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billbasher , in Benefits of resolutions beyond 1080p

The biggest thing is view distance vs size. Your eyes can only see up to a certain density.

acosmichippo ,

also your personal subjective vision. some people legitimately can’t see the differences where others can.

brianorca ,

Some of that may not be subjective, even if it is a personal difference. Some need glasses, some don't get glasses because they just barely need them, and others have problems glasses can't fix, especially as we age. Some eyes are just different, and that's physical differences, not just a difference of preference.

utopiah , in Banana Pi BPI-F3: Single-board computer and RISV-V alternative to the Raspberry Pi now available

How can I even buy one in Europe?

schizoidman OP ,


MTLion3 , in She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.

Daughter turning into something I don’t like? Buy out the thing she uses to try and regulate her. Very normal and healthy behavior

givesomefucks ,

He also blames a ridiculously exclusive school in Cali for the kids of ridiculouslu wealthy parents for her forming her own opinions about stuff. It's the same as other conservatives claiming college brainwashes kids.

Also, we can take the "full blown communist" part as seriously as any other time a billionaire says it. She could have said something like "maybe rich people should pay more tax" and get that label from them.

MTLion3 ,

Oh for sure. Extreme statements like that always ring as “They’re not how I want them to be so I’m going to call them radical”.

andrewth09 , in Microsoft wipes out evidence of real ads in Windows 11 Start menu

wipes out evidence

I am certain it can be re-enabled with regedit

Ransack ,

Oh man, I was a bit worried. I paid for top dollar equipment for my rig and I would hate for my system to not sweat with a malnourished start menu.

brianorca , (edited ) in Benefits of resolutions beyond 1080p

I do a lot of code. That means I often deal with three or four programs at the same time, and perhaps 10 loaded throughout the day and I want to see them all. So I have two monitors that are each 27" and 4k.

This means I can see a web browser sized to a full 1080 size, next to a database query, and still see the code that I'm working on, and keep an eye on any new emails or text chats. Without needing to Alt-tab to switch windows. It's like spreading your work over a dining room table, instead of those little desks you got in high school.

Most apps don't need to be larger than 1080. But some can be taller to see more code (maybe 160 lines, for example) without scrolling too much. And I hardly ever deal with just one window at a time.

theshatterstone54 , in Has Generative AI Already Peaked? - Computerphile

Omg it's Computerphile and Dr. Mike Pound! He's a lecturer at the Uni of Nottingham where I'm studying! Met him and other Computerphile lecturers a few times (I even had some of them as my lecturers) and they're all a wonderful bunch!

buzz86us , in A Staggering 19x Energy Jump in Capacitors May Be the Beginning of the End for Batteries

I really hope it leads to something no energy loss for regen would be GOAT

anachronist , in Has Generative AI Already Peaked? - Computerphile

I wanna see Sam Altman reenact the "make it work" mirror scene from always sunny.

utopiah , in Has Generative AI Already Peaked? - Computerphile

Interesting video based on "No "Zero-Shot" Without Exponential Data: Pretraining Concept Frequency Determines Multimodal Model Performance" which basically says (my interpretation) that temporary techniques, i.e not LLM but LMM are statistical models based on large datasets which don't, and can't unless at a ridiculously (basically impractical) high cost consider the long tail, namely what is not quite popular.

delirious_owl , in Has Generative AI Already Peaked? - Computerphile avatar

How would that be possible? Its still shitty and hard to use.

SoupBrick , in Professor sues Meta to allow release of feed-killing tool for Facebook

Let's give Meta a chance in the Fediverse. They can't do that much damage, right?

pelespirit OP , avatar

Meta (or similar) probably is already running one of our major instances. We don't know who actually owns all of them.

haui_lemmy , avatar

Probably but thats not the issue. The issue is mass influx of badly moderated and likely, eventually ad ridden content. They can totally read all my stuff. I dont want them to push their shit on my server and I dont want them to gain power over my feed. What would happen if I defederated tomorrow? Exactly, my feed would be 75% shorter because most stuff is on there. With meta, world is suddenly 10% of the feed and meta is 90.

pelespirit OP , avatar

Why not both being an issue? Why wouldn't they say who they really are if they're a major corporation.

haui_lemmy , avatar

Because thats how the world works. People lie and studies shown that big corporations act like psychopaths. You will never get rid of this thing. Also, everyone in the whole world can just read your content off every fediverse server your server federates to, manually or through scraping. It literally is a nonissue if they made an undercover instance because they can read it everywhere.

But that is also the idea. If your message can be gotten everywhere, nobody can artificially ransom them for money (looking at you, reddit, stack overflow, facebook, twitter, etc).

This fact is rarely discussed but a major factor why the fediverse helps with democratization of the internet. Free information.

pelespirit OP , avatar

I'm pro-fediverse, that's why I think it's just as bad. There is one instance in particular, that has the vast majority of Lemmy, that is controlling the narrative for most Lemmy users and it probably will only get worse. I was banned from that one because an admin was curating what I said. Now I don't really have a voice over there because I'm not savvy enough to do an alt that they couldn't tell. So here I am, not being able to let people know that I've noticed them being curated and they've also banned my community in the biggest instance (that one I like).

This fact is rarely discussed but a major factor why the fediverse helps with democratization of the internet. Free information.

Absolutely, I want to keep it that way. I think corporations taking over one of the big instances would be subtle and will have terrible consequences for the fediverse. People sign up for it, not knowing, and then get curated just like on Facebook.

haui_lemmy , avatar

I'm pro-fediverse, that's why I think it's just as bad.

We probably mean the same but look at it through different lenses. I also want the fediverse to succeed. Therefore I host 4 fediverse instances.

But you have to understand that keeping anyone (especially tech companies with tons of knowledge) from reading this stuff is 1. impossible and 2. against the freedom idea of the fediverse.

There is one instance in particular, that has the vast majority of Lemmy

That would be world

not being able to let people know that I've noticed them being curated

And why is that a problem? You cant keep people in **** from being shot either and we‘re not making a fuss about it from what I can tell. I suggest we focus on the things we can while we can. Otherwise we wont get the stuff done that we actually have the power and influence for.

I think corporations taking over one of the big instances would be subtle and will have terrible consequences for the fediverse.

Again, something you cant influence. I defederated meta and will defederate anyone else who pushes ads or other shit content. If other admins do the same we will automatically separate from shit content.

Be the change you want to see and either make your own instance or donate to the one you’re on. Also, tell others the same thing and we will get to a better place guaranteed. The system of the fediverse is already great because its democratic. Our only enemy is i fighting.

pelespirit OP , avatar

I think we're on the same page, I don't care if they read my feed in the slightest. Reddit made a shit ton off of me and my friends and I didn't care about that either. They were providing a free service and I used it, make money. My issue with reddit was/is, they think they're the product and treat everyone as such.

Be the change you want to see

Yep, that's one of the things I'm doing right here by getting the word out for everyone to spread out through the Fediverse. People were saying that when I joined, but I didn't understand what the ramifications were. Of course, I can't tell anyone on the largest instance, lol.

redcalcium , in The Man Who Killed Google Search

In the March 2019 core update to search, which happened about a week before the end of the code yellow, was expected to be “one of the largest updates to search in a very long time. Yet when it launched, many found that the update mostly rolled back changes, and traffic was increasing to sites that had previously been suppressed by Google Search’s “Penguin” update from 2012 that specifically targeted spammy search results, as well as those hit by an update from an August 1, 2018, a few months after Gomes became Head of Search.

Search engagement is declining, so the obvious fix is to make the search result worse which means people have to search more to find what they need. Engagement metrics went through the roof! Crisis averted!

Thanks to this fuck up, competition is a thing again in search engine space. Other search engines are getting better and start to capture the fleeing users.

ZoeyBear ,

What ones do you recommend always like hearing others opinions.

redcalcium ,

Marginalia is interesting because it attempt to search non-commercial contents. this might unearth some contents you can't find on google. If you search something on google and the result is full of spam or ecommerce product pages, try the same keyword on marginalia. Unlike google, it's a keyword search engine, so keep in mind not to ask question in it, but put the keyword that might be included in the content you want to search.

Kagi is a paid search engine. it does use data from other big search engines, but apply its own weighting and filtering and unearth contents normally buried on the big search engines. There is a free trial account if you want to test it yourself to see if it's better than google for your use case.

There are also various searxng instances. searxng is an opensource meta search engines, which uses data from other search engine. Each instances may be configured differently, so you might want to test some of them to decide which instance works the best for your use case.

Some interesting comparison:

otter , in Professor sues Meta to allow release of feed-killing tool for Facebook avatar

This browser extension "would allow Facebook users to automatically unfollow their friends, groups, and pages, and, in doing so, to effectively turn off their newsfeeds, which Facebook algorithmically sorts to drive user engagement," the Knight Institute said in a statement.

Interesting, I've been doing that manually for a while now (not Facebook though, I haven't opened that feed in years).

Here's an article from 2021:

pelespirit OP , avatar

Nice, it looks like you can do it manually too.

When I unfollowed everything for the first time, I did it manually. I spent hours using a Facebook-provided feature to click unfollow on each of my friends, groups, and pages.

delirious_owl , in Professor sues Meta to allow release of feed-killing tool for Facebook avatar

This is insane. The filters for the feed should be built-in. Its annoying that we have to use a third party for this, and they have no right saying what tools I use to improve their product

zurohki , in A Staggering 19x Energy Jump in Capacitors May Be the Beginning of the End for Batteries

Headline is dumb. If capacitors are better at being batteries than batteries are, they just become the next generation of batteries.

ji17br ,

But capacitors aren’t batteries. Batteries store chemical energy. Capacitors store electrical potential energy. Electronically they behave much differently.

adespoton ,

Yes they do… including not holding a charge when the differential drops too far.

The real wins are in battery-backed capacitors. Charge the caps fast, then let them keep the batteries topped up.

SoylentBlake ,

That's what I do being off-grid. I have my battery bank then a series of Supercaps to essentially act as an on/off ramp//drawbridge and temper quick demands. Kinda like an inverse soft starter so this is suuuuper interesting to me.

delirious_owl , avatar

Do you have a link to a guide on his to set this up?

WaterWaiver ,

Only for certain types of capacitors. In practice they can overlap quite a bit, especially with common aluminium electrolytic capacitors (these form & dissolve complex aluminium oxide & hydroxide layers on the plates).

davel , avatar

Headline is not dumb. There are reasons to make a distinction between the two, the most salient one being that capacitors are several orders of magnitude faster to charge and discharge.

j4k3 , avatar

Capacitors can theoretically charge MUCH faster.

However the galvanic potential of lithium is as large as is practically possible. The galvanic potential is what really matters for a battery. Capacitors are nowhere near the joules per weight/volume.

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