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mechoman444 , in New Anti-Consumer MacBook Pros - Teardown And Repair Assessment - Apple Silicon M1/M2

I'm going to put this out there as just an idea, don't buy apple products.

They're shit they've always been shit and they've never been financially worth buying.

catfish ,

I just got an M2 MBP. In my personal experience it is very much not "shit".

Expensive and a PITA to fix? Quite possibly.

frostwhitewolf ,

+1 apple products are very much not shit. Otherwise people wouldnt buy and use them as prolifically as they do.

I started using Macbooks because the user experience on windows laptops sucks in comparison.

Tristan ,

Agreed. I work in computer simulations and their great. CPU is crazy fast, stays cool and silent. Battery life is solid.

Blackmist ,

The EU needs to fuck their shit up.

Mandate that laptops must have user replaceable storage and RAM (and tablets to have user replaceable storage). My old Dell laptop has windows in the bottom to get to both of those.

The loss of 3.5mm headphone jacks is nothing compared to the loss of that. They're common failure points and easy upgrade paths.

aport ,

Nobody is stopping you from buying a laptop with user replaceable storage and RAM. Why do you need the EU to get involved? That's ridiculous.

kylemsguy ,

Companies are slowly moving in that direction, except doing it worse in most cases (i.e. cheaply)

noodle , avatar

They are a lifestyle brand and play on that to keep people trapped. People who buy Apple like the aesthetic of appearing wealthy. It's classism through consumerism, even if the consumers don't realise it.

Apple's terrible privacy policy (yes, despite the word privacy appearing in the ads), atrocious right to repair stance, and aggressive software lock-in tactics should put any person who cares about those things off.

There was a purpose to buying Apple when they were the only player in the specific niche. Audio engineering is a great example of this. In the 90's, Apple were really the only valid choice in a highly specialist field. Microsoft caught up in the 2000s, with Linux not too far behind in the 2010's.

So nowadays, the limitations are effectively self-imposed. You can spend whatever money you want on a setup that will do whatever you need and the OS is a personal preference.

lud ,

I don't like Apple very much but it would be stupid to not admit that their new M1 and M2 SOCs aren't great. Their battery efficiency far surpasses any from Intel or AMD and the performance is great.

I think MacOS looks stupid though, I mean, it looks like fucking Gnome.

I assume most people that buy Macs and iphones do it for their software and hardware, not because they want to appear wealthy.
Like you said OS is a personal preference and some prefer MacOS and iOS.

...lock-in tactics should put any person who cares about those things off.

Unfortunately most people don't care.

vidumec , avatar

you don't have a choice if you need Xcode for iOS/MacOS development

mechoman444 ,

You, correct, if you need to develop for iOS or something Apple related you'll need the appropriate hardware and software.

Which brings us back to my original point don't buy Apple products.

kylemsguy ,

mac mini's are pretty cheap for that purpose. And besides, just because you personally don't use a platform doesn't stop you from making money from people who do.

raginghummus ,

Except they're not. They're excellent products and since Apple silicon are actually half decent value in some cases.

mechoman444 ,

Except that they are. There is absolutely no value to anything they make. It's all over priced proprietary crap.

Apple products right now are almost entirely home use there's almost no commercial industry anymore.

Developers graphic design artists music producers most technology firms most offices like doctors and lawyers whatever don't use Apple products. They're almost exclusively windows.

Literally the only thing keeping them in business right now is the iPhone. They don't sell enough of any other product.

raginghummus ,

What world are you living on? Most of silicon valley use Mac. Most the professions you listed DO use Mac. Since Apple silicon, performance for price ratio beats most Windows options for most people.

mechoman444 ,

What world am I living on. Wow. No.

Most of silicon valley does not run on apple.

The delusion that your mind is under that makes you believe that performance to price is better with Apple you need a seat professional help.

Fox , in China will dominate the world of tech, Web Summit’s Cosgrave says - Al Jazeera

In the coming decade, China will dominate technology because it has focused intensively on the important partnership between the public and private sectors with stunning results.

It's the "partnership between the public and private sectors" in particular that lost consumer and foreign government trust in technology originating from China.

How is China going to "dominate" anything when it's spent the last 20+ years shamelessly ripping off R&D through reverse-engineering and corporate espionage? What can it even claim of its own as true innovation?

ijeff OP , avatar

Technology transfers have also been a large part of China's strategy, which results in large firms voluntarily transferring IP in exchange for large contracts. It's unfortunate that in many other places, we're still doing lowest bidder private contracting plagued by cost overruns.

davel , avatar

China files more patents than the next nine countries combined:

China is first country to hold over 4 million domestic patents

The number of China's domestic valid patents does not include those held in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

MTLion3 , in She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.

Daughter turning into something I don’t like? Buy out the thing she uses to try and regulate her. Very normal and healthy behavior

givesomefucks ,

He also blames a ridiculously exclusive school in Cali for the kids of ridiculouslu wealthy parents for her forming her own opinions about stuff. It's the same as other conservatives claiming college brainwashes kids.

Also, we can take the "full blown communist" part as seriously as any other time a billionaire says it. She could have said something like "maybe rich people should pay more tax" and get that label from them.

MTLion3 ,

Oh for sure. Extreme statements like that always ring as “They’re not how I want them to be so I’m going to call them radical”.

w2tpmf , in She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.

This "technology" community is quickly becoming just as bad as the one on reddit.

The insane ravings and personal drama of a lunatic billionaire isn't news about technology.

Even news about Twitter itself isn't technology news. Twitter is a business that sells services. They don't make or contribute to any types of technology.

The only thing that Twitter technology related is that their business operates on the internet. That's it. or is just as much "technology" as Twitter is.

Bye , in Hyperloop in 2023: Where Are They Now?

Ok so this video convinced me hyperloops are a bad idea because vacuum is difficult to maintain

well then what’s a good idea that can go faster than airplanes? What am I supposed to be excited about instead? I love trains and the hyper loop sounded like a really fast train, which is cool.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Wasn't the hyperloop just a vacuum tube for cars? As in, it would have the same density issues that cars do, it's just faster.

The better option is ultra high speed trains, like the bullet train in Japan.

tankplanker ,

Ideally with the ability to transport cars and lorrys like LeShuttle.

Firipu , avatar

You don't need a car everywhere. Most non US developed countries have a robust public transport network. A car is actually less practical than public transport for like 90% of use cases if you live in Metropolitan areas. Same for tourism. Don't need a car to go visit Paris. Jump on a local tgv and be in center Paris just a few hours later from most of western Europe. Why would you bring a car..

Thann , in Unity reportedly told dev Planned Parenthood and children's hospital are "not valid charities" avatar

Idk why anyone trusts peddlers of proprietary bullshit

blindbunny ,

For real dude it's really hard to feel bad for 2d game devs when an open source solution has been around for years.

It's like the whole xitter situation. Why would you want to stay on a platform that so obviously doesn't want you there? bUt MaStOdOn Is HaRd 🙄 grow up, move on, stop investing in capitalists ideas that only benefit you when it benefits them.

Franzia ,

This is victim blaming. These devs already made those games and released them before Unity made these decisions.

ramble81 , in Signal chat protection against quantum computers

I'd just be happy if there was a way to restore my messages from Android to iOS (or vice-versa). I'm going to lose my messages from the past 4 years because of this. And it's been an open request with the devs for 5 years now.

noride ,

Yeah, they seem to put a lot of energy into esoteric features, when the app is in serious need of some quality of life improvements. I donate a tiny monthly sum to the project and honestly feel conflicted about how effectively it's being used.

RaoulDook ,

Or maybe chat history just isn't that important overall. I can do backups just fine on android but have only used that once. I wouldn't be too concerned if I lost all of my chats, as I've already read them.

The core security and privacy features are what's most important. I'd prefer they keep those as the top priority.

merde , avatar

i have disappearing messages set for 2 weeks by default.

i can't understand why anybody would need a 5 year history of their chats 🤷

i remember using icq 🙊 i would have encyclopedic chat histories if i kept them. Chat is chat. Wind in the air. You hear it, then it's gone.

YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU ,

i can't understand why anybody would need a 5 year history of their chats 🤷

You are the most insufferable type of person on the internet

merde , avatar

let me write that down so that i can still read it in 5 years

OR3X , in Ok, but what is XMPP? | Video

Who is Denshi?

Aradia , in Twitter/X brings back headlines in link previews, but they're worse [they're tiny] avatar

Why should I care? Can we stop posting about every move Twitter do? I don't really care, and I doubt this is a tech new at all...

OminousOrange , in Robots Are Fighting Robots in Russia's War in Ukraine avatar

How about we just settle this over a game of battlebots and no one else needs to get hurt.

Hjalamanger , avatar

Or a game of chess maybe?

Lemongrab ,

Russian might still kill over a game of chess.

newthrowaway20 , in Apple's Vision Pro lacks any real vision

To me, this seems like a big misstep for Apple. Granted I'm no fanboy, but I've appreciated Apple's design and products over the last few decades. This to me just seems half baked. And that's not something I expected from Apple's hardware. I personally don't think I'll ever wear a computer on my face for more than 30 minutes at a time. Even if the weight goes down dramatically, it's just not a convenient experience. The last thing I need with my technology is more inconvenience.

i_am_not_a_robot ,

Well less than 30 minutes at a time is good because the Vision Pro battery only lasts around two hours and you can't swap batteries without turning it off.

You can do a lot of things with the Vision Pro that you can't do with other headsets, but I don't understand why anybody would want to manage their calendar events in VR, and it seems like there are a lot more things that you would want to do with the Vision Pro that you can't. If it were really an AR device like a modern Google Glass it would make sense, but with that form factor and a battery life of two hours it can't really become part of you like that.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Are you aware that you can plug the battery into a power source and use the headset for as long as you want while the battery charges at the same time?

i_am_not_a_robot ,

You can, but few people will. It's not the image Apple wants the device to have. In their promotional videos, the people are constantly wearing the headset and never plugged in.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

So people are just going to wait for the battery to run down and then go do something else?

Yoz , in Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI

Can an expert explain this -

Lemongrab ,

Comparing brave and base Firefox is unfair IMO. Brave is security hardened out of the box, where as Firefox is a general purpose browser and has telemetry in the form of crash reports and the like (which can be turned off). It can be hardend well through arkenfox, or using a fork like Librewolf. Comparing Firefox and chrome is better imho.

Firefox has many built-in anti fingerprinting flags (such as letterboxing, RFP, font limiting, and many more} which when combined with ublock origin are unbeatable. A baked-in content blocker like that of braves loses because it isn't extensible. This website compares on only default settings which aren't representative of the extent each browser can be taken but useful nonetheless:

think1984 ,

A baked-in content blocker like that of braves loses because it isn’t extensible.

In what way? I use(d) Firefox since the very first Firebird days, and Netscape Navigator before it, and I'm practically married to uBO (don't tell my wife!). That said, Brave's 'shields' blocker is just skinned uBO with some tweaks. It can add custom cosmetic filtering rules, additional adblock format filter lists, disable or enable JS (globally or per-site) and has built in fingerprint resistance. Aside from the differing UI, I genuinely can't think of anything overtly missing as such.

Lemongrab ,

I'm stated that because I know baked in features must wait for browser updates to get fixes (not talking about block list updates but the core itself). I also was basing it off a comment I read (can't find sadly) on the limitations of implementing a ublock-style blocklist into brave. And thirdly, I have seen no mention of anything like ublock's blocking modes (block 3rd party scripts/frames). Can you quickly select an element to block in brave?

I might have considered using brave as a 2ndary browser if it werent for the ceo's politics (spending thousands to support anti-lgbt legislation) which I feel are antithetical to privacy.

think1984 ,

And thirdly, I have seen no mention of anything like ublock’s blocking modes (block 3rd party scripts/frames). Can you quickly select an element to block in brave?

You can enter as many custom filter rules as you like, with adblock syntax support. You can select an element to block, yes.

Lemongrab ,

Here is a graph the illustrates the block efficiency of ublock+Firefox compared to other browsers with/without ublock.

Despite the URL name, it shows bare browse Brave and Firefox+ublock compare at blocking 3rd party ads/trackers. It looks like this was updated November of last year.

think1984 ,

Brave isn't represented anywhere on the graph? Unless I've misunderstood you. That's a comparison of Firefox with various ad blockers, and uBO with and without CNAME unclocking enabled. Brave also uncloaks CNAMEs, so that's one place they are equal. Chromium based browsers do lack some abilities compared to Firefox, however. I have daily driven Firefox since the first day, but Brave and Blink/Chromium based browsers are undeniably faster at rendering (unfortunately).

Lemongrab ,

Look at the bottom of the graph. Each grouping is per browser.

think1984 ,

Yes of course. I hadn't slept when I replied, how embarrassing to miss that. You can enable CNAME uncloaking in Brave, which I suspect draws them to a parallel. It would be interesting to see the test repeated with the setting enabled. Since one has to (or had to) enable it in uBO also, it would only be fair to compare apples to apples. As I said, the blocker in Brave is based on uBO anyway. To be clear, and as I've said before, I've daily driven Firefox since the beginning and run uBO in medium mode. I'm not shilling for Brave here, simply pointing out that the differences are small (much of the code is shared with uBO) and it does certainly render faster.

Lemongrab ,

I do understand that you aren't shilling brave. Ublock medium mode is great and I think worth the effort. I wish Firefox had some of the native features present in chromium browsers (mostly quality of life features like native force dark mode on web contents). But I love the extent that Firefox can be taken to reduce not just fingerprinting, but also avenues of attack.

think1984 ,

You can force Firefox to display dark mode in web content (even with privacy tweaks enabled to resist fingerprinting or tracking), by setting the two following hidden prefs in your user.js:

// PREF: enable a Dark theme for browser and webpage content
// [TEST]
user_pref("ui.systemUsesDarkTheme", 1); // HIDDEN
user_pref("", true); // HIDDEN
Lemongrab ,

Does this force dark mode on pages or just what. I couldn't get it to work anywhere close to chomiums force dark mode.

Yoz ,

The website you mentioned is created by Brave Developers

Lemongrab ,

Incorrect. It is created by someone who is associated with brave, but not a directly created by Brave. I am sure the tests is accurate (at least per test), but the testing criteria could be biased. It'd just be weird to the end up with Librewolf and Mullvad as a clear winner if the intention was to favor brave browser.

Sdnimm543 , in China filed 25% more patents than the U.S. in 2023 — heavily sanctioned Huawei led all companies worldwide despite bans

The country has over a literal billion more people. Kinda gotta start getting used to stuff like this.

yogthos OP , avatar

Also has an excellent education system that's accessible to everyone.

Lemongrab ,

Idk about excellent. I hear there is a lot of emotional abuse of student from teachers. Requiring conformity and strict long schedules. I've had a couple Chinese friends and it seems like school is quite intense over there.

captainastronaut , in The World’s E-Waste Has Reached a Crisis Point avatar

Can we just roll it all up in a big ball and shoot it into space on a rocket? That worked great in Futurama… 😉

Lemongrab ,

Super expensive. Better to just burn it in low income communities. /s

downpunxx , in Waymo self-driving cars are delivering Uber Eats orders for first time avatar

gettin that burger and fries to my door is gonna be a neat fucking trick, but i am here for it

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