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Curious_Canid , in There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. avatar

This is just an attempt to keep their bots motivated.

Dkarma ,

Yeah I was gonna say wtf do bots need streaks for?

lvxferre , in There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. avatar

Yup, I also think that it's a retention tactic. Not the first one: karma, user profiles, that new year crap etc., they all boil down to "we're giving you reasons to consistently come back, and produce content for us for free."

The timing hints me that the Reddit userbase is getting a lower rebound ratio nowadays. i.e. user goes there to see some junk, then forgets about the site.

LaLuzDelSol ,

It's also just part of a wider internet trend I think. More and more games and social media have them. Developers are getting better and better at hacking people's attention and reward pathways. For Duolingo I think it's fun, because learning a language is a fun and productive thing to do anyways (and despite the hate it has really worked well for me) but for games and things like social media or whatever I just find it annoying.

abbadon420 ,

For duolingo it's the same mechanics, but from a whole different movement.

Reddit's action belongs in the "enshitification" movement. I don't know if it's the accepted term yet, but it should be. It's a general movement away from user experience and approval and towards agressive retention and sales (ads) tactics.

Duilingo's actions belongs woth the "gameification" movement. Where the intention is to make learning more fun by adding gaming mechanics like points and rewards.

Both make use of the body's dopamine mechanics, but one is evil and the other is good. Just like how nuclear power can be use for evil and for good.

beebarfbadger ,

Games, social media sites, online shops, they are all working on building the psychologically optimised perfect maze for their prey.

Anticorp , in Exactly. Delete Reddit.

I'm pretty sad these days when I see an issue marked as solved, but then when I get to the solution it just says "this comment has been deleted in objection to the API changes and Steve Huffman is a dirty little piss boy". We've lost millions of hours worth of answers because of Reddit 's greed.

The best way to find information on the internet is to give up on Google and use Kagi. Add a question mark at the end of your search and it'll summarize all of the top results for you, directly giving you the answer and saving you tons of time. They include sources if you want to dig deeper.

Crampon ,

Only thing holding me back from Kagi is the impossibility of privacy and a credit card associated with my user.

SeedyOne ,

Any chance they accept gift cards or a temporary Visa you can charge up? If not, that would be a bummer.

xantoxis ,

For sure. They don't care how the money arrives. Tell them whatever lies you need to tell them as long as the credit card number matches up.

Anticorp ,

That's understandable, but you're nowhere near private with Google either. They definitely know who you are, even if you never log in. At least with Kagi they're not logging everything and keeping a record of everything you do. They do have an option to enable history, but I have it turned off.

Gestrid ,

They do have an option to enable history, but I have it turned off.

Actually, that "setting" is there just for show. It can't be turned on. Underneath the setting, it says

Currently this option can not be turned on. Kagi does not save any searches by default. In the future we may add features that will utilize your search history and then we will allow you to enable this.

v4ld1z , avatar

Sadly, their CEO is kind of a weirdo. There was a recent post chain on Mastodon I think where a user shared their disappointment with Kagi - had something to do with their not being as privacy-focused as they claimed they are - and the CEO just decided to keep sending unsolicited emails to the OP about this, trying to with them over with phone and video calls

randint , (edited ) avatar

I saw this too. Sadly I don't remember where I saw it.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Bill Gates was a massive dick but people still use Windows.

Steve Jobs was a massive dick but people still use Apple.

Thomas Edison was a massive dick but people still use light bulbs.

People should disassociate creators and their products.

Schadrach ,

it'll summarize all of the top results for you, directly giving you the answer

This is literally what the Google AI thing that everyone has been mocking does. For example, it suggested gluing cheese onto a pizza because that was a highly up voted comment on the reddit thread that was the top search results.

Anticorp ,

Except the Kagi one actually works well and doesn't tell you to drink glue.

efstajas ,

Tbh I find it hard to believe that it's actually better, knowing how many resources Google probably poured into getting the summaries right already. If the same amount of scrutiny were applied to Kagi's summaries, people would probably find similarly embarrassing answers.

Anticorp ,

Perhaps, but it has worked well for me. Plus they have features to change your results to forums, listicles, and other formats, rather than having to add qualifiers to the search. You'd think Google's general results would be better too, considering all their resources, but they've been trash for years now. They're more focused on making every penny possible than producing good search results.

TimewornTraveler , in When did reddit turn Facist?

Well, you see in June last year, Reddit decided to make some greedy corporate changes. So in response, tons of principled leftists departed the site. What did yall expect? Same thing happened to Twitter.

sramder , in They moved the award button into the spot where the reply button used to be on the mobile app. avatar

Sad Pattern? This seems less dark and more pathetic...

ViscloReader , in There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now.

It's to keep you feeding their site with data/posts/comments

Donjuanme , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

"At least" doing a lot of lifting here.

retrospectology , avatar

Well, you've gotta leave enough of a percentage for all the Russian and CCP sockpuppets.

Cryophilia ,

Yeah I was surprised the state propagandists left the corpos that much market share.

AWittyUsername ,

The next 65% are political trolls

cerement , in Has this sub turned into a training ground for AI LLM? avatar

no worries, they’re using ALL of Reddit to train AI, not just your favorite sub

jared ,

The future is AI shitposting.

kakes ,

Saw a post here on Lemmy the other day where the replies were very obviously from ChatGPT. That's when I knew the internet was over.

grrgyle , avatar


kakes ,

Just went to look for it, and looks like they were all deleted from that post after I called it out, thankfully.

mesamunefire OP ,

yeah....its just surreal. I grew up when there was no Internet at all. Now we have bots mining data from a website to get more human-like responses (and more $$). Its a strange world.

CosmicCleric , (edited ) avatar

yeah…its just surreal. I grew up when there was no Internet at all. Now we have bots mining data from a website to get more human-like responses (and more $$). Its a strange world.

Almost makes it useless to bother posting on online forums anymore, if you end up just wasting your time talking to an AI bot, instead of another human.

Which is a weird way lets the 1% win. If the rest of us can't converse with each other because the 'virtual town square' becomes so polluted that meaningful conversation with other humans cannot happen.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

NateNate60 , in Reddit’s Goon Cave Community Has Been Banned

For those who don't know, a "goon cave" is "an area or room dedicated to long masturbation sessions", or "gooning"

MxM111 , avatar

Why would you ban that???

BrokenGlepnir ,

Stock prices?

Beaver , avatar

Republican investors have staying away until this key moment

formergijoe ,

Probably affects the ability for AI to recommend glue in pizza cheese.

ekky ,

Makes sense, I thought it was about goons (crime) or gooning (evil goon voice "what up, boss?", "Yes boss").

NateNate60 ,

There are multiple meanings. "Hired thug" is also one of them.

pro_grammer ,

fuckin hell. Why are so many weirdos on reddit?

TORFdot0 ,

There are a lot of people on Reddit and Reddit makes it easy to organize by whatever degenerate interests someone may have, such as sharing their goon cave

Boozilla , in Reddit shares soar 14% after company reports revenue pop in debut earnings report avatar

"Revenue pop", even worse user experience?

slurpinderpin ,

This is exactly why I finally left the platform entirely. Lemmy for me now

Boozilla , avatar

Lemmy for life!

Sorry, I am excitable. I do like it here, though.

Blaze , avatar

Welcome here! Let us know if you have any question

Omgboom , in Of course they did, and of course Reddit caved.

Spez is absolutely complicit in the rise of the far right, regardless of whether this unsubstantiated claim is true or not

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

All tech bros are IMO.

lvxferre , in Rewards are coming "We messed up – sorry" avatar

People downvoting this post: don't shoot the messenger.

I'll copypaste what I said in !redditmigration about this topic:

As I mentioned in the kbin comm about redditfugees: I think that the platform stopped being sustainable, and that changes like this - either trying to increase engagement or appeasing power users - are only a symptom of that.

They won't work, by the way, because of the trust thermocline (the impact of an act violating the users' trust is considerably greater, if there's a backstory of trust violations).

...excuse me while I grab some popcorn. I'm loving to watch this.

Fun comment (from a user) in that thread:

Because it's a Reddit Product Decision, you can always expect one step forward, two steps back, and four steps off in a random direction that makes no sense.
Can people who used all their gold due to your short-sighted mistake get it back? Haha, no.
Are you offering any compensation? Sure, we'll give you some free bullshit. And it expires, so make sure to Drive Engagement and Interact with Posts before the end of the year!
Wait, you're replacing the stuff you made arbitrarily expire with a different arbitrarily-expiring currency? You know it.
Can you use Gold that people give you on other posts? Absolutely not. Gold you are given goes into a big pot where it will remain, serving no purpose, unless you're like the 0.1% of people on this site who ruthlessly and relentlessly farm for gold and karma. If you're one of those people, you can financialize your Reddit experience, earning upwards of, like, five bucks!
I run a subreddit that provides resources for people in mental health crisis or other major medical issues. Can I turn off gilding to stop people boosting bad or unsafe answers? At Reddit, we believe that consumers deserve choice, and in this case, the choice they deserve is to seethe and cope. You absolutely cannot turn this shit off.
You're at least blacklisting the really high-risk subs from the new old Gold program, right? Yes.
What happens when you inevitably miss a sub and end up causing massive headaches for mods? They can contact us at the Mod Help PO Box in Anchorage, Alaska. When the intern checks the mail in 6 months, we'll get right on it.
What if I'm not eligible for the Contributors program? Go fuck yourself.
Does it work on Old Reddit? What do you think?

Additional detail: did anyone notice that you can't log through old.reddit any more? I don't even have an account there any more, but if you try it, here's what you get:

They are already actively removing functionality from old.reddit!

QuantumSpecter OP ,

Works for me

scytale ,

you can't log through old.reddit any more?

Yup, on mobile browsers I can’t log in via old.reddit anymore. It still works on a desktop browser though.

Snapz , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

Uh, this post is a bummer and I don't even know if I actually believe the premise... Whatever I guess, lett's all actually just get out of here and go get some Sprite® brand family products, you guys.

derpgon ,

But 7up™ is made with natural ingredients, less sugar and is more limey!

harrys_balzac ,

My family prefers Brawndo. It has what plants crave.

nieceandtows , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

Remember the_donald started out as a meme sub that got taken over? I fell victim to astroturfing that election season. Thankfully it has made me more skeptical about online interactions now.

palordrolap , in Google and Apple are hosting an app dedicated to TheDonald and other far-right forums that were banned from Reddit.

I thought they already had Truth Social and considerable chunks of Xitter and Faceberk. What's new or different about this, specifically?

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