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Bishma , in Man makes money buying his own pizza on DoorDash app avatar

Our nearest Pizza Hut delivers via Doordash whether you order direct or through DD, but if you order direct its 30% cheaper. I'm not sure who's eating the markup.

wagoner ,

The customer who's paying the higher price is eating it

The_Che_Banana , avatar

You're not wrong

TehPers ,

In my case, since I get DashPass through my CC (not directly paying for it), I've seen it discounted to below the price some restaurants list on their websites. I pick up all my orders myself though.

I wouldn't pay for DashPass directly, personally speaking at least. I don't use DD nearly enough to justify investing more into it vs. just ordering on the restaurant's website or calling in the order. The only reason I even use DD is because I get that as a benefit through my CC and it usually pushes the prices to same or lower as ordering directly.

LordTrychon ,

Doordash charges restaurants a percentage of the gross from the sale. Rather than eat this cost, restaurants are encouraged but not forced to add a markup on the prices they give Doordash (or insert your favorite third party delivery app here). They all do it.

If you order from a store's own website though, Doordash (I don't know if other third parties do this) did not "find" or create the business/order... they are really only handling the delivery portion.

In this instance, they still have some fees but do not take the large percentage, as that is a finder or broker fee. They aren't bringing the restaurant the business, it's the other way around.

Thus, restaurants can use their normal pricing. If you can find the places near you doing this, it's a much better deal than using Doordash normally.

Bishma , avatar

Good to know. Thanks for the breakdown.

BakedCatboy , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Brb uploading a 5GiB file from /dev/urandom to make sure there isn't a byte of space left in OneDrive for them to do this to me.

autotldr Bot , in Elon Musk's SpaceX contracted to destroy retired space station - BBC News

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Nasa has selected Elon Musk's SpaceX company to bring down the International Space Station at the end of its life.The California-based company will build a vehicle capable of pushing the 430-tonne orbiting platform into the Pacific Ocean early in the next decade.A contract for the work, valued at up to $843m (£668m), was announced on Wednesday.The first elements of the space station were launched in 1998, with continuous crewed operations beginning in 2000.The station circles the Earth every 90 minutes at an altitude just above 400km (250 miles) and has been home to thousands of scientific experiments, investigating all manner of phenomena from the aging process in humans to the formula for new types of materials.

Engineers say the laboratory remains structurally sound, but plans need to be put in place now for its eventual disposal.

Without assistance, it would eventually fall back to Earth on its own, however this poses a significant risk to populations on the ground.

"Selecting a US De-orbit Vehicle for the International Space Station (ISS) will help Nasa and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition in low Earth orbit at the end of station operations.

Nasa has studied various options for end-of-life disposal, external.These include disassembling the station and using the younger elements in a next-generation platform.

Another idea has been to simply to hand it off to some commercial concern to run and maintain.But these solutions all have varying complications of complexity and cost, as well as the legal difficulty of having to untangle issues of ownership.Neither Nasa nor SpaceX have released details of the design for the de-orbiting "tug boat", but it will require considerable thrust to safely guide the station into the atmosphere in the right place and at the right time.The platform's great mass and extent - the dimensions roughly of a football pitch - mean some structures and components are bound to survive the heat of re-entry and make it all the way to the surface.Controllers will allow the orbit of the ISS to naturally decay over a period of time, and after removing the last crew will command the tugboat to execute the final de-orbit manoeuvre.Redundant spacecraft are aimed at a remote location in the Pacific known as Point Nemo.Named after the famous submarine sailor from Jules Verne's book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, the target graveyard is more than 2,500km from the nearest piece of land.Nasa is hopeful that a number of private consortia will have started launching commercial space stations by the time the ISS is brought out of the sky.The focus of the space agencies will shift to a project to build a platform called Gateway that will orbit the Moon.

Saved 13% of original text.

cheeseburger , in Man makes money buying his own pizza on DoorDash app avatar

This article is from May 2020; I wonder if DoorDash still does this.

HipsterTenZero , in This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77 avatar

what the fuck, it just shits it out from a story up? Couldn't it like, scoot down to ground level at least?

autotldr Bot , in Man makes money buying his own pizza on DoorDash app

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The owner of a pizza restaurant in the US has discovered the DoorDash delivery app has been selling his food cheaper than he does - while still paying him full price for orders.

Content strategist Ranjan Roy blogged about the anonymous restaurateur, who is his friend - he later named the business, which has outlets in Manhattan and Topeka, Kansas, US.

Mr Roy said he first heard about the situation in March 2019, when his friend started receiving complaints about deliveries, even though his outlets did not deliver.

At that point , he discovered he had been added to DoorDash - and noticed it was charging a lower price for one of his premium pizzas.

The next time, the restaurant prepared his friend's order by boxing up the pizza base without any toppings, maximising the "profit" from the mismatched prices.

"Third-party delivery platforms, as they've been built, just seem like the wrong model, but instead of testing, failing, and evolving, they've been subsidised into market dominance.

Saved 58% of original text.

Bishma , (edited ) in ID Verification Service for TikTok, Uber, X Exposed Driver Licenses avatar

I recognized the name AU10TIX, because I half-joked on Lemmy about a potential mass doxxing of Xitter's most vile users back in September when they announced the partnership. I assumed they'd be a target for ransomware/hackers, not that they'd just leave their admin creds out in the open.

megopie , in Cleantech has an enshittification problem

I think the easiest solution to this is just not to have all the ”smart” features in the first place.

In regards to reducing emissions, I get that these smart features can increase efficiency, but, does that offset the emissions of manufacturing the additional hardware needed? most people won’t set up things like load shifting, or live in areas where variable priced power just isn’t a thing, so that efficiency is only really realized by a fraction of the units.

Things like heat pump heaters are incredibly efficient systems, even without the smart features. I think we would be better served by focusing on getting these made as efficiently, repairably, and cheaply as possible. And then getting them in to as many hands as possible. Packing them full of smart features will just diminish the longevity of the equipment, increase the cost per unit, and make them less accessible to the average person.

The problem is, this isn’t really up to consumers or even companies, as alluded to in blog post. Investors push for the inclusion of such features because they’re ether convinced it’s what must be done to compete, opens avenues for future subscription fees, or just because they’re invested in the company that makes the parts that enable the features.

It’s a structural issue in how investment and funding is done, and regulation will only do so much to counter the natural tendencies of the business world. We need different ways to get investment in to the production of these kinds of products.

t3rmit3 , in Cleantech has an enshittification problem

Cleantech is a very dynamic sector, even if its triumphs are largely unheralded. There's a quiet revolution underway in generation, storage and transmission of renewable power, and a complimentary revolution in power-consumption in vehicles and homes...

But cleantech is too important to leave to the incumbents, who are addicted to enshittification and planned obsolescence. These giant, financialized firms lack the discipline and culture to make products that have the features – and cost savings – to make them appealing to the very wide range of buyers who must transition as soon as possible, for the sake of the very planet.

The author focuses on the danger of startups dying out and therefore bricking your devices, but another major problem with startups is that they are VC-backed, and those VC investors are expecting the exact same unsustainable growth that the incumbent "market leaders" are chasing in their enshittification journeys. When the startups don't die, they will also 'have' to enshittify, to satisfy investors.

It's not enough for our policymakers to focus on financing and infrastructure barriers to cleantech adoption. We also need a policy-level response to enshittification.

Sadly, this is the impossible part. Policymakers (at least in the US) will never prioritize consumers over companies.

Honestly, the best we can ever hope for is a law mandating that it's no longer illegal to modify your tech if the company who operates it dies, or shuts down the backend server infra, but this will be opposed by basically every company out there (including if not especially video game companies, who won't want to potentially have to allow people to develop and operate private servers for defunct MMOs).

Moonrise2473 , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Isn't apple doing the same?

Designed to fill the 5gb immediately so you're going to buy more cloud space immediately

When I had an iPhone, there was an annoying red dot on the settings icon "warning, you didn't enable cloud backups for photos", and if you enabled it become an annoying red dot "warning you ran out of iCloud space"

abrahambelch , avatar

It's not an Apple fanboy but imo it's a lot more transparent on their side. There's a switch for each and every service to use iCloud or not in the settings. Services don't just re-enable their usage of iCloud after some random update and most importantly, they don't just re-install apps you previously deleted. Or bloatware.

Moonrise2473 ,

Yes, it doesn't get re enabled but I totally hate that annoying red dot on settings if you don't set iCloud

princessnorah , avatar

Oh no, an annoying red dot. Microsoft are straight up hoovering up users data into the cloud by automatically enabling syncing. These two things are not even close to the same.

Moonrise2473 ,

it's a dark pattern deliberately chosen to let people get annoyed and pay for icloud. On windows people instead will accidentally fill their onedrive account and that's it. They won't even know that they're using it. It might send some scary emails like "your cloud backup is full!!!11 you gonna lose everything!!111" but those go directly in spam. Error messages in windows for regular users appear like "����� �������� �����������" - their eyes don't have the right encoding to understand the message, so they just click OK and dismiss it. Instead, the red dot is prominent in the home screen of every iphone and bother also those that don't read the error messages....

princessnorah , (edited ) avatar

Wow. I genuinely can't believe people are upvoting you for this. Like yeah, I super agree it's a dark pattern. Stealing people's data is WAY worse though, uploading potentially sensitive photos or documents to their cloud with no user input. But according to you that's fine because it's less obtrusive and annoying? Yeesh I'm glad I don't have your priorities.

Edit: Like, have you seen most people's home screens? They'll have a dozen other "red dots" and it becomes part of the background. In the same way as you talk about with Windows errors. Here's mine:

Oh noooo, a red dot on the Settings app...with all the other red dots...

Moonrise2473 ,

For me it was annoying enough to switch to android. I really felt like I had to use iCloud, forced through my throat. I have ocd and a red dot means "I need to open this app immediately RIGHT NOW to clear it" - and then your can't clear it until you subscribe

esaru , (edited )

There should be an option to say "I've read it and I decided against it" that makes the dot disappear.

princessnorah , avatar

Yes. I completely agree that there should be. However the other poster's claim that it makes Apple just as bad as Microsoft turning a syncing feature on without user consent is ludicrous imo. That just feels like giving them a free pass on what is, I believe, an as before unseen escalation in the erosion of user privacy by large corporations.

eveninghere ,

I really like Jobs-era Apple and hate M$, but didn't feel the urge to defend A this time.

B0rax ,

That red dot should disappear if you disable iCloud (yes, it is different from not setting it up… it is not good, but you can get rid of it)

Powderhorn , avatar

There's always the option to store things locally. You want to get fancy, you can set up a NAS for remote access.

Saying "isn't X also doing Y" implies the behaviour itself isn't the problem, when it is. Doesn't matter who's using dark patterns for rent-seeking; it matters that we've normalized it.

some_guy , in Raspberry Pi is now a public company

I hope this isn't the prelude to a decline. I just ordered my third Pi over the weekend. It should arrive today. I'd hate to see the platform squandered by "make number go up" types.

demesisx , avatar

They’ve been declining for years. It’s time the community ditched them for RISC-V machines.

perishthethought ,

I'm not familiar. Any recommendations?

demesisx , avatar
perishthethought ,

Super helpful, thank you! But maybe I missed one point: why is Arm bad or RiscV better? Why should we encourage Risc cpus?

demesisx , avatar

RISC-V is an open instruction set, which should be what the Pi foundation (if their open source mission is to be taken at face value) would be switching to if they weren’t just a way for Broadcom to push their chips on the maker community under the guise of open source.,the%20evolving%20landscape%20of%20computing.

RISC-V, an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), has been making waves in the world of computer architecture. “RISC-V” stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) and the “V” represents the fifth version of the RISC architecture.
Unlike proprietary architectures such as ARM and x86, RISC-V is an open standard, allowing anyone to implement it without the need for licensing fees. This openness has led to a surge in interest and adoption across various industries, making RISC-V a key player in the evolving landscape of computing.
At its core, an instruction set architecture defines the interface between software and hardware, dictating how a processor executes instructions. RISC-V follows the principles of RISC, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency in instruction execution. This simplicity facilitates easier chip design, reduces complexity, and allows for more straightforward optimization of hardware and software interactions. This stands in contrast to Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) architectures, which have more elaborate and versatile instructions, often resulting in more complex hardware designs.
The open nature of RISC-V is one of its most significant strengths. The ISA is maintained by the RISC-V Foundation, a non-profit organization that oversees its development and evolution. The RISC-V Foundation owns, maintains, and publishes the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), an open standard for processor design. The RISC-V Foundation was founded in 2015 and comprises more than 200 members from various sectors of the industry and academia.

sleepybisexual , avatar

Hope that happens, maybe my riscv potato might get some use

demesisx , avatar

Amen. I’d love to see Home Assistant start using it. I’m not holding out hope, though, because the guy behind Home Assistant is actively hostile.

sleepybisexual , avatar

I have a uconsole r01

I wanna be able to use it. Its borderline unuaaible rn

demesisx , avatar

Much like the fediverse, we’re very early on that technology. We’re waiting for the network effect to take hold in both areas. Once it does, things will improve significantly, IMO.

JimSamtanko , in Listen to the AI-Generated Ripoff Songs That Got Udio and Suno Sued

Hope they go bankrupt. AI “art” is anti-artist.

AnxiousDuck ,

This, so much this

SurpriZe , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I already have one drive. It's installed in my PC. Why would I need another?

als , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I was in court the other day and it turns out that while they send us the evidence videos encrypted (and never give us the right password), the government's lawyer had it all on onedrive 🫠

zipzoopaboop , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  1. Not even once.

Thank you steam deck for teaching me the basics of Linux

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