PoliticalAgitator , (edited )

What a shock, you didn't want an answer, you wanted the foundation of apologist talking points to bail out your friends.

Wow that's a lot of text with a lot of opinion I don't really care for. I was more looking for a list but all I got was cuck, zionist, ethnostate, soros, and 1488

Damn, you wanted a list and all you got was a list. If you want something more specific, buy the paper instead of insisting people spoon feed you answers. My money would be on you being perfectly aware what that list contains but hoping nobody wanted to write you out a giant list of racist, sexist and antisemitic slurs.

The rest is ideas and concepts and Dumas's conspiracy theories not vocaulary.

Yes, as I clearly stated.

Also imo its incredibly nieve to lump anyone who identifies with republican as an alt-right Nazi

Not a thing I did, but if you're upset that your friends and family are being labeled as scumbags just because they vote, bankroll and repeat the talking points of scumbags, maybe you should direct your tantrum at the alt-right Nazis and the Republicans that tolerate them, if not openly support them.

That is literally the same generalisation group think blame game that Hitler used to blame and prosecute the Jews.

Fuck off with your "the left are the real Nazis". I'm not shipping people off to death camps, I'm pointing out the undeniable fact that the Republican party is riddled with far-right fuckstains, an idea that apparently hurts your feelings.

They're not remotely comparable acts on any level and I'm not going to fall for the awkward manipulation tactics you learned on 4chan.

I guess my only other question is why are the Palestinian protesters using at least 2 of these ideas/words?

Rub your two braincells together and see if they spark. Zionism plays an important part in Israeli hostilities towards Gaza. That doesn't mean far-right conspiracy theories about Jews running the world and needing genociding have any merit.

You're blatantly just trying to link my opinions to Hitler (hoping people will be dull enough to think "both people bad") and racist extremists to Palestinians (hoping people will be dull enough to think "both groups good").

Save the awkward manipulation for whatever members of your family still speak to you.

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