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vodkasolution , in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry avatar

80s: You wouldn't buy a Japanese car!
90s: you wouldn't buy a Korean car!
00s: you wouldn't buy a small Italian car!

PraiseTheSoup ,

I'd still never buy an Italian car of any size. Not then and not now.

vodkasolution , avatar

It's not the country of origin, it's the brand that matters

twei ,

I'd buy a Revuelto in an instant, I'm just lacking the ~600k to do so

wander1236 , in Microsoft's latest Windows update breaks VPNs, and there's no fix avatar

"Microsoft's latest update breaks [some] VPNs and there's no fix [yet]"

Windows is getting worse and worse, but do we have to spin legitimate bugs as some nefarious plot?

misspacific , avatar

click bait never changes or whatever.

wander1236 , avatar
FaceDeer , avatar

Too late, there's a little blood in the water so now everyone hates Microsoft and is pouncing on every drop they think they smell. Being part of an angry mob is fun!

Don't worry, in a couple of weeks or months some other big company or rich person will become the focus and everyone will forget about Microsoft again.

gomp ,

Windows is getting worse and worse

and so is the press :( websites and content creators enshittification is as bad as other companies (one could even argue they have been among the first to do that)

Emotet , in Multi-million dollar Cheyenne supercomputer auction ends with $480,085 bid — buyer walked away with 8,064 Intel Xeon Broadwell CPUs, 313TB DDR4-2400 ECC RAM, and some water leaks avatar

$480085. 4 B00BS.

prime_number_314159 ,

Inflation is wild. Just a few decades ago, you could get this kind of thing for just an arm and a leg.

gregorum , avatar
The_Che_Banana , avatar


deadbeef79000 , in Intel continues search for source of Core i9 chip crashes — issues statement about recommended BIOS settings to board partners

I'll go give you a hint: you made some crap CPU's and rather than binning them as lower spec'd units you sold them as is and then claimed they were performance units.

This meant that the spec overhead that previously MB manufacturers relied on to stretch the performance wasn't there anymore.

TL;DR: greed

Enkers ,

Shit, that's not great. As a consumer, is their any way to protect yourself if you're in the market for a modern i9? Does the entire 12th gen lineup have issues?

I'm still using a 1st gen i7, and the lack of AVX is starting to become problematic, so I think it's time...

deadbeef79000 , (edited )

I personally try to support the underdog, so AMD when it comes to x86.

Intel also refuses to provide Vulkan drivers for older CPU's iGPU's to drive consumers towards buying new systems, which I considered a dick move, and upgraded that laptop with an AMD based replacement.

We bought three 13900's for workstations at work, got burnt with two of them, bought 7950X3D's instead for the next three.

So, if you're set on Intel (which is your prerogative) ask someone else ;-)

Enkers ,

I think my main reason when I looked into things a while back was that Intel had the better single core speeds, but I'm not married to the idea. I'll mostly be gaming and dabbling with local LLMs.

But yeah, I also haven't been a huge fan of Intel's anti-consumer business practices. Maybe it's time for an AMD system! Thanks!

deadbeef79000 ,

In the last few years, IMHO, single core performance has been irrelevant (for me personally and professionally).

Almost everything can be parallelized, it's just a bit harder to implement.

I've found disk I/O to be the biggest bottleneck recently, PCIe 5.0 NVMe has done more for speed than an extra few MHz have in years.

Enkers ,

Thanks for the advice! I've been out of the game a long time, so the quick refresher was super helpful.

SuiXi3D , avatar

They’re losing money on ARC so I suppose they felt they had enough headroom on their CPU division to make up for it. Might’ve got cocky and not properly tested the new CPUs before pushing them out.

deadbeef79000 ,

Straight from the Boeing book.

delirious_owl , in Multi-million dollar Cheyenne supercomputer auction ends with $480,085 bid — buyer walked away with 8,064 Intel Xeon Broadwell CPUs, 313TB DDR4-2400 ECC RAM, and some water leaks avatar

313TB RAM?!?

The array's services were used by scientists across the state of Wyoming and the rest of the country when needed. The 5.34 petaflops system was mainly used for weather and climate studies, helping the National Science Foundation better study climate change and other Earth-related sciences.

Yeah that makes sense

antsu ,

Enough to run Chrome and 2 Electron apps!

RecallMadness ,

Let’s not get carried away.

davel , in Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT avatar

Good luck with the deleting. It often just means UPDATE comments SET is_deleted = 1 WHERE ID = 666;.

chiisana , avatar

There was similar things done on Reddit during the big exit. I doubt it achieved what people expected it to achieve. Even if they’re not visible externally, I’m sure they can easily access (thereby make deals to license) the data out of their backend / backup; just a matter of how hard they want to try (hint: it’s really not very hard).

duncesplayed ,

Yeah during the reddit exodus, people were recommending to overwrite your comment with garbage before deleting it.
This (probably) forces them to restore your comment from backup.
But realistically they were always going to harvest the comments stored in backup anyway, so I don't think it caused them any more work.

If anything, this probably just makes reddit's/SO's partnership more valuable because your comments are now exclusive to reddit's/SO's backend, and other companies can't scrape it.

Lemongrab ,

It was to make the data inaccessible to general people, therefore removing the reason people visit reddit. Even if reddit could still get the data, regular people would be inconvenienced (in theory) and look somewhere else.

plz1 ,

They are not deleting, they are editing. So the platform would have to undo those edits rather than just flipping the visibility flag.

paraphrand ,

And they are. 😞

crusty , in Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone — happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

As someone working in end-user technical support this is gonna suck

taanegl , avatar

"But I have unplugged it... yes, several times... I'll try again... oh, it works now... now to my real problem, Windows now asks me for a 64 character code..."

MrSoup , avatar

Been there, done that. I don't remember where I retrieved that code, but somehow I managed to do that. Maybe it was on Microsoft site loggin in with his credentials.

ReversalHatchery ,

Hopefully it's not news to them that they have some kind of Microsoft account, let alone know the credentials to it.

MrSoup , avatar

Funny you say that, because that was the case. If I'm not wrong he logged into his work account, which used just once on his personal laptop and MS Windows decided to encrypt the drive and connect it to that account. Funny stuff.

umbrella , avatar

wow, encryption is much less meaningul when microsoft uploads the keys.....

MrSoup , avatar

It does makes sense if they encrypt your drive without telling you.

iAvicenna , in Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner avatar

well now when you ask OpenAI to write a piece of code for you, it will insert comments like

#I am not going to code this part, it actually exists in the following link which you should have checked before asking me

Shyfer , (edited )

Ooh will the link be broken half the time for extra Stack Overflow experience?

iAvicenna , avatar

yes that will be available in chatGPT 4

Hammocks4All ,

Maybe the point is to increase sass in AI

floofloof , in Microsoft wipes out evidence of real ads in Windows 11 Start menu

Why does this article use the term "real ads" every time instead of just "ads"? Is this just weird or does it have a technical meaning?

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Well, if those were "legitimate" ads the OS would have ways of shutting those down.

That aside, anyone thinking that's the last time they'll try that shit is oblivous. It will come back, because why not. Only solution is to finally stop using Windows if you can, or at least dual boot.

PopOfAfrica ,

As long as you aren't beholden to specific software, it is becoming increasingly pleasant to use the Linux ecosystem.

Frankly, I never understood why businesses were invested in the office suite anyway. Considering there are so many good open source alternatives.

The only pain point in it's getting a little better is graphic design.

Thann , avatar

Because a paid program must be better than something a buch of hobos cobbled together for free!

Buelldozer , avatar

Frankly, I never understood why businesses were invested in the office suite anyway.

When MS Office really took off back in the Office 97 days there weren't any good alternatives and now MS Office is so embedded that it's almost impossible to dislodge.

BearOfaTime ,

Frankly, I never understood why businesses were invested in the office suite anyway.

Then you've never worked in an environment of many people, where nothing compares to office, and you can be confident the file you send will look the same on the other end. This is crucial.

Considering there are so many good open source alternatives.

Oh really? Let me see some tables in Open Office Calc. Oh, yea, the devs flat out said they will not support tables in Calc because it's "bad practice", and you should use a database app instead.

Sorry, it takes me seconds to setup a table in Excel, and I can do all kinds of sorting, filtering, etc with trivial effort. I'm not setting up a DB everytime I need to ad-hoc sort/filter 20 rows. There are constant annoyances like this with these open source office apps. Counterintuitive ways of doing things (or not being able to do things at all).

Nothing out there compares to Office. Considering the licensing costs for enterprise (where you can have 50,000+ users), if they could eliminate that cost without incurring massive productivity losses, don't you think they would?

Plus you have millions (if not billions) of docs, templates, processes (where automation exports their data into Office apps e.g. Word or Excel), for users or business management to use, perhaps in other apps or systems. Whose going to pay to reproduce all that work in another system?

Plus historically, Office 4 (in about 1997) had tight integration - nothing else came anywhere close. And that's been the case ever since. I know when I copy data from any office app that it will properly support OLE - OneNote will embed an excel sheet (or publisher/word doc) just fine. Try that with Calc, and you get some weird behaviour.

I'm glad to see the competition, but it's got a long way to go to make inroads against office.

Vendetta9076 , avatar

Ii get that reference and hate you for reminding me of it.

lost_faith ,

Of course it will come back, soon as Win10 EoL

Lath ,

Dunno, but within the context, Microsoft claimed only ads for Microsoft products. Now, whether those products are predatory mobile games for example, well that's technically within the said terms.
It's basically a matter of scope and wordplay.

tias , in Professor sues Meta to allow release of feed-killing tool for Facebook

Zuckerman vs Zuckerberg. Who will win, the man... or the berg? Either way, they're both Zuckers.

haui_lemmy , in Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner avatar

So now we need fedi-stackoverflow. Yo @dessalines any chance you guys have something in store? :)

dessalines , avatar

Haha no, but we do have some things inside lemmy to make it better suited for question / answer communities, like the forum / new comments sort. But ya I'd be down to hear ideas on how to make lemmy better for that purpose.

haui_lemmy , avatar

The work you folks do is incredible. That said, the specialization of SO was quite unique: you need to ask questions to be able to answer them and you have to work your way up while being coached how to achieve it. I‘m sure you know that.

It keeps opinions at bay due to the strong focus on the context. Lemmy has a completely different purpose, more social, imo. Thats fine but it would need to be tailored to favor less answers in higher quality. Probably a reskin with a little added restrictions and logic? I can see how that would work.

Legend ,

Yeah this seem to be a nice direction to go in . You seem like a Dev who believes in their project and would rather better it than create a fuckton of alternatives for every single purpose and I do agree with the direction your going in and I hope you always stay in this direction and make Lemmy one of the powerhouse on social media front . I have great hopes for this project lol .

skullgiver , avatar

What would the advantage be? Federated networks are as open and accessible as you can get, they're arguably easier to use as a data source than StackOverflow. Richer in metadata, too, I doubt SO shares what individual accounts are upvoting what content when.

haui_lemmy , avatar

I doubt SO shares what individual accounts are upvoting what content when.

In that case we have nothing to fear I guess /s

For those born yesterday: Companies will always do company things. Shareholder value and studies showing that corporations act like psychopaths makes this clear.

Its not important that AI companies can read off of the fediverse but that they cant control the fediverse. As in „holding information ransom“ and „producing garbage ai/bot responses to push search results, etc.

Those who went through enshittification once should know. Those who went through it multuple times have to know that this is a one strike situation. If the owner of a proprietary platform goes this route, we need to look out.

Have a good one.

KillerTofu , in A Staggering 19x Energy Jump in Capacitors May Be the Beginning of the End for Batteries

It’s not what the article says. Still interesting application of mixed 2D/3D technologies. Always hopeful that these energy developments leave the lab though.

BigMikeInAustin ,

Ha, exactly. We've seen the "start of the end" of batteries for decades now.

someguy3 ,

It's only a few years away!

hperrin , (edited ) in Microsoft wipes out evidence of real ads in Windows 11 Start menu

It’s the first move to making it normalized. It’s the “toes in the water” stage of advertising in your OS.

ShortN0te , in Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone — happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

Took them long enough. Most Linux distros have a simple toggle for Disk encryption for years. And as far as i am aware Apple has it too. And basically every mobile OS is encrypted by default as well. iOS and Android

dvdnet62 OP , avatar

the thing is: it means that your hard drive gets encrypted. However, when that gets encrypted, besides creating a key to decrypt it, everything works perfectly. You then use that computer for 5 years and again, works great. But then the fan on the CPU gets clogged with dust and the CPU overheats and dies. No big deal, you just grab the hard drive and move it into your new computer, or you hook it up with USB to copy everything over to the new one. And that is the moment you find out it was encrypted 5 years ago. You didn’t store the key anywhere but on that disk. You can only read it with that original computer hardware because the key was made to lock that drive to that exact computer that died. And you slowly figure out that every photo, every document, everything critical to you is now protected from you and you can’t get it back.

Just as fun is making configuration changes just to upgrade your PC. Because Bitlocker uses the hardware in your computer to generate that key, some hardware changes will trigger it to need that key. Same situation where you need to revert the change to get your data.

Finally, now we need to actually bring home the issue. Drop that change into the lap of someone you know that uses a computer, but doesn’t understand the inner working of them. Maybe that’s your grandma, parent, or siblings. All of a sudden they upgrade and now have a Windows 11 time-bomb that could randomly lock them out of every file on their computer… that’s the real issue here.

Also a headache for the repair industry. If during repair the bios gets reset or the motherboard swapped, you’ll need the key to be able to boot in to windows again. And your customer is probably NOT aware.

Bitlocker is important for companies. They can have hundreds or thousands of laptops that contain files with intellectual property that could really damage the company. Laptops get stolen all the time and should be protected at the highest levels. But for normal people’s computers, the higher risk for losing data will be Bitlocker. That’s what makes this such a bad idea.

ShortN0te ,

You didn’t store the key anywhere but on that disk.

Windows does not let you store the recovery key on an encrypted drive.

The rest only means, we need to deal better with our data. All the above basically also applies when you HDD or SSD dies, which can happen any time.

Backups is what you need, not an unencrypted drive.

dvdnet62 OP , avatar

not everyone is tech-savvy like folks on Lemmy. you can tell that to your grandma or your parents to do that to do regular backup. That is why it could cause a headache for repair business

refalo ,

Non tech-savvy folks aren't transplanting their hard drives in the first place.

cm0002 ,

No, but when their computer dies they'll take it to someone who does (Paid or not) to "Get their precious grandbaby photos back"

That person will inevitably ask for the key and Grandma is gonna go "What key?!?" And then when she's told all those photos are lost she's going to get pissed at the wrong person guaranteed.

These are also the same people that never change defaults soo yea this is stupid, just leave it as an easily accessible toggle for anyone who wants or needs it, but the default should be off.

refalo ,

They could add some kind of message that warns about this, but I think it's a better idea to encrypt by default (warning or not) rather than not... at least for privacy reasons.

cm0002 ,

It really doesn't matter what message they show during setup, you haven't worked tech support or computer repair have you?

The non-savvy users rarely pay attention to shit, a message during setup will be nothing but a blip at best in their memory by the time something happens to the computer 2-4 years later.

We've been telling non-savvy users to make sure they backup their shit for literally decades now, they still don't. Not even macOS encrypts the user data partition by default, this is gonna be a shit show and hell desks and computer repair shops everywhere are on the front line.

refalo ,

I consider that a separate issue.

IMO OS vendors pushing for full disk encryption is light years better than simply shrugging and saying "well people might be dumb so we shouldn't do it at all".

cm0002 ,

Just turning it on for everyone like they're planning is what I have issues with.

macOS does prompt the user to enable FileVault during initial setup, but it defaults to disabled. The other thing users do, is default to the default when they don't understand something.

So by defaulting to disabled, not many people enable FileVault without actually knowing what it's talking about. If they do know what it's talking about then all's good because they'll probably actually write down the recovery key.

MS's plan so far is "On the next update we'll just turn it on for everyone everywhere and (maybe) display a fast message with a recovery key, YOLO"

refalo ,

Maybe educating people about backups (in general) is a better approach than being averse to increasing security/privacy.

I still prefer MS pushing updates to people that never update vs the alternative of them getting viruses and such all the time. I just wish there was an easier way for advanced users to turn it off permanently, but it's still not impossible so I still prefer this to people not updating at all.

cm0002 ,

Maybe educating people about backups (in general) is a better approach than being averse to increasing security/privacy.

Like I said, there's been various backup your shit campaigns for decades now, why do you think the next time is going to be different? One of my windows PCs literally just sent a notification about backing things up (it's what reminded me of this lmao), I wonder how many non-savvy users got that and completely ignored it?

I still prefer MS pushing updates to people that never update vs the alternative of them getting viruses and such all the time. I just wish there was an easier way for advanced users to turn it off permanently, but it's still not impossible so I still prefer this to people not updating at all.

Agreed, but this is not a matter of updates, it's a matter of how they're handling this specific update. I personally just don't see the benefits of forcing FDE on for everyone outweighing the risks.

Your average home user is going to primarily get their data stolen via malware or social engineering, both of which FDE does nothing to protect against.

refalo ,

All we can do is try. If we warned them and they still don't do it, well you just can't fix stupid and it's not our problem anymore, plus they have bigger issues if they can't read. That's still better than doing nothing. And still better than not having device encryption IMO.

ReversalHatchery ,

I don't see what that has to do with the drive dying. Every drive dies at some point, even if left in it's place

Bartsbigbugbag ,

No but they’re taking it to repair shops who then find that they can’t recover their customers data because it’s encrypted and then they lose al their photos and data they never backed up, because they’re not tech-savvy.

VeganCheesecake , avatar

Well, it kinda does. If you choose to print your keys, you can use print to file and safe them to the encrypted drive, if you really want to for some reason.

ShortN0te ,

Yep but at this point it is obvious to the user that this is not the way it is supposed to be. When you want to shoot yourself in the foot...

superfes ,

Microsoft lets you look up your bitlocker key, this is not the catastrophic problem you've laid it out to be.

TotalFat ,

This is 100% to try to force more OneDrive subs..

refalo ,

I wouldn't fault a casual user for not backing up their encryption key because they wouldn't be swapping hard drives in the first place. And the tech savvy people already know to backup keys.

Romkslrqusz ,

Hi, repair shop owner here.

Automatic Bitlocker encryption has been a thing since TPM 2.0 devices hit the market in 2018.

If a device is UEFI, Secure Boot is enabled, TPM 2.0 is present, and the user signs in with a Microsoft Account , then the disk is encrypted and the recovery key is saved to that Microsoft Account.

If those conditions aren’t met, automatic encryption doesn’t happen.

As long as they know their Microsoft Account Identifier, users can easily get to that key through the first search engine result for “bitlocker recovery key”:

We don’t really have a hard time with it - if a user provides their login PIN, a short terminal command will let us grab a copy of their key before BIOS updates or battery disconnects.

I have had very few cases where folks suffered data loss because of Bitlocker.
Most of them were HP Laptops that used Intel Optane accelerated SSDs - encrypting what is effectively a software RAID0 is a recipe for disaster.

The other few had an unhealthy paranoia where they were reluctant to share anything about themselves with Microsoft, yet still decided to use a Microsoft operating system. While setting up the computer, they created a new email (instead of using their primary email), made up a random birthday, and did not fill in any recovery options like a phone number or secondary email. With the password (and sometimes even email) forgotten, they created a situation where they could not prove the online account was theirs and therefore could not get to the recovery key that had been backed up.

I do think that Microsoft should have this as an opt-in feature during the out of box experience, which is how Apple has it set up for Filevault and how most Linux distributions are set up. Ultimately, most users will still mash “next’ through the process and later blame the computer.

I have had quite a few clients have their laptops stolen after car breakins. Their biggest stressor was the possibility of thieves having access to the data on those machines, and the fact that we knew their systems were encrypted with Bitlocker brought them a lot of relief.

dvdnet62 OP , (edited ) avatar

well, the thing is not everyone want to have their PC connected to MS account for privacy reason

Romkslrqusz ,

Then don’t?

If you still want to use Windows and use their encryption solution, manually enable Bitlocker and store the recovery key yourself.

There are also third party encryption options.

ReversalHatchery , (edited )

Or if you don't trust Microsoft to begin with, just use Veracrypt, it won't upload your recovery key anywhere, but will help to make a recovery usb stick.

Additionally, the problem above was not some kind of "unhealthy paranoia", but disliking Microsoft and then still creating an account for some reason, one that they deemed to be a throwaway account. Question is why did they do that (oh, because Microsoft made it hard* to skip registering an account? That can't be! Microsoft is trustworthy and anyone thinking else is just unhealthily paranoid, right?), but also how should have the user known that this was a dangerous thing to do? Don't tell me they should have read the dozens of pages of dry legal text.

*Yes, it's hard if it's not an option in the installer. How the fuck you look it up when you don't have your computer?

Romkslrqusz ,

If you’re at that point of not trusting a company, the best practice would be to avoid using their devices or connecting them to your network.

There are plenty of other ways to track and identify users, a company could conceivably bake whatever the hell they want into the operating system and doesn’t need to rely on you creating an account with them to achieve that objective.

I used the term “unhealthy paranoia” due to the logical fallacy that is at play.

ReversalHatchery ,

If you’re at that point of not trusting a company, the best practice would be to avoid using their devices or connecting them to your network.

Yes, that would be the best practice. However there are a lot of best practices that cannot be followed for one reason or another.

ReversalHatchery ,

And you slowly figure out that every photo, every document, everything critical to you is now protected from you and you can’t get it back.

How fortunate that onedrive auto uploads those to Microsoft. That is, until you run out of your quota..

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

Windows has had a simple toggle for this for years. Forcing it on by default is the only new thing here. As far as I'm aware it's been the same toggle to turn it on since Vista too.

ShortN0te ,

You can not find that Option via the default Settings menu, you have to search for it or use the outdated control panel.

Also Windows Home edition does not have this option.

Edit: you can find it actually under Windows security.

Still, it never pops up during installation.

azimir , in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

There's all kinds of wacky taxes, regulations, and barriers to prevent the US industry from having to compete with the world. One such example is the Chicken Tax:

That one keeps the Toyota Hilux out of the US.

Midnitte ,


If automakers were truly scared, Ford wouldn't be scaling back it's EV plans.

kent_eh , (edited )

The world doesn't need an EV Mustang or $99K F150, it needs an EV Focus or Escort oor Fiesta level car that normal people can afford.

Midnitte ,

Which we won't get with Ford deciding instead to focus on hybrids.

Instead, the Blue Oval wants to focus on making more hybrids instead and says it will have hybrid options for all its internal combustion engine-powered vehicles by 2030.

Also, apparently, people quite like the EV Mustang.

But with Mustang Mach-E sales up 77 percent to 9,589 sold, and a 148 percent growth for the E-Transit, Ford is the country's second-bestselling EV brand.

RGB3x3 ,

Toyota Hilux: the middle-east terrorist's truck of choice.

But seriously, those things are everywhere in the Middle East and Africa.

maynarkh ,

I guess you need a cheap, reliable, relatively high performance truck with good off-road capabilities with a large bed to mount weaponry on.

What else would they use?

jubilationtcornpone ,

Half your fleet experiencing engine failure around 110,000 miles really puts a wrinkle in the jihad so I guess that rules out Chevrolet.

thejml ,

Does that account for the fact that most US Tacoma’s are built in San Antonio (there’s also a plant in Tijuana) and the Tundra is also built at the San Antonio plant?

The tundra, F-150 and Honda Ridge line are all tied at 75% domestic US parts production. The Tacoma’s is a bit lower at 70%.

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