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TheFriar , in Old reddit has removed the login fields

Leave Reddit. Why is anyone still there.

otter , avatar

Professional communities, local communities, niche hobby communities, each of which don't have critical mass here (yet)

I'm doing my best to grow stuff here, but I recognize that there's still stuff there that people find helpful for other parts of their life.

dragnet ,

Reddit is terrible as a website. But it still has the communities that developed there over years, and they are an invaluable resource. They are definitely positioning themselves to pull a Digg, but until the Reddit-killer comes along with a mass exodus (and it doesn't look like it's gonna be Lemmy unfortunately) access to those communities will entail dealing with reddit.

NOT_RICK , avatar

I still look at Reddit from time to time, but I don’t see a need to sign in at all. There’s no use contributing anymore

z3rOR0ne , avatar

Don't bother even giving them your traffic, just use a redirection extension to LibReddit or use Stealth

frightful_hobgoblin ,

what does "pull a Digg" mean?

Chainweasel , (edited )

Digg (a link aggregator very much like Reddit) started pulling similar shit and everyone left for the alternative, which was Reddit at the time.
After everybody left Digg, Reddit became the default and after about 15 years they are doing the same things that drove people away from Digg

TheImpressiveX , avatar

To rapidly lose your userbase to another platform, due to controversial changes to the website.

Named after Digg, which lost most of its userbase to Reddit and is now a shell of its former self.

SirSamuel ,



r/[local area]


These communities either don't exist or don't have critical mass here.

And if you recommend Discord as an alternative, it's not the same

Also: Search results that take me to Reddit threads with actual answers

Chainweasel ,

And if you recommend Discord as an alternative, it's not the same.

I keep seeing people recommend discord as an alternative but it's just chat rooms, If it's an alternative for anything it's ICQ.

SirSamuel ,

Right!? gO To oUr DiScOrD. Like bitch please, I've got ADHD, i will never find what i need in a discord chat

fsxylo ,

Decades of solved programming issues.

I don't post there anymore, though.

possiblylinux127 , avatar


Also the people there are not nearly as crazy or extreme

Chainweasel , in Old reddit has removed the login fields

Removing old.reddit will push more people away than locking down the API did.

WhatAmLemmy ,

It's also working fine

possiblylinux127 , avatar

They just need to slowly cripple it and make it run slow so people with willingly switch

supangle ,

sshh … just be quiet about it

frightful_hobgoblin , in Old reddit has removed the login fields

It's back

frightful_hobgoblin , in Old reddit has removed the login fields

Did this just happen within the past hour or two?

n2burns ,

I experienced this yesterday, maybe 12 hours ago? So not just in the last few hours.

Cheradenine ,

One of the other sub's here had something about it earlier, I can't find it of course.

Some people seemed to be redirected, others reported no problems.

Some users were also reporting that a Gmail address was now required for new signups, others said no.

Seems like probably an A/B test.

I no longer have an account there, I still use Stealth (Android) for search redirects and have no issues, others say Stealth doesn't work at all.

SpaceNoodle ,

Odd that Gmail specifically would be required.

NOT_RICK , avatar

They did make a $60 million deal recently with Google, so maybe it’s related to that?

southsamurai , avatar

Stealth works, but you have to do a fresh install for some reason.

viking , in Reddit full of political bias avatar

Lemmy is just as political as reddit, just on the opposite spectrum. But yeah at least the memes stay in the meme communities, which I've all blocked. So that is nice, at the very least.

eveninghere OP ,

Honestly, though, I wonder why memes don't flood out to news magazines.

viking , avatar

No idea, but I sure ain't sad about it.

jlow , avatar

Might be admins doing their jobs and deleting posts when the don't fit the rules?

eveninghere OP ,

Maybe, hard to see the stats as an end user but I agree with you.

bquintb , in Old reddit has removed the login fields avatar

It is possible to use Reddit without having to log in and deal with the shit mods and community. Apps like RedReader (similar to old school RiF) allow you to bookmark subreddits locally if you need to access the site as a source or whatever. I haven't logged in to participate for months and I havent missed it at all.

buycurious , in Asked /r/news mods something, probably shouldn't have bothered

You know, even though I think you approached in good faith, the moderator team over there has probably changed a lot, especially with Reddit now being public.

It wouldn’t surprise me if certain stories are suppressed because of how much attention/views Reddit as a whole can draw (and potentially influence).

sudo22 , in How many people actually dropped Reddit for Lemmy? avatar

Not sure but add 1 to the count.

supangle , in Reddit Insiders Selling Days After IPO; Shares Fall

i hope shares plunge to the ground so that people feel or have to switch to something new but kinda similar, like lemmy

Deebster , in AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO' avatar

I'm not a regular there any more, but I feel like there's more "natural" spam posts nowadays. They're not natural enough that they haven't prompted me to check the account's post history (all mention product x, of course).

Edit: e.g. this one

If this is an example of the AI, it's not very good.

eveninghere ,

LLMs don't generate that sort of templated response for conversation (although they do for software code).

It's more likely a traditional ad, using some classical algorithms perhaps.

franklin , in AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO' avatar

Not surprising they've been social marketing with corporate accounts and purchased accounts for years because the know it's effective.

This is just the natural evolution of that.

sentient_loom , avatar

Yeah this is one instance where I don't care that the human bots are being replaced with AI bots. I mean, it's even worse than before, but those "workers" don't have my support here.

fantasty ,

Astroturfers losing their jobs to AI. I imagine some poor guy coming home after a long day of warmongering and promoting nuclear energy, hanging up his coat: „honey, I’m home“. And the wife has prepared a beautiful dinner, it could be a wonderful day. „How was work today?“, the wife asks. And the guy has to tell her how he lost his job to the evil twin brother of ChatGPT because corporate has done the math and they realized that a bot can replace possibly hundreds of humans. It’s a tragedy really, how is the guy going to pay for his mortgage? How’s he gonna feed his family? I think astroturfers should unionize to combat this kind of automation. It creates harm to society.

sentient_loom , avatar

There's a Kurt Vonnegut story in there somewhere. Or maybe someone more cynical.

fantasty ,

I‘m from Germany so had no idea about Kurt Vonnegut, just read through his biography and work and I think that’s the kind of story I had in mind. Definitely gonna read some of his work, seems highly relevant still nowadays.

ryathal , in Asked /r/news mods something, probably shouldn't have bothered

Banning politics is a political stance. It means that the only allowed politics are the status quo. It also means in message boards that the mod's political beliefs are what is allowed.

Asking why is a waste of time in an online space with such rules.

Secret300 , in Reddit seem to have switched to the newer, even shittier UI by default.

Do people not know about lemmy or are just unwilling to switch? I genuinely don't understand people's loyalty to tech companies

RootBeerGuy , avatar

In my opinion. The majority of computer/phone users is not very technical. They get used to how something they use works. It keeps working as is for a long time.

Then when small changes make it worse, they just accept them. Its just a bit worse. No biggie, then at some point they are used to the new normal. Something else gets worse and the whole thing repeats. It has to be literally unusable before such users switch to a new thing. Like reddits servers need to shut down, that kind of unusable.

95% of users are like that (1).

  1. citation needed...
Secret300 ,

True, I honestly don't get it. In everything in life if I don't like something I find something better or try to fix it. I hate relying on some entity blindly putting my trust into them. I will genuinely never understand the blind trust people put into anything and everything. I can't tell if it's ignorace or apathy

Jtotheb ,

None of the niche communities I am interested in exist on lemmy. Maybe they will eventually, maybe they won’t. It’s more or less useless beyond doom scrolling. I miss reddit because I miss having all of my useful forums in one place with a better thread format, and I didn’t need to remember a bunch of accounts to participate in something like /r/tipofmytongue or /r/bikewrench periodically. Lemmy is just a political news space with memes and that’s not going to attract everyone.

Secret300 ,

It's literally the same format as reddit. Just make those communities

Jtotheb ,

Oh, I should clarify. They exist, but nobody uses them. So they’re useless, like asking a ‘genuine’ question and then disagreeing with answers you don’t like.

You may have legitimately misunderstood that I meant better format than normal forums. I’m using lemmy, I know it’s the same layout as reddit

vox , avatar

reddit has a huge backlog of billions of posts. until lemmy keeps up with it, i won't completely leave reddit, because my favorite part about reddit is exploring obscure communities, which lemmy does not have. (I'm using lemmy for actual discussions and stuff) Also I think it's still the most decent network out of all big tech ones, i.e. it's not as bad as fucking Instagram or whatever...

Secret300 ,

Well yeah, I get the backlog of post. Reddit threads from 4+ years ago still come up when I Google something. I mean actively using reddit. The obscure communities can be made and will be once more people use lemmy. Reddit didn't have them at the start either

kbal , in Reddit seem to have switched to the newer, even shittier UI by default. avatar

I don't even recognize it as reddit any more. Might as well be Instagram.

ExtremeDullard , in Reddit seem to have switched to the newer, even shittier UI by default. avatar

If that was the only issue with Reddit...

I don't know what it is, but people there seem to be turning nastier and nastier. Like for instance, I posted some technical question on an electronics subreddit earlier, and something in my post - not sure what - landed me a -15 score, and people replying that if I didn't like it I could fuck off. All I said was that some component wasn't placed in a terribly convenient location in the new design, and the people who posted angry and rude comments weren't even the designers. I mean what the actual fuck...

It seems a lot of subreddits I used to enjoy participating in are now full of people in a really antagonistic mood, and I often hesitate to post anything there now because I know it has a 50% change of turning nasty. And so instead, whenever possible, I post in the equivalent Lemmy community because even though they have a hundred times fewer users, it's a much less frustrating experience.

I come interact on Reddit or Lemmy to have a good time, not to pick up a fight and get insulted by passive-aggressive internet lusers with frayed nerves.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

All the cool people moved to Lemmy. All that's left on Reddit is the bottom of the barrel and some people who don't have enough knowledge to switch

FaceDeer , avatar

To be fair, that description of being piled on by angry people who are looking for an excuse to be angry could easily describe a lot of threads I've been in on the Fediverse lately. Seems like there's an unfortunate mood going around right now.

Jumuta , avatar


lemmy is cool and all but there's still a lot of cool people on reddit

have a look at r/rainworld and tell me that they aren't cool people

Pascal ,

I mean obviously. There's gonna be some bits of light left in the abyss.

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

I'm not unconvinced that R×ddit isn't completely overtaken by shills & people who have swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker.

Have a critique? See a flaw? Something that bugs you about a product? YOU'RE WRONG, IDIOT!!! EVERYONE LOVES [thing] SO YOU ARE STUPID FOR CRITICIZING IT!!!!!

Quiets down the detractors. They don't have a voice.

Quiets down anti-capitalists, politically-motivated folk, logic-minded.. you know. People who cause trouble for those with something to sell you.

ExtremeDullard , avatar

The reverse happens on Lemmy too in some community. Like for example the fairly [email protected]: it's a radical anti-capitalist, probably pro-communist and most assuredly pro-anarchist community, which is generally fine by me. But if you go in there to express a reasonable opinion that isn't "burn all corporations" or "kill all capitalists" and expect to have a reasonable discussion, that's just not gonna happen. You'll just get modded down. It's not so much a place to discuss anything than a big anti-capitalist circle jerk.

So you can find places where people are angry and nasty like on Reddit here, but usually you kind of know in which community you'll find the anger. On Reddit, the anger is everywhere and for no reason, including on subbreddits that aren't the least bit controversial. And even if you don't criticize a product or diss a company or its products, most Redditors are ready to jump at you because... well, they seem to feel the need to be aggressive.

I'm fairly convinced the nature of the platform turns them like that: Reddit is subtly aggressive too and I'm convinced it rubs off on its users.

SharkEatingBreakfast , avatar

A lot of Lemmy markets itself as a highly free-speech platform. Which is fine..... but I've been around the internet enough to know that sites with anonymous free speech attract all kinds of folk who may not have the best of intentions.

Lemmy is far from some kind of online utopia. Make no mistakes about that!

ExtremeDullard , avatar

Lemmy is far from perfect, and I'm 100% certain it's going to become completely terrible as soon as a critical mass of the morons currently haunting Reddit transition over. But for the moment, it's refreshing, the signal/noise ratio is still high, and it doesn't feel like you're being exploited for your data and advertised to all the time.

morrowind OP , avatar

Attitude is the main reason I started looking for reddit alternatives over four years ago, not ui or privacy or moderation or the api stuff (which came a lot later). I have a lot of theories for why it happened (that aren't just the capitalism and astrotufing circlejerk) but they're hard to back with substantial evidence

Burn_The_Right ,

A lot of the progressive-minded people have left, leaving a much higher percentage of conservatives and jackasses.

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