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jasep , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

Used Reddit for years. There's no way the percentage is that low.

JeromeVancouver ,

That is probably correct. 15% of total content, but probably 70% of the content you see. Reddit has a tonne of content posted that almost nobody sees

DacoTaco , avatar

15% of content and then fake upvoted to heaven. Could work

vxx ,

You don't need much content or many comments to achieve the goal, when you have thousands of votes behind it for the good placement.

You may only need a couple hundred though. Reddit's algorithm is particularly broken and once a post is on hot it's unstoppabe.

niktemadur ,

A chronic compulsive content-stealer creature like gallowboob might have encompassed that 15% all by himself.

vaquedoso ,

We have our own version of him here on lemmy as well

Speculater , avatar

We do? I see a few common posters, but no one acting like a content creator who is actually just ripping off stuff that didn't get traction.

vaquedoso ,

I've seen at least 2 usernames that submit A LOT, and if you search your feed i'm sure you'll be able to spot them easily. They also comment on rising posts quite a lot and personally mod a few communities. I've not seen them repost content that doesn't get traction, but they do repost content taken from reddit

Nicoleism101 , (edited )

Yeah the squid and Picard but they are not bots I think just ppl with no social life whatsoever or sacrificing it so we have shit to browse o7

I won’t ever post a thing cause Reddit convinced me that it is never a super good idea. There are roving human freaks out there circling the social media like vultures looking for prey. Ugly people hiding in the shadows of the web.

dumblederp ,

I'll block them here as well.

anas ,

A chronic compulsive content-stealer creature


jettrscga ,

Looking for office equipment recommendations on Reddit recently, every single thread had fake suggestions that were clearly advertiser accounts. They sounded incredibly fake like bots that pulled descriptions from Amazon, all had similar links with tracking, and all were upvoted to the top.

neo ,

Right!? At least on Lemmy I can drink my Pepsi® in peace. Like for real, there's nothing better than scrolling through some funny memes with a delicious can of ice cold Pepsi®, my fellow [insert slang term; plural]!

glimse , (edited ) in r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months.

To all the people rushing to sarcastically comment how surprised they are: Yes, we all saw it happen. But..

It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

This is why OP posted it. Science isn't feelings, you need data.

DreamlandLividity ,

Science is feelings

Typo? 🤣

xChronoZerox ,

Seriously 😮‍💨 science is literally the opposite of something vague like "feelings"

DreamlandLividity ,

Could be social commentary on what passes as "science" on social media these days. 🤣 That's what made me laugh.

glimse ,


stembolts , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

Lol. I guess it's hard to tell when you haven't seen the site change over time but.. yeah?

It uses to be "argumentless" discussions on esoteric tech and philosophy issues.. then a few years later it was people commenting the same 9 memes for 9,000 comments.. then a few years later suddenly everyone's anecdotes are praising China, or capitalism, or offhandedly mentioning some product or influencer.

Tbh tho, most of Reddit now just reads like Subreddit Simulator. All of the site's value regarding sincere, unique, and detailed user content.. yeah, that's gone. They're just coasting on past laurels, will be fun to watch the wheels fall off as the data stays locked in 2023, before the LLM Ouroboros.

zephorah ,

A few very niche subs appear unaffected, but mostly the questions are all like someone shook a magic 8 ball and the same crap pops up over and over and over.

You know how your brain feels after being assaulted by a commercial? Reddit feels more like that now.

batmaniam ,

That's the part that people don't get and is intentionally hard to find numbers on. The entire appeal was on it not being an influencer centric space. The entire value was always at odds with monetizing that value beyond it's upkeep and paying the people (who apparently aren't that many) a reasonable salary. It is the worst growth case you could have ever had.

audiomodder ,

The same thing that happened to Digg

TexasDrunk ,

I watched it happen while drinking a refreshing Coca Cola. I've never felt so sad and refreshed at the same time.

psycho_driver ,

Maybe they'll do a Behind the Bastards podcasts on the corporate influences that ruined the internet. I look forward to that listen while enjoying some delicious Cool Ranch Doritos.

Speculater , avatar

Lol, that'd be awesome. I can enjoy it while watching my girlfriend spend time on her OnlyFans (link in bio).

ArmoredThirteen ,

As a strong believer in online privacy I'll be using Nord VPN to view your girlfriend's content. Nord lets me browse securely with peace of mind I won't be tracked. Plus I can stream region locked content. I started using it recently and let me tell you Nord has really changed my online experience for the better

jaybone ,

Is your girlfriend single?

gwen ,

no but there are hot single milfs in your area

brbposting ,

Looked for their email address…

(links to 👇)

Yeah reddit totally respects deletion requests

Does deleting our old helpful comments only hurt our fellow web surfers?

JovialMicrobial ,

Reddit is going to end up just being trolls arguing with bots and corporate shills... if it isn't already. I haven't been there in a long time, but I'm fairly confident in that assessment.

What i really wonder about is how long a site can profit off of the majority of activity coming from bots. I'm not tech savvy enough to know if the analytics can tell the difference between a bot posting and a person. How long can that go on before the site stops being profitable via ads? Will companies pay to advertise to bots? Would they even know? It's kinda funny to think about honestly.

It'll be really interesting to see how reddit's downfall comes to be though.

Gigasser , (edited )

I mean you can see it happening here. How many cyber armies do you think are starting to pop up on Lemmy, from the US, from China, from Russia. How many corporate astroturfers do you think are coming on here, apple dicksuckers, etc. shit, mainstream media is trying to dip it's toes into federated spaces.

Edit: a word, added an -ing

Addendum: Do you guys think that defederation campaigns can be weaponized? Isolate and destroy type stuff? Creating bubbles that can be easily analyzed and manipulated?

stembolts ,

They will certainly come here, but as a defederated website we don't have to defend against them with one approach, everyone can take a different approach, see what frustrates them the most, then mass adopt that. I see this as the ideal.. no idea how it will unfold in practice.

simple ,

What's damning is how the most harmless subreddits is now full of astroturfing. Television subreddit? Suddenly the top article is praising some show you never heard of. Meme subreddit? Here's a meme about some music video or hot new product. Game subreddit? Here's some random cosplay girl that's only here to advertise her social media.

I don't remember who said it but there's a general rule that if your subreddit has over 500k subscribers, it's already full of bots and dying. Any mainstream sub is insanely astroturfed.

And don't get me fucking started on social media twitter accounts. HAHA GUYS CHECK OUT THIS FUNNY MEME SHARED BY 'S!!

Tregetour , (edited ) avatar

then a few years later suddenly everyone's anecdotes are praising China, or capitalism, or offhandedly mentioning some product or influencer.

There used to be a satire sub called Church of the Current Thing that made fun of this phenomenon. It eventually got banned around 2022 thanks to a cohort of bad faith actors mass-filing dubious reports of subs they didn't like.

(I believe there was also a sub devoted to cataloging all such subs that got paved over in the name of le brand safety^TM^, but it may have also gone the same way. I don't keep up with the place)

Zehzin , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion avatar

Lemmy wouldn't have that problem because we're all too busy enjoying an ice cold Coca-Cola.

HonoraryMancunian ,

Omg the amount of sneaky coke ads I saw on that site was insane

slaacaa , (edited )

Absolutely disgusting that someone would sell out like that. Not me, my integrity is strong like the legal protection I get from, where you can sign up for a free consultation today, if you use my referral code

Hupf ,

Please drink verification can now.

DoucheBagMcSwag , (edited )


mxcory ,

Pepsi, the choice of a new generation.

hakunawazo , (edited )

Ha, I've discovered your hidden advertising like I discovered the great taste of a crunchy Big Kahuna Burger.
Let's check out some random customer opinions:
Jules W.: "Mm-hmm! This is a tasty burger!"

Marvin: "Mind-blowing!"

Nicoleism101 , (edited )

Ad comment in reality:

^453 u/DrJamieSmith34:
Actually fast food isn’t that bad for you. A Big Mac for example has everything you need nutrition wise. Carbs, veggies, protein.

queermunist , in When did reddit turn Facist? avatar

We all left. Who are the people that stayed behind?

Also bots.

Zaktor ,

Yeah, last time I went back to survey the landscape the more anticorporate/progressive subs I knew were noticeably diminished, while subs that get off on the futility of activism and immutability of power structures were going strong.

theareciboincident ,

I straight up see top comments calling for the death of all black people on front page subs lmao

alvvayson ,

The last natural, human, popular subreddit to arise on reddit was r/antiwork

After that, the site got swarmed by bots and censorship.

If you try and post something even remotely progressive in a popular subreddit, it will get deleted and you will probably get banned.

8ender ,

So sooo many bots now

slazer2au , in Of course they did, and of course Reddit caved.
AtariDump , in Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract
demizerone ,


Kolanaki , avatar

His eyes are creepy as fuck in this image. Doesn't feel human. No soul. It's like a demon wearing a human suit.

AtariDump ,

Sugar. In water.

More. More MORE!

Blaze , in There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. avatar

They are getting desperate

Eheran ,

No, Reddit is going fine. But they want to do better. So they make up stuff like this and it will work.

Buffalox , (edited )

True, but they are still desperate for money, that's all it's about now.

beebarfbadger ,

They have all their bots creating first-class content. They don't even need mods anymore. They don't need humans anymore. They are basically a self-sufficient bot word factory and AI breeding ground. Like, if I ever felt the urge to rate babes with my masterful babe-rating skills or use my excellent human-judging skills to discern whether the repost-bot is the asshole in that regurgitated story, I'd go there in a heartbeat.

Beaver , avatar

For real with how good Lemmy apps have gotten

ruckblack , in Of course they did, and of course Reddit caved.

Lol as much as this is a fun larp, and reddit did take too long to ban them, I'm not partial to taking random twitter/mastodon/<insert social media> discourse as gospel. I think it's goofy when conservatives do it, and I think it's goofy here.

MeatPilot , avatar

I can confirm this story because I was the boat.

PlainSimpleGarak ,

Can also confirm. I was the boat.

CouncilOfFriends ,

Then who was boat?

zorflieg ,

Explain Bot: "Can Confirm" boat at anchor off the coast of Panama reputed to have the tightest pussy of any boat stationed south of Caracas.

FlyingSquid , avatar

A was flying over the boat at the time, as I am wont to do.

ameancow ,

Then everyone clapped. I know because that boat was Albert Einstein.

You wouldn't know him, he goes to a different school in Canada.

Stern , avatar

Can't speak for the boat story, but after fatpeoplehate was banned, there was a study that showed that many shitters left/changed their behavior

ruckblack ,

Yeah I'm not arguing that deplatforming doesn't work, I just think the highly improbable boat story is silly to even address.

Ranman , in Hey, so Reddit won't let you browse its site if you're using Proton VPN.

This is an issue with all popular VPNs on various websites. VPNs use shared IP addresses so just a few bad actors using that VPN can get it blocked for everyone. I can't even load Google sometimes without multiple human verification checks.

deweydecibel , (edited )

Let's not pretend it's all about "bad actors". They don't want masked traffic at all, the "bad actors" gives them an excuse.

And we know this because if the IP was the issue, they wouldn't let you use the site at all, but they will work fine after signing in. Any of these VPNs work as long as you're logged into reddit, even with a throwaway account.

vxx , (edited )

It seems to me like they blocked all VPN users.

I have the same experience on Mozilla VPN and I didn't use reddit for a year.

Edit: It
let's me through when I log into my old account.

realbadat ,

This is reddit blocking all VPNs it can, and only on new reddit.

It has nothing to do with bad actors and everything to do with maximizing user data gathering.

JeffKerman1999 , in When did reddit turn Facist?

Spez is a fascist, dude allowed nazi propaganda on his platform in the name of "free speech". Users are disgusted by what's on r/popular so the nazi population percentage grows. Add to this the complete eradication of mod tools and you get bots and extremists invasions.

TropicalDingdong ,

If it wasn't for reddit supporting /r/TheDonald, there is a good chance MAGA might not have ever happened, at least not in the way it manifested.

Trump was able to get a significance amount of grassroots support early on, and it almost all came from /r/TheDonald. This was before anything was really happening on other social media. People that were disenfranchised with Obama pretty much went with either Bernie or Trump. It was a warzone on Reddit. Both Bernie and Trump did AMA's and this blew them up popularity wise.

What Bernie didn't have that Trump did was an army of russian bots supporting him.

blindbunny ,

This should be the paragraph in text books.

theareciboincident ,

In hindsight it was pretty fucking obvious when TD was regularly inspiring terrorist attacks and was allowed to thrive while CTH got banned for saying slave owners deserve death

blindbunny ,

I knew about TD but didn't know about CTH.

Habahnow ,

idk, I disagree that /r/TheDonald's existence was what sparked MAGA. Russia had such a heavy hand in the creation and support of MAGA that they would have found another place to start the fire. TheDonald was just the largest pile of kindle available... with many more around it. I could imagine they would have focused even harder on facebook, or news coverage or whatever else.

Regardless, I do agree with the rest of your point that TheDonald had a huge influence on MAGA

A_Random_Idiot , (edited ) avatar

Nah, if you want to point at the thing that made all this happen..then its not MAGA.

it was Gamergate.

Gamergate was the prototype and test run for the foreign provocateurs, right wing extremists and other hate mongers to see how successful such a large scale attempt at manipulation of narratives and communities could be.. and it proved quite successful, and the same tactics and methods were scaled up even further to lay the groundwork for Trumpism and what we have today.

Gamergate was the Trinity test that lead to Littleboy (general uptick in rightwing extremism/fascism/alt-rightism and approval of such) and FatMan (Russian "Useful Idiots" who came to power, or threatened to, with Russian backing, not just in America, but elsewhere)

TropicalDingdong ,

I was so confused by gamergate.

you are very into something but the whole thing was so just,,, incoherent. Like I still don't really get what gamergate was because it was like a Russian nesting doll of gaslighting.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

it was a test run that was more successful than the puppet masters ever anticipated, Which is why the only real coherent message out of it was the right wings downright contempt for women.

and those same tactics, and hell, even topics, are still being used today with Trumpism, Right Wing Extremism, and the Russian Puppets push for fascism in western countries.

zeppo , avatar

It's taken me years and reading the explanations a dozen times to figure out what anyone involved even thought it was about.

grrgyle , avatar

It was whatever you wanted it to be. I had one friend who bought the line that it was about "ethics in journalism" (imagine me doing a concussive eye roll here). He was on the redpill path at the time (luckily pulled back from the edge since). Anyway, I think the melange of ideologies to sample from gamer gate were appealing to people who felt victimised by society, but didn't want to acknowledge their role in their victimisation, let alone how capitalism/fascism/patriarchy actively hurt them and retarded their aims (aimless though these types tend to be).

It's classic cruel optimism.

TropicalDingdong ,

I think the melange of ideologies to sample from gamer gate were appealing to people who felt victimised by society, but didn’t want to acknowledge their role in their victimization, let alone how capitalism/fascism/patriarchy actively hurt them and retarded their aims (aimless though these types tend to be).

Great way of framing it. I just stayed very clear of the whole thing because I couldn't even identify coherent 'sides' at the time.

grrgyle , avatar

Fair enough. Sadly, from my years on the internet, I was pretty immediately savvy to the misogynistic fuel under that fire.

Notyou , avatar

Wasn't Steve Bannon involved in that too. Mr get paid by fascist government to travel around the US and after the 2016 election he traveled around Europe to spread the fascist seeds.

Sylvartas ,

Imo, community-wise, reddit is on track to become another 9gag. Which is to say, a crypto fascist cesspool.

JeffKerman1999 ,

Yeah, I'm still active in the formula1 and NBA subs because politics there is practically banned. There was some drama lately because trump said it's his merit if Lando Norris won the Miami Gran Prix...

foggy , in Is Lemmy a good alternative?

Lemmy is significantly smaller. Because of this:

+Trolls are easier to spot

+Interactions tend to be friendlier and more wholesome/respectful

+Far more originality shining through

-less engaged communities

-fewer niche communities

-no rich history to comb through

NOT_RICK , avatar

The modlog transparency is honestly my favorite part. I get so much enjoyment out of the “zomg the mods are just as bad here as Reddit” posts because you can immediately highlight their bad behavior, or alternatively see when the mods actually are power tripping.

Donjuanme ,

-Fads aren't as easily called out/quashed, there isn't much push back on the meme of the minute, wait I just described social media in general...

foggy ,

Lol yeah that's true of reddit too

abbadon420 ,

Trolls are easier to spot, except for the fact that is the default instance for many users and communities eventhough the entire setup of that instance is very politically influenced. You could be in for a bad experience when you try to post a fairly reasonable comment on any slightly political post there.

Kolanaki , avatar

no rich history to comb through

WDYM? We have

  • No poop guy
  • Beans
  • Jeans
  • Me
  • Defederation Drama
  • Uh...
Boozilla , in If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now... avatar

Reddit: bots talking to bots.

Lemmy: the socially awkward talking to the neurodivergent.

Broken_Monitor ,

I was wondering if I’m in the socially awkward category or the neurodivergent category… pretty sure I’m both.

Boozilla , avatar

Achievements unlocked!

Speculater , avatar

I'm the socially awkward one that comes off as combative and uses "To be fair" too often. Nice to meet you.

massive_bereavement , avatar

Wasn't there already a subredit where bots talked to each other?

Boozilla , avatar

Yes! There was at least one experimental one that openly did that, and it was funny at the time. I forget the name of it. But it wasn't trying to pass itself off as real conversation to fool the shareholders.

Blaze , avatar

Subredditsimulato, inactive for a while I think

FaceDeer , avatar

R/subredditsimulator. I actually preferred it before it upgraded to GPT2, when it was just Markov chains. You got the most glorious nonsense sometimes.

dumbass , avatar

No eye contact on lemmy!

zorflieg ,

You're telling me other Tumblr users are on here?

umbrella , in There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. avatar

addiction mechanics lol. fuck reddit.

nl4real , in New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion

Dead internet here we come!

archchan , avatar

Makes me miss the wild west days of the internet. Everything felt more... human. Now it feels like a soulless corporate husk. It's wild that covid babies won't know what those days were like.

Kit ,

Agreed, but Lemmy feels like the old Internet for the most part. I suspect that 90% ish of comments here are actual humans. The remaining 10% is pushing some kind of agenda.

Maeve ,

Lemmy is too polite for that. Thank gawd.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I agree. There's also a pervasive feeling that lemmy is unaffected by manipulation and misinformation.

If Lemmy continues to grow sooner or later it will become a large enough target for manipulation, and I wonder how federation will fare at that time.

Pissnpink ,

Idk, hexbear content comes up in my feed and I feel that’s all manipulation and misinformation

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Yeah, I feel the same, but I don't really know enough about it to make that assertion.

cows_are_underrated ,

That's why I'm glad, that my instance defederated from those. I saw some of that content from another instance and I don't miss it.

sOlitude24k ,

Alright. I been afraid to ask for fear of getting banned from other communities hosted on their instance, but what is the deal with hexbear? The chat community seems like satire, but it gives off the same kind of vibes as the_donald, just far-left instead of far right.
Like, I consider myself a lefty, but their community just seems self-destructive and toxic. Maybe that's the point, though? Honestly unsure, and afraid to ask on their instance cuz I don't wanna get accused of "just asking questions" and banned.

Pissnpink ,

It really does feel like the_donald doesn’t it? I have no idea what they're about. They claim to far left but when you look at what they’re actually saying it’s all hate for any position on the left. Even the word “left” is a dirty word there. They're probably trolls trying to muddy the water. Maybe it’s some astroturfing or a space to experiment and generate new misinformation content. Idk, it sucks though, it feels all so toxic.

kandoh ,

It's a bunch lonely people who got hypnotized by a podcast and now that podcast informs all their opinions.

psmgx ,

Definitely more than 10%. The only really unbiased info I'm finding here is related to obscure coding stuff, or Linux tips.

Reddit has a lot of shills, but that's their business model and they guard access cuz they want to get paid. Lemmy has no moat, and no filter outside of individual mods

Dozzi92 , avatar

For me, it was AIM chatrooms and ebaums forums, maybe the super early days of Skype (before being sold to Microsoft obviously). Shit did feel more real, and while content maybe didn't come out at the same frequency, and there sure was shit, you just knew you were talking about it with other people. Made some good friends back then, would've been cool to stay in touch, but 20+ years is a long time.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

You're right in that it will never be like it was, but there are still fringes and niche communities that have that human feel. The thing is they're much less engaging without algorithms and UX driving engagement, we're not drawn to them in the same way.

markon ,

Nostalgia fallacy

shadowspirit ,

Check out

The Internet gained steam through hobbyists and is now that corporate shell as described. In my opinion it absolutely was a better place 25 years ago. Today the internet is filled with social engineering everyone's trying to influence something and it's terrible.

AutistoMephisto , avatar

The Internet started as this kinda long-haired hippy fella who thought it would be great if everyone could share knowledge and have conversations with everyone else regardless of where they are geographically. Then the corpos made him cut his hair, put on a suit and tie and get a damn job! And 25 years later, he's a yuppie corpo slave. I want my hippy back!

Tum ,

A two word rebuttal naming the argument type someone is using, does not constitute a valid argument.

harrys_balzac ,

Yes it does.

Pretzilla ,

Three does

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

Got em

Zink ,

People are certainly susceptible to Rosy Retrospection, but let’s not forget that 2023’s word of the year was enshittification for a reason!

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