Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL?

Next year Windows 10 goes End of Life. Microsoft will undoubtedly push windows 11 hard, but a lot of machines won’t support it leading to a few economic points of interest:

The demand for new machines will be high, driving up cost.

The supply of unsupported machines will be high, driving down the used market.

Are you all ready?

InternetUser2012 ,

I've been ready, ditched that malware over a year ago and it has been great.

joneskind , avatar

IMHO people just won’t give a flying fuck about it. Most people won’t even be aware of it.

They’ll upgrade when they’ll buy a new PC, just as usual.

20hzservers ,

My job in the a non technical field relies on a laptop to run a label printer, the laptop is ancient and I already had to install revOS on it so that printing labels isn't horribly bogged down waiting on the laptop to load the simple printer program. Is there anyway that proton would be able to run that program? Probably not because of all lack of driver support, if anyone has any ideas I'm all ear, even just pointing me in a direction would be appreciated!

Agility0971 , avatar

This sounds interesting. What the hell is RevOS? What kind of label maker is that? Does it have a name? Do you know what kind of cable it's using to communicate with the pc?

20hzservers ,

Yeah it's brand name is kiaro it just uses a usb to connect to the laptop, and revOS is basically just a custom windows install that has as much of the bloatware removed as possible as well as some UI mods to make it feel more like old school windows a little bit. The laptop is from like pre 2010 so Microsoft is slowly killing it's performance with all the bloatware crap. Kinda ridiculous that they don't take older hardware performance very seriously on windows the thing is just trying to run simple GUI printer software and it was struggling hard before revOS.

Agility0971 , avatar

This is what I think one need to do to test if that would work

  • get latest ubuntu live cd
  • install bottles
  • run label printer installer for windows in bottles
  • check if the program runs at all

If the device is a COM device in windows then I think it should just work out of the box. If not, then the entire device needs to be forwarded using udev rules to wine. Let me know if you want to attempt this :)

SapphironZA ,

We are trialing about 20 Linux desktops (10 Linux mint and 10 zorin OS) across 2 of our MSP clients.

So far, they have had zero technical tickets in 6 months. They did have double the average user training tickets compared to windows machines. Most of the questions were around how to work with editable PDFs and where is the document was they just saved (file manager questions).

Zorin OS seems to be winning on the usability metrics. Its very polished and more closely matching the UI of people coming from windows.

DeprecatedCompatV2 ,

Are there any windows programs you've had to set up through wine?

SapphironZA ,

Not in our case. We only take on clients that converted to browser based apps. Bit we are yet to convert the heavy excel users. The one we have converted are light Excel users and online excel is working just fine for them.

vivavideri ,

It's my only hangup. I vba on the regular. Work forced win11 on me, but at home, once i can be assed, I'll vm windows eventually and migrate completely, and scheme alternative languages for my spreadsheet wizardry lmao

Wooki ,

Libre calc Scripting imo is more matured and better than excel. Better and far more popular language (python or javascript equally far better than vb)

vivavideri ,

I've heard good things but haven't looked into it yet. Thing is, I got so good at vba that I got a promotion out of it lmao. As archaic as it is, my work is essentially hardcoded in windows for the foreseeable future, so I have to be able to dick around in msoffice.

Wooki ,

I highly recommend skilling up asap. Its really eol. Nothing stopping you from changing your code to python (which is supported in excel) with the goal to migrate out to either an application or FOSS office suite. LibreOffice costs your corpo IT nothing to deploy unlike MS Office which costs to buy and keeps costing with every proprietary service and feature you use.

Agility0971 , avatar

If you want yet another promotion you know what to do next

emptiestplace ,

From the bottom of my tortured soul: fuck Windows.

Dagamant ,

Yeah, people are just going to keep using it, they just won’t get updates. That means they will be vulnerable to any exploits that come along afterward but most people don’t care. M$ shot everyone in the foot when they decided to limit windows 11 compatibility.

When windows 7 came out I knew people who stuck with windows xp until they bought a new computer with 10 or 11 on it. The market will get a slight bump from EoL but it isn’t going to force everyone with windows 10 to run out and buy a new computer immediately.

Lemminary ,

If MS decides that my hardware is obsolete, I'll just go full Linux 🤷‍♂️

Gormadt , avatar

Personally I use Linux Mint on my other machine and Windows on my main PC

Before Windows 10 goes EoL I'm going to get my NAS running a Windows VM for Fusion 360 and Lightroom and my main rig will be on Linux Mint as well

I just need a need to finish my NAS rebuild to get everything rolling at full steam

Unfortunately that means I need to stop buying car parts first

PlutoniumAcid , avatar

stop buying car parts first

Oof. Same, brother. Same. 🤜🤛

dual_sport_dork , avatar

As your attorney I advise you to buy a motorcycle. Bikes and bike parts are cheaper. And then you can have more bikes than cars, and more bikes to buy parts for. Wait, where was I going with this again?

moon ,

There are people out there still using Windows XP. Not everyone will jump because Microsoft is trying to force their hand

viking , avatar

Just get yourself a copy of the LTSC (long term service contract) versions, they will still be supported until 2027, and in the past have been extended by up to 5 years on top.

It's the only viable alternative to Linux, for those who can't switch for one or another reason. Windows 11 is pure cancer.

MudMan , avatar

Having used 10 and 11 interchangeably since 11 came out... meh.

I mean, maybe there are additional annoyances from the IT/sysadmin side that I just don't bump into as a user, but besides some UX downgrades that don't make sense (that taskbar... why?) it's a pretty neutral change. Maybe I'm to grizzled by having been there in the switch to 95. I unironically had Windows Me on my computer there for a while. I even caved and did some Vista eventually.

But not Windows 8. Windows 8 was unusable.

Wooki ,

Windows 11 is garbage:

  1. UI is garbage, from right click to the taskbar, its a alpha release being sold to as complete product.
  2. settings missing alot of control panel items and you cant go back in some cases for even simple things like sound device management, network management, all settings are far far from parity.
  3. Poor hardware compatibility, bsod on same hardware is common occurance.
  4. Privacy invasive spyware. From the search service to the telemetry. Its a data mining platform
  5. Security is terrible. Internet connected Services are on by default that shouldnt be like search and telemetry. Any on by default service, like telemetry can and are abused with zero days. Mandated cloud services as a bandaid to poor local account security. Security is a bandaid full stop, from the kernel to cloud services its not secure by design.
MudMan , avatar

Agree on 1, mostly. I forget that's the case because I have software installed to fix it, which is fairly trivial but shouldn't be necessary in the first place.

2 is a day one meme thing that no longer holds. Sound management in particular is now much better than Win 10 in several key areas, IMO. Likewise with 3. Echoes of Vista and Win 8.1 dragging day one legit complaints way past when they were no longer an issue.

4 and 5 are the kinds of things that average users typically don't know or care about (and mostly don't have to) and are debatable from a power user's perspective. If the argument is Win10 is reaching end of support and you care about the implications of that, then you are the type of user that can fix that problem. And if you're the kind of user who doesn't care about a supported vs unuspported Win10, you don't care about this specific observation either.

Let me be clear, I'm not an active apologist for Win 11 or any other Windows, I just don't have a preference. Win11 was a sidestep, the best I can say for it is that I'm kinda glad MS was semi-forced to keep it as a separate version rather than a patch to 10. But it's also mostly just fine. A few people got really incensed about it early on and have tried to keep up a pretense that it's a disaster iteration in the vein of some of the really bad ones, which using it day to day is clearly an exaggeration.

Wooki ,
  1. Is absolutely still an issue expecially when manufacturers advise on disabling OS features for compatibility. Dont forget that user base you talk about, this is an OS upgrade so if its not stable, its not suitable. My god is it not stable, read kernal processor power management. Its a stability nightmare for general users.

So bother with all that mac imitation especially when the upgrade is not possible? Just buy the more power efficient, faster and improved value chrome book.

MudMan , avatar

Wait, who is talking about ChromeOS? I thought we were talking about Win10 v Win11.

5C5C5C ,

Sounds like there are going to be a lot of machines running a fresh install of Linux next year. Microsoft really does ♥️ Linux.

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