New Anti-Consumer MacBook Pros - Teardown And Repair Assessment - Apple Silicon M1/M2 ( )

No surprises here. Just like the lockdown on iPhone screen and part replacements, Macbooks suffer from the same Apple's anti-repair and anti-consumer bullshit. Battery glued, ssd soldered in and can't even swap parts with other official parts. 6000$ laptop and you don't even own it.

mechoman444 ,

I'm going to put this out there as just an idea, don't buy apple products.

They're shit they've always been shit and they've never been financially worth buying.

catfish ,

I just got an M2 MBP. In my personal experience it is very much not "shit".

Expensive and a PITA to fix? Quite possibly.

frostwhitewolf ,

+1 apple products are very much not shit. Otherwise people wouldnt buy and use them as prolifically as they do.

I started using Macbooks because the user experience on windows laptops sucks in comparison.

Tristan ,

Agreed. I work in computer simulations and their great. CPU is crazy fast, stays cool and silent. Battery life is solid.

Blackmist ,

The EU needs to fuck their shit up.

Mandate that laptops must have user replaceable storage and RAM (and tablets to have user replaceable storage). My old Dell laptop has windows in the bottom to get to both of those.

The loss of 3.5mm headphone jacks is nothing compared to the loss of that. They're common failure points and easy upgrade paths.

aport ,

Nobody is stopping you from buying a laptop with user replaceable storage and RAM. Why do you need the EU to get involved? That's ridiculous.

kylemsguy ,

Companies are slowly moving in that direction, except doing it worse in most cases (i.e. cheaply)

noodle , avatar

They are a lifestyle brand and play on that to keep people trapped. People who buy Apple like the aesthetic of appearing wealthy. It's classism through consumerism, even if the consumers don't realise it.

Apple's terrible privacy policy (yes, despite the word privacy appearing in the ads), atrocious right to repair stance, and aggressive software lock-in tactics should put any person who cares about those things off.

There was a purpose to buying Apple when they were the only player in the specific niche. Audio engineering is a great example of this. In the 90's, Apple were really the only valid choice in a highly specialist field. Microsoft caught up in the 2000s, with Linux not too far behind in the 2010's.

So nowadays, the limitations are effectively self-imposed. You can spend whatever money you want on a setup that will do whatever you need and the OS is a personal preference.

lud ,

I don't like Apple very much but it would be stupid to not admit that their new M1 and M2 SOCs aren't great. Their battery efficiency far surpasses any from Intel or AMD and the performance is great.

I think MacOS looks stupid though, I mean, it looks like fucking Gnome.

I assume most people that buy Macs and iphones do it for their software and hardware, not because they want to appear wealthy.
Like you said OS is a personal preference and some prefer MacOS and iOS.

...lock-in tactics should put any person who cares about those things off.

Unfortunately most people don't care.

vidumec , avatar

you don't have a choice if you need Xcode for iOS/MacOS development

mechoman444 ,

You, correct, if you need to develop for iOS or something Apple related you'll need the appropriate hardware and software.

Which brings us back to my original point don't buy Apple products.

kylemsguy ,

mac mini's are pretty cheap for that purpose. And besides, just because you personally don't use a platform doesn't stop you from making money from people who do.

raginghummus ,

Except they're not. They're excellent products and since Apple silicon are actually half decent value in some cases.

mechoman444 ,

Except that they are. There is absolutely no value to anything they make. It's all over priced proprietary crap.

Apple products right now are almost entirely home use there's almost no commercial industry anymore.

Developers graphic design artists music producers most technology firms most offices like doctors and lawyers whatever don't use Apple products. They're almost exclusively windows.

Literally the only thing keeping them in business right now is the iPhone. They don't sell enough of any other product.

raginghummus ,

What world are you living on? Most of silicon valley use Mac. Most the professions you listed DO use Mac. Since Apple silicon, performance for price ratio beats most Windows options for most people.

mechoman444 ,

What world am I living on. Wow. No.

Most of silicon valley does not run on apple.

The delusion that your mind is under that makes you believe that performance to price is better with Apple you need a seat professional help.

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