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Kolanaki , in This Is The best way to set up the internet on Mars? avatar

"Oh my fucking God is this dude playing from Mars or something? Asshole has like 15,000ms latency and is glitching all over the place I can't hit the bastard!"

Meanwhile on Mars

"Fucking lag!"

HobbitFoot , in This Is The best way to set up the internet on Mars?

What would it be typical? I would expect a WAN to cover the planet and specific services geared towards sending packets back and forth between Earth.

An interesting idea is if a sneakernet system will be a good idea in space.

HobbitFoot , in Planet Nine, is it real and why hasn't anyone ever seen it?

I thought more recent studies have placed the missing mass as the collective mass of the Oort Cloud, especially as the plutinos have been found to have wildly different orbits than the inner rocky planets and the gas giants.

maquise , in This Is The best way to set up the internet on Mars?

So, how serious are we about living on Mars at this point?

shortwavesurfer , in This Is The best way to set up the internet on Mars?

The less data that needs to go across the link, the better. So you would definitely want to set up a CDN endpoint on Mars that would take cached copies of data.

FlashMobOfOne , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule avatar

I would be shitting my pants in terror if Boeing were trying to take my body anywhere.

phoenixz , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule

Make sure you don't get a windows seat though

applepie ,

sir, we are NOT russia, we kill suicide people here

phoenixz ,

Eh, Boeing airplanes may or may not have lost doors during flight due to crappy design and construction, and the now multiple murdered suicide ls whistleblowers don't add to my trust in Boing.

Transporter_Room_3 , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule avatar

I never thought I'd say this but "I want other companies to succeed at space travel"

To be clear, I don't want any companies in space because they'll simply ruin space the way they ruined earth. You will never convince me there aren't executives salivating at the idea of exploiting slaves employees far away from earth and it's " limiting regulations" so they can do whatever they want including just spacing someone out an airlock if they try to strike.

But so far it's been more or less one company who's been tossing trash all over LEO and larger trash between earth and Mars.

I'd rather space travel be open and easy for everyone, including some random guy who just wants a quick trip around Saturn. Of course we're likely centuries away from that, and I don't think we have centuries left as a whole.

zhunk ,

I'm rooting for Stoke and Radian to pull off full launch vehicle reuse.

I really want to see space agencies put out orbital debris cleanup bounties, especially for big things like spent upper stages and dead satellites.

card797 , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule

Maybe give it a test launch with no people on board.

zhunk ,

They've actually done 2!

The 1st, in 2019, didn't get to the ISS. Bad clock code made thrusters fire like crazy and run out of fuel.

The 2nd was on the launch pad in '21, but Florida air made valves seize. It launched in '22, had 2 thrusters fail, but still got to the ISS and back.

Before this crewed flight test, they've been replacing parachute harnessing and flammable tape.

casmael , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule

I wonder if anything will fall off on the way 🤔

Butterbee , avatar

Just means the craft gets lighter!

casmael ,

Hey shhh if you point that out too loudly Mr Boeing will come and shoot you in the head for saying nasty things about his Aeroplanes

Hirom , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule

I hope they succeed. Access to space shouldn't depend on a single company, especially one owned by Musk.

maniel , avatar

While true, it's not like there's a monopoly on the market like in many other fields, I don't like Musk but he's a pioneer in many fields, besides SpaceX and Tesla he founded PayPal

packadal ,

Well, to get humans to space today you have either the crew dragon on a SpaceX falcon 9, or a Soyouz.

And relations with Russia are a bit tense nowadays, so if you are not Russian, there are currently no other options than SpaceX.

Kinda looks like a monopoly, with another actor starting to compete (and SpaceX is historically very competitive on prices, so without huge government subsidies, I doubt Boeing would consider maintaining their crewed vehicle)

maniel , avatar

Looks like a monopoly because SpaceX invented that niche and others lag behind RnD-wise, companies like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and other companies behind the American space program are more in monopoly position and were more subsidized by the government than SpaceX ever was

Hirom ,

Different groups and people are calling SpaceX a dominant launch provider and even a temporary monopoly.

Space is different from other sector. That's doesn't make it immune from the risk of monopoly.

mosiacmango , (edited )

He didnt found paypal, his company was merged with another one that became paypal. He was the CEO of PayPal early on, but was so universally disliked he was booted after 6 months.

He then took his Paypal money and did invest it in a fledgling startup named Tesla that had a working prototype of an electric sports car based on a Lotus frame. He later sued the actual founders so that he could claim he was a founder.

SpaceX is there because he had money to fund it and to entice Gwynne Shotwell, a renowed name in aeronautics, to his new space startup. Shes run it the entire time.

Musk is a "money guy" who lies a lot and has had some lucky hires. Hes a pitch man who has lived his entire life with a silver spoon in his mouth, which makes it easy to gamble on high risk projects.

Dont buy the hype hes selling.

ulkesh , avatar

Yep, he’s not anywhere near the visionary, the inventor, or the genius that he has made sure surrounds his persona in media.

He got handed money, invested it, and got lucky twice. A monkey could do that with a couple of levers.

I believed the hype as well, for quite some time. Then I listened to the bullshit he was saying and realized he’s just a copy of Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch — people who happen to have money and are able to fool millions of other people that they’re intelligent because they happen to have money.

captainastronaut , in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule avatar

Somebody please double check the door bolts.

neidu2 , (edited ) in Boeing is getting ready to send astronauts into space with their latest capsule

This is their new strategy for handling whistleblowers. They don't fuck around anymore. Snitches get stitches escape velocity.

t3rmit3 , in Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia has self-medicated using a paste made from plants to heal a large wound on his cheek, say scientists

My s.o. and I were discussing tests for animal intelligence being too anthropocentric, and we've both come to the conclusion (based on more recent work in the field that is getting better at trying to assess an animal's intelligence on its own grounds, rather than our's) that there's going to be a major existential reckoning as this field progresses, because so many people do not realize the extent to which animals reason, think, and feel. If we ever reach the point of truly being able to understand what animals are thinking, we're likely going to be horrified at what we've been doing to them (even more than many of us already are).

And009 ,

Yea, I always knew dogs were smart. But after having them myself, the depth of emotional understanding and support they really provide was mind blowing

exocrinous ,

Human supremacists will define intelligence as being like a human and not like an animal, and then test animal intelligence on that measure.

xilliah , avatar

I've always thought the idea that consciousness just suddenly starts with us makes no sense. I can't believe it exists within a vacuum.

Take the eye as analogy. Eagles might have the best eyes in one sense, but dragonflies have a panoramic view and see more colors.

There's also convergent evolution happening all over the place. If consciousness is useful for us, it must be for other animals too. Same for intelligence and so on.

BurningRiver ,

My Labrador uses one toy to push another toy around the yard when he’s playing around. Technically he’s using tools. As far as i’m concerned, he’s pretty damn smart. We as humans just have the faculty to destroy the planet for our own personal gain. There are plenty of other creatures who have intelligent thoughts, we as humans can’t kill them fast enough I guess.

GlassHalfHopeful , in The face of a Neanderthal from 75,000 years ago has been found by scientists avatar

Who lost it? I bet they feel pretty silly now.

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