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zipzoopaboop , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  1. Not even once.

Thank you steam deck for teaching me the basics of Linux

Bartsbigbugbag , in This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77

I like Chinas drone delivery model, you can look up videos of it online.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar
Bartsbigbugbag ,

Yep that’s the one I saw there I think. Drone goes into a little kiosk and then you pick it up from the claim window thing.

TheRtRevKaiser Mod , in This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77 avatar

I thought for sure that this was a joke, or that the gif of the drone sort of....pooping out that package was fake. But I found the same gif on Amazon's PR website. This has got to be the dumbest possible way to get a package delivered...

jarfil , avatar

If it did it from a bit lower altitude, it wouldn't be that bad... at least for some AA batteries. And look, the package even landed with the ⬆️⬆️ arrows the right side up! (/jk)

DavidGarcia , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

devil's advocate: this will save the vast majority of user (which are completely tech illiterate) from loosing their most important data

lets be real, none of them will use a private or foss backup solution any time soon.

I'd rather not they loose their important family photos for that oh so horrible crime of offending my privacy nerd sensibilities

trevron ,

It is not even close to a good enough reason. First of all, I don't really give a shit about what other people do or don't do on their computers. It is not my responsibility. Second, sneaking in their cloud solution isn't the right move ever.

Let the user decide if they want it, enable it by default I don't care, but don't sneak it in like it's a fuckin trojan lol

muhyb ,

Except it won't be their most important data. Either their very first files from their desktop (up to 5 GB), or random 5 GB files (no idea which). Once it's filled quickly, it will start nagging about buying more storage.

dodgy_bagel ,

I'm not confident my tax documents aren't saved to my dektop.

I usually air gap onto an external disk, but I've been busy recently.

zygo_histo_morpheus ,

I think that it's quite bad if Microsoft puts peoples family photos on their servers without the user realizing it. That's not a niche privacy nerd sentiment, I think that a lot of people would find that creepy. Having the option easily available can be really good for a lot of non-techy people but it should be very clear what stays on your computer and what doesn't, and how to keep something private if you want to, which I'm not sure that it is if Microsoft quietly backs up Documents, Pictures etc.

off_brand_ ,

Right, I recall news from years ago where a bunch of celebrities' very private photos backed up to iCloud were leaked. They may or may not have known they uploaded those to iCloud, I dunno. But imagine what's up there if you don't realize you're doing a backup. Not just photos, but like scanned documents with vulnerable information. And all that personal info in a centralized server is a big ol honeypot for a malicious actor.

It's not hard to see why this is a vulnerability, is what I'm getting at.

jaden ,

Actually, my father in law just lost 3 months of work yesterday because he synced his documents folder that had an old copy of his book on OneDrive. None of the cached files had his new stuff. Maybe if OneDrive was made well, it would prevent data loss.

araneae ,

Counterpoint: My sibling had their goddamn desktop ransomewared by this thing when they dared to uninstall it. It isn't privacy nerd sensabilities, Windows now behaves like malware under certain opaque conditions and at unpredictable intervals. This was four years ago on Win 10. How great do you think non savvy people are about clicking things they don't understand anyway and essentially springing a trap?

Salvo , avatar

The problem is that they are not actively asking permission.

They are technically legally asking permission through the EULA, but nobody reads these.

Apple do this differently, they require the user to opt in for each of their services, and except for a pitiful amount of storage, the user has to pay for a useful amount of storage. This makes the user the customer, instead of the product.
They could make it easier to roll-your-own “cloud” storage by NAS, but I assume that it isn’t worth their effort.

floofloof , in This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77

I'm going to use this for my next order of crystalware and explosives.

Gamers_Mate , in Japan forces Apple and Google to open their mobile platforms • The Register

Good job japan, corporations should not be allowed to lock you out of using competition on a device you own.

marchank0 ,

Tell them to ask the same from Nintendo or Sony, lol

cmnybo , in This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77

It looks like they are trying to compete with fedex on how much damage they can do to your package.

Bitrot , in Has Facebook Stopped Trying? avatar

Really great article, and thanks for posting the text of it.

Facebook is weird for me because it triggers my FOMO, but then if I use it all I see are a ton of random things with the most toxic people in the world living in the comments.

And similarly I just realized why my friends on instagram use stories and not posts, because for the most part stories is the only place I see content from people I know anymore (and again the FOMO).

I really relate to the sentence at the end, “there are people there but they don’t know why and most of what they are seeing is scammy or weird.”

Ilandar OP ,

Really great article, and thanks for posting the text of it.

You're welcome. It was their daily free article to email subscribers. I can't afford to pay a subscription fee for full access but I find the combination of their mailing list + podcast is a good way to keep up to date with their investigations.

Powderhorn , avatar

I left Facebook in 2014, having had to rejoin because in that era, you had to have an account to get a job. Which is another topic but worth keeping in mind.

If I don't know why I'm somewhere, I leave. Rave, website, bar ... these are all the same questions, just with less external pressure because you aren't the product in the other two situations.

Atelopus-zeteki , in [NightHawkInLight] DIY Supermaterial Could Save You From Heatstroke: Salt based PCMs avatar

Anyone got a non-YT link? Or just the recipe? Something? TY in advance!!!

Longpork3 ,

1.2l water

240ml sodium sulfate

60ml sodium chloride

20ml xantham gum(optional for increased efficacy by keeping the solution homogenous)

Boil water, stir until fully dissolved, a small amount of solute should remain, if not, increase sodium sulfate concentration slowly until it does, indicating no free water molecules available for dissolution.

Solution should now be cooled to below 18c( freezing point) for an end product that will regulate temperature to 18c so long as it have sufficient(negative) thermal energy.

Solution of pure sodium chloride will have freezing point approx -20C, while solution of pure sodium sulfate has freezing point +35C. Adjusting the ratio of NaCl to Na2SO4 will shift the freezing point towards either end of thag spectrum, depending on what phase change temperature you are targetting.

0x815 OP , in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

I posted this elsewhere already, but it also fits here goven many of the posts in this thread: It is not just about data/privacy concerns (which are underestimated imo, as China pursues an own agenda with collecting your data through Chinese tech) and 'unfair' subsidies, but about gross human rights violations.

In short, some parts of the cheap Chinese cars are made in concentration camps where people are forced to work under catastrophic conditions.

trevron ,

Man I hate coming in and whatabouting but you do realize that the entire EV industry is committing some major atrocities against the people of the Congo right? Western corporations are ruthlessly vile down there. Everything you named and more.

How about we clean up our own yard before telling on the neighbor?

0x815 OP , (edited )

What about cleaning all yards? This 'the West bad, China bad okay' stance is dehumanising and ignorant. [Edit typo.]

trevron ,

Yeah, sure clean all yards but start with your own.

Your statement here and your reaction to how the community has responded is ignorant. Not sure how self awareness is dehumanizing unless you fancy yourself a champion for corporations but okay.

0x815 OP ,

Yeah, sure clean all yards but start with your own.

Do you say that to Europe, to China, or both?

It's obvious you're addressing only Europe. Why?

This is what I meant with 'The West bad, China bad okay'. It's hypocritical. It's double-standards. It's ignorant and disgusting.

trevron ,

Because you are speaking english and you are focusing on China instead of somewhere your voice might be heard. What are we supposed to do, bomb their civilians so they stop treating their civilians poorly? lol come on dude

hernanca , in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

WTF. Is the abstract concept of "competition" more important than weaning out of fossil fuels in order to keep Earth habitable for humans?

I find this mindset doubly crazy because the USA grants a ton of subsidies to oil companies.

China's government is horrible for a myriad reasons but this instance of concern trolling is just blatant pro-oil and pro-capital propaganda. The USA is antagonizing China for the wrong reasons and from the outside, their alleged motivations look stupid and petty.

It's immensely disheartening to see the supposed "leader of the free world" acting in such a dumb way in the face of an impending catastrophe.

sanzky ,

Is the abstract concept of “competition” more important than weaning out of fossil fuels in order to keep Earth habitable for humans?

You need to understand, this is written by economists, the people who make a living by justifying human suffering.

Flax_vert , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I thought it already did that

jaden , in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Yep, lost 3 months of work yesterday because OneDrive erased it.

PhlubbaDubba , in Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services

See also all those crypto apps

Jolteon ,

I mean, crypto apps don't prey on poor people anymore than casinos do.

onlinepersona ,

That one casino hunted down my uncle. Poor guy. Was gobbled up by one right outside his house.

Anti Commercial-AI license

pbjamm , in This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77 avatar

But what does it sound like?

How will it avoid my defensive drone?

If it crashes on my property are it and its contents mine?

onlinepersona ,

It shall infringe on your airspace unimpeded. Your corporate overlords demand it and so it shall be.

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