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ccunning , in the mods have gone psycho over at reddit

You and the mods need to get your shit together and start creating shareholder value as you’re intended to do.

AtariDump ,
neidu2 , (edited ) in Is Lemmy a good alternative?

First of all, welcome.

Depends what you're after, really. I find that lemmy has less of an echo chamber, but the average political stance is a lot more left-ish than reddit.

If your opinion is considered garbage, you'll probably be downvoted for it, but banned is another thing; You can find an instance more to your liking, for example if you post tankie stuff on lemmygrad, you'll probably only get praise from there.

It mostly comes down to how a platform with many people tend to naturally operate - garbage people get treated at such by the rest. So whatever your leanings might be, I suggest you find an instance that is somewhat reasonably close to share your values.

Other than that, one of the main differences from reddit is the content quantity - Smaller user base means less content. And I'm perfectly fine with that, as I can keep up with the feed without scrolling for hours.

Also, here I can say that I don't give two shits about neither Zelda nor Link, without fear of backlash. At least yhe contemporary games - Everything since Link II for NES has been kinda meh in my book.

And if you want to filter out politics, blocking lemmygrad takes away most of the tankie-spam.

aleph , avatar

I find that lemmy has less of an echo chamber, but the average political stance is a lot more left-ish than reddit.

This is true once you've blocked Lemmygrad and Hexbear, which are as much echo chambers as r/The_Donald ever was.

neidu2 ,

I haven't blocked hexbear (yet). As annoying as I find their views, they do produce some funny shit now and then.

aleph , avatar

You're fine as long as you don't decide to jump in and offer a contrary opinion.

neidu2 , (edited )

Yup. They claim to not have downvotes in an attempt at forming a diversity of opinion, but as soon as there's an attempt at voicing a hint of such diversity, the ad hominim is engaged by a swarm. They started creeping through my comment and post history to find something damning, but only came up with a meh of a nothingburger, so they started to claim my opinion as invalid because I was on (lol?) instead, never refuting my original claim. I honestly don't remember what the topic was about at this point. I probably called out something verifiably false or misleading.

Gork ,

The thing I find most perplexing about those communities is that although they themselves support marginalized communities, they also defend highly authoritarian regimes (Russia, China) that actively persecute said groups. It's very strange to see that horseshoe wrap-around effect where at times they have the same things in common with the right wing but for entirely different reasons.

JJROKCZ , in login redirects to

Well here’s even more reason to stop fucking using Reddit. Let the dead horse rot instead of continuing to beat it

wolfeh , avatar

Let the dead horse rot instead of continuing to beat it

Kristi Noem disagrees.

victorz ,

Must be rough working at Reddit right now. At least I would feel like I wasn't doing much good in the world. Working hard to enshittify.

3volver , in Hey, so Reddit won't let you browse its site if you're using Proton VPN.

Yea I ran into the same thing about 2 months ago, haven't even gone back to check it.

I'd just be grateful you found Lemmy. I suspect Reddit is mostly bot spam at this point hidden as real users. Sucks that so many old posts are now being gatekept, a pinnacle of the real enshittification that's happening right now.

cyborganism OP ,

Oh for sure.

It's just sometimes it feels a bit lonely in my main communities. I'm a francophone Quebecois and there isn't a lot of us on Lemmy. Most of them didn't seem to care about the whole API thing and don't seem to care about the bots and the AI either.

The Quebecois are creatures of habit and one they've settled down on something it's hard to make them change.

Dwayne_Elizondo_Mountain_Dew_Camacho ,

Ben non, je pense qu'on est au moins 3...

ReveredOxygen , avatar

Reddit is a high proportion of tech issue search results. "just use lemmy" doesn't solve anything

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in Account suspended
marcos ,

So, that's confirmed, tartigrads suck at playing violins.

dingus ,

Hey, he's trying his best!!

ArugulaZ , in Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract avatar

Sure, why not. People gave you all the information on Reddit for free, you might as well sell it to the highest bidder without compensating them. I call it the "Veasey maneuver."

Paradachshund ,

The audacity of big tech is long overdue for a reckoning.

ipkpjersi , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

Not surprising at all.

In other news, GTA Online is awesome! I am definitely not a plant or anything like that, go check out GTA Online!

Or something like that.


UnderpantsWeevil , (edited ) avatar

I remember when /r/HailCorporate was a trending sub and then it just sort of got strangled to death.

Also remember the periodic waves of "Hillary is bae! Mother of dragons! Yas Queen!" and "I love Mayor Pete" and "KHive ftw!" and even a smattering of Mitt Romney fanboi-ism on /r/politics, as their campaigns rose and fell.

Nevermind the absolutely sycophantic corporate ghoul AMAs. Bill Gates, Ann Coulter, and Don Lemon all leap to mind. Just the absolute worst moderation imaginable for these guys. Then there was the Elon Musk AMA. Jesus fucking Christ.

Cryophilia ,

Also remember the periodic waves of “Hillary is bae! Mother of dragons! Yas Queen!” and “I love Mayor Pete” and “KHive ftw!” and even a smattering of Mitt Romney fanboi-ism on /r/politics, as their campaigns rose and fell.

Literally no, I was there and I don't recall that at all.

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

Perhaps the record was corrected after you left.

AhismaMiasma ,

Remember to ShareBlue!

My eyes were opened that election.

TRBoom , avatar

I remember one specific account that spammed everything pro Tulsi into the politics subreddit. It was glaringly obvious that they were paid.

Just checked on him, 5 months ago he was posting to sports subreddits... which also feels like a red flag.

cmbabul ,

The only subreddit I still check is /r/cfb because it’s by far the best college football specific part of the internet and my Fanactus account seems to have been deleted. I’m not disclosing what my old account was but I was a upper mid level account there for about 7 years, not bragging just framing, it has gotten really fucking shilly in comparison to even last year although itd been happening for a while. It crescendoed with the release of the new college football madden analog, which does make logical sense for why, but there was some hard corporate dick riding. I don’t care for sports video games that don’t involve Mario or have the word Jam in the title so I don’t know if the game is any good but it was obviously paid

Gigasser ,

Is it a possibility that shill accounts are using sports subreddits to obfuscate the fact that they are still accounts? Like "Hey there fellow citizens, I'm totally a normal poster and a red blooded American who really likes sports!".

megopie ,

oh yah, I remember the absolute torrent of crypto shills that started spamming the place when crypto shill posts from other subs started getting posted there.

They were proper angry that they got called out.

rwhitisissle ,

Those of us who noticed when HailCorporate first got shadowbanned could see that particular train a coming. Reddit was always going to strangle its own content to death in order to make it more advertiser friendly. I'm honestly surprised it took as long as it did.

Mellow12 , in Reddit shares soar 14% after company reports revenue pop in debut earnings report

We can sell 80 percent of the screen WITHOUT inducing seizures.

waddle_dee , in r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months.

insert shocked pikachu here I mean, is this really surprising? That place was a cesspool disguising as irony. But news flash, it stops being ironic after a certain amount of time.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Who was that other dude? Think idubbz interviewed him.

Was doing the same thing trying to hide behind layer of “meta irony” or whatever water muddying bullshit they wanted to call it.

People who shoot crooked just don’t need to be trusted period

blargbluuk , avatar

Sam Hyde?

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

That’s the one

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s not about how expected this was. It’s about the fact that we have data to prove it, and it is definitely a probable phenomenon.

Incidentally, I’d be fascinated to see the data the alphabet agencies have doubtlessly gathered on what major players on /r/TheDonald are affiliated with foreign agents (primarily Russia, though China and Israel absolutely had a hand in it too), or just straight up foreign agents themselves. I hear they’re going to release a big report about that on February 31st.

Pretzilla ,

Agreed, it's such a dereliction of duty to not report on this.

As well as letting all the kompromized 4th of July legislators, et. al., and one former commander in chief in particular continue their treasonous subversion.

We are heading right off the rails.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I mean… it’s basically one entire party.

Remember when they popped the DNC’s email server and released stuff tactically at just the right moments to have the most damaging effect on Hillary?

It’s kind of an open secret that they popped the RNC’s email server too… and then didn’t release anything. Ockham’s razor might suggest there wasn’t anything there, but if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’ve been looking to sell. FancyBear/FSB/Russian Mafia/whoever is kinda obviously blackmailing like at least half of the Congressional Republican caucus, as evidenced by the entirely astroturfed opposition to Ukrainian military aid and extremely peculiar Russophilia.

Pretzilla ,


And again, when TF are the TLA's going to do something about this? They better do something soon or else they might be mistaken for Christo-fashists.

Serinus ,

disguising as irony.

About this. It was legitimately funny at first, when the Orange One had no chance.

The thing that turned it so fast from absolute satire into not at all satire was the immediate, within seconds, banning of anyone who called it out as a joke. The speed of those bans convinced me that someone was being paid to steer the narrative in their desired direction 24/7.

It was a masterclass in modern propaganda, and I'm glad it's being studied.

I learned personal lessons from it. I'm absolutely more PC now, because you never know who's going to take your absurd joke seriously. As Waddle said, if you say something ironically enough, it stops being ironic.


a cesspool disguising as irony

See also: various still-existing places such as PoliticalCompassMemes

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract

They have a ton of useful and valuable comments.

They also have some of mine but that’s more of a liability.

mozz , (edited ) in Reddit shares soar 14% after company reports revenue pop in debut earnings report avatar

Reddit: Hey we lost $140 million dollars and gained literally millions of bots

Everyone: What? HOORAY! That's nowhere near as bad as we thought

IDK why, but a lot of super-successful tech platforms in their early days were made up of a super capable passionate tech dude and a total sociopath weirdo who for some reason attracted money. Reddit was unusual in that the tech guy died and they were left with only the weirdo.

haui_lemmy , avatar

That works for a lot of companies. Founding a company and making it successful is insanely hard (experience). Pulling it off alone is near herculean and a lot of folks I met who had partners were coopted by them later. Its as if the drive and the knowledge required for it usually dont exist in one person.

marcos ,

I still don't understand how Reddit manages to lose so much money.

But yeah, that's how stocks evaluation is. It often increases after bad news and decreases after good news, because people thought it was worse/better.

mozz , avatar

Their hosting costs I'm sure are astronomical; my guess is that honestly that's most of it.

They're also, if my very limited experience with them is any guide, phenomenally incompetent with their advertising in a way that I'm sure kneecaps what should be a goldmine of ad revenue. You know those brain damaged ads like "Megathread: Why you should move all your money to Schwab" or otherwise trying to imitate Reddit terminology in the least convincing way possible? That's because Reddit tells their advertisers to do that. For real, it's worth looking over Reddit's ad materials sometime, because they are pants-on-head mentally disabled in a way that's honestly a little hard to believe if you haven't checked them out for yourself.

marcos ,

A single million of dollars will buy you a fucking lot of hosting and connectivity.

Unless you spend it on a cloud provider, of course. But reddit is older than the modern cloud providers.

mozz , avatar

What the fuck, I think you're right

I remember someone doing some kind of calculation at some point trying to assess the cost of Reddit's hosting, and it being all the money in the world, but now that they're public we don't have to guess. I looked it up, and you're right.

Reddit's financial statement says on page 7 that in 1Q 2024 it was:

  • Revenue $242m

And on the expense side:

  • Cost of revenue $27m
  • Research and development $437m
  • Sales and marketing $124m
  • General and administrative $243m
  • Total costs and expenses $832m

This is a little bit of a guess, but my first interpretation of that is that hosting goes under "Cost of revenue" and most of "Research and development" and "General and administrative" is salaries. I.e. that they pay spez's friends something concordant with the $139m that they paid spez personally last year.

Yeah. On page 11 it says they paid out $577m in "stock-based compensation". I don't know exactly what that means but it kind of looks like all that whining Spez was doing to the Apollo devs about how Reddit can't turn a profit with them out there charging $3 for their app or whatever, just meant "MORE, MORE FOR ME, I WANT MORE, IT'S NOT ENOUGH IT'S NEVER ENOUGH."

God damn dude, I should start a social media company.

marcos ,

That R&D budget means reddit has thousands of people working on software engineering. That's some 1/10 of the headcount of the likes of Microsoft and Google.

Even the sales and marketing line, although it should be the largest one by a huge margin, I fail to see where reddit is spending it. Have you ever seen a reddit ad?

mozz , avatar

thousands of people working on software engineering

Doing fucking what?

Have you ever seen a reddit ad?

All the time (possible you don't see them because of ad blockers etc). I just opened the front page and the fourth result was:

"Hey Reddit, there are r/nostupidquestions, so we want to know: What’s your decision making process before entering a trade? Walk us through your method in the comments. ("

I honestly can't make sense of it and I don't want to know.

marcos ,

All the time

It's always good to have my personal bubble burst, thanks.

So yeah, they should be spending a lot of money on that line. Looks like they are.

mozz , avatar

Yeah, $124m for marketing doesn't strike me as instantly unreasonable, if they're managing to bring in $242m in ad revenue from ads that I literally have never once wanted to click on that are so poorly presented that my brain literally filters them out

Research and development and admin, on the other hand, I would have some questions about, if I'd spent money on the stock and was supposed to be receiving a return on my investment

roguetrick , (edited )

Reddit migrated to cloud providers and it's a major part of how they serve videos. They don't self host or cache and peer that stuff. Their bills are astronomical, like vimoe. It was a dumb move in my opinion and I don't see how they'll ever reach profitability because of it.

$400 million in 2 years on cloud hosting.

TraipsersWill ,

And how much content are they hosting?
Some months ago, I did a search for reply formatting tips - and got an entry from 14 years ago.
Do they really have the whole of Reddit available like that, or have they put Some of it in cold storage?

roguetrick ,

Hell if I know, I'm sure most of their R&D budget is focused on figuring out just how to dig themselves out of the cloud pit before it gets deeper. I doubt the storage is the most expensive part of things. It's paying for serving everyone internationally with all the interconnect that's getting them.

breadsmasher , in What would you say to be the anniversary date for "F@ck u/spez" event/incident/fiasco ? avatar

you can say fuck on the internet

Favoring9181 OP ,

Just thought it would have been better than risking deletion by some form of automods & having to repost.

Zorsith , avatar





Amongst many other fun words.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I once knew a man from Nantucket

Carighan , avatar


m4xie ,

In my good Christian Lemmy community!
clutches pearls

Stern , in Of course they did, and of course Reddit caved. avatar

Thry allowed the jailbait subreddit for years, nearly subreddit of the year at one point. It was a subheader for reddit on google even. Big news report? Now its gone.

They allowed Fatpeoplehate for years. One of the most active subs on the site, and absolutely poisoned the rest of it with their rhetoric. Then they went after some imgur staff and got banned with the quickness... and a few months later you could host your images on reddit. The lines there aren't too difficult to read between.

The_Donald was allowed to be shit for years, but once Trump was on his way out, then they banned it.

reddit operates reactively, not proactively.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Reddit had a sub called r/sexwithdogs for a while too. It was exactly that, I thought it was a joke and clicked it once. It was not.

Stern , avatar

They had a group of subs for a fair while early on collectively known as the chimpire, and no, they werent fans of curious george.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,


AngryCommieKender ,

I was there before HydroHomies renamed itself to that. I was also there for the /weed implosion, and resulting /trees opening, only for actual arborists to show up a couple months later, and snarkily opened /marijuanaenthusiasts

BigBananaDealer , avatar

sexyabortions was one

also a hell of a lot of subreddits having to do with black people. the subreddit for hating fat people was banned before the subreddit for hating black people if you can believe that

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Cause companies like twitter, facebook, and reddit love right wing extremists.

They post a lot, click lots of ads, and are heavily engaged. Far more than any left winger.

They are the honey pot from which the money flows. So they get the special treatment and protection.

Which is why its so funny when they cry about persecution and victimhood. Cause anyone else doing what they do online would have not only been banned years ago, they'd probably get regular visits from police and possibly even arrested for things like "Terroristic threats"

The only time they face any punishment whatsoever is when they go ridiculously overboard, like actively planning an attack on the fucking capitol building and the attempted assassination of political leaders they disagree with.. and even then, its a slap on the wrist compared to what any other group of people who tried to do the same would face

lvxferre , in Reddit’s Goon Cave Community Has Been Banned avatar

I had to websearch the term to know what they were talking about. Pfft, internet oddities.

Case in point. At least some side is lying here; either the people from r/gooncaves or the Reddit administration. And given their modus operandi I'm placing my bets on the admins lying.

Frankly, at this rate someone might end suing Reddit for libel in those ban messages. I think that it deserves it.

idiomaddict ,

I just love that you found out what gooners were today and they seem more trustworthy than reddit admins


Look man, gooners just wanna jack it in peace.

Obonga , in Reddit’s Goon Cave Community Has Been Banned

It is sooo Reddit to ban without any explanation. Not like i care about any community over there. Reddit can fuck itself.

tourist , avatar

Reddit can fuck itself.

I thought that's what they banned

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