Kwakigra , avatar

Rats are known to be more intelligent than us. When it comes to problem solving in as short a time as possible they win. Humans are not the samrtest animals, we are the animals capable of learning through abstract means. Our brains can encode lessons and decode them with nothing more than language. That's what separates us. We thankfully have less need of intelligence than other animals. Despite appearances, we are the wisest animals rather than the smartest.

t3rmit3 ,

Not only humans can use language to impart abstract concepts. Crows have been observed sharing information about danger to crows who are not present to witness the danger themselves, but then successfully recognize it in the future. They've also been found to be able to create tools they have not seen before in order to solve problems.

Koko the gorilla was also famous for her abstract thinking. Others species include dolphins and elephants, and obviously we haven't tested most species out there.

Kwakigra , avatar

Songbirds fascinate me. I hope we can decode some crow oral history one day.

Twinkletoes ,

Animal-like intelligence in humans is far more common than we thought

Kolanaki , avatar

All this recent news about animal psychology has made me wonder what the fuck science has been examining in animals for the past entire time humans have existed, that it's only now they are thinking this.

HumanPenguin , avatar

Honestly Humanity has been pretty arrogant. Took 100s of years before we recognised birds use tools. Mainly because everytime it was seen. Some other excuse was seen for why the bird was sticking a stick into a tree. Science was so sure mankind was unique it was unwilling to see reality.

But honestly if you think that is bad. Do some research into why European explorers thought Europe represented the most advanced civilisation. African cities raised to the ground rather then face the idea they may have been their before us.

pbjamm , avatar

Science was so sure mankind was unique it was unwilling to see reality

That was mainly religions influence. Observations that did not conform with what they "knew" from the bible had to have another explanation.

GiantChickDicks ,

I'm older than most probably are on here, but not that old. I desperately wanted to get into animal behavioral science for higher education, but the prevailing thoughts at the time were that most animals are devoid of emotions. Negative reactions were chalked up to a pain response, and anything else was deemed anthropomorphism. I really wish I would have pushed anyway, because we have learned and accepted so much since then.

I would have loved to be involved in discoveries like we have read about in the last ten years. Follow your dreams, kids. Things can change faster than you think.

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