone that is fully functional and eschews the corporate app eco system? Yes please

I admit I would miss tap to pay tho

viking , avatar

Stick your credit card under the phone cover and you have tap to pay.

Asudox , avatar

true. Though I don't know how you'd lock it behind biometrics.

viking , avatar

Above 25 or 30 USD (don't remember exactly) my bank requires me to enter the pin, that's just as good.

Asudox , avatar

Oh well, that works then.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Jokes aside, but in Russia, when NFC stopped working on Apple phones, some banks made payment stickers like this.

GCanuck ,

Although you should be using an RFID blocking case to hold your cards.

iopq ,

I thought I would miss pay to tap, but then I realized there's another device that supports pay to tap. So instead of taking out my phone to pay, I take out my credit card

ICastFist , avatar

I wouldn't mind a dumb phone, but I'd need it to have whatsapp at the very least, otherwise I'll be "that incommunicable weirdo"

Shampiss ,

I would miss Google maps too.

I'd love a cool gimmicky phone that flips open or whatever, and has a small screen or a really bad frame rate. Just to discourage me using YouTube and social media.

I just don't know what I would use to navigate around

whoreticulture ,

Guys just pay for a good app-blocking app. You don't have to get an entirely new phone to do this. They work great.

MystikIncarnate ,

It's fun that you need an app to keep all your apps in check.

whoreticulture ,

🤷🏻‍♂️ true but, I do like having access to social media as addictive as they are designed to be. it keeps me in touch with people, local activism, pop culture

MystikIncarnate ,

Kind of not the point my friend.

Some people want to disconnect from all the digital distractions and just use their phone as a phone.

They intentionally want to disconnect. I get it, that's not you. You still want the social media connection, and there's nothing wrong with that. Other people, mainly, those who want "dumb" phones, don't.

whoreticulture ,

You can completely block the social media apps from your phone then. Anything that encourages someone with a fully functional phone to go out and buy another one is a waste of resources.

I do like to disconnect, which is why I have the app blockers lol

MystikIncarnate ,

And planned obsolescence isn't a waste of resources? We are basically forced to toss away fully working phones after 3-4 years because the batteries can't be swapped. You have to take it to some shop you've never been to, and have them take it apart in a specific way, in order to get a new battery. Usually the cost isn't worth it and for a little more you can get a brand new device... The sales people always push you that way regardless.

So having the option of a feature phone when the forced upgrade inevitably happens, wouldn't that be better than forcing people to buy an over powered phone with more capabilities than they want?

I'm not saying someone should take their perfectly working iPhone 12 and toss it in the trash for a feature phone just because.

This argument is invalid.

StaySquared ,

Use the web browser.

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